Hope of Israel Ministries (Ecclesia of YEHOVAH):
"The Holy Kingdom"
This book provides much important research to substantiate that the city of London was founded in very early times by emigrants from the city of Troy after the Trojan War. The book provides evidence of the Trojan origins of the early Britons -- including the identical use of chariots and other confirming factors. In past centuries, they confirm, the Trojan migration to Britain was accepted as fact. It is also a fact that British-Israel researchers have connected the Trojans with the Zarah branch of the tribe of Judah. |
by Pastor Jory Brooks
This is the title of a fascinating book co-authored by Adrian Gilbert, Alan Wilson, and Baram Blackett, originally published in 1998 and reprinted since in paperback. Although they are not British-Israelites, they provide independent evidence to many of the truths that we teach.
It is always good when there is independent confirmation of the facts of our case. These authors collectively spent decades doing in-depth research in order to reach their conclusions, including extensive field trips to actual archaeologically important sites in England and Wales.
The author’s first major premise is that there were actually two King Arthur’s in early history. The first, called Arthun, was son of Magnus Maximus and lived in the fourth century, A.D. Among his battles, he fought the Romans at Soissons in Gaul in 383 A.D., and was later buried, according to historical records, at “Glastennen,” also known as “Ynys Wydrin.” The second, Athrwys, son of Meurig, lived in the sixth century, A.D., in Glamorgan and Gwent in south Wales. He was also called “Iron Bear.” He fought many battles with the Saxons, including the famous “Battle of Baedan” in about 550 A.D. The authors believe that he had several royal cities including the famous “Camelot,” which it is suggested was at Caermelyn, the Roman Isca Augusta, near the modern city of Cardiff.
Whether the reader agrees with all of the book’s many conclusions, the author’s research seems compelling in establishing that there were actually two “King Arthurs” and that misunderstanding has resulted from confusing the two and attempting to combine them into one. This confusion has led many modern scholars to doubt that any “King Arthur” lived at all, especially because of all of the legends and romance added to his life story over the centuries. We are all somewhat familiar with the stories of the Knights of the Round Table, although much that is fanciful has been more or less permanently embedded into the historical kernel of what the authors refer to as Arthur’s “Fellowship Table.”
Of more interest to British-Israel believers, the book also provides much important research to substantiate that the city of London was founded in very early times by emigrants from the city of Troy after the Trojan War. In fact, the authors reveal (p. 223) that the Emperor Constantine established his new city of Constantinople in large part due to his desire to re-found the ruined city of Troy, which had been located not far away. The book gives evidence of Trojan origins of the early Britons (pp. 112, 125) including the identical use of chariots and other evidence. In past centuries, they confirm, the Trojan migration to Britain was accepted as fact (p. 112).
British-Israel researchers have connected the Trojans with the Zarah branch of the tribe of Judah. W. H. Bennett, on page 68 of The Story of Celto-Saxon Israel (available:
www.migrations.info) tells us, “According to 1 Chronicles 2:6, one of Zarah’s sons was named Dara, or Darda (1 Ki. 4:31). He founded the fabled city of Troy according to Homer’s Iliad (xx:248). The Columbia Encyclopedia (p. 468) states that the Dardanelles strait and a district called Dardania in Asia Minor were named for him.” Mr. Bennett gives six pages of evidence for the descent of the Trojans and early Britons from the Biblical tribe of Judah.The Holy Kingdom authors relate (p. 334) that the Roman city of Wroxeter was actually of pre-Roman origin and was known in Welsh as “Effrawg,” meaning “Castle of the Hebrews.” They give no explanation for the Hebrew connection, but tell us that this city on the border of England and Wales, now in ruins, was one of the most important cities of pre-Roman Britain. In fact, they call it “the real capital of the kings of Britain” (p. 335). The early British-Israel link may have some elements of mystery, but it is undeniable.
Of additional importance, the authors have much to say (pp. 171-174, 176, 244, 391, 393) in support of the Biblical Joseph of Arimathea having come to Britain in 36 A.D., following the Crucifixion of Christ in 33 A.D. [actually, 31 A.D. -- editor]. Hebrew connections again abound here, including a Hebrew link with the kings of Britain. In fact, evidence is presented that a niece of Christ married British king Arviragus, and that the first Christian church in Rome had a core of British Christians (p. 406-7). The book freely quotes approvingly from Canadian B. I. author George F. Jowett’s Drama of the Lost Disciples (available at
www.migrations.info), which indeed is a wonderful treasure-trove of historical research and is highly recommended.The Holy Kingdom also gives an overview of ancient British history from before the time of Caesar up to more recent times. The first arrival of the Saxons to Britain was in 447 A.D., according to the early historian Nennius writing in 850 A.D. (p. 291) The famous invasion of Hengest and Horsa was a century later, during the second wave of invading Saxons. The Vandals under King Gormund also arrived from North Africa in 548 A.D., after being expelled by the Byzantines. Understanding this history is of importance to the British-Israel interpretation of Revelation 12. Some expositors believe that the prophecy of Revelation 12:6, 14 was fulfilled by a segment of lost Israel, the Sacae or Saxons, first arriving in Britain in 538 A.D., 1260 years after the fall of Samaria in 721 B.C., but that is off by nearly a century! The true fulfillment of this prophecy is explained in my study, The Woman in the Wilderness available from CBIA or downloadable on the research page at
www.israelite.ca.Finally, the authors’ research has led them to conclude that “What can’t be explained in terms of the current orthodoxy is either destroyed or locked away” (p. 265), and that modern scholars not only fail to challenge popular views but take “great pleasure in repudiating” any views out of the mainstream of public opinion. There is a lack of honesty, and “scholars perpetuate mistaken translations” rather than challenge them (p. 271). Why is this? The authors believe that by simply denying the truth they have “an excuse for inertia” (p. 105).
We can be thankful that there are scholars who are willing to challenge conformity. The authors of The Holy Kingdom believe that they were able to cut through the widespread veil of historical ignorance and falsehood due to an “awakening [of] genetic memories” (p. 108). Let us hope and pray that many more will have an awakening as well. Britain has a glorious past as “a land that pulsated with faith” (p. 108). England has antiquities “but for the most part the English have lost connection with them” (p. 107). The authors perhaps summed up our own dilemma as British-Israelites when they exclaim, “The problem is that in England you don’t know your own history.” (p. 106)
Although I purchased the book recently through a British-Israel bookstore, it is apparently no longer in stock. However, the Bennett and Jowett books are still available and in good supply, providing much of the same information, and we can highly recommend them for your study of this important subject.
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