Hope of Israel Ministries (Ecclesia of YEHOVAH):
The Fence: The Horror of Abortion
Without question the Bible recognizes life in the womb. Without question the Bible recognizes that infanticide is an abhorrent practice. Without question life is sacred. If our views on this subject are not aligned with our Father's, that should frighten us. Approving of abortion is clearly hostile to biblical teaching and constitutes murder! |
by Barbara Buzzard
This is that fence which you must never ever sit on or be indecisive about. This fence has spikes that will cause you pain, if not now, in the future. This is that fence which divides right from wrong and good from evil. This is that fence which renders silly the logic of not getting involved. It is, of course, a wall, one side of which is known as "choice." Let us be clear; the "choice" is to kill or not to kill. Which side of the fence you are on is critical because it can reveal a lack of consistency in your life -- a non-integration of your beliefs and your practices.
Don't imagine that a position on the fence is neutral. The fence cannot be straddled; it demands an answer to the "how do we then live?" question. Sitting on that fence permits the sin of silence. Ignorance is no option. Looking the other way leaves one at risk of judgment. YEHOVAH God cannot be removed from the abortion controversy. We must all ask if our views harmonize with our actions and even more importantly, with
His views. Christians must bear witness to YEHOVAH's Truths, wherever they are found and whether or not a moral meltdown is happening all around us. [1]Truth is woven into deceptions in a clever and profound way. The language surrounding abortion has been hugely calculated to deceive, to blind, and to misdirect. In fact, as I write, a news article speaks of pregnancy as being pathological, comparing the unborn to a parasite. Have we been
so deceived that we think pro-choice is the opposite of pro-life? The opposite of life is death. Pro-choice is anti-life. The very concept of "pro-choice" is an absurdity. Even buying into the jargon used is enough to dismantle people's reason. The faulty thinking that plagues women considering an abortion is exposed in the phrase: "if I have this child." The reality is that any mother considering an abortion already has a child.The Power of Semantics
It was revealed recently that National Public Radio (NPR) may only speak of abortion with the allowed vocabulary. They may not speak of partial birth abortion or dismemberment. It seems the philosophy is that the gruesome is only to be done, but not spoken of. The clever use of language can establish the terms of the discussion (you may not show that ultrasound here; you
may not advertise here), and it also can suppress your response. You may not say babies; you must say fetuses. You must say that POC means "products of conception" rather than "pieces of children," as they are often referred to by abortion employees. The language has been sanitized to make abortion palatable."Ever since 1970, the policy of semantic gymnastics has been propagated so often and with such fervor that it has become deeply embedded in the public consciousness. What once had been 'the scientific fact which everyone really knew, that human life begins at conception' has been -- through countless repetitions -- obscured and reduced to the suspect level of an outmoded, sectarian bias. Thanks to the power of 'the big lie,' no longer does everyone know that human life begins at conception." [2]
If word games can be used to deny the humanity of the unborn, they can also be used to cover up the fact that abortion is killing. "The reason particular groups are earmarked for large-scale semantic devaluation and massive physical oppression is closely linked to ideology." [3] And as Solzhenitsyn writes: "Ideology -- that is what gives evildoing its long-sought justification and gives the evildoer the necessary steadfastness and determination." [4]
"90 percent of the news media elite have assimilated `right to choose' rhetoric as a prominent tenet of their social gospel." [5] This is a brilliantly evil choice of words as it allows us to name things without bringing to mind a mental image of what actually happens. Let us remember some of the euphemistic language used by the Nazis for their concentration camps: resettlement and rehabilitation. What a brilliant euphemism is the term "healthcare"! And yet 92 out of 97 Planned Parenthood centers refused prenatal care to mothers seeking it. [6]
Semantic Gymnastics
A California Medicine editorial acknowledges that "very considerable semantic gymnastics" are required to avoid the scientific fact which everyone really knows, that "human life begins at conception" and "to rationalize abortion as anything but taking a human life." Such "a schizophrenic sort of subterfuge is necessary," the editorial emphasizes, in order to obtain acceptance of abortion as "moral, right and even necessary." [7]
What are the devastating effects of words on deeds? William Brennan argues that it is toxicity of thought and that this is pervasive, crossing generational lines. He sees it as semantic venom, calling what is a living, developing miniature human an entity with no rights whatsoever. [8] The rhetoric of "lives not worth living" is being propounded on our college campuses and in our medical schools! Verbal engineering desensitizes us to the horrors of dismemberment. Semantic corruption lends to the adulteration of thought itself. And we must always be on our guard, recognizing the fact that those who control the language control thought.
Have you noticed that pro-choice advocates only validate one choice! How odd is that?
Ray Comfort pushes his way through the garbled nonsense when he asks this fill-in-the-blank question: When is it OK to kill a baby in the womb?
The pro-life movie Unplanned opened in April of this year. It is the true story of Planned Parenthood clinic director Abby Johnson who, after witnessing an ultrasound-guided abortion, left the industry and became a passionate advocate for life. Although she had worked at Planned Parenthood for years and served as a director, she had not seen an abortion. What she saw changed everything. She saw an unimaginable act of violence.
While the movie's emphasis is on the truth of the brutality of abortion, it is also on forgiveness and helping women to heal. It depicts what a peaceful, prayerful pro-life protest looks like. The pro-life protesters were doing what they were doing out of love, not condemnation, as is shown by the fact that when Abby's views changed she knew where to run. She ran to them because they had always shown her love.
One physician's review of the movie: "The procedure [abortion] really only complicates grief, which is why it is never the right answer." Another doctor said: "Abortion does not empower women; truth empowers women."
Abby writes, "self deception is a powerful force." [9] She tried to reconcile her desire to help women with the barbaric act of killing an innocent -- until it broke her. She faced the hypocrisy of what so many maintain: that they can personally hate abortion and yet be proponents of choice. As one writer so accurately says, that is like approving your neighbor's child abuse while saying that you are personally against child abuse.
Abby on the fence on her last day of work at the clinic: "I approached the Planned Parenthood fence and drove through the open gate. It felt as if darkness were descending on me as I entered. Dread -- that's what I was feeling. Even though I'm now appalled at what happens inside this fence, I'm crossing through it as if everything is fine. But it's not fine. This is a death house. A prison. And I've been both prison guard and prisoner...I'd been a pawn in a game." [10]
"It had taken me eight years to discover that by aligning myself with an organization that performed abortions, I had condemned myself to be part of the very thing I said I wanted to decrease. Since that decision, it has been a long, slow slide into darkness. It was all so clear to me now. I'd lived in that darkness for eight years, and in it I'd lost my day vision. I had harbored by own dark secrets. I had built fences that separated me from my parents, my husband, my friends. I'd fenced myself off from my own conscience, leaving me adrift and confused in shadowy places. And I had fenced myself off from the connection to God that I longed for. Today peace was flooding in, washing away the rubble of that shattered fence." [11]
"It was here I'd escorted women into the hands of Planned Parenthood. It was here I'd casually scheduled the deaths of countless children...And finally God put me face-to-face with the mangled brutality of the ultrasound-guided abortion, so I could see the destruction of life with my own eyes." [12]
Abortion vs. Scripture
Shedding innocent blood is the definition of murder. Murder is condemned everywhere in Scripture. It is an abomination. The biblical legal system required that when a life was taken, the penalty was life for life, which included life for unborn life.
Without question the Bible recognizes life in the womb. [13] Without question the Bible recognizes that infanticide is an abhorrent practice. Without question life is sacred. If our views on this subject are not aligned with our Father's, that should frighten us. Approving of abortion is clearly hostile to biblical teaching. Malignant rhetoric assaults our ears; perhaps the most hidden and the best loved of all hate speech. And, of course, abortion is the most egregious human rights violation there could be.
It is very noteworthy that the words "born again" have at their core birth, that sacred act which is now being defiled. By approving or being silent about the shedding of innocent blood we reject the sacrifice of the Messiah. Which is to say that true Christians must NEVER approve of abortion.
The Fence, the Church, and Pastors
Tragically we have become accustomed to the slaughtering of 5,000 babies a day. Our Supreme Court sanctions the horror of partial birth abortions.
"And yet even in the face of this abomination, the churches of America, the pastors of America, are silent. Where is the cry of outrage? Where is the indignation of the people of God? We, too, have known the evil from its start. Dumpsters full of ravaged infant bodies stand in mute testimony to our failure and to our guilt." [14]
Prominent Pastor R. C. Sproul, Jr. puts it this way: "it's not that the church has failed; it's that it hasn't even tried." He describes abortion as the most significant, serious, dreadful reality in the history of the world.
Dr. Laurence White:
"The New Testament speaks of unique moments of divine destiny, when God confronts His people with a challenge, and offers them an opportunity. The Greek word for such a moment of divine destiny is Kairos. I believe that the Christian church in America has come to such a time, a Biblical Kairos. A moment of divine destiny.
"If we fail to meet this challenge, and rise to this opportunity, our nation will not survive. It is as simple, and as stark as that. This is our moment, my friends. Our time of testing. I pray that we may be equal to the challenge of these days; that we may be within this dying culture the stinging salt that stops the decay of death; the shining light that dispels the darkness of doubt and despair, that America may once again be the gleaming city set high upon a hill, that shines as a beacon light of life and hope for this nation and for every nation." [15]
Back to the Fence
The real heroes in the Abby Johnson story were the prayer warriors who covered that Planned Parenthood facility and all who entered it with unrelenting sacrificial prayers, and with incredible devotion. In fact, Abby says that her conversion was the result of years of prayer over her clinic. [16] One ex-policeman had been earnestly praying for Abby for years. He also was faithful two days a week to stand and pray at the fence. When Abby crossed over to his side of the fence, he cried with joy. These men and women are truly heroes.
Similarly, John Barros, a cancer survivor, has dedicated his life to trying to save the lives of others. And he has saved over 1,000 in eight years. How? By standing and counseling, giving information and giving an option to the women entering an abortion facility. He stands, sings, and prays nine hours a day, six days a week, begging women not to go through with the procedure (and this is in Florida's blistering heat). See his story: John Barros, Who Will Stand for Life? [17]
Abby's sentiments when the facility she worked at closed: "It was over. No more children would die inside those walls. No more women would be deceived into believing that aborting their children would 'solve' their problems, nor would they be subjected to Planned Parenthood's agenda." [18] What had been a house of death would kill no more miniature human beings.
The Moral Case
The moral case for the killing of the unborn has evaporated due to current science and ultrasound technology. And so the absurd euphemisms such as "women's healthcare" hide the truth that this is deeply false. (Whatever Planned Parenthood is supposed to represent -- it certainly does not represent parenthood.)
The stunning illogic of Roe v. Wade, the barbarism, the racism, the bullying seem to have brought on a mass psychosis. Is there any way under YEHOVAH God's heaven that you can stand for or defend the taking of 60+ million lives? We have government sanctioned homicide and absolution for intentional killing. The greatest threat to Planned Parenthood is the truth. Please help us to tell it.
Every Democratic presidential candidate thus far strongly supports abortion up until birth -- an act unthinkable only a short time ago. Radical bills are being proposed which would overturn all pro-life laws nationwide. More than fifty times in Congress efforts have been made to criminalize infanticide, but these bills have been rejected.
"Today's genocide is as illogical and evil as that of World War II. In fact, our current war on unborn children far surpasses the unbelievable loss inflicted by the Nazis. But this modern-day war on life comes not from a horrible Hitler-like dictator. Instead, the loss of life is inflicted by the most unlikely murderer imaginable -- one's own mother.
"With the start of 2019, Americans have allowed 46 years of legalized abortion. How can this be? Why did people not speak out against the killing? There are lessons to be learned from history. Looking back to the Nazi Holocaust, we can see how Christians in one European church reacted to 'The Final Solution,' the trains that traveled by. Aboard these trains were hundreds of desperate Jews, suffering and dying. As they passed the church, they would yell and cry out for help. The congregation would hear the click of the train coming down the track, knowing that soon, the urgent pleas for help would come." [19]
And so what did they do? They sang louder -- as the church is "singing" today, i.e. doing other things so that they don't have to hear the cries of the unborn or get involved. How is it that Christians can ignore the holocaust of abortion? Can real Christians turn away when innocent blood is being shed? We have this clear biblical injunction: "Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves; ensure justice for those who are perishing" (Proverbs 31:8-9). The impetus for courage in this can come from living the biblical philosophy which is found here: "Woe to those who call evil good and good evil" (Isaiah 5:20).
We are invited to become part of a living fence -- a ring of life which will save the lives of those in danger of dismemberment or poisoning, and offer their mothers practical help, support, prayer and encouragement.
[1] The Guttmacher Institute, research arm of Planned Parenthood, states that nearly two-thirds of women who have abortions consider themselves Christian.
[2] William Brennan, Dehumanizing the Vulnerable: When Word Games Take Lives, p. 9.
[3] Ibid., p. 11.
[4] Ibid., pp. 11-12.
[5] Ibid., p. 17, Robert Lichter study.
[6] "The latest expose of Planned Parenthood," LifeNews.com, 1/24/17
[7] "A New Ethic for Medicine and Society," California Medicine, 1970.
[8] William Brennan, Dehumanizing the Vulnerable.[9] Author M. Scott Peck affirms that self deception is the most profoundly awful and dangerous form of deception.
[10] Unplanned, Abby Johnson with Cindy Lambert, p. 143.[11] Ibid., p. 173.
[12] Ibid., pp. 189, 202.
[13] Exodus 21:22; Leviticus 17:11; Psalm 22:9-10; 127:3; 139:13-16; Proverbs 6:16-19; Isaiah 44:24; 49:5; Jeremiah 1:4-5; Matthew 5:21; Mark 7:20-21; Luke 1:15-17; 26-27, 30-37, 41; John 8:44; Romans 1:28-29; 11:32; 1 John 3:15; Revelation 22:15.
[14] Dr. Laurence White, "The Sin of Silence," address delivered at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Sep. 6, 2000.[15] Ibid.
[16] Abby and her husband have a nonprofit ministry to assist former abortion workers: And Then There Were None
[17] whowillstand.net[18] Unplanned, p. 274
[19] lifesitenews.com, 1-2-19
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