Hope of Israel Ministries (Ecclesia of YEHOVAH):
Should You Wish People "Happy Birthday"?
Most people living in this day and age rarely, if ever, QUESTION the customs they observe -- including that of BIRTHDAYS! Because of the SUBTLE ways pagan observances and beliefs have crept into the "Christian" church, thousands upon thousands of sincere people never question the EVIL behind their use. Are YOU one of them? If you celebrate BIRTHDAYS in any shape, form or fashion you are celebrating a "feast" that YEHOVAH God hates -- a feast whose origin is deeply rooted in PAGAN GODWORSHIP and the Mystery Religion of ancient Babylon! |
by John D. Keyser
When you study into it, it is surprising how many words in the English language have been devised, over the centuries, to the honor of PAGAN GODS AND GODDESSES. And the universally known and most popular birthday greeting in the world today -- "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" -- is no exception!
Have you ever considered WHY people wish each other a "happy" birthday? Do you know WHERE this greeting comes from?
In PAGAN ANTIQUITY people were using this very SAME greeting to each other under the GUISE of the pagan MYSTERY RELIGIONS! The initiated of these religions knew that a GOD was being honored when this wish was being bestowed -- but to those who were NOT initiated, this god was HIDDEN!
The truth is, this birthday wish has -- then and now -- its basis in conferring "LUCK" and "FATE" upon an individual through the GODS and GODDESSES of the pagan world.
To fully understand this we have to delve into the etymology of the word "HAPPY." To learn HOW the word "happy" came into the English language, we must begin with the "Hidden System of Mystery" -- a system that originated in ancient Babylon.
Saturn -- The "Hidden" God!
NIMROD was the first man after the flood to turn against YEHOVAH God and build the city-states of Babylonia -- in order to concentrate power and authority under his rulership. Eventually, however, Nimrod died an untimely death at the hands of Shem (son of Noah) in the ancient city of SATURNIA or ROME. Later, after his death, Nimrod's wife SEMIRAMIS became pregnant and delivered a SON, whom she claimed was NIMROD REBORN -- her dead husband! This is why Semiramis was regarded as "the Mother of Gods and Men." She gave birth to a REBORN GOD, and Nimrod was RESURRECTED TO LIFE as Ninus -- the Son. To put it another way, "The God was The Son, and the Son was God" -- a PAGAN CONCEPT! Therefore, "The Great Mother" -- Semiramis -- gave life to God and to man!
The cult of Semiramis (also known as ISHTAR -- EASTER), which was the personification of "regenerative" motherhood, developed rapidly in Babylon and soon surfaced in EGYPT where this "Great Mother" was known as Isis.
According to ancient writers the MYSTERY GODS of the ancient world were featured as "hero-gods" of the dying and rising (resurrecting) type, who had suffered to an exaggerated degree the trials to which mankind is prone, but in the end gloriously triumphed over all adversities. This was appealing to many of the ancient world because candidates to be "INITIATED" into the MYSTERY RELIGIONS felt that they too would similarly triumph over the trials and evils of human existence. "Be of good cheer, you of the MYSTERY. Your God is SAVED. For as also shall be salvation from ills." This, taken from ancient inscriptions, is the exact terminology used -- and was the GUARANTEE of each of the Mystery Religions.
Notes the publication Should the House of Yahweh Celebrate Birthdays?:
By means of initiatory rites, which included various baptisms, washings, and purifications, the candidate was made a person fit enough to approach DEITY. Finally, in culminating rites of communion, revelation, and DEIFICATION, the union of divinity and humanity was experientially accomplished. But the chief distinction of the MYSTERIES, in comparison with other gentile cults, was the fact that they were eschatological religions, which had to do with the ultimate issue of DEATH itself. -- The House of Yahweh, Abilene, Texas. 1990, p. 58.
The religion of the "Great Mother," and her many "Mystery" spin-offs, held sway over the ancient world because the "Mother" promised them salvation and immortality! Just as her husband/son had died and was resurrected back to life, so too could the members of the Mystery Religions become IMMORTAL!
The Mystery Religions are part of a SYSTEM that is a "secret" or a "mystery" -- through the idea of "SILENCE BY INITIATION" into religious rites.
Records Ronald R. Wlodyga:
First Nimrod was deified, then herself [Semiramis], and then her son. Due to the opposition, she gave them [converts] SECRET FORMS that were only known to the initiated and these were worshipped. THESE WERE THE "MYSTERIES"! Outsiders from this new religious practice did not see the symbols, such as a calf or tree, were ACTUALLY THE SAME as the worship of Nimrod and Semiramis. These symbols represented the Sun and Serpent (Satan) and were the same as the actual Sun-Serpent worship which Shem had tried to destroy!
Those who wanted to take part in these Mysteries in Semiramis' day had to have it explained to them. The TITLE of the priest that explained the Mysteries was called "PETER." In the primitive Chaldee, the language of the Mysteries, "Peter" means INTERPRETER (Parkhurst's Hebrew Lexicon, p. 602). -- The Ultimate Source of All Super Natural Phenomena. Triumph Publishing Co., 1981, p. 50.
The Book of Revelation mentions this system and names it what it is: "And on her forehead a name was written: MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND OF THE ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH" (Revelation 17:5).
According to Ronald Wlodyga: "After Nimrod's death the kings of the earth continued her [Semiramis] self-conceived religious system -- the MYSTERY mentioned in Revelation 17:5 -- the system by which Semiramis blended paganism with the TRUE TEACHINGS of the Eternal God regarding a Savior for man. Semiramis, being the head of this false substitute for YEHOVAH God's true Church, used herself sexually for the kings and civil rulers of that time in order to further her counterfeit religious system to the nations of the earth" (Ibid., p. 50).
Semiramis' husband Nimrod -- the founder of Babylon and the first man after the flood to oppose YEHOVAH God and His laws -- was known as the GOD OF THE CHALDEAN MYSTERIES. His "mystery" name was SATURN.
Alexander Hislop, in his book The Two Babylons, informs us that--
The name of the SYSTEM is "MYSTERY" (Mystery Babylon the Great). Here, then, we have the KEY that at once unlocks the puzzle. We have now only to inquire what was the name by which NIMROD was known as the GOD OF THE CHALDEAN MYSTERIES. That name, as we have seen, was SATURN. "Saturn" and "Mystery" are both Chaldean words, and they are correlative terms. As MYSTERY signifies the "HIDDEN SYSTEM," so Saturn signifies the "HIDDEN GOD." To those who were "initiated" the god was "revealed"; to all else he was "hidden." -- Loizeaux Brothers, N.J. 1959, p. 269.
In a footnote on the same page of Hislop's book, we read the following: "In the Litany of the Mass, the worshippers are taught thus to pray: 'God HIDDEN, and my Saviour, have mercy upon us' " -- (M'Gavin's Protestant, vol. II, p. 79, 1837).
Quoting from Chamber's Book of Days (p. 435), Hislop then asks, "Whence can this invocation of the 'GOD HIDDEN' have come, but from the ancient worship of SATURN, the 'HIDDEN GOD'? As the Papacy has canonised the BABYLONIAN GOD by the name of St. Dionysius, and St. Bacchus, the 'martyr,' so by this very name of 'SATUR' is he also enrolled in the calendar: for March 29th is the festival of 'St. Satur' the martyr."
It is the worship of a "HIDDEN GOD" that makes this a MYSTERY; and that "HIDDEN GOD" is brought forth from a Church of Mystery!
Hislop, in The Two Babylons, further explains:
Saturn and Lateinos are just SYNONYMOUS, having precisely the SAME meaning, and belonging equally to THE SAME GOD. The reader cannot have forgotten the lines of Virgil, which showed that Lateinos, to whom the Romans or Latin race traced back their lineage, was represented with a glory around his head, to show that he was a "child of the Sun." Thus, then, it is evident that, in popular opinion, the original Lateinos had occupied the very same position as SATURN did in the MYSTERIES, who was equally worshipped as the "offspring of the Sun." Moreover, it is evident that the Romans knew that the name "Lateinos" signified the "HIDDEN ONE," for their antiquarians invariably affirm that Latium received its name from SATURN "LYING HID" there -- page 270.
Continues Hislop:
On etymological grounds, then, even on the testimony of the Romans, Lateinos is equivalent to the "HIDDEN ONE;" that is, to SATURN, THE "GOD OF MYSTERY." While Saturn, therefore, is the name of the beast, and contains the mystic number, Lateinos, which contains the same number, is just as peculiar and distinctive an appellation of the SAME beast. The POPE, then, as the HEAD OF THE BEAST, is equally Lateinos or Saturn, that is, THE HEAD OF THE BABYLONIAN "MYSTERY." When, therefore, the Pope requires all his services to be performed in the "Latin tongue," that is as much as to say that they must be performed in the language of "MYSTERY"; when he calls his Church the Latin Church, that is equivalent to a declaration that it is THE CHURCH OF "MYSTERY." Thus, by this very name of the Pope's own choosing, he has with his own hands written upon the very forehead of his apostate communion its divine Apocalyptic designation, "MYSTERY -- BABYLON THE GREAT." -- Ibid., pps. 270-271.
This mystery system has come down to us almost unchanged in the form of the Roman Catholic Church. It is the system of MYSTERY SUN WORSHIP, and a large portion of this deceived world is following it today!
Osiris and Isis
This same "MYSTERY RELIGION," with its same "HIDDEN SUN-GOD," can be seen in the mythology of ancient Egypt; and with the following passage we begin to see the etymology of the word "HAPPY" in the greeting "happy birthday":
Best known to us of the gods [of Egypt] is of course OSIRIS, with Isis and Horus the child (Harpokrates), the family triad beloved of ordinary people. In later times they seem almost to monopolize worship, and BECOME IDENTIFIED WITH MANY OTHER GODS....in a manner for which various explanations might be given, he [OSIRIS] later on became identified with two local gods of the dead, the hawk Sokri, AND THE BULL HAPI (APIS) [variously spelt HAP, HAPY, HAPPY] at Memphis, and eventually, under the middle kingdom with another local dead-god, Khentamentiu ("chief of the Westerners") at Abydos. Thereafter Osiris-Khentamentiu becomes the great god of the dead, ruling the underworld of the tombs in which the dead lived in ghostly fashion, and every Egyptian becomes himself Osiris at his death. IDENTIFICATION WITH THE SUN in his mighty progress through the underworld followed. At Memphis a TRIPLE OSIRIS, Ptah-Socharis-Osiris, was confounded with the local deity Ptah, as well as Sokri (Socharis), and the BULL APIS [HAPI] was his animal. Under the Ptolemies Osiris-Apis was graecized as Serapis, and because his seat at Sakkarah was ALSO CALLED SE-N-HAPI, the Greeks imagined a connection with Sinope in Asia Minor that has not even yet been expelled from the minds of classical scholars. -- Encyclopedia Britannica, 1943 edition. Vol. 8, article "Egypt," p. 58.
In Collier's Encyclopedia we read about the Egyptian DYING AND RISING TYPE of Mystery God, which is none other than the Egyptian version of the Babylonian MOTHER/SON/ HUSBAND triad:
The green (sometimes BLACK) color of his skin reflects the concept of OSIRIS as vegetation or earth god, SUBMERGED IN THE ANNUAL NILE INUNDATION and emerging again to bring forth life-giving plants for mankind. The most widespread myth, fully preserved only in late sources, associates him with Isis and Horus, the former as his wife, the latter as their son. According to this myth, Osiris died as the result of a trick played by his jealous brother SET, who coveted the Egyptian throne; Osiris' body was dismembered and scattered throughout Egypt (or floated away to Syrian Byblos). Rescued by faithful Isis, the body retained sufficient virility to beget Horus, who was subsequently born at marsh-bound Chemmis and nursed by Isis until big enough to challenge Set and avenge his father's murder. -- Vol. 18, pps. 238-239.
The encyclopedia mentions another myth about Osiris:
Another myth tells that Osiris was simply drowned in the Nile. In both, however, he descended into the water and then came forth with life-giving moisture and fertilizing power, to sustain human beings. Osiris was worshipped in many places, notably at Abydos in Upper Egypt, regarded in the myth as the burial place of his head. Here were celebrated the annual "MYSTERIES OF OSIRIS"; a drama was enacted in which his struggle with his enemies (chiefly Set) was simulated, his disappearance (death) was mourned with loud wailing and self-torture by the spectators, and finally his "resurrection" was celebrated with corresponding joy and exultation.
As king of the dead -- Horus having succeeded him as earthly ruler -- Osiris presided over the final judgment which every man and woman faced, when hearts were weighed against the feather of truth. Egyptians hoped by the use of MAGIC to be in death identified with Osiris in the nether world and even to become an Osiris, triumphant over death, in the land of the blessed.Ibid., p. 239.
Funk & Wagnalls New Encyclopedia has this to say: "Originally the local god of Abydos and Busiris, OSIRIS, who represented the male productive force in nature BECAME IDENTIFIED WITH THE SETTING SUN. Thus he was regarded as the ruler of the realm of the dead...Osiris was the brother and husband of ISIS, goddess of the earth and of the moon, who represented the female productive force in nature. According to legend Osiris, as king of Egypt, found his people plunged in barbarism and taught them law, agriculture, religion, and other blessings of civilization. He was murdered by his evil brother SET, who tore the body to pieces and scattered the fragments. Isis found and buried his scattered remains, however, and each burial place was thereafter revered as sacred ground. Their son HORUS, sired by a temporary regenerated Osiris, avenged his father's death by killing Set and then ascended the throne. Osiris lived on in the underworld as the ruler of the dead, but he was also, through Horus, regarded as the source of renewed life" (Vol. 18 Article "Osiris," p. 212).
Life and Death of Nimrod
In this myth or legend we see preserved fragments of TRUTH regarding the life and death of NIMROD -- "a mighty one in the earth" (Genesis 10:8) and the first empire-builder after the flood!
We have just seen in the passage from Collier's Encyclopedia that Osiris was sometimes represented as being BLACK. Hislop, in his Two Babylons notes "that Nimrod, as the son of Cush, was a NEGRO. Now, there was a tradition in Egypt, recorded by Plutarch, that 'OSIRIS WAS BLACK,' which, in a land where the general complexion was dusky, must have implied something MORE THAN ORDINARY IN ITS DARKNESS...we have unequivocal evidence that OSIRIS, the son and husband of the great goddess-queen of Egypt, was...represented as a veritable NEGRO. In Wilkinson may be found a representation of him with the unmistakable features of the genuine Cushite or negro...This negro-featured Osiris is clothed from head to foot in a SPOTTED DRESS, the upper part being a leopard's skin, the under part also being SPOTTED to correspond with it. Now the name NIMROD signifies "the subduer of the LEOPARD." This name seems to imply, that...Nimrod had gained fame by...making the LEOPARD aid him in hunting the other wild beasts" (Loizeaux Brothers, N.J. 1959. Pps. 43-44).
Author Bryant (Bryant's Mythology, London 1807) reveals that Nimrod conquered all of the lands from Babylon to Libya -- including Egypt. This area included the majority of the populated world of the day; and Nimrod imposed HIS government and HIS religion upon these peoples. Nimrod created laws to govern this vast area, but chose to ignore YEHOVAH God's law because he was intent on turning the people of these lands away from YEHOVAH and to himself.
According to Herman L. Hoeh "Nimrod settled Egypt 60 years after the building of Babel, and reigned two years jointly with his father. His total reign in Egypt was therefore 27 years" (Compendium of World History. Ambassador College, 1962. P. 53).
According to Hislop: "Ancient traditions relate that the apostates who joined in the rebellion of Nimrod made war upon the faithful among the sons of Noah [Shem and his followers in Egypt]. Power and numbers were on the side of the fire-worshippers. But on the side of the faithful was the power of God's spirit. Therefore many [Nimrod and his government] were convicted in their sin, and arrested in their evil career; and victory declared for the saints. The power of Nimrod [Osiris] came to an end, and with it, for a time, the WORSHIP OF THE SUN, AND THE FIERY SERPENT ASSOCIATED WITH IT" (The Two Babylons, p. 232)
Somehow Osiris (Nimrod) managed to escape and fled to ROME. Shem (known as SET by the Egyptians) followed him there and killed him, taking his body back to Egypt. As a result, the area where Rome now stands became known as SATURNIA -- the place where Nimrod [Saturn] hid from his pursuers.
Shem (Set) returned to Egypt with the body of Nimrod (Osiris) and, with the consent of the judicial system of Egypt (72 leading men of the country), cut the body up into pieces and distributed it around the land.
While this seems barbaric on the surface, the net result of this act was to scare people from having anything further to do with the SUN-WORSHIP system instituted by Osiris or Nimrod.
Hislop recounts the story:
Now when Shem had so powerfully wrought upon the minds of men as to induce them to make a terrible example of the great Apostate, and when that Apostate's DISMEMBERED LIMBS were sent to THE CHIEF CITIES, where no doubt his system had been established....[the] terror of an EXECUTION, inflicted on one so mighty as Nimrod, made it needful that, for some time to come at least, the EXTREME OF CAUTION should be used. -- The Two Babylons, p. 66.
Earlier, Hislop noted that: "In like manner, when the dismembered parts of Osiris were sent among the cities by the seventy-two "conspirators" -- in other words, by the supreme judges of Egypt, it was equivalent to a solemn declaration in their name, that 'WHOSOEVER SHOULD DO AS OSIRIS HAD DONE, SO SHOULD IT BE DONE TO HIM; SO SHOULD HE ALSO BE CUT IN PIECES' " (Ibid., p. 64).
While this put an end to Nimrod's sun-worship religion for a while, those who were intent on continuing their rebellion against YEHOVAH God realized that they would have to go UNDERGROUND to avoid the same fate that befell Nimrod. "In these circumstances, then, BEGAN, there can hardly be a doubt, THAT SYSTEM OF 'MYSTERY,' which, having Babylon for its centre, has spread over the world. In these Mysteries, under the SEAL OF SECRECY and the sanction of an oath, and by means of all the fertile resources of MAGIC, men were gradually LED BACK to all the IDOLATRY that had been publicly suppressed [by Shem], while NEW FEATURES were added to that idolatry that made it still MORE blasphemous than before" (The Two Babylons, pps. 66-67).
"Many Gods...."
The citizens of ancient Egypt worshipped MANY different gods and goddesses which were, at first, worshipped only in local areas. But, when Upper and Lower Egypt were united, the gods of the more influential cities acquired a "NATIONAL" rather than a "local" status.
We read about this in Collier's Encyclopedia, under the title "Religion":
From the beginning the Egyptians were intensely religious. If, as some believe, they started as monotheists, they scarcely possessed a monotheistic zeal. While they were loyal to the "GOD OF THE CITY," that loyalty never excluded a readiness to accept other divinities into their hearts and shrines. The gods of the more influential cities acquired a sort of national status as soon as the "union of the Two Lands" had been consummated. The creator-god Ptah of Memphis, the sun-god Re of Heliopolis, the fertility-god Min of Coptos, the cow-goddess Hathor of Dendera, OSIRIS OF ABYDOS, Neith of Sais, the cosmic god Amon of Hermopolis later transferred to Thebes: these were divinities once more or less strictly localized whose cults were eventually practiced up and down the Nile Valley....
Gods whose cults were transferred to a new location occasionally SUPERSEDED the native god. Thus Montu of Thebes was overshadowed by Amon when the latter came from Hermopolis; it was Amon who became king of the gods. Osiris was not native to Abydos, but few Egyptians remembered the god who was, and Osiris, lord of Abydos, was the MOST LOVED of all Egyptian gods.-- Vol. 8, pps. 668-669.
The Egyptians exhibited a great propensity to accept NEW gods into their worship -- and willingly MERGED the most popular of them. In other words, many of the gods were JOINED TO EACH OTHER and their rituals were combined in order to worship BOTH of them.
The "HIDDEN GOD" of Osiris!
But also, and this is important, the "HIDDEN GODS" that were associated with these popular gods were also MERGED along with them! In this fashion the god HAPI also became known as HAP, HAPY, APIS and HAPPY!
Remember that in the Babylonian Mystery Religion SATURN was the "HIDDEN GOD" associated with Nimrod. So WHO, in the Mystery Religion of Egypt, was the "HIDDEN GOD" associated with OSIRIS -- the GOD that was only revealed to those who were "initiated"?
Earlier we read that: "The green (sometimes black) color of his [Osiris] skin reflects the concept of Osiris as vegetation or earth god, SUBMERGED IN THE ANNUAL NILE INUNDATION AND EMERGING AGAIN to bring forth life-giving plants for mankind" (Collier's Encyclopedia, p. 238).
We also read that "another myth tells that Osiris was simply drowned in the Nile. In both [myths], however, HE DESCENDED INTO THE WATER AND THEN CAME FORTH with life-giving moisture and fertilizing power, to sustain human beings" (Ibid., p. 238).
Now, if we do a little research, we will discover that the NILE RIVER itself -- from which the god OSIRIS "emerged" or "came forth" from -- was THE GOD NAMED "HAPI"!
This association with the Nile River can be found in The Religion of Ancient Egypt, by Samuel A.B. Mercer:
The river NILE was deified under the form of its ANCIENT NAME HAPI (h'pi) or Hep (hp).
It was thought that HAPI dwelt in a grotto on the Island of Bigeh, in the Nile....He was called "great lord of provisions," "lord of fishes," "father of the gods," "creator of things which exist," "vivifier." By his worshippers, he was exalted above Re....His symbols were water and water plants....There is extant an interesting HYMN OF THANKSGIVING TO HAPI, and the books of the Nile-god are referred to.
As a water and vegetation-god, HAPI WAS IDENTIFIED WITH OSIRIS, Hapi being the Nile and Osiris the fertilizing virtues of the river (PT 2063). The Nile was said to have come forth from the sweat of the hands of OSIRIS, and the soul of Osiris was revived by water flowing from the breast of the MALE-FEMALE HAPI and from a vase in his left hand....(Luzac & Co., London. 1949, p. 185).
Samuel Mercer explains that --
He was worshipped, no doubt, as early as the first prehistoric settlements on the banks of the Nile, and, although no regular organized liturgical cult of Hapi is known, offerings were made to him for his aid and blessing during the periods of inundations. Out of that developed the regular FESTIVALS OF THE NILE...such as those of Rameses II, when many kinds of offerings were made TO HAPI, and later the festival of the annual rise of the Nile was celebrated throughout Egypt with great solemnity. Still later, Heliodorus Aeth. X, I, speaks of an offering to the Nile and a festival (ib., IX, 9). The early Church Fathers refer to the worship of the waters of the Nile, and the festival of the Nile is celebrated even in our own day. We have reference to several temples which were DEDICATED TO HAPI, at Nilopolis, Heliopolis, and Memphis. -- Ibid., p. 186.
In discussing the hymn of thanksgiving to Hapi (mentioned in the above quote) historian Miriam Lichtheim makes the following comments: "HAPY, the personified inundating Nile, AROUSED FEELINGS OF THANKFUL EXUBERANCE which inspired some fine poetry. Pyramid Text 581 speaks of the 'meadows laughing when the riverbanks are flooding,' and the great hymn [to HAPI]...has woven the reactions of the people to the annual miracle of the inundation into a highly effective composition, which was much admired by the Egyptians, as the numerous text copies attest....The god HAPY did not have a regular temple-cult. But there were FESTIVALS IN HIS HONOR, at which hymns were undoubtedly sung" (Ancient Egyptian Literature. Vol. 1: The Old and Middle Kingdoms. University of California Press, Los Angeles, 1975, pps. 204-205).
Here, in this very quote, we find a textbook dictionary definition of the word "happy" -- "feelings of thankful exuberance"! This, my friends, is where the modern English word "happy" comes from -- ancient Egypt and HAPI, the god of the Nile!
Further information about HAPY or HAPI as the Nile god can be found in Funk & Wagnalls Standard Dictionary of Folklore, Mythology, and Legend:
The god of the Nile; an obese bearded man with the breasts of a woman; the Greek Nilus. Both the great stomach and the breasts are SYMBOLS OF THE FERTILITY of this water god; the lotus or the papyrus carried on his head, and the water he poured from vases are likewise fertility symbols. Sometimes the god is dual: as the red god of the lower Nile he wears the papyrus; as the blue god of the upper river, he wears the lotus. HAPY was worshipped especially at the annual inundation; the mysterious resurrection of the life-bringing river caused him to be identified even in early times WITH OSIRIS. -- Funk & Wagnalls Co., N.Y. 1950. Vol. 1, p. 479.
We can now see that "HAPY-HAPI" was the "HIDDEN GOD" that was associated with and worshipped alongside the god OSIRIS! HAPY-HAPI, as the Hidden God, was known as the "father of the gods," "creator of things which exist," and "LIFE GIVER" -- the god of fertility and resurrection!
The God Ptah
A KEY to tying all this together is the god PTAH -- the god of ancient Memphis. Ptah has a Semitic name which means "THE OPENER."
We read earlier that the TITLE of the PRIEST who explained the MYSTERIES to the initiate was "PETER" -- meaning interpreter or OPENER. Obviously, then, this title of the priest came from PTAH (PTA) -- one of the gods of ancient Egypt. Ptah, therefore, can help OPEN to our understanding the relationship between the various gods and the symbols that represent them.
Let us now look at PTAH, the god of MEMPHIS: "PTAH, in ancient Egyptian religion, one of the greatest of gods. Ancient inscriptions describe him as 'creator of the earth, father of the gods and all the beings of this earth, father of beginnings.' He was regarded as the patron of metalworkers and artisans and as a mighty healer. His most usual representation is as a mummy bearing the symbols of life, power, and stability. The main center of his worship was a magnificent temple in Memphis" (Funk & Wagnalls New Encyclopedia, Vol. 19, pps. 449-450).
For more detail we need to go to Collier's Encyclopedia once more:
PTAH [pta], the god of the ancient Egyptian capital of Memphis. Of comparatively late origin -- early dynastic period or before-- he is always represented as human in form and appears in a tightly fitting garment with hands, feet, and head alone extending....The theologies of Memphis, in their rivalry with the city of Hermopolis and Hermopolis' god Amon, developed a lofty concept of PTAH AS A CREATOR whose heart (mind) and tongue (utterance) produced the entire creation....PTAH WAS JOINED TO SOKAR AND OSIRIS and was even associated with the mortuary cult. At Memphis, where he always remained supreme, he shared worship with Sekhmet, his wife, and Nefertem, his son. -- Vol. 19, p. 479.
Here we see that PTAH was JOINED to Osiris. Remember this fact.
Memphis -- City of Ptah!
Now, since the main center of Ptah's worship was MEMPHIS, let us find out more about this important Egyptian city.
The Encyclopedia Britannica reveals the following information: "MEMPHIS, the capital of Egypt through most of its early history, now represented by the rubbish mounds at Bedreshen on the W. bank of the Nile 14m. S. of Cairo. AS THE CHIEF SEAT OF THE WORSHIP OF PTAH, the artisan god (Hephaestus), Memphis must have existed from a very remote time. But its greatness probably began with MENES [MIZRAIM -- GRANDSON OF NOAH], who united the kingdoms of Upper and Lower Egypt, and is said to have secured the site for his capital near the border of the two lands by diverting the course of the river eastward. The residence here of Pepi I. of the VIth Dynasty, as well as his pyramid in the necropolis, was named Men-nefer, and this gradually became the usual designation of the whole city, becoming Menfi, Membi in late Egyptian, i.e. Memphis. It was also called HAKEPTAH, "RESIDENCE OF THE KA [GENIUS] OF PTAH," and this name furnishes a possible ORIGIN for that of EGYPT" (1943 Edition. Vol. 15, p. 235).
Also, in Collier's Encyclopedia, we read:
MEMPHIS, the capital of ancient Egypt, 14 miles south of Cairo, across the Nile. Its site made it the key to Egypt, and its choice as the royal residence is ascribed to MENES (c. 2850 B.C.) [?]. ITS GREAT GOD WAS PTAH, in whose temple was KEPT THE APIS-BULL, attested by inscriptions as early as the First Dynasty. Throughout the Old Kingdom Memphis remained the capital, and the Pharaohs were buried at nearby Saqqara, Giza, and Abu Sir. The city was first known as the "White Wall," but in the Sixth Dynasty, for obscure reasons, it acquired the name Men-nefer, which the Greeks rendered Memphis. Its sacred name was HIKUPTAH, "house of the KA (GENIUS) of PTAH," which the Greeks rendered "AIGUPTOS," giving us our name Egypt. -- Vol. 15, pps. 680-681.
Did you see that -- the sacred name of MEMPHIS was HIKUPTAH, (Aiguptos -- Egypt) which means "house of the GENIUS of Ptah"?! Now what exactly is the "GENIUS" of Ptah?
The "Genius" of Ptah
Webster's Deluxe Unabridged Dictionary gives us a clue:
GEN'IUS (--yus), n.; pl. for 3, 4, 5, 6 gen'ius.es, for 1 and 2, ge'ni-i, [L. genius, the GUARDIAN DEITY OR SPIRIT of a person, spirit, natural ability, genius, from gignere to produce.]
1. (a) [often G --] according to ancient Roman belief, A GUARDIAN SPIRIT assigned to a person AT BIRTH; TUTELARY DEITY; hence, (b) [often G --] the guardian spirit of any person, place, etc.; (c) either of two spirits, one good and one evil, supposed to influence one's destiny; -- Second Edition. Simon & Schuster, N.Y. 1979.
If we turn to the Encyclopedia Britannica once again, more interesting facts come to light: "In its earliest meaning in private cult, the GENIUS [GUARDIAN DEITY OR SPIRIT] of the Roman house-father and the IUNO [ROMAN DEITY OF WOMEN] of the house-mother were worshipped.... In this as in all forms of his cult, the GENIUS was often conceived as APPEARING IN THE FORM OF A SNAKE....Owing to the rise of individualism and also to the prevalence of Greek ideas concerning a guardian spirit or DAIMON, the GENIUS lost its original meaning, and came to be a sort of personification of the individual's natural desires and appetites....However, the development did not stop here. The GENIUS came to be thought of as a sort of GUARDIAN ANGEL, a higher self; and, as the Greek DAIMON was sometimes rationalized into the individual's character or temper, so also Horace half-seriously (Epp. ii. 2, 187) says that only the GENIUS knows what makes one person so different from another, adding that HE IS A GOD who is born and dies with each one of us. THIS INDIVIDUAL GENIUS WAS WORSHIPPED BY EACH INDIVIDUAL ESPECIALLY ON HIS BIRTHDAY....As Greek DAIMONES were by no means always the guardian spirits of individuals, so also we get A VAST VARIETY OF GENII; i.e., guardian spirits, of places, genius loci, including buildings (genius balneorum, etc.) and corporations of all sorts, from the State (genius populi Romani) to small bodies of troops, guilds of tradesmen and so forth. A very curious development is that we sometimes hear of THE GENIUS OF A GOD, even of Jupiter, or of the IUNO of a goddess. Apart from the Latin use of the term, the plural "genii" (with a singular "genie") is used in English, as equivalent to the Arabic jinn, for a CLASS OF SPIRITS, good or bad, such as are described, for instance, in The Arabian Nights" (1943 Edition. Vol. 10, p. 116).
Apis -- The Sacred Bull!
We have just read in the quotation from Collier's Encyclopedia that "Ptah was JOINED to...OSIRIS." Also, we have just read that PTAH was the great god of Memphis, "in whose temple was kept the APIS-BULL..." If we look into the DEFINITION of the word "APIS," we will soon learn that it literally means "THE HIDDEN"!
Notice what Webster's Deluxe Unabridged Dictionary says:
A'PIS, n. [L. Apis; Gr. Apis; Egypt. HAPI, lit. THE HIDDEN.] a bull to which divine honors were paid by the ancient Egyptians because of his supposed connection WITH THE GOD PTAH.
Further, in Funk & Wagnalls Standard Dictionary of Folklore, Mythology, and Legend:
HAP, HAPI, or APIS LITERALLY, THE HIDDEN: in ancient Egyptian religion, the sacred bull of Memphis, symbol and incarnation of PTAH-OSIRIS. This bull was the offspring of a virgin cow who had been impregnated by lightning or a moonbeam. In death it was known in Ptolemaic times as the POWERFUL GOD SERAPIS (OSIRIS-APIS): in the Memphite Serapeum, uncovered in 1851, 64 mummified bulls were found. The bull was chosen by its special markings, and succeeded to its post of honor after the death of the preceding HAP. Those who inhaled its breath became thereby able to prophesy. It is conjectural whether the calf worshipped by the Israelites in the desert during the exodus from Egypt was identical with, or an image of, this bull. See BULL; HAPY. -- Vol. 1, p. 480.
In the Encyclopedia Britannica (1943 edition) we read: "APIS or HAPI (the Bull), a god of the ancient Egyptian Pantheon. His chief centre of worship was Memphis and he was supposed to be THE IMAGE OF THE SOUL OF OSIRIS. He is occasionally represented as a man with the head of a bull. He was also regarded as the reincarnation (or the son) of PTAH...and from his posthumous name of OSIRIS-APIS [HAPI] is derived his other name, Serapis" (Vol. 2, p. 99).
Also, in Funk and Wagnalls New Encyclopedia, we learn: "APIS, sacred bull of the ancient Egyptians. It was known to them as HAPI, and was regarded as THE INCARNATION OF OSIRIS or of PTAH....It was believed that when APIS died a new Apis appeared and had to be searched out...." (Vol. 2, p. 163).
Now if we turn to The Interpreter's Dictionary of the Bible (page 157) we will learn more about HAP-HAPI-HAPY -- the SACRED BULL known as APIS:
The SACRED BULL KNOWN AS APIS was worshipped in Memphis by the Egyptians from earliest historical times as a GENERAL GOD OF FERTILITY. Although he was primarily a manifestation of the god Ptah, his fertility function led to his being closely associated with OSIRIS in Greco-Roman times and to his being regarded as the reincarnation of that god, under the name OSIRIS-APIS or SERAPIS. The REPRESENTATIVE BULL was chosen with great care by the priests of the cult, and during its lifetime it was accorded all the honors concomitant with divine adoration. At its death it was mummified and buried in one of the several places reserved in Egypt for that purpose. -- Vol. 1.
In Ralph Woodrow's Babylon Mystery Religion we find, on page 150, a view of an "APIS" (HAP-HAPI-HAPY) BULL with a SUN DISK between its horns:
In Hislop's Two Babylons the author reveals that the symbolism for a "BULL" is a "PRINCE" or "RULER" -- a "KING"! Notice: "The same word that signified a BULL, signified also a RULER or PRINCE. Hence the "Horned bull" signified "The MIGHTY Prince," thereby pointing BACK to the first of those "Mighty ones," who, under the name of Guebres, Gabrs, or Cabiri, occupied so conspicuous a place in the ANCIENT WORLD, and to whom the deified Assyrian monarchs covertly traced back the origin of their greatness and might" (page 33).
Therefore, the APIS-HAP-HAPI-HAPY BULL with the SUN DISK between its horns is the symbolism that tells us that the HIDDEN GOD is the RULER OF SUN-WORSHIP! In other words, the BULL plainly represents NIMROD!
Hislop points this out --
The ordinary way in which the favourite EGYPTIAN DIVINITY OSIRIS was mystically represented was under the form of a YOUNG BULL or calf -- the calf APIS -- from which the golden calf of the Israelites was borrowed. There was a reason WHY that calf should not commonly appear in the appropriate symbols of THE GOD HE REPRESENTED, for that calf represented the divinity in the character of SATURN, "THE HIDDEN ONE," "APIS" being only another name for SATURN" (Ibid., p. 45).
Saturn of course, as we have already seen, is none other than NIMROD!
Therefore, according to the publication Should the House of Yahweh Celebrate Birthdays, " 'HAPI-HAPY' was the 'GENIUS' of Ptah (and of Osiris) -- the 'HIDDEN GOD' -HAPI-HAPY-HAP-APIS-represented as the 'Sacred Bull of Memphis,' was the symbol and incarnation of the GODS Ptah and Osiris!" (page 65).
Notice how ALL these gods trace back to the original god after the flood -- NIMROD, the first to rebel against YEHOVAH God in the new age. These HIDDEN GODS were known by many different "names," but all these gods combined into ONE "HIDDEN GOD NIMROD" -- even the NAME OF EGYPT, the "house of the GENIUS [Hapi-Hapy] of Ptah"!
When the Eternal God brought the Israelites out of Egypt and out of the apostate religion of the land, the first of the Ten Commandments given to them was" "You shall have no OTHER GODS before Me" -- period! But, human nature being what it is without the spirit of YEHOVAH God, the Israelites (and later, so-called Christians) IGNORED this pivotal commandment; and today, whether you believe it or not, "Christians" participating in BIRTHDAY CELEBRATIONS are wishing the OTHER GODS of Egypt upon each celebrant.
The bottom line is that YEHOVAH God is NOT WORSHIPPED among "Christians" today; but the OTHER GODS OF EGYPT are worshipped and glorified in this whole DECEIVED WORLD!
Osiris was clearly identified at Memphis with Ptah and the GODS that were identified or associated with Ptah -- namely the local sacred bull APIS (HAP). Now, as we have seen, this UNION led to the name OSOR-HAP (OSIRIS-APIS), known as "SERAPIS" to the Greek world.
Ptolemy I, the Macedonian general who ruled Egypt after Alexander the Great died, placed Serapis in the Egyptian pantheon -- with the intention of establishing a GOD in whose worship the Greeks could join at a common shrine. The temple of OSIRIS-APIS was rebuilt at Alexandria (the sea-port of Egypt) where it was called the SERAPEUM; and a great IMAGE OF GOD was set up there. The Greeks informed the Egyptians that this GOD was a FUSION of Osiris and Apis of Memphis -- thereby becoming Osiris-Apis or SERAPIS. Serapis assumed the titles of Osiris, as the NILE GOD (HAPI-HAPY), the god of the Underworld, and the judge of the dead.
The great SERAPEUM at Alexandria became the CHIEF SEAT of the worship of Serapis and ISIS in the Ptolemaic Age. It was evidently adorned by a huge statue of the god -- built of the finest craftsmanship. The two other centers of his worship were at MEMPHIS (where Serapis absorbed Apis (Hapi-Hapy), and at ABYDOS (where he took over the temple of Osiris).
Serapis Spreads to the Empire
Osiris, UNITED with Apis (HAPI-HAPY) under the name SERAPIS (Osiris-Apis) attained INTERNATIONAL RECOGNITION during the Greco-Roman Period. The cult spread to GREECE and also found its way to ROME and its provinces.
Author John Ferguson traces the spread of Serapis to other countries --
Political suspicion of Egypt at the end of the Republic and during the early Empire checked for a while the onset of the Egyptian gods at Rome itself. It is possible that this very fact encouraged the cult's dissemination elsewhere -- through the great ports and emporia, FROM AQUILEIA INTO THE LAND OF THE DANUBE, from Carthage into Africa, from the French coast up the Rhone into Provence and ULTIMATELY TO NORTH-WEST EUROPE AND BRITAIN. Witness, to take two examples, THE TEMPLE AT YORK TO THE HOLY GOD SERAPIS dedicated by Claudius Hieronymianus of the Sixth Legion, and the FINE HEAD OF THE GOD FROM THE WALBROOK MITHRAEUM. At Rome itself Caligula reversed the policy of his predecessors, and the Flavian, Antonine and Severan dynasties alike WERE WARM IN THEIR SUPPORT OF THE CULT; the Christian apologist Minucius Felix, writing in the second or third century, comments that the Egyptian cult has been COMPLETELY ADOPTED BY THE ROMANS. We receive occasional glimpses of its power. For example, Aelius Aristides tells us that under the Antonines there were FORTY-TWO TEMPLES OF SARAPIS IN EGYPT. Diogenes Laertius records that the HYMN TO SARAPIS written by Demetrius of Phalerum was still sung in his own day; Diogenes no doubt took these last words from his source, Didymus, but he thought that they were still true....The cult in fact survived to the very end of the fourth century A.D. Then Theophilus, the Christian patriarch of Alexandria, took an axe to the cult-statue and directed the conflagration of the god's temple; we see him in a manuscript illustration trampling on the shrine, and Rufinius declared that he had cut off 'the very head of idolatry.' -- The Religions of the Roman Empire. Cornell University Press, Ithaca, N.Y., pps. 36-37.
We see here that the worship of SERAPIS (OSIRIS-APIS) was popular among the Greeks and then the Romans. The Romans tried to imitate (as they did in other spheres as well) as much as possible the religions and traditions of Egypt. From Rome the cult of Serapis spread throughout the Empire -- even as far as Britain at the very bounds of Roman power.
The publication Mythology of All Races shows HOW this occurred: "Despite all this, the Egyptians never propagated their religion abroad by missionaries. After the time of Alexander the Greeks, who had always been somewhat ATTRACTED BY THE MYSTERIOUS WORSHIP OF THE NILE-LAND, began to imitate some of its cults in their entirety, EVEN OUTSIDE EGYPT ITSELF; in the Roman period THESE CULTS SPREAD TO ITALY, AND THENCE THROUGH THE WHOLE ROMAN EMPIRE AS FAR AS BRITTANY. As we have already seen (p. 121), this propagation of the Egyptian religion was almost EXCLUSIVELY RESTRICTED TO THE DEITIES OF THE OSIRIAN CYCLE, the most popular of the Egyptian divinities, and to the GRAECO-EGYPTIAN SERAPIS. In this dispersion the cults sought to imitate as closely as possible -- though not always with success -- the ancient traditions of the Nile-land. The architecture and the hieroglyphs of the temples, the obelisks and sphinxes before the shrines, the strange linen vestments of the priests with their shaven heads and faces, the endless and obscure ritual, and the animal forms of some of the idols everywhere filled the Classical world with peculiar awe, and WONDERFUL MYSTERIES WERE BELIEVED TO BE HIDDEN under these incomprehensibilities. It mattered not that some free-thinkers always scoffed at the animal worship and other strange features of this barbarous cult; the proselytes only clung to its MYSTERIES with the greater zeal, and the 'ISIAC' RELIGION [the religion formulated by ISIS or Semiramis after the death of her husband Nimrod] proved a formidable competitor of rising Christianity" (Cooper Square Publishers, N.Y. 1964. Vol. 12, pps. 241-242).
During the heyday of the Roman Empire, when Britain was under the rule of Rome, APIS (HAP-HAPI-HAPY) was one of the gods worshipped there. The word "HAPPY" in the birthday greeting traces back to the word "HAP" in Old English as well as to the Latin "APIS" -- and BOTH were pronounced "HAPPY"!!
The worship of HAP (APIS, OSIRIS, OSAR-HAP, SERAPIS, etc.) was practiced in YORK in England among those who were the originators of the ENGLISH LANGUAGE. Not only that, but the English-speaking people DIRECTLY worshipped HAP -- calling him ZEUS!
We have already proven that the "soul" of the god Ptah was the GENIUS of the HIDDEN GOD that was worshipped, the SUN GOD worshipped from antiquity.
Today, when you wish someone "happy" birthday, you are wishing this depraved and ABOMINABLE "hidden sun-god" to come upon them and bring them "luck" -- and the SAME "fate" as Osiris-Hap: "The lord of heaven," ZEUS or Jupiter.
Birthday celebrations around the world today STILL honor the "hidden god" and the GENII of "luck" and "fate"!
In Funk & Wagnalls Standard Dictionary of Folklore, Mythology, and Legend we clearly see the CONTINUING THREAD of the worship of the GENII running through each and every BIRTHDAY custom celebrated in this deceived world now -- this very day:
Among people with well developed sense of time, BIRTHDAYS mark the transition from one stage of being to another. Because any change is dangerous, BIRTHDAYS are the times when good and evil spirits and influences have the opportunity to attack the celebrants who at these times are in peril....The presence of friends and the expression of good wishes help to protect the celebrant against the unknown pervasive peril. Ceremonies and games at BIRTHDAYS frequently are a SYMBOLIC wiping out of the past and starting anew. The American child who at his BIRTHDAY blows out all the candles on his cake with one puff is eager to demonstrate his prowess, but the secret wish he makes will be granted only if all the candles can be extinguished at once. Trials of strength and skill on birthdays are demonstrations of progress....
The dictionary goes on to explain -- --
The exchange of presents and communal eating, except in communities where eating together is dangerous or bad manners, strengthen communal bonds and this is associated with the importance of INGRATIATING good and evil fairies, godmothers, and wealthy relatives, on their or our birthdays. The Tshi of West Africa sacrifice to their protective spirits on their birthdays by smearing themselves with egg and asking for good luck....The social importance of BIRTHDAYS increases with the importance of the celebrant: KINGS, HEROES, SAINTS, GODS. Because kings are endowed in folk thinking with MAGICAL functions in that a good king or PRESIDENT can bring among other things good fortune to the people, that is peace and good crops, the birth of a royal heir is the occasion for great social and mild sexual excitement. In Christian communities the birthdays of martyrs are their death days, when they are born into eternal life.
The date, hour, and place of birth may be the clues to good or bad fortune as determined by the complex computations of astrologers, numerologists, and geomants. Prudential ceremonies either at birth or at stated anniversaries, depending on the system of computation, are good insurance. Memorial services, or sacrifices at tombs or before ancestral tablets, are in some places customary on the birthdays of the deceased. The function is a mixture of natural affection, the desire to keep the deceased at peace and therefore to keep his ghost from troubling the living -- page 144.
The HIDDEN origin of many of the BIRTHDAY CUSTOMS practiced today are highlighted in the following quote:
Birthday parties began many, many years ago, IN EUROPE. People believed in good and evil spirits in those days. Sometimes they called them good and evil fairies. They thought that the spirits gathered especially around a person who was celebrating his birthday. Everyone was afraid of these spirits and that they would cause harm to the birthday celebrant, and so he was SURROUNDED by friends and relatives whose good wishes, and very presences, would PROTECT HIM against the unknown dangers that the BIRTHDAY held. The earlier after the break of day that good wishes and greetings were given, the sooner the birthday celebrant was given protection against the evil spirits. GIVING GIFTS, along with GOOD WISHES, brought even greater protection. EATING TOGETHER provided a further safeguard and helped to bring the blessings of the good spirits, godmothers, and wealthy relatives. So, the birthday gathering or party, along with its GIFTS and GREETINGS, was originally intended to make a person safe from evil and to insure a good year to come.
In very early days, only kings or prominent men were thought important enough to celebrate their birthdays. But as time went on, THE COMMON PEOPLE began to celebrate theirs, and eventually CHILDREN'S BIRTHDAYS began to be celebrated most of all.
And what about birthday CANDLES?
Even the smallest child knows that BIRTHDAY CANDLES are to wish on. But WHY? The reason GOES BACK TO THE EARLY GREEKS AND ROMANS who thought that tapers or candles had magical qualities. They would offer prayers and MAKE WISHES to be carried up to the gods by the FLAMES OF THE CANDLES. The gods would then send down their blessings and perhaps answer the prayers. The Germans were also the first to use LIGHTED CANDLES ON BIRTHDAY CAKES. The birthday celebrant MADE A SECRET WISH ON THE FLAME, JUST AS MOST AMERICAN CHILDREN DO TODAY, and this wish might be granted if ALL THE CANDLES WERE BLOWN OUT WITH ONE PUFF. It became the custom to have one candle for each year of life and in some countries another candle "to grow on" has been added.
PLAYING GAMES at birthday parties
started a long time ago as a symbolic wiping out of the past year and the
starting of the new year ahead. Games of skill or strength were played and
they were considered trials to show how much progress the birthday child
had made in the past year. Everyone was proud as he demonstrated how much
stronger and wiser he had become and how much more he had learned to do since
his last celebration.
Giving BIRTHDAY SPANKS is meant to
insure good luck for the coming year This custom has come down to us from
very long ago and is still well known in many countries. It takes various
forms (there are whacks, smacks, spanks, pinches, pricks, bumps), but ALL
are given for GOOD LUCK. If your child complains about friends following
this age-old custom on his birthday you can explain that they are really
wishing him well for the year to come.
The author discusses OTHER birthday practices:
Among the European peasantry, especially in Germany, the custom of planting a birth tree was practiced. People believed that a tree planted in honor of a child's birth had a MYSTERIOUS CONNECTION with his welfare all his life. If the tree did well, the child would have good fortune; if the tree withered, or was cut down, or died, the child might be affected....
Many superstitions are connected with the birthday. Astrologers, numerologists, and geomancers still use the date, hour, and place of birth as clues to good or bad fortune and they are firm believers in lucky and unlucky days. Each month, too, has its own BIRTH STONE, and many people believe that if this stone is worn by the person who was born in that month it will bring good luck.
In some countries, BIRTHDAY CAKES are still used to tell fortunes. A ring or thimble, button or coin, or several small things of this type, is placed in the batter before the cake is baked. When the cake is sliced, your fortune is told according to the object found in your slice....
Each month has a SPECIAL FLOWER. If you want to bring a bouquet as a birthday gift, you could bring the flower that is associated with the month of the birthday....
Birthday customs vary somewhat from one region to another within the same country. They are affected by religious differences, rural and urban differences, and even economic status. But if you were invited, today, to a BIRTHDAY PARTY GIVEN IN ANY OF THE COUNTRIES I have written about in this book, you might expect to find children and their families celebrating very much as I have described. -- Birthday Practices Around the World, by Barbara Rinkoff. M. Barrows & Co., N.Y. 1967, pps. 3-9.
On the surface these customs seem oh so innocent, but just beneath this VENEER of respectability lurks the DEPTHS OF PAGANISM. The worship of and the service to "THE HIDDEN GODS" is an ABOMINATION which YEHOVAH God truly hates!
So, when you wish someone "happy" ("HAPI") birthday you are actually wishing the "HIDDEN GOD" upon them! In fact, you are wishing this person to be blessed by none other than Osiris -- the favorite god of ancient Egypt. And WHO was Osiris? NIMROD, the first to REBEL AGAINST YEHOVAH GOD after the flood! Literally, you are wishing the birthday celebrant a "NIMROD" birthday -- is that what you want to do?
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There are currently two locations in the city of Jerusalem that claim to be the site of the Messiah's death and burial. Can we know, then, the CORRECT site of the greatest sacrifice in the history of mankind? Read about the tearing of the Temple curtain and the meaning of the phrase "outside the camp," and how these can point us to "The Place of the [Adam's] Skull." Discover the awesome symbolism of the sacrifice of the Red Heifer and how the Messiah satisfied the requirements of the Mosaic Law AND the Roman Law as he hung on the TREE overlooking the Temple wall!
Novelist Sir Walter Scott called them the "children of the mist." Little did he realize that the Clan MacGregor has a ROYAL background stretching through the mists of time to JUDAH THE SON OF JACOB. It is no accident the Highland clans of Scotland abhorred pork and exhibited many traits of the Israelites of old. Read about the Royal Scots and how they differed from the Scythae of the Lowlands; and discover the mysterious clan alliance called the "Siol Alpin" that produced some of the most prominent men in British and U.S. history!
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