Hope of Israel Ministries (Ecclesia of YEHOVAH):
I'm Proud to be White -- and So Should You!
If the United States becomes dominated by either Blacks or Hispanics, the streets will not be safe for American citizens of any color, the streets will become a war zone. The majority of violent crime in this country is committed by Blacks and Hispanics, as evidenced by the percentage of Blacks and Hispanics in prison today, compared to the White population. In today's politically correct society it is perfectly acceptable to be proud to be Black, proud to be Gay, but as soon as you proclaim to be proud to be White you are immediately labeled a racist, a hate monger, a bigot. |
Compiled by John D. Keyser
Michael Richards, better known as Kramer from TV’s Seinfeld, makes a good point. This was his defense speech in court after making racial comments in his comedy act. Someone finally said it. How many are actually paying attention to this?
“There are African Americans, Mexican Americans, Asian Americans, Arab Americans, and so on. And then there are just Americans.
"You pass me on the street and sneer in my direction. You call me ‘White boy,’ ‘Cracker,’ ‘Honkey,’ ‘Whitey,’ ‘Caveman’ -- and that’s OK, but when I call you Nigger, Kike, Towel head, Sand-nigger, Camel Jockey, Beaner, Gook, or Chink you call me a racist.
"You say that Whites commit a lot of violence against you. So why are the Black ghettos the most dangerous places to live?
"You have: The United Negro College Fund; Martin Luther King Day; Black History Month; Cesar Chavez Day; Yom Hashoah; Ma’uled Al-Nabi; the NAACP; BET (Black Entertainment Television)
"If we had WET (White Entertainment Television), we’d be racists.
"If we had a White Pride Day, you would call us racists.
"If we had White History Month, we’d be racists.
"If we had any organization for only Whites to ‘advance’ OUR lives, we’d be racists.
"We have a Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, a Black Chamber of Commerce, and then we just have the plain Chamber of Commerce.
"A White woman could not be in the Miss Black American pageant, but any color can be in the Miss America pageant.
"If we had a college fund that only gave White students scholarships you’d call us racists. There are over 60 openly proclaimed Black Colleges in the US, yet if there were ‘White colleges’, that would be a racist college.
"In the Million Man March, you believed that you were marching for your race and rights. If we marched for our race and rights, you would call us racists.
"You are proud to be black, brown, yellow and orange, and you’re not afraid to announce it. But when we announce our White pride, you call us racists.
"You rob us, car jack us, and shoot at us. but, when a White police officer shoots a Black gang member or beats up a Black drug dealer running from the law and posing a threat to society, you call him a racist.
"I am proud, but you call me a racist.
"Why is it that only Whites can be racists?”
"There are more racist Blacks/African-Americans/Negroes than racist Whites. Whites don’t hold up signs that say, “I hate Blacks”.
"But Negroes publicly display signs like this one [that say they hate Whites].
"And they get away with it. They even stand on the streets and profess their hatred for White people and even say they want to kill White people; even tear out fetuses from the wombs of pregnant White women and kill them both. And they get away with it. I have never in my 64 years in this life ever met a White person who hates Blacks as much as Blacks hate Whites."
Whites are not the racists. If you don’t believe that, go back to the very top of this article and read Michael Richards’ statement again. There is 100% truth in what he said.
Since the end of the Civil War, Whites have gone to great lengths and have done much to appease the Blacks, but they still are not satisfied. They still hate Whites. They still want their welfare checks instead of actually working for money. They still want “special considerations” when applying for college or jobs -- even if they are less qualified than a White person. A White person who is more qualified for a spot in a university or a job has to give up his/her spot to a Black -- otherwise the less-qualified Black will scream, “DISCRIMINATION!”
What “Kramer” said above is the absolute truth. Anyone who says it isn’t is a liar or a racist; or both.
In today
's politically correct society it is perfectly acceptable to be proud to be Black, proud to be Gay, but as soon as you proclaim to be proud to be White you are immediately labeled a racist, a hate monger, a bigot. To espouse the view that I am proud to be White is not about hate but about love of my race, and if it is perfectly acceptable for other races to make such a claim, I see absolutely nothing wrong with sending the message that I am proud and that the preservation of the White race is paramount to society.YEHOVAH God Condemns Race Mixing
I do not advocate race mixing for several reasons -- mainly religious. YEHOVAH God utterly condemns race mixing in the Bible.
If YEHOVAH God had wanted the earth to be populated by "one big brown blob," as so many of our Judeo-Christian clergy, and political leaders seem to believe, why did He create different races in the first place? He must have had a good reason! When false preachers like Billy Graham defended race mixing through interracial marriage, they put themselves firmly in the camp of the antichrist and proclaimed to the world that they are smarter than YEHOVAH God Almighty. That is a dangerous position to be in! While we know that YEHOVAH's love breaks down all barriers to worship, it does not change his eternal laws concerning “kind after kind."
In spite of what social planners have tried to tell us to the contrary, there are many differences between the races, and YEHOVAH God has said: "Don't mix them up!" That's good enough for me and supersedes anything Billy Graham, or others like him, said or say to the contrary! The mixing of the races is NOT the Messiah's Gospel, but the universal solvent of liberal mythology that tries to wash away all distinctions between the races and destroys them in the process, or as a well known black leader once said:
"Race mixing is like adding cream to coffee. It destroys the essential qualities of both!"
I believe the White race is beautiful and I want it to survive. YEHOVAH God's chosen people were the Israelites of the White Adamic race, and the White Anglo-Saxon, Celtic, Germanic and Scandinavian races of today are the descendants of those twelve tribes of Israel. However, being proud to be White does not mean that we should be arrogant. YEHOVAH chose the Israelites as a servant race to be an example to the other races that He created -- a role that we have mostly fallen way short of.
YEHOVAH's form of government is founded upon the principle of total decentralization with complete individual responsibility and self-government; that is, unfettered liberty with corresponding responsibilities and duties, but no compelled performance except by contract. YEHOVAH's government demands complete separation of the races. Satan's government demands mixing of the races. Satan's government also allows, encourages and finances the destruction of your children and would-be grand children through abortion.
Satan demands the mixing of all things as a prerequisite to achieving confusion and ultimately your destruction. One of Satan's ancient names is "the chaos monster." The name perfectly describes his nature and purpose. But the choice is always yours and it is always couched in terms of whether you will or will not obey YEHOVAH's Law. In other words, your free will is still intact and the test of it is the willingness of your heart to adhere to and obey YEHOVAH's law as the focal point and guide for your life. For it is our own disobedience to YEHOVAH's Life Law that has allowed the Socialists and Communists to dismantle our Christian Republic.
If the White youths of today believe the propaganda put out by Hollywood and the music industry wherein race mixing is touted and portrayed as completely acceptable, before long the entire world will be marking "mixed" on their census and other forms, and there will be no separate and distinct races. Races are different for a reason, they should remain distinct from one another. Crossbreeding does not make for a better specimen. Take certain canines that have been crossbred to the extent that their brains are too large for their heads and the result is a breed of dog that is violent and vicious, the Pit Bull, the Doberman, the Dalmatian. It is unnatural to fool with Mother Nature, be it animal or human.
We Can't Stand Alone
In today's society White people are not allowed to stand alone, they are not allowed to have, for example, an all White beauty contest, yet Blacks have Black beauty pageants with the exclusion of White women. Hispanics have Hispanic celebrations that are 100% Hispanic-geared. We are not allowed to celebrate the greatest race on this earth, the race responsible for the majority of inventions, art, music, etc., because some other race might be offended, yet the White race is not supposed to be offended when the politicians in this country are falling all over themselves to garner the Black, Hispanic, Gay and Jewish votes, and have completely taken the White vote for granted because they know we wouldn't dare make a fuss.
We saw a recent disgusting example of this when Los Angeles mayor Eric Garcetti knelt in obeisance to the Black mob surrounding his home.
You go to major cities around the country and there are Black neighborhoods, Hispanic neighborhoods, Jewish neighborhoods and even areas concentrated with Gays, but Whites are not allowed to separate themselves from other races, as evidenced by government programs such as Section 8 Housing, busing of Blacks and Hispanics to all White schools.
There is nothing wrong with wanting to live with your own kind, unless you are White -- and then you're prejudiced if you want to live separate and apart from other races.
Illegal Aliens
This country has operated with open borders, allowing illegal aliens to pour into this country by the millions and with the surge of illegal Mexican aliens, not only will the economy be harmed, jobs stolen from American citizens, but the threat of the White race is at stake and before long the White race will be the minority and Mexicans will be running this country.
It's time to be heard, it's time to tell the politicians they will not take our votes for granted any longer. If they want our vote they had better start speaking for us and doing for the White race instead of worrying about the rights of illegal aliens at the cost of the preservation of the White race. It's time to close the borders for good, send the three million illegal aliens packing and get this country back on track through White domination.
If the White race becomes extinct, if it becomes the minority, what kind of world will we live in? Will the United States become another Africa if Blacks should become the majority, a country that is so primitive that the majority of people still live in mud huts and no running water, without the influence of the White man? If the Hispanics become the majority, will the United States become another Mexico where there is an overpopulation and not enough jobs to go around?
If the United States becomes dominated by either Blacks or Hispanics, the streets will not be safe for American citizens of any color, the streets will become a war zone. The majority of violent crime in this country is committed by Blacks and Hispanics, as evidenced by the percentage of Blacks and Hispanics in prison today, compared to the White population.
I am not ready to capitulate, I am ready to continue the struggle to make sure this country remains White Israelite-dominated because YEHOVAH God demands it, and without a society dominated and controlled by the White Race, we will suffer a worse fate than the Roman Empire. A White person could not walk down the streets of a Black or Hispanic neighborhood and be safe, yet we are supposed to accept those people into our communities. Why is it that when people talk about bad neighborhoods, they are Black or Hispanic-dominated, you never hear anybody referring to an all White community as a a "bad neighborhood" or an "unsafe neighborhood"?
It is my hope that more and more White people will hold their heads up and be proud and not let the liberal media brainwash them into thinking it's wrong to be White, that somehow we have to feel guilty because we're White. Don't let your government turn this into a Third World country, do all you can to expand and preserve the White Race, and don't be afraid to denounce interracial dating or marriage. Have you ever seen a blue Cardinal? Even in the wild the animals know better than to mix.
I'm proud to be White -- and so should you!
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