Hope of Israel Ministries (Ecclesia of YEHOVAH):
The Curious Camouflaged Chronicle of the People Called Jews
Pharisaic Talmudism in its present form, is a rather late development, beginning in early medieval times, after the coming of the Khazars into Europe. Benjamin Freedman always called them “so-called and self-styled Jews”. They are NOT the people seen in the Bible. They are NOT Semitic and certainly NOT Judean, but Judaism from A.D. 1000 onward is almost entirely a Khazar creation. Moreover, their ideology and their behavior are truly elitist and racist, just as we see in their apartheid mini-state. |
by Harrell Rhome, M.Div., Ph.D.
Make the primary Khazarian connection. A significantly large number of the folk called Jews are not Semitic in origin, and their ancestors never set foot in old Palestine. For over a millennium, an originally Asiatic tribe has had considerable, some say undue, influence on the course of world affairs, perhaps more than any other ethnic group. Who are they? Few, if any other cultures have impacted the world through the ages like this people. Their real name almost faded away along with their once mighty empire of Khazaria. In contrast, the people called Khazars did not disappear at all. They underwent a convenient identity change, creating a unique designation for themselves. They became the “Jews of Eastern Europe”, the so-called and self-styled Ashkenazim, adopting and adapting a Semitic Hebrew heritage that was never really theirs. It was under this new name that they entered Europe.
States Harold Rosenthal in an interview:
“Jews are the most intelligent people in the world, so if it benefits them to change their names, they do so. That’s all there is to it. They mix in your society which is plenty corrupt....” (Modern Jews Are Neither Shemites Nor Israelites, 1976 interview).
Following the Trail Can Be Difficult
“The truth cannot be told without words, but lies can be told in silence” (Anonymous source).
Quite naturally, one of the first questions some readers ask is why there are so few books on Khazarian culture and history? In addition to being ignored and somewhat suppressed, there are reasons of a more scholarly nature. Douglas M. Dunlop, whose study preceded Arthur Koestler’s, was one of the first modern scholars to directly address this little-known saga:
“A continuous account of the Khazars was in fact given by the Cambridge historian J. B. Bury, in a chapter of his History of the Eastern Roman Empire [London, 1912]. This may be taken as the best account available, though there are others, besides a great number of monographs on various aspects of the subject and incidental references in modern books. The chief reason why we are not more familiar with the Khazars appears to be neither the lack of intrinsic interest presented by their story nor the absence of material, but rather the difficulty of dealing with the existing sources -- partly because they are written in a variety of languages, Greek, Arabic, Hebrew, Syriac, Armenian, Georgian, Russian, Persian, Turkish, and even Chinese, with which no one can be expected to be conversant at first hand; and partly because of the contradiction and obscurity of the data thus afforded” (History Of The Jewish Khazars, p. x.).
Dr. Koestler was a tragic character in some ways. Always a premier figure in the mostly Judaic-led American Communist movement, as did others, he ultimately grew ill at ease and uncomfortable. While ignoring the Khazar Judaic origin hypothesis in his 1199pp. 2008 volume, The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit and its Impact on World History, E. Michael Jones briefly describes the curious and forlorn Communist activist author in page 4:
“Arthur Koestler, a Hungarian Jew described his defection and his disillusionment in Darkness at Noon, one of the great political novels of the twentieth century.”
“Koestler, who committed suicide after questioning the Semitic origins of the Askenazi in The Thirteenth Tribe, had significant impact on American Jews, who moved from the Communist Party.”
The Genesis of a Strategic Term
This term is our second Khazarian connection; a few points must be made about the word, Jew. It was originally spelled and pronounced very differently than today. The meaning was Judean, i.e., someone from Judea, a small subsection of ancient Palestine. In its beginning, this meant nothing necessarily religious. It was a simple geographical designation, but things have changed. The modern word is a “secondary usage”, and did not take on its current meaning or pronunciation until the 1700s. Through this adaptation and misusage, the Khazars took on the special mantle and alleged heritage (in truth, mostly mythological anyway) of an ancient coalition of Semitic tribes, sometimes called Habiru Sagaz (“raiders from across the river”), Hebrews or Israelites. Israel means “chosen of El.” Israelite, like Judean, was used at one time or another by several tribes who migrated around the area.
But wherever the alleged bloodline rights to any purportedly “promised lands” may lead, they never lead to non-Semitic Khazaria. Khazars are neither the “Chosen Ones” nor the “Children of Israel” except in their own fantasies and desires! The real roots of the ancient Semitic Middle Eastern tribes are quite hard to follow. In practical and provable historical terms, there are no pure and distinct bloodlines back to Old Testament times. How can we follow bloodlines when we hardly know who some of those ancient folk really were? One need not explore too far into ancient history to realize how very little we actually know. Later in my composition, we’ll address genetic studies and ancient origins in more detail.
“Historical sequences are convoluted at best. The players are manifold and the events themselves become lost in the obscurity of antiquity” (The Phoenix Journals).
Make the Connection!
Christianity -- especially as it has come down to us after the Roman usurpation of c.325 -- is a Semitic religion based on its predecessor faith, Talmudic Judaism. Some parts of the vast compilation called the Bible have motivating and far-reaching things to say. For those who follow New Testament teachings, here is what the Messiah said to the Talmudic cult over twenty centuries ago. There is a theme here, one of lies and deception. Modern “Judeo-Christians” (what an ultra misnomer!) seem obsessed with prophecies of one kind or another, but can they connect what is below with current events? Sadly, few seem willing or able to do so, choosing to believe “Jesus was a Jew” and that today’s Zionists are the “chosen people”. That is not what your Bible says at all. There’s a lot more of what the one called the Messiah said if you bother to find it, but these verses should really be enough. Make the connection!
“Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it. And because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not” (John 8:44-45).
“I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie" (Revelation 2:9-10, 3:9).
Who is spoken in these verses? Who fits this profile? Is the Messiah talking about the Khazar faux Jews who entered Europe a thousand years after he spoke? If so, we could say this young Palestinian prophet, a revolutionary leading a resistance movement against the Pharisaic cult and conspiracy that ultimately murdered him, provided a prescient look ahead. While the Khazars are surely not the people of the New Testament, having merely appropriated this supposed heritage and mythos, they certainly match the Talmudists of yesteryear in cunning and guile. For hundreds of years, the Khazar Judaics have gravitated to and excelled in the teachings of the Talmud. Unfortunately, a lot of today’s Christianity is little more than an acceptable form of Judaism for the goyim. As in many cases, they say it best themselves.
“Judaism is not only the teaching of the synagogue, but also the doctrine of every ‘Christian Church’ in America. Through our propaganda the Church has become our most avid supporter. This has even given us a special place in society, their believing the lie that we are the ‘Chosen People’ and they, ‘Gentiles’” (Harold Rosenthal Interview).
Making More Connections for Our World Today
“History is always written generations after the event, when clouded fact and memory have all fused into what can be accepted as truth, whether it be so or not” (Theodore White).
Why is the authentic history of this obscure tribal group so imperative? Not only is the USA, indeed almost every western government, committed financially and militarily to defend the unjustly established State of Israel, as we painfully see, almost every Christian church in America promotes this Khazar Zionist nightmare regime. The present-day reality of the Israeli mini-state and its myriad of problems take on an entirely different meaning when seen in proper context. But first, we must lift the veil of obfuscation. When the Khazarian connection is made, it truly begs the question of why the American people support these patently false land claims from a racial/tribal lineage that was never remotely from Palestine, or anywhere else in the Mideast. This is the crucial importance of what are otherwise just little known facts about an obscure ancient people.
As a result of media suppression and a dumbed-down educational system even at the university level, few Americans make the Khazarian connection. American Muslims know the truth through their own news services such as Radio Islam, but most other Americans, especially Christians, seem either to know nothing or don’t care to know anything as it contradicts their religious beliefs. Not only that, how is it that most of the people called Jews know or understand very little of this tale? What force is powerful enough, not so much to rewrite history, but to write around it, virtually erasing significant traces or comments about the ferocious Khazar tribes, and their early impact on the world? At its height, Khazaria consisted of a territory in West Central Asia and Eastern Europe encompassing around 1,000,000 square miles, located between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea (once called the Chasarian Sea), and northwest to Kiev. Why the historical blackout? Who are they? What happened to them?
“God cannot alter the past, but historians can” (Samuel Butler).
An Overview of Khazarian History
Here are the fundamental facts as set forth, not only by the historians and books of the past, but by those in modern times. The works of Arthur Koestler, Benjamin Freedman, D. M. Dunlop, Kevin Brook, and more than a few others speak to these matters.
“Khazar is a Turkish word derived from the root, ‘kaz’, with the meaning of ‘gez’ (wander). In Anatolian Turkish, the term ‘khazar’ means ‘gezer’ (wanderer), and coincides with the meaning of a nomad who freely wanders around without any connection to one place. Probably, this word took its final shape through an etymological transformation in the forms of ‘gezer’, ‘gazar’, ‘kazar’ and ‘hazar’. The word is ‘el-Hazar’ in Arabic, ‘Huzari’, ‘Kozar’ in Hebrew, ‘Gazari’, ‘Chazari’ in Latin, ‘Hazari’ in Georgian, ‘Huszar’ in Hungarian and ‘Kosa’, ‘ka-sat’ in Chinese” (http://ozturkler.com/data_english/0008/0008_07.htm)
The Khazars, a migratory folk originating in eastern Asia and close kinsmen of the Huns and Mongols, trekked westward. Prof. Revilo Oliver tells us that in c.138, the Khazar tribes folk arrived in the area between the Caspian and the Black Seas, near several great rivers. There they established a tribal kingdom that grew in power and influence.
“Their `heartland' appears to have been the delta of the Volga, which flows by many channels into the Caspian. Their most important neighbors were the Alani, a Sarmatian people of Iranian (Aryan) origin. Through this territory passed wave after wave of peoples migrating westward from central Asia, Tatars, Bulgars, Slavs, and many others, whom it would be tedious to enumerate. The Khazars and their neighbors were conquered and subjugated by the Huns in 448 and by the Turks in 560, but recovered their independence and around 600 established a stable monarchy. The Khazars were finally conquered by the tribes of southern Russia under the command of Verangian (Scandinavian) rulers in 965D” (Dr. Revilo P. Oliver, The Khazars, Liberty Bell magazine).
For well over four hundred years they ruled over an immense and lucrative empire south of the Russian territories, between the Black Sea and the Chasarian/Caspian Sea, reaching as far northwest as Kiev. In its day, the Khaghanate (kingdom, empire, khanate) was larger and richer than any other country in Europe. Yes, Khazaria (Khazaran; Khuzaran; Arabic al-Kazara, Kusari; Hebrew Kuzarim), like later Russia, was both an Asian and a European nation. Their location was of key geopolitical importance. Europe was on the west, the Rus Verangians, descendents of the Vikings, on the north, all of Asia and the Silk Road to the east (but, from whence came the Mongols, their later downfall), plus Greek Christian Byzantium and the newly ascendant Islamic Arabs to the south.
Khazaria was a powerful regional military and trade power. They were commercial wizards of the first order, although those who had to pay the tolls on their seas, rivers and overland trade routes might rather have called them extortionists. Truth be known, the Khazars lived almost solely off this revenue. They produced nothing for export except Isinglass. Clothes, tools and virtually everything else came from outside the country. Over time they created additional loot by conquering, oppressing and extorting taxes from over twenty-five nearby peaceful agricultural tribes. Khazaria produced very little. It was an empire almost solely supported by trade-related revenues. Of course, this mercantile mindset came with them into Europe, but it began much before that.
Traders and Merchants of a High Order
Khazars were heavily involved in all kinds of international barter,
including the slave trade (hence, the sex trade as well, as they are
today). They were one of the better-known procurers and suppliers of
Slavs, a people so exploited in this fashion that their very name came
to mean slave. The Rus routinely sold Slav captives to the Khazars.
This continued in their later migrations and machinations. In the
sixteenth to the nineteenth centuries, Khazar descendents, along with
Sephardic co-religionists, are the dominant players in shipping the
black slaves from Africa to the Americas. In his History of
the Jews,
Solomon Grayzel clearly lays this out:
“One type of business carried on in the early Middle Ages by the Jews of Europe, namely the slave trade, requires a special word of explanation. The Jews were among the most important slave-dealers. As inhabitants of western Germany pushed their way deeper and deeper into Central Europe, driving the Slavic inhabitants farther eastward and taking away their land, they brought back captives whom they sold to Jewish traders. The Jews, in turn, transported these slaves to other lands to be sold to Christian and Mohammedan masters” (Philadelphia: Jewish Pub. Soc., 1947).
Surprisingly, he goes on to defend the Jewish slave trade as a “legitimate” and “necessary business then”. I wonder what black Americans think of this “historical revisionism”?
Another trade learned as Khazars and continued as Jews was that of the furrier. Marten, Sable and other fine furs (in addition to many other valuable products) came down the Volga via the Bulgars, and goods flowed all the way from Novgorod via the Dnieper, not to mention other centers via the Don and several more major waterways. Some main commodities were furs, hides, honey, flax, tar, cloth, grains, gold, silver, jewels and silks. The Khazars made almost no cloth or clothes, getting them all through the mercantile networks. Old descriptions of Khazar clothing sound something like the Hasidim and others, featuring fur hats and long coats.
Trade in many of these items continued to be dominated by the Khazars even after they migrated into Europe. For example, the fur business is often a Judaic enterprise even today. Of course, the dominant international diamond and jewel traders (thus, involved with “blood diamonds”) are the Khazar Hasidic Jews. While dominant in more than a few industries today, back in Khazaria and later in Europe, they were the chief players, sometimes the only players, in enterprises such as brewing and later, distilling. The early pioneers in these enterprises were Judaics.
According to Dr. Cecil Roth,
“In the ‘dark age,’ the commerce of Western Europe was largely in Jewish hands, not excluding the slave trade, and in the Carolingian cartularies Jew and Merchant are used as almost interchangeable terms” (World History of the Jewish People).
Louis Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam were lambasted and cruelly criticized by the Zionist dominated media for daring to publish, with heavy documentation, the history of Jews and the African slave trade. The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews (by an anonymous writer or group of writers) is quite well researched and very difficult to refute. The Sephardic Jews were among the earliest sea traders, sailors, shippers and ship owners, as were their Semitic cousins, the Phoenicians. With co-religionists in almost every port in the world, they got the goods reliably delivered when international shipping was an extremely risky business, and before the modern insurance industry began. Their involvement in the profitable human cargo trade was a natural development of their extensive trade and shipping connections. Today, it is the lucrative and despicable sex slave trade that holds their interest. Make the connection. Some of their main families, as well as other Illuminati bloodlines, consisted of slavers, war profiteers and exploiters, then as now.
The Khazars and Religion
“The Chasars professed a course religion, which was combined with sensuality and lewdness” (Heinrich Graetz, History of the Jews, 1892).
Like kindred tribes, their old religion was primitive shamanism sometimes even involving human sacrifice. But, change was in the air. History records that in the middle of the Eighth Century (c. 740), the Khaghan, along with the Begh, their ministers and close advisors, made a carefully calculated geopolitical decision about a state religion. This had become a sticking point in foreign affairs. While fighting Muslims in crucial battles at certain times, the Khazars also had many of the Islamic faith, not only within their borders, but as mercenaries in their multicultural army. Bulan may have made a halfhearted conversion from shamanism to Islam (c. 737), making the religious situation even more confusing. Apparently, if it happened at all, it was largely symbolic, involving only the Khagan, who was said to have quarreled with the Imams about the strict dietary rules.
Writes Douglas M. Dunlop:
“At first sight, the statements that the Khaghan became a Muslim in A.D. 737 and Judaized three years later are, to say the least, remarkable” (The History of the Jewish Khazars, Princeton, NJ: 1954, 1967, p. 86).
There was apparently an ongoing Christian presence. Certainly they must have interacted with Christian merchants and maybe missionaries and other travelers on their trade routes. An Armenian bishop was said to have preached in the area around 682. While he likely converted a few, there is no record of a diocese being established or priests coming to start mission churches. However, this was right between two Khazar-Arab wars, so the timing was not all that good. As to how deep the Christian roots were planted is a wide-open question. But, apparently, some did get baptized, and there are ongoing references to at least a number of Christian Khazars.
According to Arthur Koestler --
“The Khazars evidently had the qualities of a Jack-in-the-Box, derived from their Turkish origin, or Mosaic faith, or both. Cedrenus [the chronicler] also says the name of [a] defeated Khazar leader was Georgius Tzul. Georgius is a Christian name; we know from an earlier report that there were Christians as well as Muslims in the Khaghan’s army” (The Thirteenth Tribe, The Khazar Empire and Its Heritage, New York: Random House, 1976, pp. 129-130).
Europe owes an unacknowledged debt to Khazaria. They repelled two massive Muslim jihads from the powerful and aggressive Abbasid Caliphate, which in due course would have continued into Europe. The first Khazar-Arab war lasted from 642 until 653; the second from 732 to 737. So as we see, the Judaic conversion came in a time of war and upheaval as Khazaria was surely and certainly beset by the Muslims. Turning Christian was out of the question. Not only would this have put them in a compromising position with both the Vatican and Byzantium, but more importantly, would have insulted the Muslims. What were they to do?
Bulan, the Begh and their ministers set out to remedy the situation. While some writers say it never really happened, they reportedly brought in Greek philosophers, Christian Bishops and evangelists, Islamic Faqihs and Mullahs, and rabbis from Babylon for debates and dissertations about their respective faiths. Whatever the facts may be, the decision was already made. Indeed, we must opine that Judaism did not just suddenly appear right before the great debate.
According to several sources, a rabbi was already resident at the Khaghan’s court. This may reflect an earlier date (c.721), for the beginning of Judaic influence at the top levels of power. This was through oriental Jews, from already existing communities like those in Persia, Baghdad and Byzantium. While the decision to convert was behind the scenes, for the sake of appearances, the other religions were brought in for the famous theological dispute.
So, after an appropriate deliberation period, the Khaghan, and thus his nation, converted to Pharisaic Talmudism. Rabbis were imported for the appropriate rites. Hundreds, maybe thousands of the pagan shamans and members of the elite classes were mass ordained (some then, some later) as Cohens (priestly caste) or as Levites (priestly sub-caste). It is to be expected that some of the rabbis, as well as other oriental Judaics and their families, stayed on to nurture the faith, training lay teachers and rabbis from among the Khazars. And, of course, they must have intermarried.
While this could mean that a drop or two of semi-Semitic blood entered the gene pool, it was minimal. Moreover, oriental Judaic Sephardic bloodlines were already mixed and mottled, e.g., with Canaanites, Edomites, Idumeans and a host of other regional tribes from there to Egypt and up and down the Arabian Peninsula. Essentially, the Sephardim are Arab Jews or Judaized Arabs, whichever you prefer. While neither ethnic group really wants to hear about it, Jews and Arabs are intermixed. Did you know that Yemen, like old Khazaria, once had a monarch and upper classes that converted? Beginning c. 390, it became a Judaic kingdom for a time, called Himayar. Like in other parts of ancient Arabia, there were already Judaic tribes of one kind or another living there. Some of Muhammad’s early jihads were against Arab Jews since most of them refused to follow the new prophet. But, I digress.
Like any state-decreed conversion, the coming of the Talmudic religion began with the upper classes. It took time for the faith to spread among the common people. While it eventually did grow and flourish, in the beginning it was still in a multicultural milieu. For example, in a stance befitting its status at an international trade crossroads, and since mercenaries of many religions served in the Khazar military, a tolerance for Christianity and Islam continued. Perhaps the folk in more remote locations continued on with their shamanism, or as is done with most new religions, blended and incorporated the old beliefs with the new.
Arthur Koestler tells us a bit about the beginning of the decline of the empire in the mid to late 900s. But their new religion did not declined at all. By that time, their Judaism was well entrenched. Even when the Kievan Rus were asserting their own sovereignty, and just before they stopped paying tribute to the Khaghan, the Khazar Judaics tried to prevent this by religiously recruiting the ruler. As history shows, this sometimes does the trick, but in the case of the Kievan Rus, it did not come to be. Writes Koestler:
“The first non-Arab mention of Khazaria after the fatal year 965 seems to occur in a travel report by Ibrahim Ibn Jakub, the Spanish-Jewish ambassador to Otto the Great, who, writing probably in 973, describes the Khazars as still flourishing during his time. Next in chronological order is the account of the Russian Chronicle of Jews from Khazaria arriving in Kiev AD 986 in their misfired attempt to convert Vladimir to their faith” (The Thirteenth Tribe).
As we see, while Kiev was essentially treated as a fiefdom from which to extort tribute, many Khazars settled and lived there. Indeed, they were there before the coming of the Rus. And even after the decline of their empire, there was still a significant presence. Kiev was commonly called the “City of the Jews”.
The Growth of Khazarian Judaism
As with any new faith, the beginning stages were rudimentary. It required its infancy and growth periods before becoming predominant. As we see with the attempt to Judaize the Kievan Rus, they used their religion for political machinations, another Khazarian connection. They use the same protocols of power then as now; religion is merely a tool. Not to belabor the point since we discuss it later, but Zionism uses and misuses Judaism in its quest for domination in our present day. Judaism was at first adopted simply as a geopolitical survival tactic when Khazaria was in a difficult dilemma. It was a practical decision; spirituality had nothing to do with it. Historian J. B. Bury concurs.
"There can be no question that the ruler was actuated by political motives in adopting Judaism. To embrace Mohammadanism would have made him the spiritual dependent of the Caliphs, who attempted to press their faith on the Khazars, and in Christianity lay the danger of his becoming an ecclesiastical vassal of the Roman Empire. Judaism was a reputable religion with sacred books which both Christian and Mohammadan respected; it elevated him above the heathen barbarians, and secured him against the interference of Caliph or Emperor."
To begin planting the Talmudic creed, many Khazars, again beginning with the upper classes, took Biblically-sounding Judaic names. Bulan, whose name meant Elk in Old Turkic, changed his name to Sabriel. All later Khaghans took Judaic monikers. Notice what Wikipedia says:
“The extent of the conversion is debated. Ibn al-Faqih reported in the tenth century that ‘all the Khazars are Jews.’ Notwithstanding this statement, some scholars believe that only the upper classes converted to Judaism; there is some support for this in contemporary Muslim texts. However, recent archeological excavations have uncovered widespread shifts in burial practices. Around the mid-800s burials in Khazaria began to take on a decidedly Jewish flavor. Grave goods disappeared almost altogether. Judging by interment evidence, by 950 Judaism had become widespread among all classes of Khazar society.”
Khazaria also adopted the Hebrew script, so by this time they corresponded with the Sephardim and other oriental Judaics already established in the west and in the lands around the Mediterranean. Joseph was the name of the Khaghan at the time of the Khazar Correspondence, in which he is called King Joseph. This was an exchange of letters in the mid 900s to Judaics in the Caliphate of Cordoba. It is one of the only extant documents penned by a Khazar, thus is an important part of the few secondary sources on their history. By this time, Khazaria was known as the mysterious Asian Kingdom of the Jews. The conversion 200 years prior was in full flower, and the Turko-Khazars were fast becoming known as the Jews of the East.
As said, spirituality had little to do with their Judaizing, especially in the beginning. But while this decision was perhaps entered into a bit half-heartedly, like Bulan’s earlier symbolic conversion to Islam, it later proved to be momentous in world history. In spite of its later massive impact, the conversion was not really so unique back in the day. Other Central Asian tribes in need of a functional alphabet and written language also adopted Hebrew, and may have undergone some kind of symbolic rites, but not to this extent. So we must remember that while somewhat remarkable, the conversion had little actual effect on Judaism or world events until after c.1000. Other non-Semitic tribes, like the Turkic cousins of the Khazars, the Karay Turks, also converted to Judaism, but none of them ever impacted world history and culture more than the converts of the mid 700s. Yet, as we know, all Judaic folk are of mixed bloodlines, many having absolutely nothing to do with either the Mideast or old Judea.
Notes Paul Wexler --
“Also, the Khazars were only one recent tribe among many that converted. There were also the Falasha of Abyssinia, who are black; the Chinese Jews of Kai-Feng, who look Chinese; the dark olive Yemenite Jews; and the Jewish Berber tribes of the Sahara, who look like Tuaregs. Who is Jewish? Who is not?” (Khazars, as on http://www.israelshamir.net)
To Judaics in the west centuries ago, the supposedly now-kosher Khazars were little more than a distant and exotic rumor, similar to the old Christian tales of Prester John. But they were proud of the magnificent “Jewish Kingdom in Asia”. Eventually, the impact of the westward migration of the Khazar converts would reach them, but not quite yet.
Conversions Created Considerable Changes in Judaic Bloodlines, an Israeli Revisionist's View
Until my research had advanced
some, I believed that Judaism was an exclusivist supremacist religion, spurning
and discouraging converts. I was right about the first part, but not about the
second. They don’t make it easy, but neither do they make it impossible. While
the Talmud says even the best of the goyim should be killed, in
certain instances, this is totally set aside! As for gentile conversions, only
the best, and the most persistent, among the goyim can enter (at least the
outer) realms of the divinely chosen ones. This has had two results. Of course,
the persistent and diligent convert is always the most desirable one, so only
the best and the most useful are recruited. But whatever the actual numbers may
be, over the centuries, these various conversions have had a sure and steady
effect on Judaic bloodlines.
Dr. Shlomo Sand is a distinguished Professor of European History at Tel Aviv University, and author of the surprisingly bestselling politically and religiously incorrect book, When And How Was The Jewish People Invented?, now translated into several languages. The material below comes from a review and commentary by journalist Jonathan Cook. It contains quotations from the book and discusses the overall implications of Sand’s hypothesis. Obviously, the largest and most important Judaic conversion was that of Khazaria.
"So if there was no exile, how is it that so many Jews ended up scattered around the globe before the modern state of Israel began encouraging them to 'return'? Dr. Sand said that, in the centuries immediately preceding and following the Christian era, Judaism was a proselytizing religion, desperate for converts. 'This is mentioned in the Roman literature of the time.'
"Jews traveled to other regions seeking converts, particularly in Yemen [which for a time became the Jewish Kingdom of Himayar] and among the Berber tribes of North Africa [from where they and the Sephardics went to Spain, Portugal, and ultimately migrating into the rest of Europe and the Americas].
"Centuries later, the people of the Khazar kingdom in what is today south Russia, would convert en masse to Judaism, becoming the genesis of the Ashkenazi Jews of central and Eastern Europe.
"Dr. Sand pointed to the strange state of denial in which most Israelis live, noting that papers offered extensive coverage recently to the discovery of the capital of the Khazar kingdom next to the Caspian Sea. Ynet, the website of Israel's most popular newspaper, Yedioth Ahronoth, headlined the story: 'Russian archaeologists find long-lost Jewish capital.' And yet none of the papers, he added, had considered the significance of this find to standard accounts of Jewish history.
"One further question is prompted by Dr. Sand's account, as he himself notes: if most Jews never left the Holy Land, what became of them?
"'It is not taught in Israeli schools but most of the early Zionist leaders, including David Ben Gurion [Israel's first prime minister], believed that the Palestinians were the descendants of the area's original Jews. They believed the Jews had later converted to Islam.'
"Dr. Sand attributed his colleagues' reticence to engage with him to an implicit acknowledgement by many that the whole edifice of 'Jewish history' taught at Israeli universities is built like a house of cards.
"The problem with the teaching of history in Israel, Dr. Sand said, dates to a decision in the 1930s to separate history into two disciplines: general history and Jewish history. Jewish history was assumed to need its own field of study because Jewish experience was considered unique.
"There's no Jewish department of politics or sociology at the universities. Only history is taught in this way, and it has allowed specialists in Jewish history to live in a very insular and conservative world where they are not touched by modern developments in historical research” (http://rense.com/general83/schol.htm)
As time went on, Khazaria’s borders shrank and she was no longer a major player, but fighting hard to keep the frontiers from shrinking further. Over a period of time during the decline of their nation, especially when various powers threatened them, more and more Khazars sought safety. For them, there was only one safe and secure direction to go -- west and northwest, into Europe. Writes Koestler:
“Two basic facts emerge from our survey: the disappearance of the Khazar nation from its historic habitat, and the simultaneous appearance in the adjacent regions to the north-west of the greatest concentration of Jews since the beginning of the Diaspora” (The Thirteenth Tribe).
Adds A. N. Poliak --
“[Here is]...a new approach, both to the problem of relations between the Khazar Jewry and other Jewish communities, and to the question of how far we can go in regarding this Khazar Jewry as the nucleus of the large Jewish settlements of Eastern Europe...The descendents of this settlement -- those who stayed where they were, those who emigrated to the United States and to other countries, and those who went to Israel -- constitute now the large majority of world Jewry” (Khazaria -- A Hisory of a Jewish Kingdom in Europe or Kazaraiyyah, only available in Hebrew, Tel Aviv: 1944 and 1951).
F. Roderich-Stoltheim, The Riddle of the Jew’s Success (Leipzig: Hammer Verlag, 1927), writes:
“But one must certainly not any longer speak of our Jews of today as pure Semites; they have taken up all manner of foreign national elements; and it is truly remarkable to what a complex extent they have assimilated the same. One is entitled to ask whether the Talmudic spirit alone has rendered this complete adaptation possible, or whether a few drops of Jewish blood have sufficed to give an unvarying stamp of expression -- at least mentally -- to the entire mass.”
“Externally, the Jews of today present marked differences in their appearance; Negroid and Turanian (Mongolian) types can be discerned amongst them as well as Semitic. Even amongst the Hebrews who hail from Russia, Poland one not infrequently comes across blond and watery-eyed examples. It is practically certain that the people, who were formerly called the Chasaren [Khazars], and who are regarded as belonging to a Turko-Finnish stock, and who, about 800 years after Christ, formed a separate empire in what is now South Russia, went over to Jewdom and were completely absorbed. The Jews themselves are conscious of this distinction, for the western Jews who have come across Spain call themselves ‘Sephardim’ (if baptized, Marranen) [Marranos], and have North African blood in their veins [see more about this later on], describe the eastern Jews as ‘Aschkenazim’, and look down on the latter with a certain amount of contempt.”
“In spite of this, the Talmudic Law embraces them all, and the Rabbinical despotism welds them into a closed caste, absolutely united in its hostility to all non-Jewish peoples” (pp. 221-222).
This illustrative material from the fascinating and revealing The Riddle of the Jew's Success book shows that Germanic scholars of the early 20th century, while they did not write a lot about it, knew that ancient Khazaria was the source of much of European Jewry.
The Khazarian Exodus into Europe
Europe had small pre-existing Judaic communities with whom the Khazars could ally, sometimes later to absorb and replace. They moved west, not as Khazars, but using a name they had adopted and helped coin, calling themselves “Jews”. They first nestled in with the small Hebraic communities they found, becoming the Ashkenazim (more on this later), the “Jews of the East.” While some think about ghettos when they think of European Jewry, the truly exclusive Judaic settlement is not the ghetto, which was imposed upon them by Christians, but the Khazar Jewish Shetl. This closed, segregated institution’s purpose was to allow Talmudic Jews to remain pure, living apart from the defiling goyim. A Shetl in today’s perfectly politically correct terms, is a racist, ethnocentric self-contained community, barring all outsiders/goyim and their polluting influences.
By the 15th and 16th centuries, the Khazars had, for some time, practiced and enhanced the terribly tedious, convoluted and legalistic Talmudic Pharisaic faith, so-called Judaism. Judaism, especially when entangled and entwined with Khazarian Zionism -- and even more so in certain parts of their “sacred scriptures” called Talmud and Kabala -- is an exclusivist elitist dogma and doctrine. By late medieval and early renaissance times, the erstwhile Turko-Mongol Khazar converts became the “Jews of Europe”. Then and now, the most devout and devoted Talmudists and Kabalists are of the Khazarian Hasidic supremacist sect, the “pure ones”, the “righteous ones”.
States Eustace Mullins in The Biological Jew:
“Why should they [Christian Europe] fear a few shabby, furtive aliens who have drifted in from unknown places, and who established themselves in the heart of the city so unobtrusively that it seems they have always been there? These aliens are willing to do anything, they perform any sort of distasteful task which the natives feel is beneath them. The aliens traffic in the bodies of young girls, set up gambling dens, deal in stolen goods, lend money, establish houses in which one can perform every imaginable type of sexual degeneracy, and provide assassins for hire....In a short time, the aliens know the secret of the people’s leaders, and they have established their hold over them.”
Did the Khazars Emigrate All at Once?
As to the Khazars of later years, we must consider that not everyone had the desire or the resources for a difficult and possibly dangerous westward trek. Even after the Rus/Verangians, who previously paid tribute to the Khaghan, claimed Kiev as an independent dukedom the mid to late 900s, a substantial Khazar colony continued living in the city. Undeniably, some of the old empire did not fall until much later, the Mongol Invasion eventually bringing an end to the once glorious Khaghanate. Some remained in place or if they moved, not very far. Notes Salo W. Baron,
"In general, the reduced Khazar kingdom persevered. It waged a more or less effective defense against all foes until the middle of the thirteenth century, when it fell victim to the great Mongol invasion set in motion by Jenghiz Khan. Even then it resisted stubbornly until the surrender of all its neighbours....But before and after the Mongol upheaval the Khazars sent many offshoots into the unsubdued Slavonic lands, helping ultimately to build up the great Jewish centres of Eastern Europe" (A Social and Religious History of the Jews, 1952).
Khazar Ashkenazis Dominate Today's Judaic Religion
Explains Eustace Mullins --
“No one really knows what the Jewish religion is. We have to be detectives to find any traces of it. The Jewish religion is the only one in the world, which is famed for its secrecy. Its aims and purposes, as well as its traditions, are shrouded in mystery. For all practical purposes, the scholar finds that the Jewish religion is an unwritten code, which can be best compared to the unwritten code of the Italian gangster group, the Mafia. The Jewish code is principally concerned with protecting a criminal group, and it too invokes the Mafia rule of omerta [silence], or death to anyone who talks about their activities” (Mullin's New History of the Jews, 1978).
Make this crucial Khazarian connection. Their influence on the nature, dogma, doctrines and practices of modern Judaism is all-embracing. Ashkenazi Talmudism, with a good dose of Kabalistic occultism, is now the main expression. I trust most readers know the spiritual practices of the Old Testament and what today passes under the name of Judaism aren’t the same thing. The old Hebrew temple religion had almost nothing to do with the Judaic religion of today. Even the proposed rebuilding of the old temple by Judaic Ashkenazi extremists is little more than a continuing Zionist strategy to further exclude the Palestinians and the world’s Muslims from the ostensible “Holy Land”.
But as to Pharisaic Talmudism in its present form, this is a rather late development, beginning in early medieval times, after the coming of the Khazars into Europe. Benjamin Freedman always called them “so-called and self-styled Jews”. They are not the people seen in the Bible. They are not Semitic and certainly not Judean, but Judaism from AD 1000 onward is almost entirely a Khazar creation. Moreover, their ideology and their behavior are truly elitist and racist, just as we see in their apartheid mini-state.
Even with other Judaics, Khazar supremacism rules. This is emphatically why the Sephardim, the few remaining Karaites, Mountain Jews, Ethiopian Falashas, the Kai Feng of China, Torah True Jews and other Judaic minorities, do not get along very well with the snobby Ashkenazis, who act as if all the others are inferiors. Note that all the Judaic minorities mentioned are non-Talmudic sects. While treated a little better than Palestinians, they are definitely victims of prejudice and animosity in New Khazaria. Oops, I mean “Israel”.
Zionism has usurped and appropriated much of Judaism for its own non-religious, basically atheistic, political ends. However, it does appear that the Talmud -- extremist parts of which are openly anti-Christian as well as ethnocentric and racist -- certainly seem agreeable with rather than disavowing supremacist goals. Again, the contents of the Talmud are deceptive, diverse and obscure, requiring close examination, so we shall not go there in this article. The essentially atheistic Zionist founders and leaders use all of this to their advantage with unfortunate Jews who have bought into the fake Pharisaic fairy tale that they are a specially and divinely chosen folk.
“While the Encyclopedia Britannica, p. 771, Vol. 21, 1949 ed., says: The Talmud is still the authoritative and practical guide to the great mass of the Jews, and still not all the rabbis accept the Talmud, with its glorification of secrecy and cunning and its incitation to bloodletting and conquest. Rabbi Elmer Berger, for instance, repudiates the Talmud and the Torah.”
Completing the Connection
“The future is only the past again, entered through a different door” (Through Darkness Into Light, a Phoenix Journal).
We began this
article with a look way back in time at the
fierce, acquisitive and aggressive Euro-Asian Turko-Khazar tribes of
ancient epochs, and we end with reflections on the Khazarian Zionist
menace of today. Yes, it is very true. Few, if any, ethnic groups have
had an equivalent impact on world history. But not just in the past
and current events, but surely and certainly looming in our future as
the Khazar Zionist threat seems stronger, more determined, more
aggressive and thus more toxic and volatile than ever. In regard to
that, never forget that the Zionist statelet has weapons of mass
destruction, aided abetted and quietly tolerated by the various world
A host of questions
pose themselves, but in a time of both moral
and economic crisis, two of them step out in front of all the others. If
Christians follow the examples of the Messiah, why do they support Zionist aggression? Shouldn’t
they repudiate these classic Pharisees as did their Messiah/Savior?
But even more in light of current events and a collapsing economy,
why are billions of dollars in American tax money used to support this
radical régime? But I am sure all my readers know, such seemingly
simple questions are not only not unanswered, they are rarely even
raised, and certainly not in Christian pulpits or the American
-- Edited by John D. Keyser.
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