Hope of Israel Ministries (Ecclesia of YEHOVAH):
Jehad and PARADISE
Islam is one faith, which has divided humanity into two permanently warring factions: those who believe in Allah and Muhammad, are the God's Party, and those who do not, are the Devil's Party. The former have the most sacred duty to eliminate and subdue the latter. So urgent is this purpose that Islam not only encourages its followers to murder, plunder and seduce the women of the infidels but also projects such murder, plunder and seduction as the greatest virtues. Islam calls it "Jehad", which guarantees the Mujahid (holy warrior) salvation i.e. a seat in Paradise. |
by Anwar Shaikh
Part One
Since Jehad is the sure means of access to paradise, the abode of choicest carnal-delights-after-death, sex and violence combine to form the basic approach of Islam to coax man into a web of salvation. This is the most effective exploitation of his natural fear and sense of uncertainty.
What is Jehad? Let the Koran explain it:
a. "God has bought from the faithful their selves and their belongings against the gift of paradise; they fight in the way of Allah; they kill and get killed; that is a promise binding on Allah... (Repentance, 9: 110)
b. "Fight those who believe not in Allah and the Last Day and do not forbid what God and His Messenger have forbidden -- such men as practice not the religion of truth, being of those who have been given the Book -- until they pay the tribute out of hand and have been humbled." (Repentance, 9: 25)
The above two Koranic verses delineate that Jehad is a binding contract between Allah and Muslims to the following effect:
1/. Whatever a Muslim possesses, including his life, belongs to Allah in return for paradise.
2/. Allah is bound by His promise to offer paradise to a Muslim provided he willingly kills and gets killed for His pleasure.
3/. The Muslims must fight non-Muslims.
4/. Non-Muslims are all those people, who do not believe in Islam (the religion of truth). Thus People of the Book i.e., the Jews and Christians, are equally infidels like the Hindus, the Buddhists, the atheists, etc., and must be killed unless they submit before the Islamic sword and live as tributaries (zimmie) to acknowledge their humiliation through payment of Jaziyah i.e. Poll Tax.
5/. Jehad automatically becomes obligatory on a Muslim when people do not practice what Allah and Muhammad have prescribed as the proper way of life.
The following are the cardinal points of Jehad and must be noted carefully for proper understanding of this discussion:
(a) Jehad is all about massacre, mutilation and misery, and not about any moral, social or humanitarian service as the Muslim divines pretend.
Again, there is a direct connection between jehad (murdering non-Muslims) and paradise i.e. the provision of the choicest sex-after-death in the most hilarious settings ebullient with pleasures, presents and pleasantries.
Having sex after death is a novel concept, which can be realized by terrorizing, tearing and tyrannizing the non-Muslims. The commission of atrocities against infidels makes Allah honor-bound to offer paradise as a gift to a Muslim!
(b) Islam is the only true way of life: the rest is fake, foul and felonious; the People of the Book i.e., the Jews and Christians, are not believers but infidels. They must be murdered or enslaved.
The True Way of Life i.e., Islam, has been prescribed by Muhammad and Allah jointly, and not just by Allah. This is the reason that Kalmah i.e. the fundamental confession that purifies one to become a Muslim, allots an equal status to Allah and Muhammad. Look at the wording of the Kalmah:
"There is no God but Allah, Muhammad is His Apostle."
Stating them both in one line makes them equal, but when we examine it carefully it transpires that in practice this confession pertains to Muhammad only because a person cannot be a Muslim by believing in Allah alone; he/she must believe in Muhammad as well! A hadith says:
"I (Muhammad) have been commanded to fight against people, till they testify to the fact that there is no God but Allah, and believe in me (Muhammad) as the Messenger (from the Lord)...and when they do it, their blood and riches are guaranteed protection on my behalf except where it is justified by law." (Muslim 1: 31)
The hadith makes it crystal clear that not only belief in Muhammad is equally imperative, but all guarantees of protection are to be issued in his name! Thus Allah is just a figure-head, who leaves all administrative affairs to Muhammad! This is what makes Allah a scabbard and Muhammad the sword; it lowers the former to the position of skimmed milk and elevates the latter to the status of cream!
Allah has been made to perform for Muhammad the function of early dawn, which acts as a temporary curtain and then disappears when the sun reveals its face. Allah is just a euphemism for Muhammad and Jehad is the medium to disclose this truth by raising Muhammad to the summit.
This indirect approach of Muhammad displays his wisdom, wonder and wizardry. He apparently claimed to be the humble servant of Allah and sought His glory "only". This approach involved opposition to idolatry and therefore caused him a lot of trouble, torment and torture. This showed that he had no ax to grind in his mission. The analysis of the Kalmah and his success-story, however, clearly demonstrate that he opposed idolatry, to destroy all statues so that he himself could be the only idol!
Again, Allah was the God of *Arabia, who appeared as a popular suffix in ordinary names; for example, Muhammad's father's name was Abd Allah (the servant of Allah). Because of this popularity, his *1) idol was worshipped in the Kaaba, and it was ascribed to the Koresh, the tribe of Muhammad; this fact bestowed a good deal of reverence and social advantages on them. Claiming to be the Prophet of Allah and suffering for his cause could not go unnoticed indefinitely.
This is the reason that Muhammad chose to be Allah's Prophet. In fact, he claimed to have been *2) forced by Allah to act as His Vicar. It happened when Muhammad meditated in a desert cave called Hira. To his amazement, there appeared the Angel Gabriel with a written message from Allah though Muhammad was illiterate! He commanded Muhammad:
Read: In the name of thy Lord (Allah) who created. Createth man from a clot.
Read: It is thy Lord the Most Bountiful who teacheth pen, teacheth man that which he knew not.
The Islamic doctrine makes it abundantly clear that just faith in Allah does not make anyone a Muslim; he must believe in both Allah and Muhammad. Does it not mean that Allah is nothing without Muhammad or, more properly, Allah and Muhammad are one and the same person? In fact, the proper conclusion is that Muhammad is Allah because people could communicate with Muhammad and not Allah. Again, it was Muhammad's word which counted as Allah's Word, and Allah was nothing but as Muhammad portrayed Him. Yet, the Koran occasionally describes Muhammad as Allah's slave! Do slaves control their masters? What an inconsistency it is!
If we delve deeper into the Koran, it transpires that Muhammad is, in fact, a human who masterfully substitutes himself for Allah: See for yourself the subtlety he exercised in achieving this goal:
(a) He integrated his name with that of Allah in the Kalmah, despite the fact that it is absolutely unnecessary to do so. Why? Because the Prophet has no duty to guide people; it is exclusively Allah's function:
1/. "Thou (Muhammad) art not responsible for guiding them, but God guides whomsoever He will." (The Cow: 275)
2/. "Your Lord knows you very well; if He will, He will have mercy on you, or, if He will, He will chastise you; We (Allah) sent thee not to be a guardian over them..." (The Night Journey: 55)
This verse clearly states that Muhammad himself, being subject to Allah's mercy and punishment, has not been appointed a guardian over people -- he is just a warner and a human. Yet he combines his name with that of Allah to become His equal!
(b) Muhammad's scheme of Divinity springs from his Urge of Dominance; it is well measured, right from the beginning. With a view to gaining people's confidence and to assure them that he has no personal interest in the matter, he presents himself as a humble person:
1/. "So go thou (Muhammad) straight, as thou hast been commanded, and whoso repents with thee, and be you non insolent; surely He (Allah) sees the things you do." (Hood: 114)
2/. "Proclaim thy Lord's praise, and be of those that bow, and serve they Lord, until the Certain comes to thee." (El-Hijr, 15: 95)
3/. "This is the wisdom thy Lord has revealed to thee: Set not up with God another God, or thou will be cast into Hell, reproached and rejected." (The Night Journey: 40)
These verses clearly show that Muhammad is liable to go astray like other humans, and is subject to the punishment of hell. He must praise Allah by bowing and bending before Him so that he is guided.
(c) The Prophet is subject to Divine punishment because he is human and nothing else:
1/. "...say glory be to my Lord! I am nothing but a mortal, a messenger." (The Night Journey: 95)
2/. "Say, I have only been commanded to serve God, and not to associate anyone with Him. To Him I call, and to Him I turn." (Thunder: 35)
Even more than this, the Prophet is a mortal and subject to resurrection:
3/. "You art mortal; and they (other people) are mortal, then on the Day of Resurrection before your Lord you shall dispute." (The Companies: 475)
(d) The Prophet has no supernatural powers, whatever:
"And I know not what shall be done with me or with you. I only follow what is revealed to me; I am only a clear warner." (The Sand-Dunes: 5)
Even Allah confirms Muhammad's humanity loud and clear:
"Know you therefore that there is no God but Allah, and ask forgiveness for your sins, and for the believers, men and women." (Muhammad: 20)
One must realize that Muhammad adopted an approach of humility and humanity when he was weak; it was a ploy to assure his followers that he had no ax to grind in the mission he preached; he was just carrying out a duty allotted to him by Allah, but as he grew stronger, his style underwent a marked change, which clearly demonstrates that he wanted to be acknowledged as the Divine, and Allah was just a euphemism for Muhammad. Look at the following:
1/. "Obey God and the Messenger (Muhammad), haply so you will find mercy." (The House of Imran: 125)
2/. Whoso obeys God and His Messenger, He will admit him to gardens..." (The Spoils: 25)
Having included his name with that of Allah for obedience, Muhammad claims to be coextensive with Him. As Allah asserts to be nearer to man than his jugular vein, the Koran declares about Muhammad:
"The Prophet is nearer to the believers, than their selves." (The Confederates: 5)
(f) Muhammad's next step is to share Divine power and declare his co-sovereignty with Allah: "It is not for any believer, man or woman, when God and His Messenger have decreed a matter, to have a choice in the affair. Whosoever disobeys God and His Messenger has gone astray into clear error." (The Confederates: 35)
(g) Having shared the authority to make decisions with God, Muhammad begins to participate in Allah's vision to see the Unknown, though previously it was exclusive to Him:
"Knower He of the Unseen, and He discloses not His unseen to anyone, except only to such a messenger as He is well pleased with." (The Jinn: 25)
(h) As Muhammad's following multiplies through battles and allure of booty, he declares that his opinions and recommendations are binding on Allah, and thus he secures an edge over the Almighty. Despite his previous statements that "Justice belongs to Allah, He is the best of all judges and he (Muhammad) himself does not know what will become of him," the Koran declares:
"Truly this is the word of a noble Messenger having power, with the Lord of the Throne secure, obeyed, moreover trusty." (The Darkening: 15-20)
Muslims quote this verse to prove that Muhammad has the intercessory powers. They believe that, on the Day of Judgment, he will share the Throne of Justice with God. He will sit on the right hand side of Allah and his recommendations will be binding on the Almighty!
(i) Then the ultimate happens; the situation is reversed completely:
"God and His angels pray peace to the Prophet, O believers, you must also bless him, and pray him peace." (The Confederates: 55)
In every religion, it is man who worships God, but in Islam, it is God and his angels, who worship Muhammad, and the ordinary believers are required to follow them. Praying peace to Muhammad is an integral part of the Islamic rituals such as DAROOD and NAMAZ; they are performed at least five times a day, and are the true form of worship. Yet, the Muslims claim that their religion is monotheistic, that is, they believe in, and worship one God!
This is a travesty of the truth, and hence the most stunning Koranic inconsistency. Its fountain is man's dominance-urge, which goads him to achieve the highest point of power and prestige. As Godhead is the apex of might and reverence, projecting oneself to be God and worshipped as such, comes to man as a natural folly. Since fake Godhead is the exact opposite of true Divinity, there are countless tin-gods in all religions imposing themselves on ordinary folks in one form or another through deception, violence and trickery.
All aspirants to godhead are not bold and daring to claim Divinity directly. Therefore, they start exaggerating the magnificence of their established prophets and messiahs to distinguish themselves as saints, crusaders and protectors of the faith. The priest and politician are the worst culprits in this field for using religion as the source of livelihood, securing followers and achieving political ambitions.
Just look at the following to realize how some Muslim zealots have drummed up the sanctity of Muhammad out of all proportions:
1/. When Muhammad was born, the whole house was filled with light, and the stars in the sky bowed to such an extent as if they were about to fall on the earth.
2/. The fire-worshippers of Iran noticed that their temple-hearth, which had been lit for a thousand years, turned ice-old.
3/. Muhammad was born circumcised and detached from the *umbilical cord and there was no pollution on his body at the time of birth as is the case with every human baby.
4/. SHAIKH AHMAD SIRHANDI who is considered a MUJADDAD, described a hadith in one of his letters, which describes the Prophet as saying: "I have been created from the Divine Light."
5/. A hadith of JAME TIRMZE, Vol. 2, claims that Muhammad was a Prophet when the body and soul of Adam were still in the making.
Instead of commenting on all the above items, I may explain these exaggerations with reference to #5 only.
In this connection, the following Koranic statement is quite informative:
"And when God took compact with the Prophets: That I have given you of Book and Wisdom; then there shall come to you a Messenger confirming what is with you -- you shall believe in him and you take my load on you on that condition? They said, "We do agree". God said, "Bear witness so, and I shall be with you among the witnesses. Then whosoever turns his back after that they are the ungodly." (The House of Imran)
Since umbilical cord is the only source of supplying nourishment, the baby in the womb cannot stay alive without being attached to it. If this fable were true, Muhammad would have lived without food and water after birth, but he did need food and water like everybody else. In fact, people said, since he ate food and moved about in the streets like other humans, he would not be a prophet. He retorted that all prophets ate and drank, and moved about in the streets as he did.
In a nutshell, the above statement means that before Adam was created, God made a covenant with the future Prophets that they would acknowledge Muhammad as the Prophet and also tell their followers to believe in him. If they did not keep the pact, they would become ungodly.
It shows that the dictates of Dominance-Urge can be tremendously violent. Muhammad wanted to be followed not only by ordinary people but also by the other prophets!
One wonders how Allah made a pact with the Prophets before even they were born? If they existed before the creation, they must have received the Holy Status through Allah's guidance, which enabled them to cultivate a special relationship with Him.
The Koran contradicts it openly and decisively:
"And thus have We inspired in thee (Muhammad) a Spirit in Our Command. Thou knowest not what the Scripture was, not what the faith. But we made it a light whereby We guide whom We will of our bondsmen." (XLII - Counsel: 50)
In simple language, it means that Muhammad was unguided and knew nothing about the True Faith until Allah revealed Scripture (the Koran) to him! He claimed to have received his first revelation when he was forty. Until then, he was unguided. Therefore, he could not have been created from God's light. Thus, all these tales connected with his birth are nothing but glorified forgeries of those who wanted to cash in on his achievements as a great man.
If this is not enough, look at the following:
"That Allah may forgive thee (Muhammad) of thy sin that which is past and which is to come, and may perfect his favor unto thee, and may guide thee on a right path." (XLVIII - Victory: 21)
This verse is supposed to be related to the Pact of HUDAIBIYA, when Muhammad was over fifty years old. Here the Koran testifies to the following facts:
1. Muhammad had committed sins in the past.
2. He would commit sins afterward as well, and
3. he needed Allah's guidance to walk on the right path and thus lacked the virtue of self-guidance. How could he have guided others?
Now it is clear that Prophethood is just a device of dominance, which enables a person to project himself as divine. The Prophet Muhammad used it more effectively than anyone else. Jesus, "the Prophet of Bethlehem" could only claim to be the Son of God through his stratagem but Muhammad established himself to be Allah's superior, who worships him along with His angels. This is the highest blasphemy and the most horrible insult to God. Yet Islam claims to be the only true religion of God! What a travesty of truth it is!
It shook my faith in Islam as the divine religion for two reasons: firstly, I could not understand how come that in Islam it is God who worships Muhammad but in other faiths, it is people who adore the Almighty. Secondly, these verses are not in keeping with the basic spirit of the Koran. Thus, if the Koran contradicts itself on the most fundamental issue, it cannot be the Book from God.
The primary purpose of the Koran is: "I (Allah) have not created...and mankind except to worship Me. I desire of them no provision..." (The Scatterers, 51: 55)
Since Muhammad was born as a human, lived as a human and died as a human, the purpose of his birth, according to the Koran, was also to worship Allah, and not the other way around.
In fact, the Koran (after formal description of Allah the Merciful and Compassionate) begins with the following:
"Praise belongs to Allah, the Lord of all Being." (The Opening, 1: 1)
Again, the Koran repeats:
"Praise belongs to God the Lord of all Being." (The Cattle, VI: 45)
In fact, Allah has obsession for praise:
"Say (Muhammad): If the sea were ink for the Words of my Lord, the sea would be spent before the Words of my Lord are spent..."
"Say (Muhammad) I am only a mortal the like of you (ordinary people); it is revealed to me that your (people's) God is One God. So let him, who hopes for the encounter with his Lord work righteousness, and not associate with his Lord's service anyone." (The Cave, 18: 105-110)
In view of the above verses, it is blasphemous even to think that God, along with His angels, is busy praising Muhammad day and night.
The Prophet Muhammad was not a dreamer but a practical man. His plan for achieving Godhead was well thought out: he prepared a scheme of nationalism, which revolved around his personal glory. He decided to raise a strong Arab nation, which must be conditioned to his name and carry the flag of his Divinity as a victor throughout the world. This is why he inspired his people with the fiery spirit of nationalism to build a large Arab Empire. Look at the following hadiths which establish this truth beyond a shadow of doubt:
1/. Paradise lies under the shades of swords. (Albokhari, Vol. 4)
2/. The Prophet said, "Before long, you (the Arabs) will conquer many countries and cities. Qazvin, shall be one of such places. The person who takes part in that battle for forty nights or forty days, will be given a gold pillar in paradise encrusted with jades and rubies. He will enjoy residing in a palace, having seventy thousand gates, and each gate shall be attended by a houri as his wife." (Ibn-E-Majah, Vol. 2, p. 169)
The Prophet said:
3/. "Acting as Allah's soldier for one night in a battlefield is superior to saying prayers at home for 2,000 years." (Ibn-E-Majah, Vol. 2, p. 166)
4/. The Prophet said: "He who travels to participate in a Jehad, the dust he encounters in the process, shall become fragrance for him on the Day of Judgment. (Ibn-E-Majah, Vol. 2, p. 167)
Here is a hadith, which confirms the Prophet's imperial designs. He obviously dreamt of an Arab Empire which stretched far beyond its own frontiers to envelop a major part of the world.
The Prophet said:
5/. "The one who receives martyrdom in a sea-battle is equal to two martyrs of a land-battle..." (Ibn-E-Majah, Vol. 2, p. 168)
6/. The Prophet said: "He who reared a horse for the sole intention of using it in a Jehad, then he will be rewarded one virtue for each grain he gave the horse as a feed." (Ibn-E-Majah, Vol. 2, p. 172)
7/. The Prophet said: "If a man participates in a Jehad for only as long as it takes to milk a she-camel, he becomes entitled to paradise." (Ibn-E-Majah, Vol. 2, p. 173)
8/. The Prophet said: "The superior Jehad is the one in which both the crusader and his horse are wounded." (Ibn-E-Majah, Vol. 2, p. 173)
9/. The Prophet said: "A martyr (in Jehad) is dressed in radiant robes of faith: he is married to houries and is allowed by Allah to intercede for seventy men (i.e. he is authorized by God to recommend seventy men for entry into paradise, and his intercession is sure to be granted.) (Ibn-E-Majah, Vol. 2, p. 174)
10/. The Prophet said: "O people, learn archery and horse riding Beware! archery means power. He who learnt archery, and thereafter, gave it up, he disobeyed me." (Ibn-E-Majah, Vol. 2, p. 178)
11/. The Prophet said: "Whatever one spends to facilitate Jehad, Allah shall give him a reward which will exceed his contribution 700 times." (Tirmzi, Vol.1, p.697)
12/. "A man who was eating dates, said to the prophet 'Where shall I be if I am killed in Jehad?' He replied: 'In paradise.' The man threw away the dates and fought until he was killed." (Sahih Muslim: 4678)
13/. The Prophet said: "He who murders another, property of the murdered becomes property of the murderer." (Ibn-E-Majah, Vol. 2, p. 183)
14/. The Prophet said: "fighting is (art of deceit)." (Ibn-E-Majah, Vol. 2, p. 182)
The above is a small selection of hadiths, which clearly display the purpose of the Prophet; he wanted to raise a nation of Arab warriors, who must seek international distinction by building an Arab Empire and humble every one in his name as the prophet of Allah. This Allah, in fact, is just a euphemism for Muhammad because He does what He is told by Muhammad, who uses Allah's name simply to give his own commands a godly status, which infused his message with a supernatural appeal, persuading people to believe paradise full of houries and boys. The sex-starved Arabs, who also suffered pangs of hunger, eagerly seized this Divine opportunity, which promised, not only gratification of lust, and release from starvation, but also guaranteed secular suzerainty and splendor. This approach in the name of God is a gross insult to the Almighty, who stoops to the lowest level to gain worshippers by offering them sex, and treating murder, rape and pillage as the highest morality!
The Prophet's message was basically packed with the spirit of Arab nationalism, though having the beguiling veneer of internationalism. As Arab dominance gripped foreign nations, they embraced Islam to avoid payment of Poll Tax (Jaziya) and escape the humiliation reserved for the Zimmies i.e. the non-Muslims living under their Arab rulers. As non-Arab Muslims, such as the Turks, who became powerful, realized that Jehad was the best way of achieving national unity and dominance by inciting their people to murder and plunder foreigners as the highest morality, sanctioned by Allah, they adopted Jehad as their way of life, though originally, the Prophet had devised it for his own people. Here is the evidence to this effect:
(a) "Seeing a Persian bow in the hand of a person, the Prophet commanded him to throw that away, and use the other (Arab) bow and spear because Allah shall help you to conquer other countries with the Arab bows and spears." (Ibn-E-Majah, Vol. 2, p. 177)
(b) The Prophet said: "O, Children of Ishmael, learn archery because Ishmael was an archer." (Ibn-E-Majah, Vol. 2, p. 178)
One ought to remember that Ishmael was the ancestor of Muhammad and his people, the Arabs. In this hadith, he is clearly stating the purpose of Jehad: he is training them to unite themselves as soldiers of Allah, the Arabian God, to humble and plunder foreigners.
Since killing is not an easy task, the Prophet as we have already seen, named it as Jehad. Appealing to human greed, he declared plunder and murder as sacred and lawful. Again, he made it a matter of pure faith so that nobody should put the theory of Jehad to rational test: he laid it down that "Islam is the only approved religion of Allah (V. 5) and emphasized that no other religion is acceptable to God (III: 75). Thus, all non-Muslims were declared enemies of Allah:
1/. The hypocrites seek to beguile Allah, but it is Allah who beguiles them. (Women: 142)
2/. The unbelievers schemed against Allah, and Allah schemed against them; and Allah is the best schemer. (The Family of Imran: 54)
3/. On unbelievers is the curse of Allah. (The Cow: 161)
4/. Allah is an enemy to unbelievers. (The Cow: 98)
5/. The worst of beasts in Allah's sight are the ungrateful who will not believe. (Spoils of War: 55)
6/. Allah plots against unbelievers. (The Morning Star: 15)
Eventually, as we see in the Disputer, LVIII: 20, the Koran divides people into Momins (Muslims) and Kafirs (Infidels). The former are called as God's party and the latter, Satan's party. The Momins, who are assured victory, are charged to be permanently at war with the Kafirs.
This is what makes Jehad the way of life for every Muslim.
Having trained the Arabs militarily, the Prophet laid down the following rules (as found on p. 188-189 of Ibn-E-Majah, Vol. 2) to conquer the world:
When you meet an enemy (infidels) give them three choices:
1/. Invite them to embrace Islam (which actually means acknowledging the Lordship of Muhammad).
2/. If they do not accept the proposal, then they must surrender and pay tribute, and
3/. if they reject both alternatives, then fight them mercilessly:
"It is not for any Prophet to have prisoners until he make wide slaughter...Eat what you have taken as booty; it is lawful and good." (The Spoils, 8: 65)
This is how the fury of Islamic Jehad was unleashed on the world. With a view to explaining its historical role, I will describe the following:
1. The Battle of Badr, which sows the seeds of Jehad.
2. The Battle of Tours, which demonstrates that had Charles Martel not checked the further Arab advance into Europe, Civilization, as we know it, would have been crucified on the altar of Jehad.
3. Jehad and Spiritual Imperialism -- the story of Muslim predators in India and its lethal consequences.
To Be Continued
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