Hope of Israel Ministries (Ecclesia of YEHOVAH):
Child Slavery in Islamic Countries
Muslims in general -- and Muslim Arabs in particular -- deny their huge involvement and complicity in the African slave trade. However, Islam ordains this inhumanity and gives slaves and their sexual (and physical) abuse as a right, a mercy, booty for the Muslim male! Slavery provides great wealth and is an integral part of the Satanic Islamic civilization. This is the core of Islam and the basis of relations with others. This is the world view expounded in their text and shown in the disgusting example of a slave-trading, raping and thieving Mohammad whose cruelty to slaves and hatred of black people has been recorded. |
by HOIM Staff
While tens of thousands of adults are also victims of Arab slavers, many people only first took notice of the Arab slave trade in children when reports of enslaved child camel jockeys emerged from Persian Gulf countries. A 2004 HBO documentary on the subject was especially responsible for making Americans aware of this modern-day barbarism. These boys, who were sold by poor parents hoping their offspring would some day experience a better life, were primarily from South Asia. But instead of a life of dignity and meaningful work, they wound up in the Middle East where they were made to race camels for their Arab masters. Beaten and often sexually abused, they were all kept undernourished, so that the camels would have less weight to carry.
"As many as 6,000 child camel jockeys…languished in hidden slavery on ozbah farms, where their masters beat them and starved them to keep their weight down," wrote E. Benjamin Skinner in his book, A Crime So Monstrous.
When investigating in the 1990s the enslavement of hundreds of thousands of black Africans in Mauritania by Arab-Berber masters, African-American author Samuel Cotton was stunned to discover that African children were still being kidnapped by Arabs traveling with camels carrying big baskets. The child, usually playing alone, would suddenly be snatched from its play and placed in one such basket, after which its new owners hurried away. The children, he was told, are sometimes found later "hundreds of miles away as slaves."
Also during his investigation, which was summarized in his highly informative book Silent Terror: A Journey Into Contemporary African Slavery, Cotton was told there was "still a huge trafficking in slaves going on between Mauritania and the United Arab Emirates."
Black African children are also not always stolen so surreptitiously. Until recently in the southern Sudan, the old-fashioned slave raid witnessed villages being burned down, the men killed and the women and children captured. This was the Arab slavers' main harvesting tool of humans. Thousands of children were captured by this murderous method and forcibly taken as agricultural, domestic and sex slaves to Arab northern Sudan
-- where many still languish today. Darfur has also seen many children disappear from both refugee camps and towns subjected to central government attack. They are suspected victims of Arab slave hunters.But it is not only non-Arab children who are Arab child slave trade victims. An Egyptian newspaper, referring to a 2008 UNICEF report, stated Egyptian children are being bought and sold for about $3,000 for "domestic work and farming, among other things." This trade in children is so extensive in Egypt, organizations are "employing brokers, and even operating their own web sites.
"Many are also sent to the Gulf States, with orphanages being a major supplier," the story further reports.
Even from a country as far way as the Philippines children are trafficked to the Middle East. In 2008, for example, 34 minors between the ages of 14 and 16 were rescued at Manila airport by social workers as they were about to depart on fake passports for unnamed Middle Eastern countries. Again, war and poverty played a role in these young people's desperation. They were from refugees camps in the war-torn southern island of Mindanao where an insurgency is raging between government forces and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front.
While most civilized people nowadays recoil in horror from the idea of slavery, especially when it involves children, many fundamentalist Middle Eastern Muslims do not. In fact, they view the psychological death and destruction of innocent lives as their legal right. Under sharia law, which rules the Sudan and the Gulf States, Muslims are legally allowed to own slaves. Bernard Lewis, the eminent scholar of Islam, writes "…the institution of slavery is not only recognized but is elaborately regulated by Sharia law." Another reason for this inhuman sense of entitlement is that the prophet Muhammad was also a slave owner, setting the example for the fundamentalists.
Besides a codified religious supremacy, there is also the element of racial superiority behind the hideous practice of Arab slavery, especially when it concerns black Africans. Arab racism is at the roots of Islamic slavery that has seen 14 million black Africans enslaved and sold around the Islamic world from the seventh to the twentieth century.
Unfortunately for its victims, the abolition of Arab slavery will be difficult to even initiate -- especially when the international community remains deafeningly silent about it. The case of Dr. Abu Zayd, a Cairo University professor and Islamic theologian, amply illustrates the problem. When Zayd contended that "keeping slave girls and taxing non-Muslims" was contrary to Islam, an Egyptian sharia court forcibly divorced him from his wife and declared him an apostate. He later had to flee to Europe to escape Islamic extremists who wanted to kill him because of his apostate status.
Slavery was only abolished in Saudi Arabia and other states of the Arabian Peninsula in the early 1960s, so one cannot expect an institution that has existed for centuries to be done away any time soon. For example, the widow of the emir of Abu Dhabi and her four daughters were caught living in Brussels in 2008 with 20 slaves who they were mistreating. And Dubai is the center for the region's sex industry that Skinner calls "a place of slavery for women." Promised jobs, thousands of women full of hope arrive there from Eastern Europe, sub-Saharan Africa and Asia annually only to have their passports taken away immediately upon arrival and to be forced into prostitution.
One Gulf State Arab woman, a former candidate for Kuwait's parliament, does not even hide the fact there should be sex slaves for Arab men and claims sheikhs and muftis she spoke with in Mecca sanctioned this. As a result, Salwa al-Mutairi wants non-Muslim women captured in war made available to Muslim men, so that the men can be "protected from adultery." She affirmed: "For example, in the Chechnya war, surely there are female Russian captives. So go and buy those and sell them here in Kuwait…I don't see any problem in this."
Al-Mutairi's despicable utterances came only a week after a Muslim preacher announced that, since Islam allows Muslims to buy and sell conquered infidel women, "When I want a sex-slave, I go to the market and pick whichever female I desire and buy her."
The combination of Islam’s anti-black racism and its hatred for all non-Muslims was unleashed on Africa through raids and invasions from the 7th century on. Tribal hatreds and wars are a legacy of Islam’s slave trade where certain tribes "converted" and enslaved other tribes. Africa has been decimated; it’s social fabric, people and cultures destroyed. The barbarity of Islam has impacted severely on many, inhibiting development, equality, freedom and tolerance. Islamic slavery was so integrated into African society that many struggle with freedom -- many remain enslaved even today. Jihad slavery, allowed under sharia, is an effective weapon of Islamization.
Using the information available on the slave trade, and the survival rate of those in transit to slave markets, estimates suggest 140 million to possibly 180 million black Africans were directly affected (Scourge 2004). Add to that those slaughtered in battles to obtain slaves or perishing later as a result of the destruction of the tribe, food or shelter.
Europe became involved in the slave trade from 1519-1815 -- i.e., Portuguese, Dutch, French often selling slaves on to the Spanish. Briton became involved in the slave trade in the 17th century but outlawed the slave trade in 1807. The International Treaty of Europe, signed by all the European powers in 1815, included abolition of the slave trade. Punishments in Briton for involvement in the slave trade moved from 14 years hard labor in 1810 to death in 1825 (Khan 2009, p. 324). A Parliamentary decree in 1833 set ALL slaves in the British Empire free. This was followed by France in 1848, then the Dutch and the new United States in 1865.
Islamic slave trade today
Europeans didn’t need to use force or risk their lives venturing into African jungles searching for slaves, they simply bought the majority from Muslim slave traders or African chiefs and merchants at the coast. Hence these numbers should be added to Islam’s black slave trade total. For centuries Islam had operated an extensive network to obtain African slaves. Merchandise was exchanged for slaves.
Although Briton worked in Africa and on the seas to halt the slave trade, a further 2 million Africans were enslaved by Muslim traders in the 1800’s alone (19th century). More accurate 1800’s records show that 1.2 million slaves were brought across the Sahara into the Middle-east, plus at least 450,000 that came via the Red Sea and 442,000 from the East African coastal ports i.e., 2 million black slaves! At least 8 million are calculated to have died before reaching Islamic slave markets. (Scourge 2004).
As we have seen from the text and laws presented in Islam’s genocidal slavery, Islam fully endorses slavery. Allah determines who will be enslaved, and provides slaves as a mercy/booty for Muslim men. Mohammad’s statements and behavior provided an appalling example, particularly towards black people.
Some points to contemplate:
1) The Muslim Arab (Ottoman) controlled black slave trade from Africa was vast and even continues today.
Unbelievably enormous numbers of people were enslaved from the 7th century on, particularly in raids (Bostom 2005, Ye’or 2002, Khan 2009).
The jihad slave system meant tributaries sent huge contingents of slaves of both sexes to the caliph e.g. When Amr conquered Tripoli (Libya) in 643, as jizya, Jewish and Christian Berbers had to give their wives and children as slaves to the Arab armies. Every year for about 600 years, (652-1276) Nubia sent a tribute of slaves to Muslim rulers in Cairo. Many towns across north Africa sent tributes of slaves. Nubians and Ethiopians were preferred as their slender features and thin noses were preferred to equatorial Bantus, generally reserved for hard toil, menial tasks (Trifovik 2002; Islam and Slavery 2007; Khan 2009 p. 285).
The "European/American" involvement in purchasing African slaves from Arab/African Muslims in particular, lasted just over 3 centuries (e.g. Trifkovic 2002, p. 173).
2) There was no abolition of slavery movement in the Arab Islamic world -- any end to slavery (at least in public) resulted from western influence or intervention. Jihad laws incorporate slavery for others (Reliance).
A strong abolition of slavery movement developed in the west, involving black and white anti-slavers, halting slavery.
3) Islam’s Eunuch slavery: Eunuch slavery became prominent within 200 years of the initial Arab jihad conquests (i.e., 9th century) and continued into the 20th century (Bostom 2005, p. 92). Eunuch slaves were obtained from raids outside the Muslim lands. Under Islam male slaves were castrated usually between the ages of 4 and 12. Most were used to supervise women in Muslim harems. Handsome young boy eunuchs (Ghilman) were also used for homosexual activity.
The following text can clearly be read in the Koran as Allah sanctioning the use of eunuchs -- who clearly lack sexual desire or needs or vigor (capacity to perform sexually), particularly when castrated as children:
Koran 24.31 "And say to the believing women that they cast down their looks and guard their private parts and do not display their ornaments except what appears thereof, and let them wear their head-coverings over their bosoms, and not display their ornaments except to their husbands or their fathers, or the fathers of their husbands, or their sons, or the sons of their husbands, or their brothers, or their brothers' sons, or their sisters' sons, or their women, or those whom their right hands possess [slaves], or the male servants not having need (of women), or the children who have not attained knowledge of what is hidden of women; and let them not strike their feet so that what they hide of their ornaments may be known; and turn to Allah all of you, O believers! So that you may be successful" (shakir translation USC site)
Koran 52.24 "Round about them will serve, (devoted) to them, young male servants (handsome) as Pearls well-guarded."
Koran 56.17-18 "And there shall wait on them immortal youths with bowls and ewers and a cup of purest wine."
Koran 76.19 "There wait on them immortal youths, whom, when thou seest, thou wouldst take for scattered pearls."
Disgustingly Muslim apologist Amuni (2008) tries to make Islam sound great by noting the eunuchs (some only) "life of luxury." "Aren’t you just keen to be completely emasculated so you can service your master’s desires or guard his harem?" Eunuchs had to give allegiance to their masters, they had no other choice. He also tries to make Islam look good by claiming a few part black or full black men almost ruled (titular rule, regents) in Egypt, one cruel one with a black slave mother and a huge black slave army ruled in Morocco (until Arabs attacked) and another with a small slave army ruled a tiny kingdom in Morocco in the 1880s! After the centuries of Islamic slavery and the millions involved, these absurd tiny examples are an indictment of Islam.
While Slavic and Greek slaves had their testicles removed, black African slaves had their testicles and penis cut off (Trivkovic 2002, p. 174). Slaves across Islam’s reach e.g. India, Asia were castrated. Black slaves were castrated "based on the assumption that the blacks had an ungovernable sexual appetite" (Scourge, 2004).
Hence only such radically castrated males could be sure not to "damage" the Muslim ruler’s property -- his females (Harem from haram -- forbidden, prohibited).
The castration of male slaves was common place. "The Calipha in Baghdad at the beginning of the 10th Century had 7000 black eunuchs and 4000 white eunuchs in his palace." It was noted that there were widespread "homosexual relations" as well (Scourge, 2004).
As late as 1903, the Ottoman imperial harem had 400-500 females guarded by 194 black African eunuchs (did nearly 2000 die in obtaining these?) (Bostom, 2005 p. 92).
Extraordinary rates of morbidity and mortality were associated with the practice -- mortality rates of 90% are reported for areas across Africa and some even higher i.e., survival rates of 1 in 10 to 1 in 30! Death resulted from hemorrhage or infection (Bostom 2005; p. 93; Scourge 2004). In some cases hot coals may be used to cauterize wounds but this is difficult when the penis has also been removed as it may cause the sealing of the urethra, so urine cannot be released resulting in death. With a survival rate of 1 in 10, possibly 63,000 died to provide the 7000 black eunuchs for the caliph in Baghdad, and that’s without considering the death rate during the acquisition and transport of slaves! The numbers that died to supply these eunuchs is mind boggling, particularly if every little Muslim ruler, sheik, wealthy merchant, trader etc., had to have some!
Islamic law demands amputation of limbs, stoning, clitoridectomy, and Mohammad put out people’s eyes so the claimed "Islam prohibits physical mutilation" becomes absurd particularly for infidels. Many eunuchs were castrated before entering Islamic territory or dhimmis were forced to carry out the procedure (e.g. Jews, Copts). Remember dhimmis had to clean toilets, remove dead animals, often carryout executions etc. -- any dirty thing Muslims didn’t want to do.
4) Under Islam slaves were forced into armies or used for sex, household labor, menial labor, building, agriculture, plantation work, mining, or administration (white Europeans). Islamic slave armies could be huge e.g., 50,000-250,000 in Morocco, Egypt, Persia. "Late 18th century, Moroccan Sultan Moulay Ismail (r. 1672-1727) had an army of black slaves said to number 250,000" (Khan 2009, p. 286, 302). At times, the slave armies of one leader were put to the sword by the new ruler. E.g., Fatimids based in Cairo, ruling North Africa (10-12th century).
Harems were also huge: "The harem of Abdal Rahman III (912-961) in Cordoba contained over 6000 concubines! And the one in the Fatimid Palace in Cairo had twice as many " (Scourge citing Ronald Segal in "Islam's Black Slaves").
The Ottoman sultans had harems until their empire collapsed in 1921. In the princely state of Bahawalpur in Sindh the impotent Muslim ruler used hundreds of dildos to satisfy his harem of 390 women until 1954 when taken over by the Pakistani army (Khan 2009, p. 311).
However every Muslim man could have concubines or household slaves who provided sex as female slaves were extremely cheap, and sex was his right according to Allah in Islam’s text and laws
"In the 19th century, some 769,000 black slaves were engaged in the Arab plantations of Zanzibar and Pemba, while 95,000 of them were shipped to the Arab plantations in the Mascareme Islands from East Africa alone" (Khan 2009, p. 307-308). (NOTE: this is more black slaves than were transported to the U.S. -- about 500,000!)
The historical Muslim Arabs’ role in the slave trade seems to have been forgotten or forgiven, even by the Africans themselves.
Most slaves in the west were for agricultural work or domestic duties.
5) Muslim Arabs took mainly women and children: The rise of the Turkic Mamelukes (white slave soldiers) (Sookdheo 2007, p. 165-167) who eventually, due to their huge numbers in the military, took power in Egypt (9th century) is not an indication of Islam’s nice treatment of slaves, but of the danger of using huge numbers from one group -- following this black African slaves were preferred in the Arab Islamic world.
Slaves from West Africa, the Zanj, who had been imported into the Tigris-Euphrates delta to reclaim salt marshland through their backbreaking labor, staged an uprising from 869-883 which even threatened the ruling elite in Baghdad. Eventually they were defeated, slaughtered or enslaved. Hence males were considered trouble so females were preferred, making up 2/3 of the slaves (Islam and Slavery, 2007). Adult males were often slaughtered.
The European/American slave trade took more men than women.
6) The mortality rate for slaves in transit across the Sahara or East Africa was 80-90%. Many eyewitness reports note the sadism towards slaves who were chained or tied, deprived of food, shelter, water and viciously treated -- i.e., axed, burnt with red hot irons, whipped, beaten, raped and forced to walk huge distances in any weather and carry great weights (Scourge 2004, Bostom 2005, Spencer 2008). Children were taken from their parents and families were separated. Black slaves were stored in underground dungeons (matamores) filled with filth and water and cramped. Slaves could only climb out to go to the slave market (Khan 2009, pp. 293-294). And the torture didn’t stop when sold to a new owner.
The mortality rate for slaves transported across the Atlantic was possibly 10%.
"The average Englishman on the street was kept in the dark as to what was actually happening on the middle passage, until, in 1785, Thomas Clarkson's landmark study Slavery and Commerce In the Human Species was first published at Cambridge. According to Clarkson's research, 10% of the slaves would normally die during the middle passage" (Scourge 2004).
7) An estimated "minimum" of 14 to 32 million or more African slaves reached the Middle East (Scourge 2004; Khan 2009, p. 334, Spencer 2008, Trifkovic, 2002). As 80% died in transit before reaching the markets, this suggests at least 112 million died making a total of over 140 million+ victims of the trans- Saharan and east African Arab Islamic slave trade. This does NOT include those slaughtered in the initial attack or dying due to the destruction of their tribe, village, crops and livestock.
Sookhdeo, (2007, p. 250) notes that over 1,700,000 black slaves were exported by Arabs across the trans-Saharan route during 900-1100. During the same time some 10,000 PER YEAR (i.e., another 2 million in 200 hundred years) were shipped across the Red sea and Indian Ocean to India and Islamic Asia (i.e., about 4 million in 200 years alone...).
By the Middle Ages, the Arab word "abd" was in general use to denote a black slave while the word "mamluk" referred to a white slave. Even as late as the 19th Century, it was noted that in Mecca "there are few families that do not keep slaves. They all keep mistresses in common with their lawful wives" (Scourge 2004).
It is estimated that 10.5-11 million Africans were transported across the Atlantic. 95% went to Portuguese, Spanish and French "possessions" in South and Central America (1519-1815). Only 5% ended up in what became the United States. According to The Slave Trade by Hugh Thomas, approximately 4 million (35.4%) went to Portuguese controlled Brazil; 2.5 million (22.1%) to the Spanish nations of South and Central America; 2 million (17.7%) to the British West Indies (mostly Jamaica); 1.6 million (14.1%) to French West Indies; half a million (4.4%) to Dutch West Indies and half a million (4.4%) to North America (starting in the 1520s) (Scourge 2004, Khan 2009, p. 324). (Why does the U.S. get the blame and accept the shame of slavery?)
Despite "speculation" that a "sizable percentage of slaves possessed at least some knowledge of Islam", Wikipedia is hard pressed to name more than a few Muslims arriving in America. One arrived in central America as a "slave of Spain" and was enslaved by Indians before escaping (YES, Indians practiced slavery pre-white settlers, see Scourge, Spencer); one returned to Africa after a few years; one converted to Christianity; and one actually practiced Islam with a tiny group (LINK).
This is not surprising, nor is the statement that some had a "knowledge of Islam" as Islam was responsible for the enslavement of black people so many would know just what Islam meant for them! As Muslims including black Muslims, were the enslavers, one would expect few slaves to be Muslim though some may have converted en route to save their life. The superior white Arabs or Afro-Arabs today enslave inferior black people (Christians, Animists, or Muslim) in the Sudan.
America’s black African population is fed the lie that they were Muslim
-- in fact Africa was Christian, animist and had a range of other beliefs before Islam invaded, attacked and enslaved. Despite persecution and enslavement by the Romans, by the 4th century, of the estimated 30 million Christians, most were in Africa and Asia Minor.8) Racism: Where are the expected huge populations of black people in the middle-east? While many black men were castrated, the Muslim male was free to enjoy the black females but what happened to the offspring? Were little girls raped, damaging their reproductive organs so they couldn’t reproduce or were they infected and rendered sterile or were the children killed at birth or used as slaves who were castrated or forced into the military or otherwise died without reproducing?
The Atlantic slave trade regarded slaves as valuable assets whose life and progeny should be preserved....in the Muslim world slaves were cheap, readily available, and dispensable (Trifkovic 2002).
In Brazil and the U.S. today there are large populations of black people as most slaves could marry and have families. They have equal rights and freedoms as others and are found across all areas of life. In the U.S. black people are revered as TV and film stars, sports stars, politicians, academics, doctors, lawyers, trades people, chefs, writers and musicians etc. They can reach the highest levels of government.
Racism against black people was evident in both situations but in the west efforts are made to overcome racism against all people (black, white, Asian, Indian etc). Anti-black racism is still evident in the Arab Islamic world following the example of Mohammad.
The first Africans in the British colonies were temporarily indentured servants like many white colonists. Eventually, economic incentives lead to African-American slavery and the legitimating racism (Keener). However, there were still free black communities composed of ordinary, free black immigrants and offspring and freed slaves. 6 people from the free black community served on the first Board of Managers of the American Anti-Slavery Society (1833-1870) whose membership in 1840 ranged from 150,000-200,000. It disbanded following the Civil War and the full emancipation of slaves. The American Colonization society founded in 1817 purchased and freed slaves then transported freed slaves and free born black people back to Africa -- Liberia (Encyclopaedia Britannica: ready reference and Index Vol. I Printed in USA 1982).
What is also seldom remembered is that many black Americans in the 19th Century owned slaves. According to the United States census of 1830, in just the one town of Charleston, South Carolina, 407 black Americans owned slaves themselves (Scourge 2004). Obviously black people had rights and could become prosperous, and own other black people as slaves. Black religious and business leaders, men and women, were part of the abolitionist movement.
The first legally recognized slave in the American colonies was owned by a black man who had himself arrived as an indentured servant. The first slave owners on the North American continent were hunter-gatherers (Spencer, 2008).
9) Muslims in general and Muslim Arabs in particular, deny their huge involvement and complicity in the African slave trade and the full support of slavery in Islamic text and Mohammad’s example. Islam did not "improve" slavery in the sense of making it nicer, on the contrary, it religiously ordained this inhumanity and gave slaves and their sexual (and physical) abuse as a right, a mercy, booty for the Muslim male! Islam’s practices and laws rendered society more barbaric than in the distant past. Remember many earlier religions demanded kindness to slaves. Neither Buddha nor Yeshua the Messiah were slave owners or traders. Manumission of slaves where slaves paid for their freedom or were simply emancipated as a voluntary act of their masters was practiced even a thousand years pre-Islam. Even Islamic text tells us people treated slaves well and manumitted them before Islam. Allah’s prophet Mohammad was a slave owner and trader who handed females to friends and sexually abused captured females. Allah made certain people slaves. Slavery provided great wealth and is an integral part of Islamic civilization.
Western Christian text and thought and ideals of freedom and equality stopped slavery. Under western pressure the Ottomans and Egypt attempted to suppress slavery but this was resisted as anti-Islamic and contrary to sharia. In 1960, African Muslims going on the Hajj still took slaves to sell in Saudi Arabia (Khan 2009, p. 345).
10) Islam’s black slave trade continues in the 21st century. Colonial control halted slavery but today, in "independent" nations under Islam, racism and slavery re-emerge e.g., Mauritania and the Sudan where Afro-Arabs/Arabs attack and enslave black Africans who are regarded as inferior.
Niger, supposedly "abolished" slavery in 2004 but the ban is widely ignored, and as many as one million people remain in bondage. "Slaves are bred, often raped, and generally treated like animals" (Spencer, 2008).
Winston Churchill served in the Sudan and in 1899 wrote:
"All [of the Arab Muslim tribes of the Sudan] without exception, were hunters of men. To the great slave markets of Jeddah a continual stream of negro captives has flowed for hundreds of years. The invention of gunpowder and adoption by the Arabs of firearms facilitated the traffic...Thus the situation in the Sudan may be summed up as follows: The dominant race of Arab invaders was increasingly spreading its blood, religion, customs, and language among the black aboriginal population, and at the same time it harried and enslaved them..." (Bostom 2005, p. 89).
Nothing has changed! Sudan set strict sharia in place in 1983 and a 1992 fatwa justified a military onslaught against non-Muslims. Reports and testimonies show slavery, gang rape, sadism, beating, forced conversion to Islam and genocide via slaughter, enslavement, poverty and starvation as food goes only to Muslims. Islamic scholars openly admit slavery is lawful for "prisoners of war" (infidels) and for the sexual propagation of slaves for their owner (Trifkovic 2002 pp. 176-179). Hundreds of thousands are involved (Islam and Slavery 2007, Spencer 2008).
Repressive Islamic rule is still being spread into the South Sudan despite some "separation." Darfur in the North and other "black" areas continue to suffer. Any criticism of policy or human rights abuse is considered blasphemy against Islam (Ye’Or 2002, pp. 204-207, 396-397).
The BBC reported in March 2007 that slave raids "were a common feature of Sudan’s 21-year north-south war, which ended in 2005....According to a study by the Kenya-based Rift Valley Institute, some 11,000 young boys and girls were seized and taken across the internal border -- many to the states of South Darfur and West Kordofan....Most were forcibly converted to Islam, given Muslim names and told not to speak their mother tongue" (Spencer, 2008).
Christian Solidarity International freed 15,447 slaves between 1945-1999 (Khan 2009, p. 347). Christians working with local authorities, churches and inter-ethnic peace committees have worked throughout the 20-21st century to release slaves e.g., 267 released in February/March 2009 (CSI 2009).
Mauritania officially abolished slavery in 1980 but the practice continues with an estimated 200,000 men, women and children bought and sold like cattle and used as domestics, shepherds and farmhands (Bostom 2005, p. 92).
Thousands of Haratines ("black moors" -- i.e., initially black slaves of the Berbers "white Moors") remain slaves -- "aside from the shantytowns and a strip of land along the Senegal River, virtually all blacks are slaves and they are more than half the population" (Keener). In June 2006, Mauritania’s president claimed he would fight the slavery in his country (Sookhdeo 2007; p. 167).
A report in LeVie (French magazine, no. 2562 6/10/94), states that 45,000 young black Africans a year are still kidnapped and reduced to slavery as servants in the Gulf States (Persian Gulf) and Middle East. This continues in the 21st century.
The article Twenty-first Century African Slaves -- In the Land of Islam states "From the Niger River to Sudan slavery continues to be practiced and justified in the name of the Koran." The article notes the "reluctance" to study Arab/Islamic slavery and the ongoing slave routes and abuse, particularly of black people -- they are treated worse than animals (
www.chiesa).African and Indian slaves continue to be found in Iran (Bostom Jihad, p. 92).
Child slavery continues in the Emirates -- Dubai’s rulers have been charged with 30,000 counts of child slavery. Laborers and domestic workers have passports confiscated and face appalling conditions as virtual slaves.
Domestic "slaves" are found across the Islamic world most of which only outwardly banned slavery in the late 20th century or early 21st century. Post 1962, Saudi Arabia alone was estimated to contain a quarter of a million slaves (Keener).
The slaves of Muslims have been discovered in Britain and the U.S.
Some of the evidence that Islamic slavery still goes on consists of a spate of slavery cases involving Muslims in the United States. A Saudi named Homaidan Al-Turki was sentenced in September 2006 to 27 years to life in prison, for keeping a woman as a slave in his home in Colorado. For his part, Al-Turki claimed that he was a victim of anti-Muslim bias. He told the judge: "Your honor, I am not here to apologize, for I cannot apologize for things I did not do and for crimes I did not commit. The state has criminalized these basic Muslim behaviors. Attacking traditional Muslim behaviors was the focal point of the prosecution." The following month, an Egyptian couple living in Southern California received a fine and prison terms, to be followed by deportation, after pleading guilty to holding a ten-year-old girl as a slave. And in January 2007, an attach
é of the Kuwaiti embassy in Washington and his wife were charged with keeping three Christian domestic workers from India in slave-like conditions in al-Saleh’s Virginia home. One of the women remarked: "I believed that I had no choice but to continue working for them even though they beat me and treated me worse than a slave" (Spencer, 2008).Many other cases occur e.g., Saudi’s in Britain and the U.S.! (Khan 2009, p. 349-350).
Make no mistake, as Islam revives so do the sacred Islamic institutions of jihad (till all the religion is Allah's), dhimmitude and slavery. This is the core of Islam and the basis of relations with others. This is the world view expounded in their text and shown in the fine example of a slave-trading, raping and thieving Mohammad whose cruelty to slaves and hatred of black people has been noted.
It’s long past time that the far greater practice of slavery by Islam was acknowledged. The West/Christians/British/Americans/French...are unique in being the only group to stand against slavery that had existed for thousands of years across cultures.
If the west is abused for its short period of slavery, how much more condemnation and compensation is required from Islam?
When I see African refugees and immigrants here dressed in Arabic white robes, following white-Arab supremacist Islam, chanting prayers in Arabic, or even worse, an aboriginal woman wrapped head-to-toe in the heat of Northern Australia, I know there is something very wrong. And what’s wrong is that our universities, schools, politicians and even religious leaders don’t tell the truth about Islam and its horror history. Islam’s black slave trade is only half the story for they also took white/European slaves and slaves from Asia stretching into India, Indonesian and Malaysia.
PS: Islam’s aversion to black is revealed in many ways -- e.g., black dogs are highly offensive and are devils (e.g., Muslim Book 4 Number 1032, Sunaan ibn Majah 2.952) and Mohammad said to kill all black dogs (Abu-Dawud Book 16, Numbers 2839, 2840). The best sacrificial animals (e.g., sheep, goats) are white ones, while the least acceptable are black (Reliance of the Traveler Law J14.2 p. 358). In strict Islamic countries their offensive women are covered in long black shrouds.
The statistics and reports are based on log books from the African slave ports, ships logs, travelers reports, eyewitness accounts etc., cited in The Legacy of Arab-Islam in Africa by John Alimbillah Azumah’ presented on YouTube as "Islam and Slavery" from inthenameofallah.org. Statistics are also obtained from other references.
1) Amuni, O.K Dr. The African Slave Trade (Nigerian Department of Foreign Languages, Lagos State University, Lagos, Nigeria. Brazil 10-14 Nov.2008 (a propaganda piece for Islam dressed as "research.")
2) Bostom, A. G. The Legacy of Jihad: Islamic Holy War and the Fate of the Non-Muslims. Prometheus Books. New York. 2005.
3) CSI: 267 Southern Sudanese Slaves Liberated. 11/3/09. Christian Solidarity International.
4) Islam and Slavery 2007
5) Keener, C. Christianity, Islam and Slavery.
6) Khan, M. A. Islamic Jihad: A Legacy of Forced Conversion, Imperialism and Slavery. iUniverse, Bloomington, IN. 2009.
7) O’Neill. Holy Warriors: Islam and the Demise of Classical Civilization. Felibri publications. 2009.
8) Reliance of the Traveler: A Classic Manual of Islamic Sacred Law. In Arabic with facing English Text, commentary and appendices edited and translated by Nuh Ha Mim Keller Al-Misri, Ahmad ibn Naqib; Amana publications Maryland USA 1994.
9) Sookhdeo, P. Global Jihad: The Future in the Face of Militant Islam. Isaac Publishing. 2007.
10) Spencer, R. Slavery, Christianity, and Islam 4/2/2008.
11) The Scourge of Slavery vol. 4 2004 )
12) Trifkovic, S. The Sword of the Prophet.’ Regina Orthodox Press, Inc. 2002.
13) Ye’or, Bat. Islam and Dhimmitude: Where Civilizations Collide. Fairleigh Dickinson University Press. 2002.
14) Islamic text on line or ALIMCDRom.
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