Hope of Israel Ministries (Ecclesia of YEHOVAH God):
At This Moment in America
We still intend -- as long as God allows us to exist – to preach God's Truth and shout it from the rooftops and publish it from sea to shining sea! Groups like ourselves fully intend to continue to sound the alarm and expose the totalitarian Left's efforts to completely take over America and replace what truth is left with the evil doctrines of Marxism and the Satanic force behind them. |
by David Kupelian
At this moment, we in America are living through a genuine revolution.
With 25,000 armed troops deployed to the streets of Washington, D.C. to keep the peace, we have witnessed the inauguration and swearing-in of a corrupt, painfully senile and dangerously compromised old politician named Joe Biden as president -- and as his vice president, the grasping, ever-lying and spectacularly unlikable far-Leftist Kamala Harris. Together, they plan to overturn as many of President Donald Trump’s accomplishments as possible, as quickly as possible.
But even beyond that, the ascendant Left is now wantonly banning, and even criminalizing, free speech in shocking a way that has never occurred before at any time in America’s history. In fact, some commentators, like the New York Post’s Miranda Devine, are comparing the Left’s current level of hysteria to that surrounding the Salem witch trials.
Just in the last few days:
* A former Facebook executive called for conservative TV news outlets, including OANN and Newsmax, to be de-platformed by telecom giants including Comcast, AT&T and Verizon. Recently, CNN called for the end to Fox News.
* Harvard students are demanding that the university revoke diplomas from Trump supporters. Simon & Schuster broke its contract with Sen. Josh Hawley to publish his book just 4 months before its planned release. Regular citizens who were among the 300,000 attending the January 6 Trump rally -- people who never went anywhere near the Capitol -- are now losing their jobs. It’s happening all over the country.
* After a Democratic National Committee official called for plans to “deprogram” the 75 million Americans who voted to re-elect Donald Trump -- yes, that’s the word he used, deprogram, just like in hardcore communist nations -- Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has picked up the ball, demanding federal funding to “deradicalize” Trump supporters.
* Twitter executives can be seen on newly released video strategizing how they’re shutting down discussion of election fraud, just as Facebook has eliminated “Stop the Steal” pages. On and on it goes.
But wait. What about Truth? Does that matter anymore?
The truth is, there WAS massive election fraud. Everybody reading these words watched the evidence in real time as it surfaced over the course of two months. The Texas election-fraud lawsuit, joined by 17 other states, laid out clear-cut violations of the Constitution by Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin.
The truth is, the January 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol WAS preplanned days in advance, and therefore was NOT caused by Trump’s speech -- which annihilates the Democrats’ entire impeachment case against him.
The truth is, the riot WAS instigated, at least in part, by some Antifa-anarchist types, according to the FBI, contrary to everything we were told for days by Big Media and Big Tech.
In fact, everything people have been urgently warning you about for four years has now come true: Google, Facebook, Twitter and others are finally making their big move for all-out, undisguised, totalitarian control of what you are allowed to read, watch, hear -- and therefore think.
For Twitter to permanently ban the president of the United States, Donald J. Trump -- who was recently nominated multiple times for a Nobel Peace Prize for his Mideast peace deals, and who just last month an annual Gallup survey of Americans revealed to be the “most admired man in the world” -- makes it pretty clear that Big Tech is now exercising totalitarian control.
Social media giants are purging conservatives from the internet as fast as possible. Hence, not only did Twitter permanently ban Trump, but also many of his most prominent supporters and advisers, like attorney Sidney Powell and General Michael Flynn. And the list grows daily.
No sooner did prominent conservatives announce they were quitting Twitter in favor of free-speech social media alternatives like Parlor, than the Tech Giants set out to kill their competitors in the cradle. In fact, Parlor CEO John Matze has had to flee with his family and go into hiding, in face of death threats.
How can America survive such maniacal attacks on free speech, on a free press, on the Constitution, on TRUTH?
What can we possibly do about the insanity and unprecedented wickedness rising up all around us?
Well, here’s what we can do: Honestly, accurately and fearlessly shine a very bright journalistic light into all the growing darkness and focus that light on corruption and fraud and deceit everywhere they can be found.
That’s exactly what Thomas Jefferson had in mind when he said, “The only security of all is in a FREE PRESS.” He knew an honest, truth-oriented press is essential for a free society to exist. And yet, that’s also the very reason Big Tech (like the Leftist juggernaut of which it is a part) doesn’t want a free press! We have always known this.
However, right now, just when our country needs a free press more than ever before, the free press happens to be in a very tough situation. As you may know, Big Tech has been attacking it for very a long time:
* For years, Google has set its search algorithm to push those who disagree with its agenda way, way down in its search results.
* The Southern Poverty Law Center, the leftwing hate group Big Tech companies rely on to identify hate groups, characterizes many as hate groups -- those engaging in “manipulative fear-mongering and outright fabrications designed to further the paranoid, gay-hating, conspiratorial and apocalyptic visions…from the fringes of the far-right and fundamentalist worlds.” (Translation: Those who are conservative and Christian must therefore be destroyed.)
* Last September, Facebook suddenly decided to massively suppress the traffic of many on their platform -- by about 90%. No reason given.
* At the same time, three major international online ad companies -- TripleLift, AppNexus/Xander and Teads -- canceled many, seriously hurting their revenues.
* And of course, the tech monopolies have long been perpetrating an all-out assault on the operating revenues of many who disagree with them:
"Journalism, sustained by traditional advertising, is dying," confirms the respected Washington, D.C.-based Electronic Privacy Information Center, or EPIC. In the research center's written testimony to Congress's Subcommittee on Digital Commerce and Consumer Protection, EPIC summarized its findings starkly: "Two companies [Google and Facebook] dominate the market. The privacy of internet users is under assault. The revenue model that sustained journalism is broken.”
Remember what enabled Google and Facebook to accomplish this -- to essentially steal the life-sustaining advertising revenues from independent online news organizations: It’s their scandalous practice of invading your privacy and harvesting and monetizing your private, personal information.
As I said earlier, many have been warning -- not for months, but years -- that all this was coming. They documented how the leaders of Google, the most powerful company on earth, considered Trump's 2016 electoral triumph to have been a grotesquely historic mistake and a major failure on their part. They believed they didn't try hard enough on Hillary Clinton's behalf, and, as multiple courageous ex-Google whistleblowers told us over the years, Google fully intended to get the job done right in 2020.
Bottom line: Big Tech's two most urgent tasks have long been #1) defeating Donald Trump in November’s election -- which they unfortunately accomplished, and #2) making dissenting voices disappear, since that would pretty much eliminate any chance of a return of the real, Christian America of our youth, and leave our once-great nation permanently in the hands of heedless, godless and conscienceless Far Left lunatics.
Friends, we still intend -- as long as God allows us to exist – to shout the truth from the rooftops and publish it from sea to shining sea! Groups like ourselves fully intend to continue to sound the alarm and expose the totalitarian Left's efforts to completely take over America -- everything from the Democrats' election-time specialty of voter fraud, to the leftwing indoctrination of young voters at America's progressive brainwashing centers called colleges, to the Democratic Party's passionate love affair with abortion, to exposing all the outrageous lies of the corrupt "mainstream news media."
There is, thank goodness, some good news. There is one key factor in many groups continued existence and wellbeing that neither Big Tech, nor Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer, nor the lying “mainstream media” can touch. And that is you, and your willingness to partner with us to keep us and others shining the bright light into the darkness.
The nonprofit route has emerged as one of the most viable and necessary vehicles for God's Truth and online news in the era of the Big Tech monopoly, especially since, in addition to banning, censoring, shadow-banning, demonetizing and otherwise suppressing news and expression reflecting Christian moral values, Big Tech has vacuumed up some 90% of all digital advertising! As a result, we are almost totally dependent on your support.
But that’s OK with us, as long as you’re willing to partner with us!
Friends, we and other organizations cannot survive without your support. It’s as simple as that. If you help us, we will be able to boldly preach and report, like no one else, on the tremendous forces of anarchy, insanity and spiritual darkness that are now washing over our beloved republic. Help us push back against the tide of darkness!
Whatever you can donate, just know that you are deeply appreciated by all of us. Please help keep the flame of God's Truth and America's free press alive.
This is a time for bold action -- for all of us. Our adversaries are not holding back, and we need to not hold back either. I pray you will be inspired to join with us.
-- Edited by John D. Keyser.
Hope of Israel Ministries -- Preparing the Way for the Return of YEHOVAH God and His Messiah to This Earth! |
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