Hope of Israel Ministries (Ecclesia of YEHOVAH):
Peace Through Diversity?
Uniting people requires focusing on what they can truly have in common, universals such as Truth and virtues, those “good moral habits.” But if you want to divide people -- whether children or adults, a small group or a whole nation -- emphasizing diversity is precisely the way to go. Which of these makes you feel safer: A national military in which the soldiers and generals are proud of America, our history, our heritage and our people? Or a military in which the soldiers and generals hate America, express solidarity with a white genocide movement and think that America is a racist country? |
by Stewart, Hagelin and Duke
When we hear people talking about "diversity" nowadays, what they are really saying is that Christians should accept the Person of the wicked. Witches, abortionists and homosexuals have no problem accepting the goodness of Christianity. However, God-fearing Christians cannot accept the sins of witchcraft, abortion and homosexuality. That is the problem. The issue is one of moral tolerance...what will we tolerate as being morally acceptable?
To expect Bible-believing Christians to be tolerant of two men kissing in public is ridiculous. Of course Christians are not going to approve of that. Homosexuals get offended when Christians shun them and gaze with disgust and amazement. What do you expect? Are Christians homophobic? Yes Sir, 100%! I am very much homophobic. The sin of homosexuality scares me to death!!! I don't understand it, don't want to understand it and am glad I don't understand it.
In order for the Antichrist to rule over the world, Satan needs to get the world all on one page. This is why we see the consolidation of world religion, world economies and world government. The teaching of diversity is a vehicle by which the Devil is convincing the masses to lay aside their differences and hop on the bandwagon of the New World Order.
Diversity As An Excuse to Sin
I hate abortion with all my heart, it is Godless evil. They murder little babies through various torture methods; including cracking babies skulls open and sucking their brains out! Christians have a duty to PROTEST against such evils. As I type, legislation has just been passed in congress which prevents abortion protesters from filing bankruptcy when sued or fined. Many abortion protesters have been persecuted through prosecution for exercising their First Amendments rights (by protesting against abortion). Big Brother has become Big Monster. Should it be any surprise to us that the same evil people in government who are allowing Americans to murder their own children, would also prosecute God-honoring Christians? I will stand uncompromisingly against sin until YEHOVAH God and the Messiah return.
"Diversity" in the dictionary is defined as "Noticeable heterogeneity."
"Heterogeneity" is defined as "The quality of being diverse and not comparable in kind."
"Comparable "is defined as "Conforming in every respect."
Based upon the above definitions, genuine "Diversity" simply means that I DON'T HAVE TO CONFORM. It also means that you don't have to conform. If you want to sodomize each other, that is your business...but I am going to protest against you when you parade in public. I'm so sick and tired of listening to homosexuals make stupid statements such as..."Keep your morality out of my bedroom." The problem is not what's going on in your bedroom, it's what you're doing IN PUBLIC and trying to teach in public classrooms across America. If homosexuals are going to parade down the streets of America promoting their wickedness, then don't tell me that Christians can't parade down the street preaching righteousness and the Word of YEHOVAH God.
Then there's the recent Sponge Bob Gay-Pants dilemma. Look...if you don't want people to think Sponge Bob is homosexual, then don't feature him in a "diversity" video which obviously is implying that sodomites should be accepted as well. The flashing colors of Sponge Bob are a clear indicator to me. Everyone knows that the rainbow has become the hallmark of the homosexual movement. By the way, nothing is any more blasphemous to YEHOVAH God than the Sodomites stealing of the rainbow. It is YEHOVAH's rainbow, not the homosexuals! I don't have to accept homosexuals, that is my right to diversity. They will never accept me, no matter how much you try to brainwash them with "diversity." Sin-hating Christians have always been hated by homosexuals and always will be. What fellowship hath darkness with light? This also refers to cultural diversity.
I believe in the freedom of speech. The Bill of Rights (specifically, the First Amendment) outlines this freedom, but YEHOVAH God Himself has granted us the freedom to express our opinions and beliefs. The government can take our Bill of Rights away (and they presently are), but we still have a God-given right to free speech. We have every God-given right to fight for it. The DANGER of the diversity propagated by the homosexual community and others such as Black Lives Matter is that it DEMONIZES anyone who refuses to CONFORM to their wicked agenda.
The Sodomites are extremely ANGRY at the Christians who are preaching uncompromisingly against their sinful lifestyle. And the Christians are extremely ANGRY at the homosexual activist groups who are trying to teach young people that homosexuality is a "legitimate" alternate lifestyle. Not in YEHOVAH God's Book! Black Lives Matter adherents are ANGRY at the White community for slavery, unconfirmed systemic police racism and brutality, et al, while the White community is ANGERED when it sees its Constitutional rights being trampled underfoot by BLM and Antifa thugs.
Satan is the god of this world (2nd Corinthians 4:4). Satan's crowd may be winning a few battles now, but the war is the LORD's. Psalm 9:17 says, "The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God."
Diversity for Who?
Please do not misunderstand me, I am in no way advocating being unkind to anyone. I am saying that the "diversity" which the homosexuals and others are propagating is nothing more than sinful compromise. Christianity and homosexuality are diametrically opposed to each other!
Homosexuals have maliciously labeled Christians as "hate-mongers" and the Bible as "hate-speech." Homosexuals hate Christianity as much as the Bible teaches us to hate homosexuality. Christians are now even being called terrorists!
Diversity today means sinful compromise, plain and simple. I'm not going to compromise my Biblical convictions.
The world hates TRUE Christians: "Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake" (Matthew 24:9).
Proverb 29:27, "An unjust man is an abomination to the just: and he that is upright in the way is abomination to the wicked." This Scripture says it all. The wicked and the righteous will never get along in sweet harmony.
The Messiah may have been a friend of sinners, but he NEVER condoned their sins. The Messiah preached the Gospel to them and tried to get them saved.
Diversity and the Military
Since the Obama administration was determined to change America’s social structure, it mattered little that social engineering is not the purpose of the United States’ armed forces.
President Obama and his cohorts viewed the Department of Defense primarily as a large and convenient tool that he, as commander in chief, could use at will to “transform America.”
“Diversity” was prized and prioritized above strength while our military struggled to maintain its effectiveness and efficiency.
Thank God President Trump has mandated that his administration restore the strength of our military -- its mission readiness, command proficiency and combat effectiveness. He acted quickly to request much-needed funds to rebuild the military infrastructure and to ensure that our men and women in uniform have the best training, weaponry and resources.
Mr. Trump, however, will do unintended harm to military readiness if military service personnel must continue to contend with problematic/social policies imposed by the Obama administration -- policies that impede defense imperatives. The “politically correct” Obama policies were imposed on our military largely through administrative fiat. The great news is that they can quickly be removed in like manner.
The most problematic policies that must be immediately reversed are those that address transgender issues and the layers of costs and restructuring of systems that go along with them.
For instance, Mr. Obama’s order on June 30, 2016, to no longer discharge transgender service members, and that demands that transgenders be actively recruited to join the military, were presented to the public as if they will not have a ripple effect in the development of subordinate regulations, guidances, programs and health care services that support the transgender lifestyle.
Is the American military now to assume the responsibility and expenses of retaining people who are suffering with a condition that requires long-term medical treatments such as hormone therapy, counseling and cosmetic surgery? And will our military dollars now be spent on “gender reassignment surgery” instead of the best weaponry? And what about the long-term psychological issues that include higher rates of depression and suicide among those who struggle with transgender issues?
“Gender transitioning” is a complex, expensive and long process for the individual and their caregivers. (By the way, it is not a proven science.) Is the Department of Defense prepared to restructure on every level, on every base, in every ROTC unit, on every battlefield and theater of war in order to constantly provide such services?
And exactly when, in this process, does military training take place?
There is no benefit to military readiness of continuing with transgender Obama-era orders. But in addition to turning the military away from its only real purpose for existing -- which is to protect the United States of America and our citizens -- there are serious constitutional issues at stake. For instance, will military medical doctors, nurses and other health care professionals be universally required to surgically change the genitals of men and women on demand, even if it violates their own deeply held religious beliefs and personal medical ethics?
Though consistent with the absurd world view that says “the greatest threat facing our military is global warming,” “peace through diversity” is a ridiculous and dangerous military strategy.
Mr. Trump can succeed in making America safe again by making our military strong again only if he reverses the Obama agenda.
The first order of business is to nullify the LGBT Pride Month military events scheduled for June every year. Quick, decisive action canceling these wasteful celebrations that do nothing to strengthen military readiness will signal to the nation and the world of Mr. Trump’s resolve to restore America’s military to the greatest fighting force on earth.
MAGA: Make the Army Great Again
Maybe it’s a sign we need to MAGA -- Make the Army Great Again -- but a diversity-oriented handout issued by that military branch actually listed President Trump’s “Make America Great Again” slogan as a possible sign of white supremacist tendencies.
The Army said in a statement recently that the July 6 material, provided to troops and contractors at Redstone Arsenal in Alabama, was issued in error and that it’s investigating the matter. Of course, this doesn’t explain why such a handout was created in the first place.
As Military.com reports:
"The material was meant to promote meetings at Redstone Arsenal as part of the Army’s 'Project Inclusion,' an effort by Army Secretary Ryan McCarthy and Army Chief of Staff Gen. Joseph McConville 'to improve diversity, equity and inclusion across the force and build cohesive teams.'”
Project Inclusion involved listening sessions at bases worldwide for troops and civilians on issues such as racial disparities and the Army’s move in August to remove photos from officers’ promotion boards, according to the service.
The promotional material, sent in emails, included an illustration of a pyramid of phrases labeled “Things To Think About.”
And think about this: PJ Media adds, “‘Make America Great Again,’ ‘Eurocentric Education,’ ‘not challenging racist jokes,’ and ‘Celebration of Columbus Day’ are among the many phrases and actions considered ‘covert white supremacy,’ according to the handout.”
Of course, there was no mention of how demonizing Columbus Day could be insensitive and offensive (a microaggression? A macroaggression?) to Italian-descent Americans. Hey, in the diversity game, winners and losers must be chosen.
And big losers are virtue, Truth, and nationhood. Just consider, Military.com tells us, that the handout also lists as examples of “covert white supremacy,” “‘English-Only Initiatives;’ ‘Bootstrap Theory;’ ‘All Lives Matter;’ and such sayings as, ‘Don’t Blame Me. I Never Owned Slaves.’”
Unsurprisingly, though, the Army now says, don’t blame us, we never own our misdeeds. For, in “its statement, the Army did not address how the July 6 handout was put together, but said that it included two unapproved pages and was quickly recalled,” Military.com further relates.
In fact, there might be no attention paid to this at all were it not for “a complaint from Republican Congressman Mo Brooks of Alabama, whose district includes Redstone,” PJ Media also informs. “Brooks believes the handout violates the Hatch Act, which prevents the military from engaging in partisan politics,” the site continues. “The congressman sent a letter to Army Secretary Ryan McCarthy, copied to Trump, Attorney General William Barr, and others.”
Unfortunately, the handout’s distribution is neither an isolated incident nor even just part of a series of blunders. Rather, it reflects a cultural revolution that leaves nothing untarnished.
Consider: In “2013, a US Army training instructor lumped Evangelical Christianity, Catholicism, Ultra-Orthodox Jews, and the Church of Latter Day Saints with Al Qaeda, Hamas, the Ku Klux Klan, and Nation of Islam as examples of religious extremism,” relates American Greatness.
Providing more examples of “the dangerous wokesterism infiltrating the military,” commentator Monica Showalter mentions “the military’s resistance to ending transgender soldiers, who require significant medical care and are disruptive to military order[;]…the naval commander who took his COVID worries aboard a ship at sea to the press instead of up his chain of command, informing the enemy; the coddling of Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, who committed quite a few irregularities at the National Security Council and then attempted to unseat President Trump with the help of the partisan Democrats; and the military’s resistance to putting down civil unrest engulfing America’s cities, raising questions about what it was good for if it couldn’t bring itself to put a stop to a bona fide internal threat. Protecting Afghanis?”
So to use a term and a concept currently popular with the “enlightened,” the diversity handout is part of a “systemic” problem requiring “fundamental change.” It’s not the disease -- it’s a symptom of the disease.
Just consider the greater symptom of which it was born: the aforementioned Project Inclusion. “The strength of the Army comes from its diversity,” it states on its webpage. “Developing and maintaining qualified and demographically diverse leadership is critical for mission effectiveness and is essential to national security.”
This is pure, unadulterated hogwash, but reflective of our time’s fallacy and falsehood-born Diversity Dogma. The Army’s strength would actually lie in its technological superiority, discipline, wise leadership, and, to the point here, unity.
Diversity -- and especially diversity programs, which emphasize differences -- actually disrupt unity. In fact, the term “diversity” is derived from older words meaning things such as “difference,” “separateness,” “contrariety, contradiction, disagreement,” “conflict, strife,” and even “wickedness, perversity,” informs the Online Etymology Dictionary.
Of course, none of these meanings are intended today by the social engineers spouting the term, but you wouldn’t know it from studies indicating that diversity programs do more harm than good. Not only don’t they lead to more “diversity” (not positive by definition, anyway), but they actually increase anger toward the groups for which they demand tolerance.
This is just common sense. If you forced a child to sit and be lectured -- perhaps using the threat of punishment to ensure compliance (as diversity programs sometimes do) -- about why he should like Johnny, why he should be careful not to say anything offensive to Johnny, why some things he innocently utters are wrong and could bother Johnny, and why he must alter his habits to accommodate Johnny, how would he feel about Johnny?
Getting the message that Johnny is the favorite, it would evoke jealousy and resentment. And you shouldn’t be surprised if there’s a fight in the schoolyard at day’s end.
Uniting people requires focusing on what they can truly have in common, universals such as Truth and virtues, those “good moral habits.” But if you want to divide people -- whether children or adults, a small group or a whole nation -- emphasizing diversity is precisely the way to go.
Trump Needs to Fire a Bunch of His "Woke" Generals
Not to be too much of a pessimist about it, but we’re going to get our butts handed to us when (not if, but when) Communist China finally launches a war against us. The crop of "woke" Obama holdovers in every branch of the service couldn’t fight their way out of a gay bar, assuming they even wanted to. If you haven’t been paying attention, every branch of the service is now pledging a new allegiance -- not to America, but to Black Lives Matter. That’s not going to end well.
At military bases in South Korea, hundreds of U.S. service members have been holding and attending Black Lives Matter "community events." You know, because the people in the South Korean communities are down with the struggle or something. President Trump had to ban the military and U.S. embassies from taking down the American flag and flying Black Lives Matter flags. In response, the bases in South Korea are now hanging BLM banners from the side of buildings.
The Air Force Chief of Staff, General David Goldfein, sent out a memo in June in support of the Black Lives Matter riots. He called George Floyd’s death by fentanyl overdose a "national tragedy" -- not because it was another fentanyl overdose that can be traced back to a Chinese chemical factory, but because the Minneapolis cops restrained George Floyd.
The highest-ranking enlisted man in the US Air Force right now is Chief Master Sergeant Kaleth Wright. The guy’s Twitter feed for the past two months has been a constant bleeding-heart sounding board for Black Lives Matter. As a black man, Wright has achieved the highest possible enlisted rank in the U.S. Air Force -- but he constantly whines that his greatest fear in life is "police racism."
After President Trump used federal law enforcement to clear out the Black Lives Matter terrorists in DC, Defense Secretary Mark Esper criticized his boss and then ran to the media to reassure everyone that he didn’t have Trump cooties. "And did you see the Bad Orange Man hold up a Bible? Ick!"
Former Defense Secretary General James "Mad Dog" Mattis, who is supposed to have been some major tough guy in the Marines, criticized Trump for stopping the riots in DC, and expressed his solidarity with Black Lives Matter.
West Point has announced that its Inspector General will be conducting a major witch hunt to sniff out "systemic racism" at the academy. Just 57% of active duty service members in the U.S. military are white these days. But according to Mark "I don’t have Trump cooties!" Esper, that is too white. He has the Department of Defense looking into ways to stamp out whiteness in the military, and to ensure that fewer whites are filling military roles in the years to come.
Despite the anti-white hatred being expressed by the likes of Esper, Mattis and their komrades, white soldiers remain the overwhelming majority of troops that fight and die in America’s wars. Whites are rapidly becoming a minority in the U.S. military, but they accounted for 83% of America’s combat casualties in Iraq and 85% in Afghanistan.
Every branch of the service has now canceled its fitness tests for the rest of the year. The woke generals claim this is to help halt the spread of coronavirus. But the truth is that many of the fat woke troops can’t pass the test. In the latest round of fitness tests, 84% of women service members and 30% of men failed the Army’s testing. And this was the new, easier, "gender neutral" fitness test that the Army is requiring!
The good news is that if the woke generals decide to stage a coup to oust President Trump, most of the soldiers are too fat to pick up a rifle and don’t know which end of the gun the shooty bullet parts come out of. The bad news is…still China.
Which of these makes you feel safer: A national military in which the soldiers and generals are proud of America, our history, our heritage and our people? Or a military in which the soldiers and generals hate America, express solidarity with a white genocide movement and think that America is a racist country?
I know which type of military I would prefer our nation to have. Unfortunately, that’s not the military that we currently have. And that should concern everyone.
The Example of Rome
For most of its history, Rome’s military was the envy of the ancient world. But during the decline, the makeup of the once mighty legions began to change. Unable to recruit enough soldiers from the Roman citizenry, emperors like Diocletian and Constantine began hiring foreign mercenaries to prop up their armies. The ranks of the legions eventually swelled with Germanic Goths and other barbarians, so much so that Romans began using the Latin word “barbarus” in place of “soldier.”
While these Germanic soldiers of fortune proved to be fierce warriors, they also had little or no loyalty to the empire, and their power-hungry officers often turned against their Roman employers. In fact, many of the barbarians who sacked the city of Rome and brought down the Western Empire had earned their military stripes while serving in the Roman legions.
While more territories, manpower and wealth could be leveraged for Rome in its wars, the expansion of citizenship to non-ethnic Romans became much more problematic as Rome expanded beyond Italy. Nearby Latins and other Italians, for instance, were not so different from the Romans that including them as citizens was deeply divisive. This, however, was not so for the Greeks, Africans, Gauls, Germans and Egyptians who were conquered and, in many cases, also given citizenship. This meant that, for the first time, Roman culture and Roman politics were not necessarily one and the same.
Expansion crippled Rome’s Republican institutions. What had once been a tightly-bound society of ethnic kin allied with one another against the rest of the world turned into a loosely bound society of competing cultural identities tied together via imperial domination and money. Being Roman eventually meant being whatever wealth said it was, and shorn of the old ties that kept the rich and poor together out of a mutual sense of common destiny, they soon turned on one another.
Initially Romans fought not because they were mercenaries, but to defend “home and hearth.” That gradually changed as the Roman Empire grew and needed increasing numbers of soldiers to maintain control. This eventually led to the military becoming a political player through a constituency that demanded more favors and began throwing support behind their generals as political leaders.
Sound familiar? Something to think about.
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