Adam -- The First White Man!
YEHOVAH God breathed His spirit into Adam and made him a living soul. This YEHOVAH God did not do for the other species of men. This is what separates Adamic man from the other races. The other races do not possess the ever-living spirit of YEHOVAH God as does Adamic man. |
by Thomas Allen
The last species of men whom YEHOVAH God created was Adam, the father of the Aryans or white race. With Genesis 1:27 begins the cultural history of mankind with the creation of the pre-Adamic man.
In most Bibles Genesis 1:26 reads, “And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over...all the earth.” The Hebrew word in this verse translated “man” is ̓âdâm. This word is translated “Adam” in the second chapter of Genesis. More than five hundred times 'âdâm is translated Adam. If this word had been translated “Adam” instead of “man,” there would be no doubt that the Bible deals only with the Adamic race. Both the Adamic, Aryan or White race, and the pre-Adamic races of Genesis 1 were created in the likeness of YEHOVAH God. While the pre-Adamic races were given dominion over the earth Adam, when formed, was placed in a garden and separated from the pre-Adamic races.
A more literal and correct translation of Genesis 1:26 and 27 is “And God said, 'Let us make humankind in our image, after our likeness, and let them have dominion...' And God created humankind in his own image....” Such a literal translation clearly shows that more than a man is being created -- therefore mankind in general. This translation clearly shows that the pre-Adamic races were those whom YEHOVAH God created in His own image. If the traditional translation of ̓âdâm as man is used, these verse would read, “...Let us make a man in our image...And God created the man in his own image....” However, the record of Adam's creation in Genesis 2 strongly suggests the existence of other races of men at the time of his creation.
YEHOVAH God created the pre-Adamic race to “have dominion over all the earth.” He created the Adamic race to civilize mankind. As shown below, the Adamic race is the source of civilization. He exalted this race, and other races have recognized it as YEHOVAH God’s chosen (Acts 13:17). YEHOVAH God also chose the Adamic race as the race from which He would bring His Son, who would be Adamic man’s savior.
The Scriptures DO NOT claim that Adam was the first man or that he is the father of all the races of man. To the contrary the Scriptures present evidence that other people already existed before Adam was created.
When YEHOVAH God placed Adam in the Garden of Eden, He gave Adam two duties to perform. First he was to tend or dress the Garden of Eden. Second he was to protect (keep) it.
The word translated “keep” in the King James Version is shâmar, (Strongs O.T. #8104), which means “to hedge about (as with thorns), i.e., guard; generally to protect, attend to, etc.” Although most versions translate this word as “keep,” the Amplified Bible translates it as “guard and keep,” and Moffatt translates it as “guard.” Those who translate shâmar as “keep,” translate it in the sense of preserving, watching over, and defending if they translate it according to the root meaning of the word.
So, from whom was Adam to defend the Garden of Eden? His enemy appeared not to be wildlife, for YEHOVAH God brought them to Adam to name. That he was to defend it from Satan is also unlikely. YEHOVAH would not have asked Adam to protect the Garden of Eden from a being more powerful than he. The Bible clearly illustrates that man lacks the power to protect himself, much less anything else, from Satan. (He must rely solely on the power of YEHOVAH God for such protection.) So who was the enemy from whom Adam was to guard the Garden? The most logical answer is that he was to defend it from other men -- most likely the ones to whom Cain fled in Nod.
Another indication that the world was well populated at the time that Cain slew Abel is that Cain lured Abel into the countryside to kill him. He goes into the countryside away from any population center, so no one would witness his murder. If the only people on Earth were Adam, Eve, Cain, and Able and an unnamed daughter with whom Cain could flee, as the traditionalists claim, Cain would not need to take his brother into the country to kill him.
Furthermore, in Genesis 4:14 Cain claimed that he would be a fugitive and expressed fear that anyone who found him would slay him. Whom did Cain have to fear if Adam and Eve were the only people alive at that time? From whom would he be a fugitive? No evidence is given by the Bible that Adam and Eve had another child until after Cain had fled. Even if they did, Cain had no more reason to fear his brothers and sisters than his parents. Cain was not expressing fear of his family. He was expressing fear about people of other races who existed before Adam’s creation. YEHOVAH God affirmed this conclusion in His response to Cain in Genesis 4:15 when He told Cain, “Therefore whosoever slayeth Cain, vengeance shall be taken on him sevenfold.”
Then He placed a mark on Cain. YEHOVAH was acknowledging that many other people were then living who could have slain Cain and that He would avenge Cain’s death if any of them slew him. If only Adam and Eve were living, and some brothers and sisters as the traditionalists claim, what purpose would the “mark“ have served? After all, his parents knew their own son. If he had any siblings at the time of his flight, surely they knew their own brother. The “mark” was so that the other people then living could recognize that Cain was under YEHOVAH’s protection. Cain was certainly aware that other people were then living who would delight in killing him.
Genesis 4:17 provides more evidence that Adam and Eve were not the first man and woman. This verse shows that Cain found a wife, who bore his children. If Adam and Eve were the only people at this time, then how was Cain able to find a wife? No evidence is given in the Scriptures that Adam and Eve had any daughters to whom Cain could marry at the time the Bible describes Cain's marriage. In fact Adam and Eve do not appear to have had any daughters until well after Cain's marriage. His marriage, the birth of his son Enoch, and his building of a city all occur before Eve gave birth to Seth. According to the Bible, Adam and Eve had no daughters until after Seth's birth.
The conventional explanation for Cain’s wife is that he married his sister. If Cain's wife was a daughter of Adam, why should she be punished along with Cain for a crime of which she was innocent? Why should she be banished along with him and forever separated from her parents? Why should her children be denied proper religious training and righteous rearing? The answer to these questions is that Cain's wife was not a daughter of Adam. Scriptural evidence that Adam and Eve had any daughters for Cain to marry at the time the Bible describes his marriage is lacking.
Cain did not marry his sister. He married a woman of another race, probably a Turanian. Jude supports the belief that Cain married outside his race. In verses five through eleven, Jude condemns old and new apostates. He compares the new apostates with the old. The most common sin that he identifies with the old apostates is the sin of miscegenation. In verse seven he states that Sodom and Gomorrah had “given themselves over to sexual immorality and gone after strange flesh.” That is, they lusted after people of a different race.
In verse eleven he states the apostates had “gone in the way of Cain” and had followed “the error of Balaam.” The error of Balaam was his advice to Balak, King of Moab, to destroy Israel by having his mongrel people integrate with the Israelites and intermarry with them. Using Cain’s name in parallel with Balaam, Jude strongly suggests that both of them were guilty of the same sin -- miscegenation.
Further evidence that the world was populated at the time YEHOVAH God created Adam, is that Cain built his son Enoch a city (Genesis 4:17). The building of a city certainly implies the presence of a large population. Even if this city were no more than a village of huts as some commentators claim, it still implies a population much larger than would have been the case if all mankind were descended from Adam and Eve. The building of a city strongly suggests that the land to which Cain fled was already inhabited. Why would he bother building a city if the area to which he fled was uninhabited? The dwelling that he, his wife, and son had would surely have sufficed.
In an attempt to prove that Adam was the first man of all mankind created and the father of all races, theologians who preach the doctrine of the unity of man quote Genesis 3:20, 1 Corinthians 15:45, Acts 17:26, and Galatians 3:28, Romans 10:12, and Colossians 3:11. None of these verses, however, support their claims.
Quoting Genesis 3:20 (“...Eve...was the mother of all living”), these theologians claim that Eve is the mother of all the species of men. As discussed in detail in the chapter on the Flood, “all” does not always mean the whole number of or every last one. It frequently means many or a large number. In this passage Eve is being called the mother of the Aryan or white race, the mother of all Adam's descendants. She is the mother of all with whom the Bible is concerned, i.e., the Aryans. Expressions like this one that appear to refer to all the inhabitants of the Earth, nearly always only refer to Adam's descendants, the Aryans.
These theologians are fond of quoting the first half of 1 Corinthians 15:45: “So it is written, The first man Adam became a living soul.” Then they argue that all men are descended from Adam. They overlook the last half of the verse: “The last Adam became a live-giving spirit.” They omit it because it makes no sense considering their doctrine. It immediately raises the question: Who is the last Adam? (The answer, of course, is Yeshua the Messiah, with which nearly all, if not all, theologians agree.)
The correct reading of this passage is that Adam was the first man of the Adamic line, not of all the racial lines existing today. Then the answer that the Messiah is the last Adam becomes clear. The Messiah was born out of Adam through Abraham, Judah, and David. Verse 47 supports this conclusion: “The first man [Adam] is of the earth, earthly: the second man [the Messiah] is of heaven.”
Adam was the “first man” only in the same sense that the Messiah was the “second” man. Adam was the figure of the Messiah (Romans 5:14). If these verses are to be interpreted consistently, they cannot be understood as describing Adam in a physical sense. If they are referring to Adam in a physical sense, then the Messiah was, according to verse 45, the last man, which is absurd. These verses outline a basic theme of the Bible: death in Adam, life in the Messiah. This is the light in which these verses should be understood -- not as proof that Adam fathered all the races of men.
Perhaps the favorite verse of the preachers of the doctrine of the unity of man is Acts 17:26: “And he [YEHOVAH God] hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation.” This is the King James Version. The American Standard Version, New American Standard Version, Revised Standard Version, Berkeley Version, and The Holy Bible in Modern English translated by Ferrar Fenton omit the word “blood.” Weymouth in his New Testament in Modern English gives in a footnote the literal translation, “from one,” and notes that “from one blood” is an alternative reading found in some manuscripts. “One blood” appears only in some later manuscripts and, therefore, probably is not in the original.
This verse does not prove that all the races of men descended from Adam. It does show that YEHOVAH God created each race of man. He created them in Genesis 1. He placed each of them in their own specific zoological zone or geographical area (“bounds of their habitation”).
The preachers of the doctrine of the unity of man also like to quote Galatians 3:28, Romans 10:12, or Colossians 3:11: “Where there is neither Greek nor Jew.” The Jew and Greek referred to in these verses are both descendants of Adam. They are both Aryans -- both Israelites. These verses are referring to one race, the Aryan race, living in different countries and conditions being united under the Messiah. They do not prove the doctrine of the unity of man.
Thus, the verses often quoted to support the doctrine that all races of men descended from Adam fail to support this doctrine. Only the White race descended from Adam.
What Race Was Adam?
Adam was created White. The name “adam” is ̓âdâm in Hebrew and means a “ruddy human being” (Strong's O.T. #120). It is derived from “adam” (Strong's O.T. #119), or ̓âdam in Hebrew, which means “to show blood (in the face), i.e., flush or turn rosy.” Only one race has the characteristic of blushing or showing blood in the face or skin, and that race is the White or Aryan race.
Adam was named “Adam” because he possessed a ruddy or rosy complexion. He was fair and White and, therefore, the hemoglobin showed through his non-pigmented skin giving a ruddy or flush look. His name described his physical appearance. It is a physical characteristic that appears only in the White race.
The Bible further proves that Adam and Eve were of the White race with fair and ruddy or rosy complexion by the way it describes their descendants. 1 Samuel 16:12 and 17:47 describe David as being “ruddy and of fair complexion.” 2 Samuel 13:1 describes David's daughter, Tamar, as “fair.” Genesis 12:11 and 14 describe Sarah as “very fair,” and Genesis 24:16 and 26:7 describes Rebekah as “very fair.” They are descendants of Adam. In Songs of Solomon 5:10, Solomon is said to be “white and ruddy.” In Lamentations 4:7 the Nazarites (consecrated persons) of Judah are described as “whiter than milk” and “more ruddy in body than rubies.”
Adam and Eve were White. The church has historically always depicted them as White and correctly so. As recorded in the Bible, Adam's descendants end up being White or at least of a light complexion. This is a fact that no one seriously denies. Yet traditional creationists also claim that all the other races are also descended from Adam.
Adam was not the father of the entire human race. He is only the father of the Aryan or White race. Each of the non-Adamic races is a distinct and separate creation, as recorded in Genesis 1. YEHOVAH God created each race independently of the others. Hence, each race is a distinct species.
Scientific evidence suggests a high antiquity of man along with evidence of definite anatomical differences. Each race of man is descended from a different human pair whom YEHOVAH God created with different external and internal characteristics.
The Scriptures and science agree. The fossil record supports the Bible, and the Bible supports the fossil record. Adam was not the first human that YEHOVAH God created. Adam was only the first individual of a new species -- the Aryan or White race of man.
Although traditional creationists and evolutionists view each other's theories with enmity, their theories have much in common. Both claim that all races of men have a common origin. Both claim that early man possessed a wide variety of genetic traits that allow for the different races. Both claim that only minor variations exist among the races today. Both claim that the races are the result of climate, environment, natural selection, and group isolation. Both claim one species, race, or kind can produce others -- the principle of speciation. Both claim that YEHOVAH God did not create the individual races of men. Both claim that no pure race exists because gene flow can and has occurred among the races.
Only two areas of any real disagreement exist between the traditional creationists and evolutionists. First, the creationists believe in Divine creation of the initial pair. The evolutionists, for the most part, believe in some sort of spontaneous generation. Second, the creationists believe that the races of men evolved (or developed as they prefer to say) over a few generations. The evolutionists believe that they evolved over tens of thousands, if not several hundreds of thousands, of years.
Both the traditional creationists and evolutionists ignore the fact that man can only invent falsehoods in science and religion. True science is nothing more than YEHOVAH God's revelation through His work in nature. New discoveries in science may conflict with religious errors preached over the centuries. With religious truths, however, they can never conflict. For both science and Scripture have the same Author.
Image of YEHOVAH God
“And God created humankind ['adam] in his own image..." (Gen. 1:27). The pre-Adamites had the physical nature of the Universe. They possessed life as found in other animals, but they also possessed the "spirit in man" which made them superior to animals -- but nothing more! YEHOVAH God had made Adam distinctly different, unlike the other races of men. Adam possessed the "breath of life" which was a very part of YEHOVAH's spirit. Unlike the other races of men, he was created with a part of YEHOVAH's nature! He possessed special qualities of YEHOVAH God lacking in the other races. Adam was the first man that YEHOVAH God made with the "breath of life."
While pre-Adamic men were created in the image of YEHOVAH God, pre-Adamic men had no closer union with their Creator than do their untutored descendants (Turanians, Negroes, Melanochroi, Khoisans, and Australian Aborigines) have today because the "Breath of Life" did not imbue them with YEHOVAH's spirit as was Adam.
Adam, however, was unique. YEHOVAH God had made him as a special image of His own eternity. YEHOVAH God made Adam immortal (this immortality Adam lost through sin). He was a creature, a species of man, with whom YEHOVAH God could visit and have fellowship and communion (the Adamic race lost this unique fellowship with YEHOVAH God when Adam sinned). He possessed a spiritual quality lacking in others. This spiritual quality was directly related in kinship to YEHOVAH God. He had the ability to think YEHOVAH’s thoughts in purity and holiness without corruption. Adam had the capacity to communion with YEHOVAH God as no other race could. He could reach spiritual heights unattainable to the other species of men. YEHOVAH gave Adam a moral and spiritual nature that enabled him to understand his Creator, to commune with Him in this life, and to look forward to eternal companionship in the Kingdom of YEHOVAH God.
Among the Divine qualities identified by Campbell that YEHOVAH God gave Adam was a conscience or moral sense. This conscience in the Adamic race differs entirely from that in the other species of men. In the other races of men, conscience is a perceptive faculty. It provides them with some idea of right and wrong, but it never causes them to feel as though they must do right except where doing right is expedient. When they do wrong, they seem to lack an inward accuser or judge. They seldom show remorse about their crimes or sins; they only have remorse about being caught. In Adamic man conscience provides moral guidance and protection from sinning. It is an innate part of his moral and spiritual constitution. His conscience convicts him of sin. Conscience of Adamic man is entirely different from that of other men.
Adam’s unique privilege before YEHOVAH God was conditioned by his obedience and responsibility to YEHOVAH God. YEHOVAH had created Adam and the Adamic, Aryan, race to be His representative and steward on the Earth. YEHOVAH God had delegated to Adam a share of His own authority. He made Adam a responsible being. The Divine purpose for the Adamic race was to become YEHOVAH's own people -- to expand the Family of YEHOVAH God! (Because of sin this ability was momentarily lost; however the Adamic race can now achieve its Divine purpose because of the sacrifice of the Messiah.)
“And Jehovah God formed man [Adam] of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.” (Genesis 2:7) Thus, YEHOVAH God breathed His spirit into Adam and made him a living soul. This YEHOVAH God did not do for the other species of men. This is what separates Adamic man from the other races. The other races do not possess the ever-living spirit of YEHOVAH God as does Adamic man. Unlike other beings, he shares something in common with his Creator.
-- Edited by John D. Keyser.
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