Hope of Israel Ministries (Ecclesia of YEHOVAH):
America, take note before it is too late….
The Islamization of Europe
There is a lesson that America must learn from Europe’s experiences with Islam. Surely, it is indicative for us to understand something. That which is happening to our brothers and sisters across the Atlantic is subtly in progress at this moment in America. |
by Abdullah Al Araby
It has been said, " Those who ignore the lessons of history are bound to repeat them." Another famous quote says, " History repeats itself." The moral is that people often have short memories. Whether we observe bad things happening to other nations or experience such ourselves we seldom learn the needed lessons. As time passes, all is forgotten and the same mistakes are repeated, over and over again.
When the topic of the serious ramifications of the Islamic invasion of America comes up, few people register sufficient concern. They underestimate the potential threat because they view the USA’s current Muslim population of 1%-2% as insignificant. The danger is that, like some Europeans nations, we will wait till the percentage figures doubles, triples or even quadruple before it dawns on us that we have a problem. Our government and our entire population would be wise to look, listen and learn from what countries in Europe are suffering as the result of unchecked Islamic population growth. If we don’t heed the warnings that their problems represent, we will be sentenced to duplicating them.
There are many similarities between life in America and that in the Christian countries of Europe. The difference is the homelands of Muslims are much closer geographically to Europe and therefore the immigration invasions began much earlier. The Muslim population of Europe is now estimated to be around twenty million strong. That represents about 5% of Western Europe’s total inhabitants. France’s Islamic population presently ranks as the highest as it has raced to about 10%. The price tag for naively permitting that degree of growth has proven to have dire consequences.
Quest for Dominion
Naive and goodhearted Americans often complain and cite various reasons for rejecting any suggestion that the growth of Islam should be a point of concern. They figure, why criticize other religions? Why can’t we all just live and let live? Surely, civilized societies should pride themselves on tolerance towards those of other beliefs and grant freedom of religion to all citizens. No one should care about how or what others worship, as long as they worship peacefully. Another test is whether or not a religion infringes on the rights of others. Islam misses on both counts. It’s not peaceful because at various junctures it infringes on the rights of others to worship as they choose. Once it gains dominance, it is totally intolerant of other religions.
Such concerns might be invalid if they pertained to adherents of most any world religion, other than Islam. The thing that makes Islam different is the fact that it is more than a religion. Islam is a political, social, and economic way of life, cloaked in religious garments. Islam’s strict observances and regulations are imposed on all Muslims and affect every area of their lives. These shape their attitudes and responses towards those of other religions. Full compliance brings the promises of rewards in this life and in the hereafter. Noncompliance dictates harsh punishments both here and in eternity. As a result many Muslims are willing to kill and to die for the cause of religious fervor. These factors, combined with Islam’s inherent tendency to violence, make it difficult for it to co-exist in society with other religions.
Islam is never satisfied to be one religion among many. It has to be supreme; the one and only. "The (only) religion (acceptable) before God is Islam" (Surah 3:19). Within Islam, freedom of religion is never an option. Allah says, "If anyone desires a religion other than Islam, never will it be accepted of him" (Surah 3:85).
Domination is the name of the game. Islam’s objective is to obtain influence superior to that of all other religious groups. Its long-term agenda inevitably includes complete dominion over a nation. In free societies, as in America, they make no effort to hide such agendas. Omar M. Ahmed, chairman of the board of CAIR (Council on American- Islamic Relations) said once at a banquet, "I urge Muslims not to shirk their duty of sharing the Islamic faith with those who are on the wrong side." He added, "If you choose to live here, you have a responsibility to deliver the message of Islam. Islam isn’t here to be equal to any other faith but to become dominant."
The plan for the conquest and domination of Europe has been at work for some time. Giueppe Bernardini, the 72 year old Italian Archbishop of the archdiocese of Izmir, Turkey, said something startling. "The dominion has already begun with the petrodollars, used not to create work in the poor North African or Middle Eastern countries, but to build mosques and cultural centers in Christian countries with Islamic immigration, including Rome, the center of Christianity."
Perhaps, there might be some European Muslims who are simply satisfied to enjoy the prosperity afforded them in their adopted countries and therefore don’t mind accepting the status quo. However, there is a host of others who strive to see the traditionally Christian societies that welcomed them conform to the rigorous demands of Islamic society. The result is that Europe is undergoing a gradual transformation into a society in which Islam is not just equal to other faiths; it is the dominant player. This may not even be merely dependent upon increasing numerical strength. It may be solely driven by Islamist’s innate desire to control societies. It is a strategy of Islamic leaders that is carefully thought out and concisely executed.
The Islamic Invasion of Europe
Muslim Arabs were invited to Europe from Africa and Asia in the 1950
′s and 1960′s to meet the labor shortages of Western Europe’s booming postwar economies. Subsequently, Muslim refugees seeking political asylum to better their lives drastically increased those numbers. The trend continued into the 1970′s. The waves of Muslim immigrating from North Africa and the Middle East began to change the demographics of Europe. Muslim birthrates soared. According to U.N. statistics, the Islamic population of Europe doubled between 1989 and 1998, representing approximately 2% of the population. That number had again more than doubled by 2005, representing about 5% of all Europeans.Troubled France
France has the largest concentrations of Muslims in Europe, about 10% of the total population. Its situation is a clear example of the influence of Islam on European societies. The French actress, Brigitte Bardot, laments the Islamization of France in her book, A Scream in Silence. A court accused her of "presenting Muslims as barbaric and cruel invaders, responsible for terrorist acts and eager to dominate the French to the extent of wanting to exterminate them." She states in her book, "There are many new languages in new Europe; mediocrity is taking over from beauty and splendor. There are many people who are filthy, badly dressed and badly shaven."
France has about 5 Million Muslims. The younger generations of French Muslims seem to have a problem with identity. About half of them are almost indistinguishable from other non-Muslims. However, the other half poses a serious problem for France. They don’t view themselves as French and they also reject identifying with their families. They see themselves solely as Muslims. About 70,000 young Muslim women are subjected to forced marriages every year. Every year, 35,000 girls undergo Female Genitalia Mutilation/circumcision, or are under threat of the same.
You can’t miss seeing Islam’s influence if walking along many French streets. Parts of Paris look and sound more like an Arab country than they do European. Marseilles is racing towards becoming the first European city with a non-European majority.
The future is not promising. It is estimated that within 25 years, one in four residents of France will practice Islam. In an effort to maintain France’s traditional character, its government is strongly asserting the nation’s secularism. In doing so, a fierce struggle with the Islamists has ensued. Towards that goal, parliament banned Muslim women from wearing Islamic scarves (hijab) in public institutions. This decision is causing uproar from Muslims, not only in France, but all over the world.
France is Burning
Night after night, youthful Muslims blitzed through the outskirts of the poorer sections of French cities. From late October and into November of 2005 much of France was set aflame by Muslim rioters aged 13-24. At least 350 cities were attacked. Police intelligence sources indicate that the Jihadists-minded gangs plan to import the mayhem to the main streets of France’s primary cities, including Paris. Unquestionably, the authorities lost control of the nation and a form of marshal-law was enacted to restore some semblance of order. The sparks from those riots ignited embers of Islamic discontent in neighboring Belgium and Germany.
The riots were triggered by the deaths of two Muslim teenagers who were attempting to elude the police and were accidentally electrocuted in a poor suburb of Paris. The violence subsequently spread to other areas of France. More than 6,400 vehicles were torched and one man has been killed. More than 1,600 rioters were arrested. Schools, government buildings and churches were firebombed by the predominantly Muslim gangs. Though it was portrayed as race riots caused by official discrimination, it was in fact nothing less than a French intifada by French Muslims against France. Historically, France has been the most accommodating and liberal country in Europe towards Muslim immigrants. Its reward is exactly that which I have depicted in this volume, civil troubles. Innately Islam, the Quran and Islamic policies are predisposed to attempt to rule any nation that is foolish enough to extend overly liberal policies to them.
Unfortunately, this is not likely to be an ugly isolated and passing incident. The riots bear every indication of being the initial skirmishes of what will turn into a long war. These Muslim bands might retreat; if so, it will only be temporarily. They will likely fervently regroup later under the banners of experienced Islamic terrorists who will gladly inspire them.
Europe is Becoming Eurabia
Bat Ye’or is a history expert on the subject of "dhimmitude;" how Islam treated the People of the Book, Christians and Jews, throughout history. She originated the term "Eurabia" to underscore the growing influence of Islam in Europe. In a recent article titled, How Europe Became Eurabia, she states:
"Beyond a fleeting awareness, the overwhelming majority of Europeans and Americans do not understand the new Eurabian entity, which is only the first step in a steady progression toward its Arabization and Islamization. Europe has evolved from…a Judeo-Christian civilization, with important post-enlightenment/secular elements, to a 'civilization of dhimmitude,’ i.e. Eurabia: a secular-Muslim transitional society with its traditional Judeo-Christian more rapidly disappearing."
The Islamization of Europe becomes more obvious as time goes by. Thanks to the Saudi funds, beautiful mosques are erected in large cities. Many Imams and staff personnel of those mosques are paid by Saudi funds. All over Europe, the picture is not pretty:
Sweden’s third largest city is Malmo and for all intents and purposes is ruled by violent Muslim gangs. Some of its Muslim residents have lived there as long as 20 years and still cannot read or write Swedish. Muslims succeeded into turning a first world city into another third world, like the countries they came from.
Britain’s Muslim population is estimated to be between 1.6 and 3 million. A substantial segment of young Muslims in the United Kingdom does not identify with Britain, but only with Islam. Such young men were behind the terrorist attack of July 7, 2005. In some areas that have large concentrations, Muslims are targeting churches for arson and their clergymen for physical attacks. The objective is to cleanse such areas of any non-Muslim presence. Muslims are demanding that names of local districts be changed from traditional British names to Arabic Muslim names.
Spain’s Muslims have expressed their plan to recapture the Mosque of Cordoba. The building was originally a church that was turned into a mosque after the Islamic conquest to Spain. After the Muslim invaders were put to flight, it again became a Catholic cathedral.
Reports from Italy state that doctors are treating Muslim wives who have been flogged by their Muslim husbands.
In Finland, some imams preach on the Islamic duty to…kill Muslims who convert to other religions.
The Netherlands has recently turned from tolerance of Islam to the exact opposite. The change of mind followed…the brutal killing of the Dutch filmmaker Theo van Gogh by a young Muslim in November 2004.
The preceding were just a few glimpses from the big picture of present-day Europe’s landscape. The indications are that what was once tranquil and peaceful Europe is beginning to boil. The fire is fueled by the undisputed ultimate goal of Muslims to Islamize Europe.
Some Christians dismiss concerns about the possibility of Europe becoming Islamic before the end of the century as unrealistic and pessimistic. It must be remembered, however, that most Islamic countries of the Middle East were once Christian. Christianity was completely eradicated from many of these countries, while some still have just a symbolic presence. It is rather naive to presume that the same could not happen to Europe.
There is a lesson that America must learn from Europe’s experiences with Islam. Surely, it is indicative for us to understand something. That which is happening to our brothers and sisters across the Atlantic is subtly in progress at this moment in America.
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