Israelites and Scythians Were Known As Arians
Ezekiel 1:1 mentions the
River Chebar (Habor) where the Judahites were taken captive in Babylon. But
Reuben, Gad and half-Manasseh were placed by Tiglath-Pileser in the mountain
district of Great MEDIA, a region expressly called HARA (1 Chronicles 5:26;
Ar being a mountain). In fact all ten tribes of Israel were placed in the
"cities of the MEDES" (2 Kings 17:6). Herodotus 7:62 says, "The
Medes were once universally known as ARIANS." HARA was named ARIA, ARIANA and
ARACHOSIA by the Greeks (see Ptolemy). It contains the city of HARAT.
According to the black obelisk discovered in the ruins of the palace of Nimrod
which is now in the British Museum, the people or leader of the ARIANS was
called ESAKSKA (Isaac) and their principal cities were "Beth-Telabon,
BethEverak and Beth-Tsida" in 670 B.C.
This information connects the Israelites with the ARIANS. Also the Arian
language is Hebraic, and like Hebrew, has three sibillants (Moore, Lost
Tribes, pp. 288-290, 299). Diodorus Siculus says, "many conquered
peoples were removed to other homes, and two of these became very great
colonies: the one was composed of Assyrians and was removed to the land between
Paphlagonia and Pontus, and the other was drawn from Media and planted along the
Tanais (the River Don in ancient Scythia -- the modern Ukraine, north of the
Black Sea, in southern Russia)" (2:43). Notice the areas from which these
colonies came - Assyria and Media. The very areas to which the House of Israel
was taken captive! "So was Israel carried away out of their own land TO ASSYRIA
unto this day" (2 Kings 17:23). "The king of Assyria took Samaria, and
carried Israel away INTO ASSYRIA and placed them in Halah and in Habor by the
River of Gozan, and in the CITIES OF THE MEDES" (2 Kings 17:6). These
ARIANS must have migrated to Thrace because, according to Stephanus,
Thrace was called ARIA. Herodotus also mentions a people "north of Thrace" "who
dress in the Median fashion" and "claim to be colonists from Media" (5:9).
From Thrace they migrated to
Germany since Tacitus mentions the HARII there in SE Germany (Ger.43).
The Thracian SCYTHIANS pricked and stained their bodies (Herodotus 5); so
did the ARII of Germany (Tacitus); the BELGAE of Britain (Caesar de
Bell. Gall.), and the PIKS of Norway and Scotland (Herodian;
Claudian). We believe that ARIANS or Nordic peoples are found primarily in
NW Europe today. Their mission is to BLESS all nations of the earth (Genesis
22:18; Micah 5:7). Rawlinson (in "Herodotus", essay iii, p. 325)
says, "that the Medes were a branch of the great ARIAN family, closely allied
both in language and religion to the Persians (Keturah's descendants?), another
ARIAN tribe, seems now to be generally admitted....Darius Hystaspes, in the
inscription upon his tomb, declares himself to be a Persian, the son of a
Persian, an ARIAN of ARIAN descent" (p. 77, Who Are We? By Harrison).