Hope of Israel Ministries (Ecclesia of YEHOVAH):
When Pentecost is Really "Fully Come"
Not to be lost is the fact that the Law was indeed delivered at the Feast of Weeks, in written form, not orally on the 6th of Sivan, as Israel did not arrive at Sinai until the 16th. At the end of the 40 days and 40 nights, Moses received the tablets of stone, Deuteronomy 9:11. YHVH came upon the Mount on the 18th day of the third month, well after the day presently observed as the Feast of Weeks (the 6th of Sivan) which is in early June on the Roman calendar. This cannot be overlooked and should not be lightly regarded or ignored. |
by Troy Miller
The Challenge: The way most count to Feast of Weeks/Pentecost is not according to the evidence in Scripture. We presently count 7 Sabbaths complete (7 complete weeks) from Wave Sheaf (the 16th of Abib) then add one day. Pentecost is said to be the 50th day from Wave Sheaf or the 6th, 7th or 8th day of Sivan. Is this accurate? Most feast keepers believe that the Law was handed down from Sinai on “Pentecost”. This is true, just not the way we presently do the count.
The evidence: Exodus 19:1 says that the children of Israel arrived at Sinai on the 16th day of the third month. Please read the context. Moses indicates that the children of Israel rested at Rephidim the 15th of the third month. The root word for Rephidim means “rest” and this passage says that they arrived at the Wilderness of Sinai the “same day” of this month that they left Egypt (two months earlier). If you’ll remember, Israel got as far as Succoth the 15th, and actually left Egypt the on the 16th (Numbers 33:3-6).
Jubilees 1:1: “And it happened in the first year of the exodus of the children of Israel out of Egypt, in the 3rd month, on the 16th of this month, and YHVH spoke to Moshe saying: “Ascend to me here on the mountain, and I will give to thee the two stone tablets of the law and the commandments; as I have written them, thou shalt make them known.”
Their arrival date, the 16th of Sivan (the third month) is well past our present count to the Feast of Weeks which occurs the 6th, 7th or 8th of Sivan (depending on who is counting).
The New Evidence to Consider: There are two parts or two counts that must be made before Pentecost can be “fully come.” In addition to the 7 Sabbaths complete, we need to add 50 days, not just add one day for a total of 50 days. Leviticus 23:15-16 in the KJV is not as clear as it could be. We would be in trouble if the King James English of this passage were the only evidence for what we are presenting. Providentially, there is plenty of evidence…
Exhibit A: Leviticus 23 is the passage in question. Remember, a Sabbath complete (one week) is a different yardstick in time than a day. There is a 7 week count and a 50 day count. You, like most (and like me until 2003) probably see “seven Sabbaths complete” (seven weeks) and immediately think 49 days. But there are not 49 days in this segment of time. These are Scriptural weeks -- six work days ending with a Sabbath. New moon days are a third category of day, they do not count against the week. There are three new moon days in this seven week count for a total of 52 days, so adding one day to 52 days does not equal 50.
The most salient point here is that a “Sabbath complete” is one yardstick to measure time, a “day” is an entirely different yardstick. I am five feet, nine inches tall. Two separate units of measure are used. You don’t measure the five feet from my heels then turn around and measure the nine inches from my heels too. You add the nine inches after the 12 inch of the fifth foot.
Pentecost also has two separate units of measure. Seven weeks are counted or completed and then the 50 days are counted. If I am 5’9”, this count is 7 feet, 50 inches (so to speak). There is no command in Leviticus 23 to begin the 50 day count at the same time as the seven week count begins, it says to number 50 days from the morrow AFTER the seventh Sabbath complete.
Leviticus 23:15-16: "And ye shall count unto you from the morrow after the sabbath, from the day that ye brought the sheaf of the wave offering; seven sabbaths shall be complete: Even unto the morrow after the seventh sabbath shall ye number fifty days; and ye shall offer a new meat offering unto YHVH."
(1). These are weeks as reckoned on YHVH’s calendar, not the Gregorian (Roman Catholic) calendar. Yah’s [YEHOVAH's] weeks do not count new moon days.
(2). If you will read the context of the passage, the 50 days are numbered from the morrow after the seventh Sabbath, not from Wave Sheaf. Consider the following calendar…
1 | .....................................1st Month | |||||||
2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | ||
9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | ||
wave sheaf > |
16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | <1st "Sabbath complete" |
23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | <2nd complete week | |
30 | ||||||||
1 | ....................................2nd Month | |||||||
2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | <3rd complete week | |
9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | <4th complete week | |
16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | <5th complete week | |
23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | <6th complete week | |
1 | .....................................3rd Month | |||||||
2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | <7th complete week | |
morrow after 7th Sabbath> | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | |
16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | ||
23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | ||
1 | .....................................4th Month | |||||||
2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | ||
9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | ||
16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | ||
23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 |
<=Feast of Weeks/Pente- cost, 50 days from the morrow after the 7th Sabbath |
The Sabbaths are in Red, the New Moon days are in Blue. As odd as it sounds, the New Moon days are never included in the seven day week. The New Moon, though never called a Sabbath by name (except for the 7th new moon), was a segment of time celebrated in a similar manner as the Sabbath. They blew horns (Numbers 10:2-3 and 10; Psalm 81:3) there was no commerce (Exodus 20:8-11, Amos 8:5) and it was a day for a holy convocation (Leviticus 23:3, Ezekiel 46:1, 3). Of note, this is the exact calendar of the events as they occurred the weekend of the Crucifixion. Indeed, the Romans had a solar-only calendar 2,000 years ago, but there is no evidence that Israel was observing it. They hated the Romans!
[This is the rule of thumb: (1) If the THIRD MONTH (Sivan) contains 30 days, then the Feast of Weeks (Shavuot) falls on the 28th day of the fourth month (Tammuz), but (2) if the THIRD MONTH (Sivan) contains 29 days, then the Feast of Weeks (Shavuot) falls on the 29th day of the fourth month -- the fourth weekly Sabbath of the month of Tammuz.]
The 28th or 29th day of the 4th month is the Feast of Weeks, here’s another witness:
Exhibit B: Exodus 19:1 places our starting point in the 3rd month. Israel arrived at Sinai on the 16th (which is the 1st day of the week) and Moses was immediately summoned up the mount. YHVH told Moses to go back down the mountain and to tell the people to consecrate themselves for on the third day of the week (the 18th) He would come down on the mount in a cloud, Exodus 19:10-11.
At the set time, YHVH comes down from heaven and the Ten Words came thundering down the mount, (Exodus 20:1-17). The people drew back in fear so YHVH calls Moses up and verbally gives him the remaining part of the covenant. In Exodus 24:1-3 we find Moses giving an oral dissertation of what he heard on the mount and the children of Israel agreeing to the terms of the covenant. Moses then spends that night (of the 18th) writing down the terms of the covenant. The next morning (the day of the 19th) Moses rose and built an altar, offered sacrifices and then read the terms of the covenant to the people who once again agree to the terms, (Exodus 24:4-7). After this, Moses is again called up on Mount Sinai where he stayed 40 days and 40 nights.
Notice that in Leviticus 23 we are told to count “seven Sabbaths complete” and here we are told to count 40 days and 40 nights. By counting 40 days and nights, we must count even the new moon days, because they ARE a day. However, when counting “Sabbaths complete” we only count a six work day/Sabbath sequence, not the days of the rebuilding of the moon.
Now, from the 19th of the third month, count 40 days. You again end up on the 29th of the fourth month [assuming the third month has 29 days]. Evidence that this particular day is a Feast day
-- see Exodus 32:1-6. Aaron knew it was a Feast day for it was his job as high priest to proclaim the Feasts of YHVH; he just celebrated it the wrong way and YHVH was wroth. On this same day (the day Aaron said was a Feast unto YHVH) Moses came down the mountain with the tables of the covenant, Exodus 32:7-20.Not to be lost is the fact that the Law was indeed delivered at the Feast of Weeks, in written form, not orally on the 6th of Sivan, as Israel did not arrive at Sinai until the 16th. At the end of the 40 days and 40 nights, Moses received the tablets of stone, Deuteronomy 9:11. Granted, Moses broke them in a fit of rage, but the Law was indeed sent down the mount to the people at
“Pentecost.” Remember, YHVH came upon the Mount on the 18th day of the third month, well after the day presently observed as the Feast of Weeks (the 6th of Sivan) which is in early June on the Roman calendar. This cannot be overlooked and should not be lightly regarded or ignored.We have two witnesses placing the Feast of Weeks on the 29th day of the fourth month on YHVH
’s calendar which is near the end of July on the Roman calendar. [Of Note: the months were originally 30 days in length with the Feast of Weeks falling on the 28th day of the 4th month. If the third month is ever a 29 day month, 50 days from the morrow after the seventh Sabbath would be on the 29th day of the fourth month. This won’t happen in the new earth when “time” is returned to the way it was created in the beginning.]Can a
“summer” Pentecost be proven by either the historical record or in the natural world?Exhibit C: Historical record
-- see Nehemiah 12:44. There are only three times in the year when Israel was to bring a tithe of first fruits. Unleavened Bread, Feast of Weeks and the Feast of Harvest or Tabernacles. Which Feast time is Nehemiah in reference to here? Nehemiah 13:5 and 13:12 tells us that new wine and oil was also offered at this time. This is, by default, the tithe of the Feast of Weeks because the new wine and oil are summer harvests. Nehemiah 13:15 even records that the sheaves were being brought in from the fields along with wine and grapes.Exhibit D: In Joel 2:15-19 and 2:24, he speaks of a time when wheat is still on the threshing floor while new wine and new oil are in the vats. See also Haggai 1:10-11, Numbers 18:11-12. Early June (the 6th of Sivan) is still the spring of the year. The grapes and olives are summer crops, not spring. This is an issue that Feast keepers must resolve.
Exhibit E: The Natural world
-- it takes wheat more than 50 days to reach maturity. Now there are some who say that the wheat spoken of for the Feast of Weeks is sown in the fall along with the barley and matures a few weeks after the barley is harvested. And yes, this would permit a wheat harvest on or about the 6th day of the third month. The problem with this theology is that there are too many witnesses placing the wheat harvest late in the fourth month. This is the type of “contradiction” that sets Bereans searching for answers. The answers are found in both Scripture and the natural world.Nature: The compelling fact is that there are 2 types of wheat. Winter wheat is planted in late fall and takes 7 months to mature (about early June), then there is spring wheat (planted in the spring) which takes 4 months to mature. (<Remember this). Which one was planted in Exodus 9 and is referred to for the Feast of Weeks? We agree that maybe both types of wheat are now planted in the Middle East. But this doesn
’t answer the second part of the question above.Scripture: Let
’s examine Exodus 9:18-35 and the plague of hail that destroyed Egypt. In verses 31-32 we will find our answer. The flax was ready to harvest and the barley was near ready. Both crops were a total loss. When sown, winter wheat very quickly sends up a 4-6 inch blade of grass which winters over, then as the days get longer and warmer, it begins to mature.The wheat was not destroyed in the plague of hail because it was
“not grown up”. The Hebrew for this phrase means hidden or in the dark. By calculating the time between plagues, the hail fell on or about the 10th day of Abib. The significance of this is that the wheat in question had just been sown a short time before the plague and had not yet germinated. It was hidden in the dark, buried in the earth.This phrase
“hidden in the dark” does not mean that the wheat grass was dark green (not ready to harvest) and somehow survived the hail. Scripture does not permit this understanding. At the time of the barley harvest, winter wheat would already be sending up stalks. Said another way, it would be very much above ground. If in doubt, notice that “every herb of the field” was also smitten, Exodus 9:22-25. Strong’s Concordance (H# 6212) says that this word herb means “to glisten (or be green); grass (or any tender shoot): grass, herb.” If the winter wheat had not yet sent up a stalk, it was certainly in grass form, and therefore would have been destroyed by the hail. The Torah says that the wheat was not destroyed. So what wheat was used for Feast of Weeks? Regardless of what type is traditionally held, this wheat is indisputably spring wheat.But don
’t take my word for it. Judges 15:1-5 says that Samson not only destroyed the wheat, but the vineyards and olives as well. Feast keepers say that this took place at the Feast of Weeks. There are no grapes or olives in early June (the third month on YHVH’s calendar).Acts 2:1, 13 says that the disciples were accused of being drunk with new wine after Pentecost had
“fully come.” These men knew that there was new wine available otherwise there would be no basis for this claim. Peter doesn’t correct their agricultural assessment, but simply says that they were not drunk as supposed. There was no new wine in early June, there is at Pentecost.The mandrake, another natural witness, ripens during the wheat harvest; see Genesis 30:14-18. Please read below to see what month they ripen. Nature is the first gospel. All nature screams the majesty of Yah [YEHOVAH]. The information on this page was gleaned from the internet.
"The mandrake, Mandragora officinalis, is a strange plant mentioned only in Genesis 30:14 and Song of Songs 7:13 although it is a common plant in many parts of Israel.
"Physical characteristics: Perennial growing to 0.1m by 0.3m. It is in leaf from March to July, in flower from March to April, and the fruit ripens from July to August. The flowers are hermaphrodite (have both male and female organs) and are pollinated by Insects. The plant is self-fertile. The roots are somewhat carrot-shaped and can be up to 1.2 metres long; they often divide into two and are vaguely suggestive of the human body.
"The plant requires well-drained soils that are acidic or neutral; it prefers light (sandy) and medium (loamy) ones. It can grow in semi-shade (light woodland) or no shade.
"Mandrake is a member of the nightshade family that includes some of the most poisonous plants such as nightshade, jimsonweed, tobacco and, paradoxically, some of the most common vegetables such as potatoes, tomatoes, green pepper, and eggplants. As the Bible so accurately describes, the mandrake often grows as a weed in wheat fields. The plant consists of several large, wrinkled, dark green leaves that lie flat upon the ground forming a rosette. In the center of this rosette a cluster of attractive purple flowers appears in the winter. The fruits, as noted in Song of Songs, are produced in the early summer and have a very attractive fragrance."
Interesting isn
’t it that nature proves that the wheat was harvested in mid SUMMER in Israel, not the first week of the pagan month of June.Regarding the barley harvest, when they came into the land, they were to harvest a handful and bring YHVH a wave sheaf offering, Leviticus 23:10-11. This would have been barley planted by the Canaanites because Israel didn
’t cross the Jordan until the 10th of Abib, Joshua 4:19. After wave sheaf (the 16th of Abib) they were to number seven Sabbaths complete (and then some, but let’s stop here for now).Now Exodus 23:16 (part of the perpetual covenant) says that the first fruits of the wheat harvest would be that which Israel had sown in the field. They did not arrive in the land promised to Abraham until Abib, the first month. If they were to offer a
“new meat” offering at the Feast of Weeks and this had to be from their labors that Israel had sown in the field, then they would have had to plant spring wheat after they arrived in the land in the first month. It is a physical impossibility for this wheat to mature in 50 days (early in the third month).In order to have a
“new meat” offering (in compliance with the covenant) after they numbered 7 Sabbaths complete they had to count 50 more days after the morrow after the 7th Sabbath. They could not have counted a mere 50 days from Wave Sheaf itself. Pay careful attention here for this alone proves that the final count to “Pentecost” begins after the 7th Sabbath.The last bit of evidence is in red lettering in my KJV. [Do you remember when I asked you to remember that it takes 4 months for spring wheat to mature?] This event herein recounted took place in the month of Abib, shortly after Passover when the man from Galilee cleared the temple the first time, John 2:13-16. After an evening meeting with Nicodemus (3:1-21), he headed to Judea for a short visit with John who was in that region (3:22-36), then headed toward Galilee, (4:1-3). On the way, the carpenter from Nazareth, exhausted by the quick trip, stopped in Samaria to rest (4:4) where he encountered a woman at the well, (4:7-26). Later when his disciples had returned with food, they said,
"…Master, eat. But he said unto them, I have meat to eat that ye know not of. Therefore said the disciples one to another, Hath any man brought him ought to eat? Yeshua saith unto them, My meat is to do the will of Him that sent me, and to finish His work. Say not ye, There are yet four months, and then cometh harvest? behold, I say unto you, Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest."John 4:31-35:
This was the first month when Yahushua [Yeshua] made this statement! Wheat is white when it is ready to harvest! From the beginning of Abib to the end of the 4th month, is four months. When the disciples turned around, all they saw were little spikes of green because the wheat had just been planted, however Yahushua [Yeshua] spoke of a harvest of souls, not the wheat. Without question, this precludes
“Pentecost” from occurring in early June.In conclusion: According to the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture it takes 110-120 days for spring wheat to mature, so we need an accurate count to get us to that point. From the 16th Abib, 7 Sabbaths complete is 49 days. Added in this count are 2-4 new moon days (we
’ll use three for this count) that are not figured in the weekly cycle, but are days in the sun for the wheat. 49 + 3 = 52. The morrow after the 7th Sabbath, adds one day to make 53. Now add 50 more. 49 + 3 + 1 + 50 = 103 days. Since this wheat is planted on or about the first work day of spring (Abib 2), we can safely add 14 or more days for a total of 117 days. Right on time for a new meat offering when there are also grapes in the field.Fascinating thought: It
’s just like YHVH to hide this count in Scripture so we could only find it by searching here a little, there a little, and by adding line upon line, precept upon precept. He foreknew that the New Testament would be translated into Greek, leaving us with the Greek word Pentecost. The Old Testament clearly tells us to number seven Sabbaths complete plus one day before the translators were permitted to muddy the water. By bequeathing to believers everywhere the word Pentecost, meaning literally, “fifty days”, the “Greek” New Testament clearly reveals the rest of the formula by telling us to count 50 more not just one more day after the seventh Sabbath complete. As Acts 2:1 says, when you do the math right, Pentecost will “fully come.”If this evidence is solid, then there will at last be unity in the ranks of Feast keepers. No more will there be any argument whether Wave Sheaf falls on the 16th of Abib or the day after the “Saturday”
Sabbath during Unleavened Bread. No more will there be any argument whether the Feast of Weeks is a fixed day or floating on the Roman calendar. (Should a Catholic calendar even be consulted?)Wave Sheaf is always on the 16th of Abib (the first day of YHVH
’s work week), the day after the 15th which is always a Sabbath on YHVH’s calendar. This way you always arrive at the 22nd of Abib as the first “Sabbath complete” numbering from Wave Sheaf, (six work days, then a weekly Sabbath). And finally, Pentecost is always on either the 28th or 29th day of the fourth month.I am totally humbled to be a part of this reawakening of Scriptural truth for I am not worthy.
Facing the Evidence: The 8th, 15th, 22nd and 29th days of YHVH
’s lunar-solar calendar months are always Sabbaths. The Feast of Weeks/Pentecost is always on either the 28th or the 29th day of the fourth month. If there is fruit in this message, we will find out if we are faithful to it by observing the Feast of Weeks on the 28th or 29th day of the fourth month of YHVH’s calendar.Just think for a moment. Look back at this study and all the harmony we can find by understanding only one passage of Scripture differently
-- that we should number 50 days from the day after the seventh Sabbath is compete, not one day. It does not say to count 50 days after Abib 16, it says to count seven Sabbaths complete. A Sabbath compete (6 work days and a Sabbath) is a totally different yardstick than a day. Why do we count seven Sabbaths complete, arriving at a certain date, then go back in time to Abib 16 to count 50 days? Time goes only in one direction. The tradition of the Jews is not above Scripture. Talmudic Jewery, not true Israel, caused this error. And neither is the tradition of the Catholic or Protestant denominations to be accepted over the harmony of Scripture.Some have pointed out that
“ad” or “od” (Strong’s H-5704, H-5703) does NOT mean “FROM” the morrow after the 7th Sabbath, but H-4480 DOES. Guess where THAT word is?Leviticus 23:16: "Even unto [5704] the morrow [4480], [4283] after the seventh [7637] sabbath7676 shall ye number [5608] fifty [2572] days; [3117] and ye shall offer [7126] a new [2319] meat offering [4503] unto the LORD." [3068]
Look at what Strong
’s says about H-5704 “whether of space (even unto) or time (during, while, until)”. Leviticus 23:16 is about time, not space, so we’ve been applying the word in the wrong manner all along. The Hebrew actually could be translated: "WHILE FROM the morrow (after the) seventh Sabbath (shall ye) number fifty days (and ye shall) offer a new meat offering (unto) YHVH."The Fenton Translation is the ONLY translation that seems to be honest with this evidence:
Leviticus 23:15-16: "You shall also count for yourselves from the day after the Sabbath that you bring the Wave-Sheaf, seven Sabbaths. They must be complete. Then after the seventh Sabbath, you shall count fifty days, when you shall present a new offering to the Ever-Living."
In fact, Fenton agrees with Philo, a man who lived 2000 years ago.
“The solemn assembly on the occasion of the festival of the sheaf having such great privileges, is the prelude to another festival of still greater importance; for from this day the fiftieth day is reckoned, making up the sacred number of seven sevens, with the addition of a unit as a seal to the whole…” The Works of Philo, The Special Laws, II, "The Seventh Festival," XXX (176), page 584.This sounds as if Pentecost is 50 days after wave-sheaf, doesn
’t it? Let’s let Philo speak…(The Works of Philo, On The Contemplative Life, VIII (65), page 704).“These men assemble at the end of seven weeks venerating not only the simple week of seven days, but also its multiplied power. For they know it to be pure and always virgin; and it is a prelude and a kind of fore-feast of the greatest feast, which is assigned to the number fifty, the most holy and natural of numbers…”
Great, greater and greatest. The Wave-sheaf is the great feast spoken of. From this passage it is clear that at the end of the seven weeks there was a greater feast but the greatest was yet to come, the one assigned to the number 50. Remember that 50 day count? So, does Philo see Pentecost being 50 days from wave sheaf, or 50 days from the end of the seven week count?
Please examine this evidence for yourselves. Philo agrees with nature, Leviticus 23 and the Sinai account in Exodus 32.
Another argument I have received is based upon Deuteronomy 16. It is said that there this passage does not mention 50 days, just the seven Sabbaths. Let
’s look at Deuteronomy 16, shall we?Passover and Unleavened Bread is listed from Deuteronomy 16:1-8. Please read this before continuing. If we base our observation on this passage alone, then we don
’t have to fool with the wave-sheaf anymore because it is not listed anywhere in this chapter, but Leviticus 23:9-14 does, doesn’t it?One fellow argued: Deuteronomy 16:9 says,
“…as you put the sickle to the corn.” Every astute Bible student knows that this text is talking about the wheat harvest, for it is counting off seven weeks.Of course the Feast of Weeks is mentioned in Deuteronomy 16:9-12. And if you will read it carefully, verse 9 says to BEGIN the seven week count from the time you put the sickle to the corn. This corn would be the BARLEY on Abib 16. How astute is it to tell folks that this is talking about a wheat harvest when the verse says to BEGIN the count (of seven Sabbaths, not days) from the time you put the sickle to the corn. Please read the verse for yourself
…Deuteronomy 16:9: "Seven weeks shall you number unto thee: begin to number the seven weeks from such a time as you begin to put the sickle to the corn."
The barley is being harvested at the beginning of the seven Sabbath count, not wheat. Indeed, this passage does not say anything about the morrow after the 7th Sabbath or the numbering of 50 days, but Leviticus 23:15-16 does.
The Feast of Trumpets is not mentioned anywhere in Deuteronomy 16, so according to this chapter none of us have to observe this Feast anymore since it is not listed anywhere in this chapter. This means that the instructions found in Leviticus 23:23-25 can be ignored, yes?
The Day of Atonement is not mentioned anywhere in Deuteronomy 16, so according to this chapter none of us have to observe this appointed time anymore since it is not listed anywhere in this chapter. So the instructions found in Leviticus 23:26-32 can be ignored, is that correct?
The Feast of Tabernacles is listed in Deuteronomy 16:13-15. Nowhere in Deuteronomy 16 is the eighth day of the feast mentioned. So according to this chapter we don
’t have to fool with the eighth day anymore, right? Should we make this assumption? Leviticus 23:36 very clearly orders us to observe the eighth day as a Sabbath. So which instructions are you going to follow? Leviticus 23 or Deuteronomy 16? If you obey Deuteronomy 16 only, then you are breaking Torah. If you observe Leviticus 23, you will automatically be obeying Deuteronomy 16.There are vitally important parts of several Feasts missing and whole entire Feasts that are not listed in Deuteronomy 16. This chapter is only speaking in general terms, it is like a miniature view of the Festivals and CANNOT be taken as the absolute truth on this matter. Isaiah 28:9-10 says to search hear a little, there a little, line upon line, and precept upon precept. Taking a single chapter (out of context of the rest of Scripture) is very poor exegesis indeed. When searching for truth, we need to real ALL the evidence, not just the items that seem to support a preconceived idea.
Additional information discovered after this study was complete:
The rye was also not smitten along with the wheat in Exodus 9:32. As any farmer knows, and one farmer I know who caught this, rye is planted in the fall and WOULD have been destroyed by a hail storm in the spring.
The underlying Hebrew word translated as rye is spelt or fitches. Spelt is also planted in the fall, so this can also be ruled out. However, fitches (vetch or black cumin) IS planted in the spring after the last frost and it is native to northern Africa (meaning it would have been planted in Egypt in Exodus 9:32. Scholars admit that
“rye” is a bad translation for this verse. So it should have been translated as fitches, which are sown in early spring and harvested 4 months later, JUST like spring wheat.http://www.bespokespices.com/cumin-plant.html“Throughout its history, and still to this day, this spice is harvested by hand which takes place about 4 months after sowing.”
One objection I received went thus:
If you were walking from Galilee to Jerusalem in June, you might be inclined to think it was midsummer. Even the fig trees which weren't ripe in early Abib were to ripen soon, when "summer is nigh" (May).
If Israel was aware of the equinoxes and their relation to the seasons, and there is no reason to suspect they did not, do you suppose they were ignorant of the solstices? It gets mighty hot in early June here in Missouri, but only a fool would consider it summer.
Do you HAVE a fig tree? I do. Fig trees (and mine is the middle eastern variety) do not even set fruit until June, and are not harvested until July or August depending on where you live. To add insult to injury, Scripture tells us what season figs are harvested and it is NOT spring and certainly not the month of may...
Nehemiah 13:15: "In those days saw I in Judah some treading wine presses on the sabbath, and bringing in sheaves, and lading asses; as also wine, grapes, and figs, and all manner of burdens, which they brought into Jerusalem on the sabbath day: and I testified against them in the day wherein they sold victuals."
Song of Solomon 2:13: "The fig tree putteth forth her green figs, and the vines with the tender grape give a good smell. Arise, my love, my fair one, and come away."
Isaiah 36:16: "Hearken not to Hezekiah: for thus saith the king of Assyria, Make an agreement with me by a present, and come out to me: and eat ye every one of his vine, and every one of his fig tree, and drink ye every one the waters of his own cistern;"
Jeremiah 8:13: "I will surely consume them, saith YHVH: there shall be no grapes on the vine, nor figs on the fig tree, and the leaf shall fade; and the things that I have given them shall pass away from them."
Habakkuk 3:17: "Although the fig tree shall not blossom, neither shall fruit be in the vines; the labour of the olive shall fail, and the fields shall yield no meat; the flock shall be cut off from the fold, and there shall be no herd in the stalls:"
See also Hosea 2:12, Joel 1:7, 1:12, Amos 4:9 and Haggai 2:19. This is not an exhaustive list.
Wheat, olives (oil), grapes (vine, wine) and pomegranates are ALL summer harvests. Not late spring. Nature does not lie. Men do.
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