Hope of Israel Ministries (Ecclesia of YEHOVAH):
The Myths That Will Destroy America
"Humanism is not new. It is, in fact, man's second oldest faith. Its promise was whispered in the first days of the Creation under the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil: 'You shall be as gods.'" -- Whittaker Chambers. |
by Erwin Lutzer and John D. Keyser
It is debatable at just what point the United States began to drift away from its Christian heritage. But I think we reached that point when many Americans turned away from the idea of salvation through the Messiah to that of salvation through technology or science or material affluence or the welfare state.
When all these turned out to be dead ends, Americans began to seek escape, and the purveyors of drugs and pornography and vicarious violence were on hand to meet the need. Human nature left to its own devices has always been a wretched failure at explaining the meaning and destiny of life.
By and large, our people look in the wrong direction for their deliverance. As Christians we need to work with missionary zeal to reinstate the rule of YEHOVAH God in our sadly demoralized country.
As our ancient forebears, the Israelites, learned time and time again from the last of their enemies, it was only by repentance and submission to the God of their Fathers that they could survive and prosper.
I pray every day for a rebirth of the spiritual values that made us a nation in the first place. If the spirit of YEHOVAH God were to rouse all the millions of Israelites in our nation, there is no describing the greatness and glory in store for this country, or the blessings forthcoming to nations now held captive if and when, once again, the United States rededicates itself to the cause of freedom under YEHOVAH God's Law. Following are myths that will destroy our country if we don't.
Myth Number One: "The Battle Isn't Real"
A news reporter asked a pedestrian, "Do you know what the two greatest problems in America are?" "I don't know and I don't care!" the man responded. "Then you've got both of them!" was the abrupt reply.
Although our nation is rotting on the inside and hostile forces are determined to take away our freedom, our greatest problem might just be that there are too many people who neither know nor care. Not until all is lost will many awake to the painful reality that America as we once knew it is gone.
As humanism moves a society farther away from Christian values, it will become increasingly intolerant of competing viewpoints. In a smear campaign aimed at what Norman Lear called "the new right," Christians have been painted in the same hues as the Nazis and the Ku Klux Klan. Because true Christians believe in the freedoms that America has enjoyed for 200 years, they are considered the lunatic fringe. Make no mistake about the intention of these secularists: It is to discredit the voice of Christians so that America will tolerate only ONE view. The battle lines are between two religions: Humanism vs. Christian beliefs. Clearly two world-views are on a collision course.
History documents the final results of an intolerant humanistic state. According to some estimates, Chairman Mao of China is credited with the death of 30 million Chinese; Stalin 30-60 million Russians and Hitler 15 million people. These people died because the state believed that matter was the final reality, hence there is no God, no immorality, no final judgment. YEHOVAH God was dethroned and the state was put in His place.
Myth Number Two: "Life Began With Blind Chance"
Today the doctrine of evolution is in disarray. Although the man on the street may not know it yet, the theory of evolution is being dismantled at every turn through modern discoveries. Darwinism has fallen on hard times. Even the head of the French Academy of Science candidly admitted that "Evolution is a fairy tale for adults."
But that is not what the public at large hears.
Clarence Darrow once argued in the 1925 Scopes Trial that it is "bigotry for public schools to teach only one theory of origins." Now that evolution is entrenched in public education, the American Civil Liberties Union, despite its own cries on behalf of pluralism, insists that only one theory of origins be taught. Bigotry has returned to the public classroom.
To settle for evolution or "the big bang" theory without YEHOVAH God begs a thousand scientific questions. Where did the original energy and matter come from? What caused the explosion? How could impersonal forces acting randomly construct a universe whose planets rotate with such precision that we set our clocks by them? It is preposterous to believe that "nothing times nobody equals everything!"
On a television program, author Aldous Huxley once responded to the question of why evolution was so readily accepted. He admitted "the reason we accepted Darwinism even without proof is because we didn't want God to interfere with our sexual mores." There you have it. The real reason modern man does not want to believe in YEHOVAH God is because he wants no interference from the Creator.
While many scientists secretly admit that evidence for the evolutionary fairy tale is crumbling all around them, they refuse to run toward YEHOVAH God. If one does not wish to find YEHOVAH God, he will not -- regardless of the evidence.
Yet if man is only a biological accident, the product of chance chemical reactions of impersonal forces, it is virtually impossible to make any distinction between right and wrong.
Myth Number Three: "We Can Have Morality Without Religion"
On November 17, 1980, the Supreme Court struck down a Kentucky law that required the posting of the Ten Commandments in public school classrooms. The Court said that the Ten Commandments were "plainly religious...and may induce children to read, meditate upon, perhaps to venerate and to obey the commandments."
Morality and religion can never be separated. In fact, the very basis of morality is the existence of YEHOVAH God. When the Supreme Court asked that the Ten Commandments be removed from Kentucky classrooms, they had no moral code to replace them. Logically, all that would be left is a blank wall. When religion is removed, morality goes too.
Ironically, humanists at times do talk about morality. But when they do, they piggyback on the Christian ethic. When they believe in human dignity, freedom and peace, they are assuming a theistic view of the world. For those of humanistic thinking were also created in YEHOVAH God's image and were given a moral consciousness, even though they may fail to recognize its origin.
We have not yet seen the full result of humanism in the United States, because we are still coasting on the values derived from our rich Christian heritage. But what of the generations to follow? As that heritage fades, everyone will be permitted to do whatever seems right in his own eyes in a world of twisted values, where morality is ridiculed and evil becomes a virtue. YEHOVAH God clearly pronounces judgment on those who "call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness" (see Isaiah 5:20).
Myth Number Four: "Whatever is Legal is Moral"
At the war crimes trial in Nuremburg, Germany, Hitler's henchmen argued that they had broken no laws. Germany's own legal system, they contended, permitted the elimination of those who impeded the advance of the Third Reich. Adolph Eichmann protested before his execution, "I had to obey the laws of war and my flag."
In our own country, a group protesting an abortion clinic were charged with slander because they had called abortionists "murderers." The abortionists argued, as had the accused at Nuremburg: You can't call someone who isn't breaking the law a murderer. Both the experience of Nuremburg and today's silent holocaust in our abortion clinics bear eloquent witness to the fact that when a state believes it is accountable to no one except itself, it assumes a hidden premise: that whatever is legal is moral.
Robert H. Jackson, chief counsel for the United States in the Nuremburg Trials, was forced to appeal to permanent values, to moral standards transcending the lifestyles of a particular society. In effect, he argued that there is "a law beyond the law" that stood in judgment on the arbitrary changing opinions of men.
Today the shape of America is being altered by use of the same strategy. The Supreme Court, influenced by the humanistic trends, has helped to brainwash our people into believing that whatever is legal is moral. They would argue that there is no law above human laws. This is not the case of our founding fathers. Whether individually Christian or not, there was a general consensus of theism, the belief that YEHOVAH God existed and the new republic was based upon this foundation. This understanding profoundly influenced their view of law and government.
As the Christian world view has faded, America has turned not to the laws of YEHOVAH God, but to what Francis Schaeffer called "sociological law." Law is only what the majority wants, or what the judges say it is. Thus, in 1973, the Supreme Court invalidated the abortion laws of fifty states and legalized abortion on demand. Where did the Court get the notion that a woman has a right to an abortion? Such a right is NOT found in the Constitution. The Court made it up. Like Napoleon, it crowned itself emperor -- answerable to no one -- not even the American people.
Such distortion of "rights" has also opened the doors to pornography, under the guise of a free press, and to the offense of the public at large. As Christian-Israelites we must explode the myth that whatever is legal is moral. What men make legal is not necessarily moral.
Myth Number Five: "Morality Cannot Be Legislated"
Secular humanists would like us to believe that they are broadminded, pluralistic and neutral in moral matters. They are opposed to censorship, sectarianism and intolerance. The media has done a successful job of getting the American people to believe that it is the so-called right wing religious fanatics who are seeking to "impose their morality on society." But all laws are an imposition of someone's morality. That is why the statement, "You cannot legislate morality" as it stands is absurd.
Secular humanism is imposing its own morality on the American public. It does so through the media, the schools and the courts. There is clear intent to keep Christian thinking out of the mainstream of the media and the nation's political life.
When Francis Schaeffer's film, Whatever Happened to the Human Race? was shown on a television station in Washington, pro-abortionists exerted all the influence they could to prevent it from being aired. (Liberal establishments are strangely silent about the pluralism and open-mindedness they verbally espouse when the cause contradicts their own.) Even after the showing, the Washington Post ran an article entitled, "No Matter How Moving, Show Still Propaganda." Thus the media ridiculed the program with loaded terminology. One editor admitted that the only religious news story that the press likes to run is a scandal.
When a book entitled, How to Have Sex With Children, was confiscated by the Chicago police, several demonstrators marched in protest, insisting that pornographers should have unlimited privileges. But neither prayer nor a creationist view is allowed in the classroom. As columnist George Will put it so ably, "And it is, by now, a scandal beyond irony that thanks to the energetic litigation of 'civil liberties' fanatics, pornographers enjoy expansive first amendment protection while first graders in a nativity play are said to violate first amendment values!"
No law is neutral. Every law imposes some form of morality on society. Abortionists impose their morality on the unborn. Homosexuals want their views flaunted in the public school classrooms. Atheists want religious influence excluded from public life.
Some politicians, in an attempt to remain "neutral" on such issues as abortion and sidestep the flak, say they are personally opposed to abortion but would never "impose their values on society." If so, how does this sound? "I personally would never gas a Jew, but I have no right to impose my moral judgment on the Nazis...I don't think the courts have the right to reach into someone's private gas chamber and legislate morality!"
The question is not whether the public will allow religion to "impose its morality" on America. Morality WILL be imposed. The real question is: Whose morality will be legislated?
Myth Number Six: "The Role of Men and Women is Inter-Changeable"
On the surface it may seem that every Christian should be in favor of such legislation as the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA). If we take seriously the Biblical teaching that women are created in the image of YEHOVAH God, they certainly are entitled to equal rights. Yet behind the proposed amendment lies a deception. If ERA had been ratified, it would have brought a sweeping restructure of society, with devastating attack on the family and morality in general. The amendment would likely destroy America as we know it.
The radical feminists who so vociferously back the movement want, first of all, to end the institution of marriage. Sheila Cronan spoke for many of them when she wrote, "Since marriage constitutes slavery for women, it is clear that the Women's Movement must concentrate on attacking this institution. Freedom for women cannot be won without the abolition of marriage."
These same feminists want freedom from the burden of children. There can be no equality, they insist, as long as the woman is a homemaker. Moreover, the children, they say, should be reared by another, namely the state. The Houston Conference for Women, sponsored by the National Organization for Women (N.O.W.) called for federally-funded day care centers around the clock, seven days a week. Society as a whole, they insist, should bear the burden. Lenin pursued this philosophy in Russia. So has Cuba. And Communist China. It is a Marxist solution.
The National Organization for Women opposes the right of churches to make any differentiation between men and women. The refusal to ordain homosexuals could soon be interpreted as "contrary to public policy," and homosexual teachers could flaunt their lifestyle in the public classroom. Meanwhile, in an incredibly ridiculous project, even the World Council of Churches has released a Biblical Lectionary that omits all gender-based terms, including all references to YEHOVAH God as "He."
Both the Scriptures, and the overwhelming majority of the public at large, still make clear distinctions between male and female. To disregard these differences is to invite the disintegration of America.
Myth Number Seven: "A Fetus is Not Human"
This very day, as you read this article, some 3,000 plus preborn babies will legally be put to death here in America -- under the protection of the Supreme Court's 1973 decision in Roe vs. Wade. In earlier days abortion was the last act of a desperate woman. Today it is said that 97% of all abortions occur simply for convenience. It has become the nation's means of birth control.
Wrote Peter Singer in Pediatrics, "We can no longer base our ethics on the idea that human beings are a special form of creation made in the image of God and singled out from all other animals." Babies' bodies have been sold by the bag. They are used in some cosmetics and for experimentation. In one general hospital, the sale of preborn babies brought in some $68,000 in a ten-year period.
Justice Harry Blackman, author of the 64-page document that came from the Roe vs. Wade decision, said that objection to abortion came mainly from two sources: the oath of Hippocrates and Christianity. Since the oath specifically forbids abortion, the Court wrestled with its influence but concluded that, in the context of general opinion, "ancient religions did not bar abortion." As for Christianity, it was apparently dismissed by the Court because of the separation of church and state. In effect, the Court omitted two thousand years of Christian influence and reached back into paganism to find a basis for its moral judgment.
Those who have studied the document in detail confess that it is a mix of illogical reasoning and nonsequiturs. Justice Byron White dissented on the decision and said, "I find nothing in the language or history of the Constitution to support the Court's judgment." As a result of the tragic decision, more than 62 million unborn children have had their lives snuffed out -- more than 34 times the total number of Americans lost in all of our nation's wars. Today abortion is big business. With 1.1 million each year, at an average cost of $500 at 10 weeks, and $1,195 at 20 weeks, the abortion clinics are raking in thousands of dollars daily.
How could our justices have blundered so badly? The answer: they bowed to the pressure of feminists who were calling for abortion on demand as a legitimate right. It is what happened on the bench more than one hundred years ago, when the Dred Scott decision denied the African-American his right to freedom and relegated African-Americans to the status of "non persons" -- for personal convenience. The decision was also the result of the "new morality" of the Sixties. 86 percent of all those who have abortions are unmarried. Abortion has become the "mopping up operation" from a breakdown in moral values.
Myth Number Eight: "We Can Ignore the Ghost of Karl Marx"
We cannot ignore the man who rules nearly one half of the world from his grave. The magnetic power of Marxism is unparalleled in history, impacting peoples from China to Moscow, from Cuba to Central America. "Liberation theology," so popular in Latin America, has attempted to combine some elements of Marxism with Christianity in an attempt to rectify the gross inequities that exist between rich and poor, the powerful and the weak. Capitalism is seen as the root of all evil. Marx believed that if private property were abolished, all prejudices and injustices would vanish. Incredibly, this myth is widely believed.
In the United States, Sojourners magazine, with a circulation of 62,000 and a readership of 5 million a year, attempts to combine Christianity with a leftist political stance. It is committed to liberation theology both for Central America and the United States. Over a period of more than six years it has criticized numerous countries for human rights violations, but not once was a Marxist-Leninist country named. Marxist countries are always portrayed favorably; capitalist regimes are denounced. All the while the editors claim to be expounding Biblical Christianity!
It seems incredible that a system that has annihilated millions, and that continues to slaughter innocent peoples in nations like China, should be held up as an answer to "human rights." When Russia in 1983 shot down a Korean jetliner with nearly 400 people aboard, there was an outcry from the West. Those who did not understand Marxism expressed dismay that the Soviets would kill innocent passengers riding in what was known to be an unarmed passenger plane. But such atrocities are in perfect accord with a Marxist notion that individuals have no inherent rights -- only those conferred by the state. Those who stand in the way of the state's goals can be legally eliminated.
Clearly the ghost of Marx was present when the Supreme Court gave women an absolute right to an abortion without any interference by the father or grandparents of the child. The Roe vs. Wade argument: "the state has no compelling interest in the life of the unborn..." Abortion was legalized because the state saw no reason to protect the life of the unborn.
Marxism has failed miserably, however, in part because of its defective view of human nature.
Radical feminists in this country derive much of their vision from the literature of Socialism. They admit, in fact, that their goals cannot be achieved in a capitalistic society. As Lenin put it, "We cannot be free if one-half of the population is enslaved in the kitchen." Nor can a society be free, says Communist doctrine, if parents have the right to teach their children religion.
When Thomas Jefferson spoke of a wall between church and state, it was intended to prevent state religion, not the Christian view. Marxist countries place a firm wall between church and state. It is permissible to have Christian ideas, perhaps, as long as these in no way spill over to the person's lifestyle in society, or his views in the public arena. This, unfortunately, is the new understanding of the separation of church and state that is being heralded in America.
Myth Number Nine: "Pornography is a Harmless Adult Pleasure"
Our nation is drowning in a sea of sensuality. With explicit magazines, sensual movies, videos and Internet sex readily available, we are rotting from the inside. More than one half of all divorces take place because of adultery -- often encouraged by pornography.
A recent study of sex offenders and non-offenders revealed significant differences in adolescent pornography use as well as current use. Significant proportions of different types of rapists and molesters had used hard-core pornography during their adolescence: 33 percent of heterosexual child molesters, 39 percent of homosexual child molesters, and 33 percent of rapists. The current use of hard core pornography was even greater for these groups: 67 percent of heterosexual child molesters, 67 percent of homosexual child molesters, and 83 percent of rapists, contrasted with 29 percent of non-offending pornography viewers. About a third of the sex offenders reported using pornography as a deliberate stimulus to commit their sexual offenses.
Pornography gives a distorted view of human sexuality. It stresses the erotic without so much as giving a hint as to where its path will lead. No one can calculate the number of divorces, the emotional scars, the bondage and the guilt that pornography has brought to America. Only a massive effort on the part of thousands can possibly stem the rush to judgment that this plague has brought.
Jews were at the vanguard of the sexual revolution of the 1960s. Wilhelm Reich, Herbert Marcuse and Paul Goodman replaced Marx, Trotsky and Lenin as required revolutionary reading. Reich’s central preoccupations were work, love and sex, while Marcuse prophesied that a socialist utopia would free individuals to achieve sexual satisfaction. Goodman wrote of the "beautiful cultural consequences" that would follow from legalizing pornography: it would "ennoble all our art" and "humanize sexuality." Pacheco was one Jewish porn star who read Reich’s intellectual marriage of Freud and Marx (lukeford.net):
“Before I got my first part in an adult film, I went down to an audition for an X-rated film with my hair down to my ass, a copy of Wilhelm Reich’s Sexual Revolution under my arm and yelling about work, ‘love and sex’.”
As Rabbi Samuel H. Dresner put it (E. Michael Jones, Rabbi Dresner’s Dilemma: Torah v. Ethnos’ Culture Wars, May 2003), "Jewish rebellion has broken out on several levels, one being ‘the prominent role of Jews as advocates to sexual experimentation." Overall, then, porn performers are a group of people who praise rebellion, self-fulfillment and promiscuity.
Al Goldstein, the publisher of Screw, said (on lukeford.net), "The only reason that Jews are in pornography is that we think that Christ sucks. Catholicism sucks. We don’t believe in authoritarianism." Pornography thus becomes a way of defiling Christian culture and, as it penetrates to the very heart of the American mainstream, its subversive character becomes more charged. Porn is no longer of the "what the Butler saw" voyeuristic type; instead, it is driven to new extremes of portrayal that stretch the boundaries of the porn aesthetic. As new sexual positions are portrayed, the desire to shock (as well as entertain) seems clear.
I am thankful for the American Family Association that wages the battle against pornography. Some important gains have been made. There are cities in the United States where adult book shops have been closed because of the insistence of citizens that the laws be applied. Millions of decent citizens could, if they wished, boycott those stores where pornography is sold. Once our impact is felt, pornography could be severely restricted.
The Attorney General of the United States should receive "a blizzard of email" requesting the enforcement of the federal law that prohibits obscene materials from moving in interstate commerce. Also, those responsible for oversight on the Internet should be vigorously encouraged to put a stop to the smut that is easily accessed by minors.
For many Christians, the movie theater used to be taboo. Today's generation of Christians, by and large, regard it as neutral -- a place that can show good or evil. Encouraged by such films as The Sound of Music, and some Disney movies, this generation began to select what movies it would see. But it soon became difficult to draw the line. Christians who began to attend movies that were more risqué would comment, "The movie was great...if only one or two of the scenes would have been cut." Offenses were tolerated, often with the excuse that "it was no worse than what you can see on TV or the Internet."
Because of the explosive power of sexuality, that invisible line was pushed farther and farther down the path of sensuality. Young people particularly were bound to find ways to see sexually provocative movies. Once their appetite was whetted, they became addicted. Many parents lost control of the situation with their sons and daughters, then wondered why the "looseness" in their children's moral views and behavior.
Now with the video and Internet explosion, everything is up for grabs. Only the people of YEHOVAH God can arrest our slide into the cesspool of sensuality. But the question is whether we have the moral fiber to put our own house in order so that we can speak to the world.
Myth Number Ten: "The Jews Are Descended from Ancient Israel"
The scientifically-verified
origin research indicates that, as incredible as it may initially seem, the
majority of the Jews in the world today actually originated from a group of
Turkic people from Asia living between the Caspian and Black Seas in an Empire
known as Khazaria, from about the year 700-1200 A.D. Khazaria was a formidable
and populous power that dominated regional trade routes and accumulated great
wealth. Their conversion to Judaism marked one of the most momentous events of
the past two millennia. Hundreds of years later the decline and fall of Khazaria
pushed Jews into new settlements in Eastern Europe, creating the basis of
today's Jewish population that lives primarily in the United States and Israel.
Historical facts and archeological evidence demolish the established origins and
assumed racial and ethnic character of the Jews. The vast majority of Jews alive
today are not descendants of the Middle East and therefore the pejorative
term anti-Semitism is effectively meaningless because most Jews are not a
Semitic (Middle Eastern) people. Not that the term "anti-Semitism" made much
sense to begin with since it was always selectively employed to refer to Jewish
but not Arab Semites! Christian-Zionists as well have a perplexing dilemma on
their hands since today's Jews are not "God's chosen people" of the Bible
but rather a Turkic people from Asia having no substantial connection to the
characters and tribes described in the holy books.
All of the evidence leads us unerringly to the inescapable conclusion that the original Judahites (descendants of the tribe of Judah) were more "Nordic" in type than the modern term "Jewish" implies. The bulk of them resembled their tribal brothers who are represented today by the "Nordics" who inhabit Northwest Europe! There is abundant historical and physical evidence to show that the original-type Judahites were not short, olive-skinned, dark-haired, broad-headed people with prominent noses!
When studying the promises made by YEHOVAH God, it becomes clear that neither the "Jews," nor the modern day Jewish state of Israel, meet any of the Biblical identity marks (past or present). The reason for this is that the promises were never made to the converts of Judaism (most modern day "Jews"), which is a pagan religion and anti-Christian in nature. Rather, the promises were made to the racial descendants of Jacob through the line of Isaac only.
Therefore, we must not confuse the majority of modern day "Jews" with the Israelites of the Bible! Instead, we should only identify Israel with those people who are the true descendants of the Biblical Israelites, and who fulfill every mark and promise the prophets of the Bible wrote Israel would be identified by in the future.
Please don’t misunderstand what is being stated here. I am not saying there are no true "Jews" (descendants of Judah). I am simply making a couple of important points. Firstly, most "Jews" today are not racial descendants, but rather converts to a pagan religion and, therefore, have nothing to do with the Biblical Israelites. Secondly, the few true "Jews" (descendants of Judah) who do exist only represent a small proportion of Israelites, since the bulk of Israelites are descended from the other 11 tribes and are, therefore, not "Jews". They are rather known today as gentiles or Anglo-Saxons.
It is clear that Khazar-Jews enjoy a very powerful position in the U.S. media, a position that is far more powerful than any other racial/ethnic group. The phenomenal concentration of media power in Jewish hands becomes all the more extraordinary when one notes that Jews constitute approximately 2.5% of the U.S. population. If the Jewish percentage of the American media elite is estimated at 59% -- probably an underestimate at the present time, the degree of disproportionate representation may be calculated as greater than 2000%! The likelihood that such an extraordinary disparity could arise by chance is virtually nil. Ben Stein, noting that about 60% of the top positions in Hollywood are held by Jews, says “Do Jews run Hollywood? You bet they do -- and what of it?”
It is therefore no surprise that
the depraved, white-hating, agenda promoted by the Psychoanalysts, the Cultural
Marxist, and the Postmodernists is also promoted by the mainstream media,
Hollywood, and the publishing industry. In the United States, Khazar-Jews fill
almost all-important ambassadorial positions, university positions, the legal
positions, and the judiciary decisions that have benefited Jewry over the
majority of Americans since 1954, and past government administrations.
The Bible says, “God will not be mocked. Whatsoever a man sows, that shall he
also reap” (Galatians 6:7). Everyone, including the Khazar-Jews, will “reap what
he has sown.” And the time for that “reaping” is rapidly approaching -- for the
Rothschilds, the Warburgs, the Kissingers, the Rockefellers, the Singers, the
Sacklers, and all the other Khazar-Jews who are consumed with the evil pursuit
of wealth, world control, and the disparaging of the Messiah.
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