Hope of Israel Ministries (Ecclesia of YEHOVAH):


Adam and the Pre-Adamites


If the test of taking dominion of the earth cannot be met, or the test of the physical description of those who descended from Adam cannot be met, then Adam cannot be claimed as father. Only Caucasians meet both tests.


by Gray Clark


Most Christians believe that all mankind descended from Adam. They are wrong. The truth is, the Bible teaches that before Adam, there were other human kinds classified under the heading of living creature in Genesis 1:21, 24. The distinction between Adam and living creature is of the greatest importance because if all mankind descended from Adam, all mankind can marry and not be in violation of YEHOVAH God’s Word, which teaches clearly that every kind that YEHOVAH created must follow the law of "kind after his kind as first stated in Genesis 1:11, the first of YEHOVAH’s laws. Other examples follow in Genesis chapter one and Genesis 1:21, 24, including the living creature. “And God created…every living creature that moveth…after his kind….let the earth bring forth the living creature, after his kind (Genesis 1:21, 24).


“Living creature” is a general term describing all the created kinds, flora, and pre-Adamic man. The creation of mankind falls into two kinds: kind one, created first, is living creature man; kind two, created second, is Adam man. The living creature includes both the extinct Cro-Magnon and Neanderthal man, and the current Aboriginal man, along with all other kinds of man upon the earth today who do not meet the biblical tests that describe Adam and his mission, including Adam’s descendents. Different kinds cannot intermarry because intermarriage would destroy YEHOVAH’s original design for these kinds.


There are differing bodies and fleshes:

1 Corinthians 15:38: "But God giveth it a body as it hath pleased him, and to every seed his own body. All flesh is not the same flesh: but there is one kind of flesh of men, another flesh of beasts, another of fishes, and another of birds." Notes Arnold Kennedy:

"Whatever natural 'body' YEHOVAH God has given in each is something that is pre-determined genetically. The Bible refers to man's offspring as the 'SEED OF MEN.' YEHOVAH refers to future generations as 'SEEDS.' He speaks of seeds as if He already knows what they are. Seeds are produced after a seed is fertilized and splits into two completely different cells with similar but different DNA instructions that will only apply to each particular new seed. YEHOVAH God calls these containers of genetic instructions, 'seeds.'


"That is, the same set of directives that were ordained of YEHOVAH God, are also written in the seeds of descendents. We observe this act of creation every time we plant a seed, and watch it grow. A baby is born according to the set of instructions written in the baby's seed. We are told in Genesis many times that everything brings forth 'after his own kind.' Sets of instructions are written in the seed of all life on earth. These sets of instructions are written in coded form inside each cell of each seed.

"Regarding the Adamic man in Genesis Two, YEHOVAH 'formed' a man from those who had been created in Genesis One, and breathed into him the 'breath of life.' Eve was cloned from Adam, and became the mother of 'all living,' that is, the mother of those with the breath of YEHOVAH God potential in their genetic make up. This life is activated in these by belief in Yeshua the Messiah.

"Seeds enclose the coded genetic directions of the Living God. These written directions located in the seeds, be it vegetable, or animal, contain the instructions that will command the elements of the earth, to bring forth life according to YEHOVAH's instructions written inside the seeds. Everything physical is made from the elements found in the dust of the earth" (Is Your Name in the "Book of Life"?).

(Genesis 2:7: "And the LORD God formed man of the DUST of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul."


The different living creatures of mankind cannot intermarry among themselves or marry the Adam kind. Quite frankly, most men on the earth today are not the Adam kind; yet, there is increasing cross-breeding with the Adam kind and all other kinds of “living creature” man throughout the world, violating YEHOVAH God’s kind “after his kind” law.  When the Messiah returns, the kinds his Father created will be few, but the mixed kinds many. The reason for this cross-breeding is primarily because of an erroneous belief that all mankind descended from Adam, combined with our failure to obey YEHOVAH God’s law -- both of which result because of biblical ignorance.


All kinds of living creatures (man, animals, and fish, etc.) were created before YEHOVAH God rested on the seventh day. In contrast, Adam did not appear until after the seventh day. His was formed” after YEHOVAH rested on the seventh day. “And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made, and he rested on the seventh day…And the LORD formed [Adam] man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and [Adam] man became a living soul (Genesis 2:2, 7). The Adam man was formed in Genesis 2:7 from the “dust of the ground, which had been created in Genesis chapter one.


Actually, all the "souls" of the pre-Adamic kind were created in Genesis 1:26-28. Both “male and female created he them.  It is obvious that neither you nor I were created in Genesis chapter one, for we were born in time; but if we are of Adamic ancestry we inherited the "breath of life" YEHOVAH God imbued Adam with way back then. It is part of our genetic makeup. We follow the progression of Adam. 


The Biblical Description of the Adam Kind


Of all the different kinds of people upon the earth, which peoples have consistently exercised dominion? It is the Caucasian people. In this test, Caucasians are Adamic people, meaning they descended from Adam. Have the black, yellow, and brown peoples of the world performed acts of dominion that can compare with those of Caucasians?  No. Consider inventions, discovery on land and sea, medicine, law, engineering, architecture, literature, art, and so forth.


Go to any encyclopedia such as the World Book (I am looking at a 1960 edition) to see who brought forth the inventions. It will show one Caucasian name after another. One cannot deny that the great advancements of the world have come by the hand of the Caucasians. Caucasians are at the head with no close second -- again, no close second. This is strong evidence that all other peoples are not Adamite. Further, as a double witness, this was reaffirmed in the Adamite Noah in Genesis 9:1-2.


Let us see how the Bible describes Adam and his kind before looking at those who came before him. The Bible has many examples of the whiteness of the Adamites. Whiteness is a second test in determining those who are descendents of Adam, with the “Dominion Mandate” being the first test. There will not be one example that will even hint at Adam fathering another race. What you will see is that Adamites are fair, ruddy, white, and beautiful. Do you remember a few years ago when “fair” was a crayon color? Fair was the color for youth to color pictures of Caucasians. Fair will appear in some of the following biblical examples of Adamites.  Remember the crayon example at that time. Ruddy is reddish, such as being able to blush, even to show freckles. As you will see, David was ruddy. Who but a Caucasian can blush and show freckles?


In the Song of Solomon, the maiden was described as “fair as the moon (Song of Solomon 6:10). A full moon is bright, appearing whitish. Solomon was described as “white and ruddy (Song of Solomon 5:10).  The maiden and Solomon were obviously Caucasian. Genesis 6:2 speaks of “fair daughters of men.  This is Strong’s #120, translated as man, men, or Adam previously in the Bible. Then, consider the “very fair Sarai (Genesis 12:11, 24), Rebekah (Genesis 24:16; 26:7) and Abishag (1 Kings 1:3-4). Tamar, the sister of Absalom, was “fair (2 Samuel 16:12), as was Vashti, Queen of Persia (Esther 1:11). David is described as “ruddy…of a beautiful countenance (1 Samuel 16:12) and “ruddy, and of a fair countenance (1 Samuel 17:42).


It can be seen from these citations in Samuel that fair is beautiful and beautiful is fair. Are the Caucasians not the most physically attractive of all peoples? Caucasians are the most imitated of all. Continuing the description of Adamic people, consider the daughter of Absalom, who was of a “fair countenance (2 Samuel 14:27). Ezra could “blush (Ezra 9:6). Nazarites were “purer than snow, they were whiter than milk, they were more ruddy in body than rubies (Lamentations 4:7). Finally, Moses, the law giver, was “exceeding fair” (Acts 7:20). Any peoples on earth who cannot be described as these biblical examples of the descendents of Adam cannot claim Adam as their ancestor. 


Biblical Evidences of Mankind before Adam


After YEHOVAH cursed Cain, Cain was fearful “that every one that findeth me shall slay me (Genesis 4:14). YEHOVAH God put a mark upon Cain to protect him from being killed by others. Cain went to the land of Nod, where he “knew his wife…and he builded a city (Genesis 4:17). What people were there that might kill Cain, supply him a wife, and labor to build a city? According to Ussher’s accounting, this took place 129 years after Adam and Eve.


Two arguments are offered in opposition to these people being Adamite. One: there would not have been enough time for the children of Adam and Eve to produce sufficient numbers to build a city. Two: Adam and Eve would have surely told their children that Cain killed their blood relative, Abel. Family loyalty would have prevented them from marrying Cain and helping him in any way that is plausible to me. Therefore, Cain met non-Adamite people to gain a wife and build a city.


A study of the phrase “mixed multitude” is further proof that there were people on earth not of the Adamic race. First of all, “a mixed multitude” left Egypt with the Israelites (Exodus 12:38). Dr. John Gill in his Commentary on this verse makes this statement: “Some of these were Egyptians, and some were other nations that resided in Egypt, and who…might choose to go along with the children of Israel; some through intermarriages with them.” This mixed multitude was in the wilderness with Israel (Numbers 11:4). When the Israelites returned from Babylonian captivity, a mixed multitude was with them (Nehemiah 13:3). This mixed multitude is the most instructive for this study as revealed in the books of Ezra and Nehemiah. Many tips point to their being non-Adamite/non-Israelite people.


More can be learned about this mixed multitude being non-Adamite by looking at a few passages from the book of Ezra. First of all, Ezra tells us that upon returning to Jerusalem, the Israelites “have not separated themselves from the people of the lands (Ezra 9:1). These were both non-Israelites and some obviously non-Adamite people. Ezra then tells us that there were marriages with these people in this account: “For we have taken of their daughters for themselves and for their sons: so that the holy seed [of Adam] have mingled themselves with the people of those lands” and he called this a “trespass (Ezra 9:2). Holy seed means Israel and children born to Israelites. For more understanding of “seed,” see Genesis 9:9; 12:7; 13:1-16; 48:19.


And when I (Ezra) heard about this thing, I rent my garment and my mantle, and plucked off the hair of my head and of my beard, and sat down astonished (Ezra 9:3). Ezra clearly understood the seriousness of these mixed marriages, because the mixed children born to these unions cannot be reversed. In Ezra’s prayer to YEHOVAH God, he describes this situation as “confusion of face (Ezra 9:7). This language helps to understand that Adamic/Israelite faces were not among these mixed marriages and their children. The wives that the holy seed had taken were called “strange wives” (Ezra 10:2, 10). Strange means “belonging to another, not of one’s own kin or family” (Oxford Universal Dictionary, 1955). For example, under Josiah’s reign, “He took away the strange gods, and the idol out of the house of the LORD” (2 Chronicles 33:15). Psalm 81:9 reports, “There shall no strange god be in thee. 


These Israelites made a covenant to separate from these strange wives and their children. “Now therefore let us make a covenant with our God to put away all the wives and such as are born of them…let it be done according to the law (Ezra 10:3). That the children needed to go with their mothers is strong evidence that their mothers were non-Adamic. Thus, the children were mixed, with the mother and child both being referred to as “confusion of face.” If there were no racial problem, these mothers could be removed from the camp of Israel for bringing in false gods, and the children could stay with their fathers.


The bottom line is this: if the test of taking dominion of the earth cannot be met or the test of the physical description of those who descended from Adam cannot be met, then Adam cannot be claimed as father. Only Caucasians meet both tests.


-- Edited by John D. Keyser.


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