The Two House Theology is a cunningly devised propaganda device aimed at establishing counterfeit Messianic and Nazarene groups as the only "true" faith -- the true "Israel of God"! Of course, such is NOT the case. Counterfeit Messianic Judaism is counterfeit Nazarene Judaism is Constantinian Christianity -- which is, in fact, none other than the pagan Mystery Religion of Babylon! |
DISCLAIMER: I realize there are many variations of Two House Theology. That is actually one of the problems I have with it. This discussion, however, concerns the DOMINANT understanding of those within Christianized Messianic organizations. I very much agree there IS a legitimate Two House scenario that exists and that true Christianity represents "Ephraim" -- or the northern kingdom of Israel that separated from the House of Judah during the reign of King Rehoboam, the son of Solomon. However, I greatly differ with those that -- as you will see in this article -- present what is actually Replacement Theology under the new name of Two House Theology. Therefore, please remember as you read this article that my rebuke of Two House Theology is primarily aimed at the flavor that is defined as shown below, which is most common within the counterfeit Messianic organizations that embrace the Messiah as "God in the flesh".
There is a "new" teaching sweeping across the Messianic world. That teaching is "Two House Theology". This "new" teaching promotes the idea that Christianity is "Israel" or "Ephraim" and Judaism (or the Jews) is "Judah" -- while legitimizing Christianity's worship of a false man-God Messiah. Those promoting this newly discovered "truth" not only promote that Christianity is "Israel" or "Ephraim", but also VERY clearly proclaim that she (Christianity) possesses the truth regarding the Messiah -- most notably that the Messiah is "God in the flesh". Many of its promoters have invested virtually their entire reputations in this single topic! Of course, because of their investment, they will likely NEVER abandon it.
Once you finish reading this article you will see that what Two House Theology ACTUALLY represents is an attempt by counterfeit Messianic and Nazarene groups to show themselves to be the ONLY true faith. How many times throughout history have we seen "Christian" groups attempt to show themselves to be the ONLY faith? Well, now we see it happening again within counterfeit Messianic and Nazarene groups using Two House Theology.
Repackaged "Christianity"
Two House Theology is, quite simply, a propaganda tool for "Christianized" counterfeit Messianic and Nazarene organizations, which rephrases an age-old traditional doctrine of paganized Christianity. Also, these counterfeit Messianic groups are organizations that, themselves, represent simply a repackaged traditional "Christianity." Therefore, it is no surprise that counterfeit Messianic organizations are promoting Constantinian Christianity within their "Two House" teachings. Sadly, Two House Theology is being hungrily consumed by multitudes of Christianized Messianics much like Replacement Theology is consumed by multitudes of traditional Christians. Frankly, I have been somewhat surprised at the DEEP and INTENSE emotions this topic generates. I am also shocked at the failure or refusal of most counterfeit Messianics to recognize how Two House Theology is actually NOT a new teaching!
Let me again clarify that I am NOT saying that there is no Two House scenario, as there obviously is, but Christianity is NOT "Israel" AS DEFINED WITHIN THE TWO HOUSE TEACHING. There are seemingly subtle errors in Two House Theology that are not apparent at first glance; however, these errors are SERIOUS misrepresentations of truth. In fact, "Christianity" (and her counterfeit Messianic and Nazarene offspring) actually opposes the TRUE "Israel of God" and represents the counterfeit religion of mystery Babylon!
I will show that the Two House Theology being promoted within counterfeit Messianic circles is an attempt to repackage and market the same old traditional "Christian" teaching of a false God and a replacement Messiah (antichrist). These two primary teachings of pagan Christianity are fully endorsed by counterfeit Messianic and Nazarene groups. The Two House teaching spices them up a bit to taste a bit more "Hebraic"; however, Two House is really nothing more than a new effort to assist in the marketing of the same mystery Babylon man-God of Christianity by making its promoters appear less anti-Semitic.
A major point to ponder is the religion of the TRUE "Israel of God." TRUE Israel NEVER worshipped a man-God Messiah or considered Torah optional! When ancient Israel did take part in pagan worship they were strongly chastised by YEHOVAH God as He tried to cause them to repent. Sadly, they did not repent; therefore, they were defeated by Assyria and assimilated into the world's population.
With this in mind, how can one claim "Christianity" and/or counterfeit Messianic groups to be the Israel of YEHOVAH God? THE PRIMARY FACTOR TO USE IN DEFINING THE ISRAEL OF YEHOVAH GOD IS THAT OF PHYSICALITY! The Israel of YEHOVAH God is comprised of converted physical Israelites. True Israel does NOT worship a false God! Remember this point, as it is crucial in understanding the actual definition of spiritual Israel. As a prelude to what will follow later, consider the following:
Simply put, the TRUTH is that "Israel" is, was, and forever will be a LITERAL entity composed of PHYSICAL Israelite people! When converted, these people hold to ONE -- and ONLY one -- common faith system. "Christianity" (and counterfeit Messianic and Nazarene groups) is "Israel" or "Ephraim" ONLY in the fact that it -- like the northern Kingdom that split off from the House of Judah -- practices a PAGAN, mystery Babylon religion! If it wants to TRULY be "grafted into" the Israel of YEHOVAH God, it must first be descended from physical Israel and then it MUST return to the worship of the TRUE God and recognize the TRUE Messiah, instead of a false God and replacement Messiah (antichrist).
Well, let's look more closely at this theology. Is it really new?
Defining the Theology
First let us define Replacement Theology. Replacement theology represents the traditional "Christian" understanding of what the "Israel" of prophecy represents. Basically the following points are promoted within Replacement Theology.
1). The "church" (Christianity) has REPLACED physical Israel. It teaches that "Christianity" (regardless of nationality) IS the "Israel of God", and oftentimes even the Israel of prophecy. This is where the term "Replacement" Theology gets its name.
2). "Christians" misrepresent primarily the teachings of Paul by stating that Paul was promoting the idea that true "Israel" is the "spiritual" entity of Christianity -- regardless of nationality. Those promoting this grotesquely anti-Semitic, anti-Torah, and unscriptural teaching say that the "Israel of God" is composed of ONLY of those that accept Yeshua as "God in the flesh" regardless of nationality. Note I did NOT say those that accept Yeshua as the Messiah, because in Christianity (as well as counterfeit Messianic and Nazarene Judaism) "the Messiah" equals "God". So, Replacement Theology teaches those that worship a man-God are Israel.
3). Replacement Theology promotes the idea that physical Israel is, basically, totally rejected by YEHOVAH God and somewhat irrelevant. This is why many "Christians" unwittingly show hatred or apathy towards the land of Israel not realizing that the "Jews" of today are NOT descended from Israel! Thus, Replacement Theology greatly reduces the relevance of LITERAL physical Israel returning to the Promised Land at the Messiah's future appearance by defining Israel as a SPIRITUAL entity.
Now let us look at some of the primary components of the popular Two House Theology teaching that is being spread abroad by the majority of Messianic and Nazarene leaders. I will refer to it henceforth as "2house"
1). 2house teaches that paganized Christianity IS Israel or Ephraim, AND that, as such, is correct in recognizing the Messiah as "God in the flesh."
2). 2house promoters utilize (misrepresent) prophecy and the teachings of the apostle Paul to promote the idea that true "Israel" is the "spiritual" entity of Christianity. Those promoting this teaching say that the "Israel of God" is composed of ONLY those of any nationality that accept Yeshua as "God in the flesh". Note I did NOT say those that accept Yeshua as Messiah, because in counterfeit Messianic and Nazarene Judaism (as well as paganized Christianity) "Messiah" equals "God". So, 2house Theology falsely teaches that those of any nationality that worship a man-God are Israel.
3). 2house greatly reduces the relevance of LITERAL Israel by defining Israel as a SPIRITUAL entity only.
Do you see something a bit strange about the "new" 2house teaching? Compare it to Replacement Theology and what do you find?
1). Christianity, composed of those of any nationality, IS the "Israel of God" or Ephraim.
2). "Israel" is the spiritual entity of Christianity. Those promoting these teachings say that the "Israel of God" is composed of ONLY those of any nationality that accept Messiah as "God in the flesh". BOTH Theologies teach that those that worship a man-God are true Israel.
3). BOTH greatly reduce the relevance of LITERAL, physical Israel by defining true "Israel" as the SPIRITUAL entity of Christianity and/or counterfeit Messianic and Nazarene Judaism only.
Blind Leading the Blind
MANY seem to not be able to discern these clear facts. I very quickly received passionate emails of opposition when I first put this article up. I was utterly stunned by how many Messianics have never really pondered the TRUE foundations of the 2house teaching. Most seem to blindly accept it as a relatively modern "revelation," when, it is actually NOT new! Well, note the following quotes from Eddie Chumney's book, Restoring the Two Houses of Israel. This book is one of the more popular books on this subject.
Frankly, I am shocked at the unwillingness of others to make the connection between Replacement Theology and 2house. 2house may not be explicitly anti-Semitic; however, other than that the 2 theologies are, indeed, virtually identical! The quotes below from Mr. Chumney's book are taken from a small section of the first chapter; however, even within this tiny sampling from his book one can clearly see that 2house teaches -- EXACTLY LIKE REPLACEMENT THEOLOGY -- that paganized Christianity (of whatever nationality) is Israel! My comments are shown on brackets [...].
"Who are the two houses of Israel? Historically, they were the Northern Kingdom (house of Israel) and the Southern Kingdom (house of Judah). Today, the two houses of the G-d of Israel are [erroneously] known by the more common names of Christianity and Judaism. Both Christianity and Judaism worship the G-d of Israel. ... Why are the two houses of Israel divided?
There are two MAJOR disagreements between the two houses of Israel....Judaism has preserved the truth that the Torah is eternal and is the Tree of Life given by the G-d of Israel. Christianity has preserved the truth that Yeshua/Jesus is the Jewish Messiah (Mashiach). [Note: Here the author, being a typical counterfeit Messianic, is actually promoting that Christianity has "preserved the truth" Yeshua is "God in the flesh." One must read between the lines to find the traditional Christian theology that 2house is ACTUALLY promoting.]
The house of Judah is the root and natural branches of the olive tree of the G-d of Israel. The house of Israel is grafted into this olive tree.
In embracing the truth of the two houses of Israel, this book REJECTS all forms, thought and intent of elitism and replacement theology against the house of Judah. On the contrary, the purpose of this book is to promote restoration, reconciliation and unity between the house of Judah and the house of Israel."
True Origins of Modern Judaism
However, with the overwhelming evidence that the modern Jewish population is of Khazar origin, author Arthur Koestler remarks that this would clearly indicate that "their ancestors came not from the Jordan but from the Volga, not from Canaan but from the Caucasus, once believed to be the cradle of the Aryan race; and that genetically they are more closely related to the Hun, Uigur and Magyar tribes than to the seed of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob" (The Thirteenth Tribe, p. 17).
"Because of the long and varied history of the Jews," says the 2001 edition of World Book Encyclopedia, "it is difficult to define a Jew. There is no such thing as a Jewish race. Jewish identity is a mixture of religious, historical, and ethnic factors." Thus, those who might have truly claimed to be of the genealogy of Abraham and of true Semitic origin became extinct in eastern Europe as a discernible race, being replaced by the white Khazars of the Trans-Caucasus, none of whose ancestors, as Benjamin Freedman phrases it, have ever placed a foot in the land of Palestine. This causes a serious problem with modern Christianity's infatuation with the Jews and their "return to their Homeland," begging the question: How can one return to a place where they have never been?
As a result of widespread conversions over the centuries, today's Jews do not represent a distinct "race" or a homogeneous ethnicity. "After considering the strong evidence for cultural, linguistic, and ethnic ties between eastern Ashkenazic Jews and the Khazar Jews, as well as the equally strong evidence for Jewish migrations into eastern Europe from the south and west, one can come to ONE CONCLUSION: that the eastern European Jews are descended from BOTH Khazars and other [non-Israelite] converts, AS WELL AS FROM JUDEANS" (Jews of Khazaria, p. 305).
This also applies to the modern state of Israel -- not all of its citizens are descended from Judah or any other of the tribes of ancient Israel. Many -- maybe a major percentage -- are descended from converts to Judaism from other non-Israelite peoples such as the Khazars and Ethiopians.
Uncovering the Truth
I hope this provides some clarification for those that claim I am misrepresenting 2house when I state it teaches the SPIRITUAL ENTITY of Christianity is "Israel". It clearly does, and I proved it by quoting from a popular book on the subject. Anyone that says otherwise probably does not understand the dominant variation of 2house that is being promoted, which I am addressing in this article. Some may also simply be disingenuous in their accusation that I misrepresent 2house because they may wish to continue to conceal the true nature of this teaching. I strongly feel most are sincerely unaware of what the specific flavor of 2house I oppose teaches.
So, what is the TRUTH?
First, false Christianity has always SPIRITUALIZED and ALEGORIZED physical "Israel" almost into oblivion as they declared themselves to be "Israel" via Replacement Theology. 2house does precisely the same thing! Like Replacement Theology, 2house significantly lessens the relevance of PHYSICAL Israel.
When the northern Kingdom of Israel and the House of Judah separated they were LITERAL kingdoms. The LITERAL kingdoms STILL exist today! Israel was banished into antiquity by the Assyrians after the Assyrians defeated them. The "lost tribes" of Israel were then assimilated into the world (the galut or diaspora). Of course, one of the first places the lost tribes were exiled to after their defeat by the Assyrians was the Caucasus mountain region of eastern Europe. What of the term "Caucasian"? Hmm? Interesting, is it not?
MANY scholars -- Jewish, Christian, and secular -- that specialize in tracing the migration patterns of ancient peoples have proven quite conclusively that these LITERAL Israelites of the northern Kingdom reside today in Great Britain, Australia, western Europe, the United States, and a few other places in less numbers. The fact that scholars from virtually ALL camps (Judaic, Christian, and secular) have arrived at pretty much the same results provides powerful evidence of the truth of their conclusions. My point is that PHYSICAL Israel has NOT ceased to exist!
Now, before anyone begins to assume I am getting into some sort of "racial profiling" in my definition of "Israel", let me state such is NOT the case. Remember, Israel is a LITERAL people that share a common SPIRITUAL faith system. The PHYSICAL (literal offspring) Israel is the "Israel" primarily spoken of in Scripture; however, the primary factor is the SPIRITUAL aspect. It is simply a fact that the SPIRITUAL Israelites were, and are, of a certain racial makeup.
The TRUE Israelites
Basically, LITERAL Israel -- that is the 10 tribes of the northern Kingdom -- is PRIMARILY right here in the good ol' USA! To a lesser extent, in terms of shear numbers, they also reside in Great Britain, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. Everyone with even a modest understanding of history realizes that the USA and Australia are composed largely of people with British/European (Caucasian) ancestry. The migration of the 10 tribes progressed across the great oceans from Europe to the US and Australia. This LITERAL "seed" of Abraham is NOT SIMPLY a "spiritual" entity.
I hope everyone realizes that YEHOVAH (YHVH) is still in control and that NOTHING that occurs on such a global scale is by coincidence! Doesn't the prophecies clearly predict virtually the entire world will turn against the house of Israel (or Jacob) and the true House of Judah in the last days? Is it mere coincidence that virtually the entire world is turning against the USA these days? Of course it is NOT a coincidence. Great Britain, which is also considered by many scholars to be a place of residence for many LITERAL Israelites (including those of Judah) from the "lost" tribes, historically sides with the US as does Australia, Canada, and a few other primarily Caucasian countries. And you can be CERTAIN, that if the UK, Australia, or Canada EVER needed an ally the USA would QUICKLY rush to defend them! I know of very few fellow Americans that would hesitate to do so.
Why is this? Why do people like myself have such a passion -- an odd deep love -- for countries and nations that I've never even visited? Could there be a VERY DEEP spiritual ingredient that causes me to feel such a bond with people I don't even know and to be willing to die for people that may not even like me? In a way that defies explanation, I consider such people my brothers, and I can't figure out why? Most would say it is because we share a common "ancestry" and "culture". Could that common "ancestry" and "culture" be FAR DEEPER and more spiritual than we realize? Additionally, when times get really tough, the USA and Israel (and usually the dear friend of the USA, the UK) are often standing alone against the ENTIRE world.
I may add more to the just mentioned comments; however, for now let's get back to why I am firmly convinced the dominant 2house teaching is simply repackaged Replacement Theology.
More to the Story
Those within "Christianity" that believe and promote Replacement Theology -- in fact virtually ALL of Christianity -- INSIST that the Jewish people MUST accept "Jesus" is "Christ" before they will be "grafted back into" what Christians now believe is themselves, Israel. BUT, there is more to the story. What Christianity is ACTUALLY insisting upon is that the Jews accept "Jesus" as God, since Christians misunderstand the Messiah to be "God in the flesh." Unfortunately for this theory, those known as "Jews" today are NOT descended from Israel which makes these arguments mute! (See our article, Could the Modern "Jews" Be Israel?).
Here is my point. "Christianity" INSISTS (DEMANDS) that in order to be "saved" the Jews MUST accept that Yeshua the Messiah is God. The ONLY way -- according to "Christianity" -- that the Jews can be "grafted back into" the "Israel of God" is for them to accept the pagan mystery Babylon man-God of Constantinian Christianity. The Jews, even though not of Israel have, by the millions, resisted this blatant idolatrous teaching and many have died, been tortured, and/or in countless ways been horribly persecuted by Christianity because they would NOT abandon THE pillar of Judaism, which is the Shema (Deuteronomy 6:4) and their unyielding TRUE Monotheism (not to be confused with the false, blasphemous "monotheism" of Christianity and counterfeit Messianism).
So what is the position of the 2house adherents? What do they teach regarding the need for the Jews to accept the pagan Constantinian concept of a man-God Messiah? Well, allow me to quote again from Eddie Chumney's book Restoring the Two Houses of Israel.
"Once the house of Judah (Judaism) and the house of Israel (Christianity) recognize that Yeshua/Jesus is the G-d of Israel (YHVH) manifested in the flesh and is the promised Jewish Messiah (Mashiach), full restoration can come to both houses of Israel."
Do you see any difference AT ALL between what traditional "Christianity" teaches and what this typical counterfeit Messianic leader teaches? Since the false Israel (Christianity) of Mr. Chumney already recognizes that "Yeshua/Jesus is the God of Israel (YHVH) manifested in the flesh and is the promised Jewish Messiah", he is therefore laying the burden firmly upon the backs of Judaism (the Jewish people) to accept the mystery Babylon man-God he and hordes of other counterfeit Messianics promote.
The ONLY Conclusion
So, now we have firmly established the following about BOTH Replacement Theology and 2house.
1). "Christianity" IS the "Israel of God" or Ephraim.
2). "Israel" is the spiritual entity of Christianity, regardless of nationality. Those promoting these teachings say that "Israel" is composed of those that accept "Yeshua" as "God in the flesh". BOTH Theologies teach those that worship a man-God are Israel.
3). BOTH greatly reduce the relevance of LITERAL Israel by defining Israel as the SPIRITUAL entity of Christianity.
This also provides further support that counterfeit Messianic Judaism IS Constantinian Christianity! It is no marvel why Messianics refuse to condemn the gross paganism and mystery Babylon teachings of Christianity. They can't because if they did they would be condemning themselves! COUNTERFEIT MESSIANIC JUDAISM IS COUNTERFEIT NAZARENE JUDAISM IS CONSTANTINIAN CHRISTIANITY IS THE PAGAN MYSTERY BABYLON COUNTERFEIT RELIGION!
What is really disappointing is Mr. Chumney's earlier statement:
"...In embracing the truth of the two houses of Israel, this book REJECTS all forms, thought and intent of elitism and replacement theology against the house of Judah (Judaism). On the contrary, the purpose of this book is to promote restoration, reconciliation and unity..."
This statement is disappointing because he and others are promoting the SAME thing Constantinian Christianity has been promoting for centuries, which is the DEMAND that the Jews accept a pagan, man-God, mystery Babylon Messiah! I have proven 2house IS Replacement Theology with a twist. THEREFORE, HE IS PROMOTING REPLACEMENT THEOLOGY EVEN AS HE CLAIMS TO OPPOSE IT! In light of his and his fellow counterfeit Messianic's demands, he is CONTRIBUTING to replacement theology by REDEFINING IT in his "new" terms. He is one of many that "say they are Jews but are not", just as Messiah states in Revelation.
This, of course, is true when we consider that
In conclusion, I have proven, using the very words of a primary promoter of the Two House Theology, that 2house is clearly a "new and improved" version of Replacement Theology. In addition, I have shown that the exact same demands Constantinian Christianity insist upon regarding what is required of the Jewish people is what is demanded by counterfeit Messianics that promote 2house theology. In the process I have provided further evidence proving counterfeit Messianics, counterfeit Nazarenes, and Constantinian Christians are poured from the same mold and represent, in reality, precisely the same mystery Babylon religion.
The Two House Theology is, indeed, a cunningly devised propaganda device aimed at establishing counterfeit Messianic and Nazarene groups as the only "true" faith -- the true "Israel of God"! Of course, such is NOT the case.
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