List of Letters


."...we have a great High Priest who has passed through the heavens, Yeshua the Son of God..."


August 12, 2023 -- COVID Vaccines and Their Boosters

September 25, 2023 -- mRNA Vaccines in Cattle Raise Concerns Among Producers

October 16, 2023 -- The Coming Kingdom

October 27, 2023 -- Origin of the Name Jew

November 5, 2023 -- Long Haired Men

December 6, 2023 -- Finding the Way

December 12, 2023 -- PRISONS: Shut Them All Down!

December 21 -- YEHOVAH's New Moons

January 5, 2024 -- How We Are Deceived

January 16, 2024 -- Gathering the Tares

January 18, 2024 -- "The Time of Jacob's Trouble"