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14 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course Lesson 29

6. What was Paul’s gospel? Acts 28:31. will intervene in OUR day?
Was it the only one he preached? Galatians 1:9. 3. Will the Messiah come at the moment
COMMENT: The churches today that we would suppose he should? Luke 12:40.
preach a gospel ABOUT Yeshua the PERSON -- Will we know the day and hour of his
and NOT the gospel message he was commis- appearance and hence when YEHOVAH God
sioned to preach. Their gospels are NOT the Himself will return? Matthew 25:13.
YEHOVAH GOD (Galatians 1:6). Messiah have often been taken to mean that the
7. Not long after the New Testament APOSTLES would not know the day or the hour,
Ecclesia began, did FALSE TEACHERS arise but that WE in these last days can know it. This
proclaiming that the day of the Messiah had is NOT true! Notice:
already occurred? II Thessalonians 2:1-2. Did 4. Did Peter ask the Messiah if he meant
Paul reject the doctrine that the Messiah had ONLY the apostles would be unable to know the
already returned a second time? Verse 3. Isn’t it hour or if HE meant all -- even WE today --
plain that the coming of the holy spirit (Acts 2) would NOT know? Luke 12:41. What was the
was NOT the Messiah’s second appearance? Messiah’s reply? Verses 42-43.
8. Was there to occur a falling into error 5. Is Yeshua’s WARNING especially for
at the close of the apostles’ ministry, but before OUR generation -- those who are living “when
the Messiah appears again? Verse 3. he cometh”? Notice Yeshua’s reply in Luke
9. Did Yeshua also speak of it as 12:43 again. Are the apostles alive today?
occurring BEFORE he returns? Compare COMMENT: How plain that the
Matthew 24:5 with Revelation 6:5-6. Messiah meant that WE would NOT KNOW
COMMENT: Yeshua used the horse- THE DAY OR THE HOUR. That is why the
man of Revelation 6:5 to symbolize the FALSE Messiah told us to WATCH WORLD EVENTS
ministers’ claiming to represent him or to be so we could know perhaps even to the exact year
ruling IN his PLACE over a great mother -- so that we could be READY whenever he
church. The REAL Messiah is represented as comes.
coming in Revelation 10 with YEHOVAH 6. If we cannot know the day and hour,
God’s return pictured in Revelation 19:11. can we KNOW VERY NEAR the actual time of
Notice, too, that the perversion of YEHOVAH’s his return? Matthew 24:32-33. Had the Messiah
Truth marks only the BEGINNING of a long already given in this chapter the SIGNS OF THE
sequence of events covering 1900 years and TIMES to which he referred? Matthew
culminating in the Messiah’s appearance! 24:27-31.
7. Does YEHOVAH God ever act in
The Messiah Gives a Warning! human affairs without making KNOWN HIS
PLAN of action? Amos 3:7 and Isaiah 46:10.
1. Will the day of YEHOVAH God’s Isn’t the SPREADING OF THE GOS-
intervention and the second appearance of the PEL of the Kingdom BEFORE the end of the age
Messiah be universally expected? Matthew A PREPARATION for the time of the Messiah’s
24:36, 42, 44. Or will it COME AS A SUR- return to rule the nations? Revelation 6:2.
PRISE? 8. Some denominations and sects (such
2. To what period in earth’s history did as the Jehovah’s Witnesses) spread the doctrine
Yeshua compare his return? Matthew 24:37. that the Messiah is already here. Did Yeshua
Did the people before the DELUGE realize that warn that such ideas would be spread BEFORE
YEHOVAH God would intervene supernatu- he really returns? Matthew 24:26.
rally? Do people today realize YEHOVAH God 9. Would others, however, believe that it

What Do You Mean -- The Kingdom of YEHOVAH God?
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