Hope of Israel Ministries (Ecclesia of YEHOVAH):
Satan's Fate:
Will SATAN Be Punished Forever?
Revelation 20:10 seems to indicate that Satan the devil will be punished for ever and ever, for all eternity, since he is a spirit being. Yet some claim YEHOVAH God will destroy the devil and the demons in the lake of fire. What is the real truth? What is Satan's fate, and the fate of the demons? Will they perish? Or will they burn forever in hell? Or will they be cast into outer space to roam "outer darkness" forever? Here is the PLAIN TRUTH! |
by HOIM Staff
What will be the fate of Satan the devil, and his demons, whom the Messiah said that he "began to behold...already fallen like lightning from heaven" (Luke 10:18)?
Some think that the Messiah was talking about a created angel and link this to Isaiah 14, and that YEHOVAH God boxed Himself in a corner and cannot destroy him, but can only punish him forever -- and ever and ever and ever, time without end. As evidence of this, they point to Revelation 20:10, where we read:
"And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone [sulfur], where the beast and false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever."
What does this verse really describe? Is this proof of never-ending punishing? Is it evidence that YEHOVAH God will create a never-ending lake of fire which will burn throughout all eternity, its main function to cause indescribable suffering and pain and torment to the devil for ever and ever?
This theory, which is commonly believed, has a major flaw, however. It pictures YEHOVAH God as being short-sighted, not seeing the end from the beginning, and as being terribly cruel, vindictive, and indifferent to excruciating suffering!
Do we really think YEHOVAH God was so short-sighted that He did not realize from the beginning that even a spirit being could go astray and break His commandments and become incredibly rebellious and wicked? YEHOVAH knew from the moment He made the angels free moral agents, that they could decide to rebellion against Him. Therefore it stands to reason that He would have made provision from the beginning for the possibility of rebellion among any or some of His created angels! That is, from the very beginning He must have known that one or more of His angels, having free moral agency and independent choice, could choose to disobey Him and flout His eternal laws and ways.
In fact, we read in John 8:44 that Satan "was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own resources, for he is a liar and the father of it."
In the book of Job we read: "Behold, he putteth no trust in his saints [holy ones, which can include angels, certainly]; yea, the heavens [where angels dwell] are not clean in his sight" (Job 15:15). In another passage, we discover, "Behold, he put no trust in his servants [angels]; and HIS ANGELS he charged with folly " (Job 4:18).
Testimony from the Book of Job
In addition, "yea, the stars [angels -- see Revelation 1:20] are not pure in his sight" (Job 25:5). YEHOVAH God was never deceived; He knew from the very beginning that creating beings with free moral agency and the capacity for independent thought demanded that such beings also have the capacity to rebel and turn against Him! Therefore, there can be no doubt that He made adequate and righteous provision for such a possibility from the very beginning!
What, then, is YEHOVAH's solution to the "rebellion problem"? Is it eternal burning and torment in a "lake of fire"? For a finite act of rebellion, would YEHOVAH God be constrained to exact an infinite penalty? For an act which occurred in a finite or limited space of time, would He be compelled or forced to punish interminably, forever and ever? Do Satan and his demons possess immortality, and therefore their punishment requires eternal punishing and torment?
Or, can angels themselves, by the power of YEHOVAH God, be put to death?
It is an axiom that the Creator is always more powerful than His creation. A builder can destroy or tear down anything that he builds or constructs. In fact, experience teaches us that it is always much easier to destroy something than it is to build something in the first place! Consider: It takes a real craftsman and cunning builder to build a beautiful home; but any fool can take gasoline and matches, and destroy such a building!
Many have assumed that Satan and his demons are eternal spirit beings, and therefore cannot be destroyed, or ever be put "out of their misery." They "assume" that such beings are "immortal." But is this true? The apostle Paul wrote plainly, of YEHOVAH God, "who is the blessed and only Potentate [only true independent Power], the KING of kings, and LORD of lords: WHO ONLY HATH IMMORTALITY, dwelling in the light which no man can approach unto; whom no man hath seen or can see: to whom is honor and power everlasting" (I Timothy 6:16).
If only YEHOVAH GOD has true immortality, then this means no angel has it! That is, no angel has independent, eternal "self-existence" with true self-inherent immortality!
Can Angels "Die"?
Some may wonder why Yeshua then said that of those in the resurrection, that they "cannot die any more: for they are equal unto the angels" (Luke 20:36). Does this mean angels cannot "die" because they are immortal spirit beings? Let's not read into this verse our own pre-determined belief! All it says is that angels of YEHOVAH God IN HEAVEN (see the parallel passage in Matthew 22:30), who did not rebel against YEHOVAH, who proved themselves to be loyal, cannot "die" a natural death! This means that since they proved themselves loyal to YEHOVAH God, He will ALLOW them to live forever, and they will not die. It does not state here, however, that YEHOVAH God could not destroy any being if He chose to do so, and terminate the life of that rebellious being!
The principle of Scripture which governs YEHOVAH's punishment for all SIN is found in Romans 6:23, where we read: "The WAGES of SIN is DEATH; but the GIFT of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord" (Romans 6:23). Sin by definition is lawlessness or rebellion against YEHOVAH God (I John 3:4).
The penalty of sin, in the Court of Heaven, is simply DEATH -- not burning and torment forever and ever and ever, ages without end! In fact, no being can have eternal life apart from YEHOVAH God Himself -- except as a "gift" from YEHOVAH God! And anything YEHOVAH "gives," He can take back if the recipient proves himself to be rebellious and unworthy of the gift!
The Penalty of Sin
This is why we read in the book of James, "Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the DEMONS ALSO BELIEVE, AND TREMBLE " (James 2:19). This is why a number of demon spirits who possessed a human being in Capernaum said to the Messiah, "Let us alone; what have we to do with thee, thou Jesus of Nazareth? art thou come to DESTROY us? I know thee who thou art, the Holy One of God" (Mark 1:24; see also Luke 4:24). The same word translated "destroy" here is found in Matthew 10:28 where Yeshua says, "And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him who is able to DESTROY BOTH soul and body in hell." Yeshua also used the word in Luke 6:9 where he asked, "Is it lawful on the sabbath days to do good, or to do evil? to save life, or to DESTROY it?" The Greek word for "destroy" in these verses is apollumi which means "to destroy fully," and is translated in various places as "destroy, perish, die, lose, mar" (see Strong's Exhaustive Concordance, #622).
What is to keep YEHOVAH God with His awesome power, from converting the spirit-body of Satan the devil and his demons into destructible, combustible, flammable material?
Aeonian Fire
Yeshua said in a parable about the wicked, that he will one day say to them, "Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the DEVIL AND HIS ANGELS" (Matthew 25:41). Here the final fate of the rebellious angels is described. But what is "eternal fire"?
The word "eternal" here is the Greek "aeonian" and means "age-lasting." It is the same word used in Jude where the apostle writes that Sodom and Gomorrah, which were destroyed in a fiery destruction, "suffered the vengeance of eternal [aeonian] fire" (Jude 6).
Is that fire still burning up Sodom and Gomorrah today? If you were to visit the southern end of the Dead Sea in the land of Israel, today, would you see the smoke still rising and the flames still smoldering, and burning, of Sodom and Gomorrah?
Of course not. An "aeonian fire" does not refer to a fire that never goes out! After this "aeonian fire" completely destroyed and obliterated those ancient cities, it burned itself out when there was nothing else left to consume! However, the EFFECT of that ancient fire is eternal. Even so, YEHOVAH God has specifically prepared the final "lake of fire" or Gehenna for the destruction of the devil and his demons, and the wicked among mankind who do not turn from their wickedness. It will likewise burn itself out, when it has accomplished its mission of destruction!
The Greek Word for "DESTROY"
YEHOVAH's Word does not contradict itself. The Scripture cannot be broken (John 10:35). In Hebrews Paul tells us Yeshua the Messiah will "DESTROY him who holds the power of death -- that is, the devil" (Hebrews 2:14). The Greek word used here is kartageo [#2673 in Strong's Concordance], from the root kata meaning "down," and argeo meaning "to be idle," from argos which means "inactive, unemployed, useless." It means "to be (render) entirely idle (useless); ABOLISH, CEASE, DESTROY, DO AWAY, BECOME (MAKE) OF NO EFFECT, FAIL, BRING (COME) TO NOUGHT, VANISH AWAY, MAKE VOID."
This same Greek word is used of the beast, or Antichrist, of whom Paul writes, "And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will overthrow with the breath of his mouth and DESTROY by the splendor of his coming" (II Thessalonians 2:8 NIV). The King James Version has this verse, "And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall DESTROY with the brightness of his coming." This same Greek word is used in Corinthians, where Paul again writes, "Food for the stomach and the stomach for food -- but God will DESTROY them both" (I Corinthians 6:13, NIV).
The Banishment of Satan Revealed
Before the crucifixion and resurrection of the
Messiah people were comparatively free from persecution. While it is certainly
true that the Israelites were badly oppressed by the nations around them, this
was not persecution for their righteousness but punishment for their apostasy.
When they were faithful to YEHOVAH God no nation ever disturbed them. There is
simply NO example in the Old Testament of the Israelites being persecuted for
their loyalty to YEHOVAH God. There are a few individual cases -- but most of
the recorded cases were events of great deliverance to the glory of YEHOVAH God.
But how different this side of the Messiah's death and resurrection! The whole
history of YEHOVAH's people for almost 2,000 years has been one continuous
persecution -- not for apostasy but for righteousness, and the cruelty has been
the most bitter that could be devised.
So what, or who, caused this great upsurge in persecution?
The Messiah once said to his disciples, "I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven" (Luke 10:18), words that are commonly linked with the Isaiah 14 passage about "Lucifer." If, in other verses there was direct evidence for the belief that Satan was once an angel in heaven, we would probably include this verse as supporting evidence for that conclusion. But in the absence of any such evidence, we prefer an interpretation based on the immediate context. So, when the Messiah speaks of seeing Satan's fall from heaven he is not thinking of an event that took place in the remote past -- he is thinking of the effect of his ministry at the time and of his upcoming death and resurrection.
The Kingdom Interlinear Translation of the Greek Scriptures words Luke 10:18 a little differently -- notice!
"At that he said to them: 'I began to behold Satan already fallen like lightning from heaven.'"
This points to a future event -- not one that occurred eons in the past. This is reinforced by John 12:30-31, which says --
"In answer Jesus said:...Now there is a judging of this world; now [in the very near future] the ruler of this world WILL [future tense] be cast out."
This clearly indicates a future event, the
adverb "now" referring to the Messiah's impending death and resurrection which
crowned his ministry. Everyone agrees that "the ruler of this world" is Satan.
From where was Satan cast out? Certainly not from out of this world for he has
been among us up to the present day. Luke 10:18 clearly answers the question.
Also, in the Book of Revelation, John shows that Satan's ejection from heaven
was the direct result of the Messiah's ministry and death. There is, however, no
indication here that Satan was formerly an angel in heaven.
The seventy disciples had just returned from a successful preaching mission.
With joy they said: "Lord, even the devils are subject unto us through thy name"
(verse 17). As the gospel was preached, as the sick were healed, as devils were
cast out, Satan was losing his hold; his kingdom was losing its exalted
position. Three verses before, mention is made of Capernaum which was "exalted
to heaven," but which would be "thrust down to hell." This signified that
Capernaum would fall from its exalted position; so also we understand verse 18
as a reference to Yeshua seeing, in the very near future, the power of Satan
being broken -- and Satan being cast down to the earth as a result of the
Messiah's ministry, and that of his disciples.
In the Hard Sayings of the Bible, the author points out in his note on this
passage that the Messiah was,
"describing an actual vision that he experienced during the mission of the seventy -- not unlike the vision seen by John of Patmos, when, as he says, war broke out in heaven and 'the great dragon was hurled down -- that ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray' (Revelation 12:9)" (InterVarsity Press, 1996, p. 466).
War in Heaven
Revelation 12:7-9 fits in with the idea that Satan was once in heaven and fell -- but we must take it in its correct time sequence.
"There was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels, and prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven. And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him."
That Satan was cast out of heaven THIS SIDE of the fall is confirmed by the next verse:
"And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: for the accuser of the brethren IS CAST DOWN, which accused them before our God day and night."
Before he was "cast down" he was in the presence of YEHOVAH God "day and
night" accusing the brethren.
This privilege ceased when "he was cast out into the earth." While he was in the
presence of YEHOVAH God he was accusing the brethren. Before the fall of our
first parents there were no brethren to accuse before YEHOVAH God, therefore he
must have been cast out of heaven THIS SIDE of the fall!
It is recorded that, when Yeshua the Messiah went into heaven after his
resurrection, and took his place at the right hand of YEHOVAH God, "angels, and
authorities, and powers" were "made subject unto him" (I Peter 3:22). It was at
this moment, therefore, that the revolt of the angels took place, seeing that
Satan and his associated powers and principalities refused to be "made subject
unto him."
In John 12:31-33 we find words of the Messiah that place the matter beyond
doubt, notice!
"Now is the judgment of this world: NOW shall the prince of this world be cast out. And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me."
There are three things in this passage that the Messiah mentions as being "NOW" about to happen, namely --
1) the judgment of this world
2) the casting out of the prince of this world
3) the drawing of all men (i.e. Israelites of all nations and classes) to himself -- as a result of his being lifted up to die on the tree.
This fixes the time when Satan was "cast out" of
heaven because it clearly shows the event to be contemporaneous with the era
when the Messiah is drawing to himself men (Israelites) out of all nations and classes. The
word "now" must mean the same in both clauses.
John 12:31-33, along with what has already been cited, provides ample proof that
the war in heaven, which culminated in Satan being "cast out" took place soon
after the ascension of the resurrected Messiah into heaven in 31 A.D.
History records that the "great fury" of Satan against YEHOVAH's people, and his
bloody persecutions in the early centuries of this era -- which agrees perfectly
with what is stated in verses 12 and 13 of Revelation 12 -- grants further
evidence that the war in heaven and the casting out of Satan took place at the
BEGINNING of our era.
It was a crushing defeat which nothing but the Messiah's death and resurrection
could have inflicted upon the prince of this world. As Yeshua said, "NOW is the
judgment of this world, NOW shall the prince of this world be cast out." The Old
Testament shows us (Job 1:6; 2:1; Zechariah 3:1) that in the days before the
Messiah's death, Satan had free access to the courts of heaven. But how could
this continue after the work of atonement was completed? How could the accuser
-- that old serpent -- raise his head and open his mouth, or even present
himself before the slain Lamb upon the throne?
"Who shall now lay anything to the charge of God's elect?" The apostle Paul asks this challenging question in a passage that is full of joy because of the Messiah's triumph over death (Romans 8:33-39). Where, in the New Testament, is there a verse or passage to support the idea (apparently a product of very modern theology) that Satan still appears before the throne of YEHOVAH God -- as the accuser of the brethren? The New Testament CLEARLY places him on the earth:
"Your enemy, the Adversary, stalks about like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour" (I Peter 5:8).
This is in perfect harmony with the passage that
says the Devil and his hosts are "cast out into the earth," and he goes to make
war with the remnant of the woman's seed, who keep the commandments of YEHOVAH
God, and have the testimony of Yeshua the Messiah (Revelation 12:17). It is a
great and serious ERROR to place this event before Creation -- or in 1914 or
some future day!
There are two major topics in the 12th chapter of Revelation: the history of the
woman that brought forth "the man child" and the account of casting Satan out of
heaven. The story of the woman begins with the chapter and continues on to the
6th verse. Then the account of the dragon is introduced in verses 7 to 13, to be
followed by the story of the woman that continues on to the end of the chapter.
The casting out of Satan is therefore closely associated with the birth and
ascension of the Messiah. The dragon stood ready to devour the child as soon as
it was born. When the man-child was "caught up to God" the dragon was CAST DOWN
and "when the dragon saw that he was cast unto the earth, he persecuted the
woman which brought forth the man child" (verse 13).
The casting out of Satan brought forth a chorus of praise from the host of
heaven: "Therefore rejoice ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them" (verse 12).
However, this rejoicing in heaven was mingled with woe because of the
inhabitants of the earth -- "Woe to the inhabitants of the earth and of the sea!
for the devil IS COME DOWN UNTO YOU, having great wrath, because he knoweth he
hath but a short time."
The rejoicing in heaven was caused by the BANISHMENT OF SATAN from their midst,
following the "war in heaven," and it was IN CONNECTION WITH THE BIRTH AND
ASCENSION OF THE MESSIAH. It is quite possible that when Satan sinned the
heavenly host -- not realizing the nature of his sin -- held some sympathy for
him and YEHOVAH God was therefore obliged to allow Satan to develop his
character sufficiently to let the angels see the true nature of the enemy. It is
thought that the enmity Satan manifested toward the Messiah in causing him to be
put to death on the tree so revealed Satan's nature that all the host of heaven
(except his followers) had no more sympathy for him. Satan was then cast out of
heaven -- never to be able to return.
As soon as Satan was cast out of heaven he began to persecute the woman that
brought forth the man-child. This nails down the time -- it was AFTER THE DEATH,
RESURRECTION AND ASCENSION OF THE MESSIAH. And history truly confirms this
The breaking of Satan's power was by the death of the Messiah -- for by the
death of the Messiah forgiveness of sin has been obtained and Satan's most
formidable weapon has been wrenched out of his hands. The New Testament plainly
tells us that Satan is already a conquered foe, "cast out" of heaven and
deprived of his authority over those whose citizenship is in heaven (verse 12).
James tells us to "resist the devil, and he will flee from you" (4:7). This
could not be apart from the Messiah's victory at Golgotha; but now that the
victory has been won, IT COULD NOT BE OTHERWISE.
In Revelation 12:7-10, John was writing historically about things that had (in
his day) recently happened. However, he was not recording history as though
these things had already taken place prior to Genesis! The next verse pictures
Satan as the accuser of the brethren "which accused them before our God day and
night." This could not refer to a time prior to the creation of man. At that
time there were no brethren to accuse!
The one who is defeated in this battle is the "dragon" -- nothing is said to
indicate that he was a beautiful angel who, upon being defeated, was cast down
and became the devil. Even the strongest believers in the concept that Satan was
once an angel do not generally apply this passage to a battle prior to human
Revelation 20:10 Explained
Now what does the Bible reveal about Satan's punishment? Notice what Revelation 20:10 REALLY says! The New International Version has this verse more clear than the King James Version. Notice!
"And the devil, who deceived them, was THROWN into the LAKE OF BURNING SULPHUR, where the beast and the false prophet had been thrown. THEY will be tormented day and night for ever and ever."
What does this verse really say?
Notice! First of all this verse does not just describe Satan who will be "tormented day and night." It says "they." The Englishman's Greek New Testament makes this plain. So this fate is also speaking of the beast and false prophet, mortal men, not spirit beings! Yet we know that the incorrigibly wicked do not have immortal souls. They will be BURNED UP in Gehenna fire!
Malachi the prophet records,
"Surely the day is coming; it will BURN like a furnace. All the arrogant and every evildoer will be STUBBLE, and that day that is coming will SET THEM ON FIRE, says the LORD Almighty. Not a root or a branch will be left to them. But you who revere my name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings...Then you will TRAMPLE DOWN the wicked; they will be ASHES under the soles of your feet on the day when I do these things, says the LORD Almighty" (Malachi 4:1-3).
The Age-Ending FIRE
This age-ending "fire," then, will convert the bodies of all the wicked to ASHES -- including that of Satan the devil. The apostle Peter wrote of this tremendous fire. He said,
"But the day of the LORD will come like a thief. The heavens will disappear with a ROAR [have you ever heard a "roaring fire"?]; the elements will be DESTROYED by FIRE, and the EARTH and EVERYTHING IN IT will be laid bare ["burned up," says the KJV]. Since everything will be DESTROYED in this way [including Satan and the demons], what kind of people ought you to be? You ought to live holy and godly lives as you look forward to the day of God and speed its coming. That day will bring about the DESTRUCTION OF THE HEAVENS BY FIRE, and the elements will melt in the heat. But in keeping with his promise, we are looking forward to a new heaven and a new earth, the home of righteousness" (II Peter 3:10-13).
In that great inferno, that awesome, mind-boggling holocaust, even the stars and galaxies will be destroyed, purified by fire, and then re-created once again in a new Universe! But during that awesome blaze, the wicked will perish, consuming away into smoke and ashes, including Satan the devil and his demonic rebellious spirits.
Right now they are trembling, being "held for judgment" (II Peter 2:4-5), awaiting that punishment, which will extinguish their very existence! We read, "And the angels who did not keep their positions of authority but abandoned their own home -- these he has kept in darkness, bound with everlasting chains for judgment on the Great Day" (Jude 6).
Here again is that word "everlasting." Again, it is the Greek "aeonian," which means "age-lasting." Obviously, the demons are held in these chains UP UNTIL their day of Judgment -- not "forever."
What, then, does Revelation 20:10 refer to when it says Satan, the beast, and false prophet, will be "tormented day and night for ever and ever"? Notice, speaking of all the wicked who worship the coming beast and his image, the apostle John also writes, "If anyone worships the beast and his image...he, too, will drink of the wine of GOD'S FURY, which has been poured full strength into the cup of his wrath. HE WILL BE TORMENTED WITH BURNING SULPHUR in the presence of the holy angels and of the Lamb. And the smoke of their torment rises for ever and ever. There is no rest day or night for those who worship the beast and his image" (Revelation 14:9-11).
What does this mean, since eventually all the wicked will be consumed away into smoke and ashes?
Can you begin to imagine the torment and anguish that all the wicked will sense, and feel, as they stand before YEHOVAH's Judgment seat? Can you comprehend the awesome feeling of impending doom they will experience, as they hear their sentences being delivered, and as they see the fiery lake, and the approaching flames which will engulf and destroy and annihilate them?
Indeed, they will be tormented "forever" -- until they die! Until they lose consciousness, and perish! Remember, the Greek word "aeonian" can and often means "age-lasting," or "so long as the conditions exist." Similarly, in the Old Testament YEHOVAH God said that a man could be another man's slave "forever" -- that is, until his DEATH, or until he ceased to exist. YEHOVAH God says the heathen in the land could be the bondmen of Israel "for ever" (Leviticus 25:46, KJV). The New International Version has YEHOVAH saying to Israel, "you can make them slaves FOR LIFE." See also Deuteronomy 15:17.
The King James translates the Hebrew "olam" as "FOREVER," but the New International Version has "for LIFE." The Hebrew word actually means "concealed, i.e., the vanishing point." It can mean eternal, everlasting, perpetual, or till out of mind, till vanished, gone, lasting, long time.
What, then, about Revelation 20:10? Obviously, the wicked will be tormented, and in torment and anguish, gnashing their teeth, FOR LIFE -- that is, UNTIL THE MOMENT OF DEATH! -- till they VANISH AWAY and are GONE! Day and night, their final penalty of sin will hang over them, tormenting them, until their judgment arrives, and their fate beckons, and they are finally CONSUMED in the flames which destroy them!
They will experience the same sort of anguish and torment which grips murderers on "Death Row," as they wait until their final moment of judgment, and their rendezvous with the electric chair, and that final surge of electricity jolts their flesh and burns and terminates their life! They will hang in torment as long as YEHOVAH God allows, until that final moment of expiration comes.
The Greek Word "Eis"
Thayer's Greek English Lexicon shows that the word "for" in Revelation 20:10 is actually the word "eis" and would more properly be translated as "to, toward, or into." The Greek word "eis" is a preposition and denotes "entrance into, or direction and limit: into, to, towards, for, among." It can simply be rendered "to" or even "towards," Thayer says, "as if it indicated merely MOTION TOWARDS A DESTINATION." Says the Lexicon, "If the surface only of the place entered is touched or occupied, eis, like the Latin in, may (often) be rendered on, upon, (sometimes by unto...to mark the LIMIT REACHED, or where one sets foot." The Lexicon adds, the word "eis" has the sense "of motion into the vicinity of a place; where it may be rendered to, near, towards."
Therefore, the punishment of Satan, his demons, and all the wicked, will last up to a point, up until the limit or destination is reached -- that is, total annihilation and termination of being, the end of life itself. They will be destroyed completely, till nothing is left, as Malachi says "neither root nor branch." The smoke of their torment will rise up "to" the ages -- up to that point.
Consider this analogy. An earthly traveler goes along a road and comes to the outskirts of a city. He comes to a sign marking the city limits. The sign says "Welcome to Pocatello, Idaho." He has reached the city. He has come to Pocatello. He has been proceeding toward it, and now he has reached it -- but he has not entered INTO it. He has reached the edge of the city ("eis"), but he has not gone into it or through it or passed through to the center or gone on through to the other side!
Even so it is with the Greek word "eis." In Revelation 20:10, where it describes the fate of Satan and the beast and false prophet [remember, the Greek says "THEY" all suffered the torment], this word means they suffered UP TO THE THRESHOLD OR EDGE OF "FOREVER." IT DOES NOT MEAN THEY WILL SUFFER THROUGHOUT ALL ETERNITY, but up to the "edge" or outer limits of eternity. They will suffer up to the BORDER of eternity, at which point their suffering will cease and they will die, be destroyed, suffer total annihilation. When the elements melt with fiery heat, and the stars and galaxies, and everything physical, is destroyed, the wicked also -- including Satan and his demons -- will likewise be destroyed.
Roam the Universe Forever?
Some have thought that Satan and his demons will only be temporarily punished in the lake of fire, but then their fate will be to be cast into the outer "darkness" of the remote regions of the universe, where they will as "raging waves of the sea, foaming out their own shame; WANDERING STARS, to whom is reserved the blackness of darkness for ever" (Jude 13).
However, notice carefully. This verse is categorically not speaking of the fate of Satan or wicked angels. Rather, the context is clear. The apostle Jude is talking about wicked MEN -- false teachers and false prophets, like Cain and Balaam! He says,
"Woe unto them! for they have gone in the way of Cain, and ran greedily after the error of Balaam for reward...These [evil men] are spots in your feasts of charity, when they feast with you, feeding themselves without fear: clouds they are without water, carried about of winds; trees whose fruit withereth, without fruit, TWICE DEAD, plucked up by the roots" (Jude 11-12).
Notice! These evil men are "twice dead." That means they will suffer the SECOND DEATH, which is the lake of fire! As we read in the book of Revelation, "And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. THIS IS THE SECOND DEATH" (Revelation 20:14).
Thus this passage in Jude describes false teachers who inveigle their way into the Church of YEHOVAH God, and seduce members to follow them! It is not even remotely discussing the final fate of Satan the devil or his demons. These false teachers are compared to "wandering stars" today, in that they wander from place to place, seducing, deceiving, and misleading people. Their eventual "fate" will be "blackness of darkness forever" that is, to have their lives snuffed out in the lake of fire, and to be totally unconscious and dead, forever!
How will this final cleansing of the earth, and punishing of the wicked, be accomplished? The answer is given in the second epistle of the apostle Peter. Notice his awesome description of what is to occur!
New Heavens and a New Earth!
The apostle Peter wrote clearly,
"But the day of the LORD will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein [including the DEVIL AND HIS DEMONS] shall be BURNED UP. Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation [conduct] and godliness, looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God, wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat? Nevetheless, we, according to his promise, look for a NEW HEAVENS and a NEW EARTH, wherein dwelleth RIGHTEOUSNESS" (II Peter 3:10-13).
At that time, Yeshua the Messiah, will fulfill the prophecy and "DESTROY him that had the power of death, that is, the DEVIL" (Hebrews 2:14). At that time, all who rebel against YEHOVAH God, all who have chosen the way of Cain and the path of Balaam, will perish. As David wrote in the book of Psalms, "Or, I say, though you are gods, all sons of the Most High, YET, LIKE MERE MEN, YOU SHALL DIE, you shall DIE LIKE A DEMON " (Psalm 82:6-7, Moffatt translation).
Yeshua himself said the wicked among men would PERISH along with Satan and his demons. He declared, "When the Son of man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, then he will sit on the throne of his glory, and all nations will be gathered in front of him; he will separate them one from another, as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats, setting the sheep on his right hand and the goats on his left....Then he will say to those on his left [the goats, symbolizing the wicked among men], 'Begone from me, accursed ones, to the eternal fire which has been prepared FOR THE DEVIL AND HIS ANGELS" (Matthew 25:31-41, Moffatt). This final age-ending fire will destroy all the wicked of Israel, root and branch!
This is the PLAIN TRUTH about Satan's fate! Pray that it will not be your fate as well. Don't follow the pathway of Satan in rebellion against YEHOVAH God, but seek to obey Him, in all things, and keep His commandments, which are the way to eternal LIFE (Matthew 19:17).
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