Hope of Israel Ministries (Ecclesia of YEHOVAH):
A Mom’s Research: Staying Steady in the Swirl of Transgenderism
People on the left embrace humanism. They consider the boundaries set by God’s teachings as shackles and superstition. For them, suffering is evil, happiness is virtuous, and desire is what they follow. The standard of judging right from wrong is based on how humans feel or need, which is constantly shifting. Unfortunately, this is the slippery slope that the Western world has been on for quite a long time. |
by Jean Chen
Being a parent has never been
easy, especially nowadays.
Previously, we worried about the influence on our children by bad friends or the
counterculture trends in society. But now, schools, the internet, media,
doctors, and even laws are determined to diminish our influence on them.
In March, Robert Hoogland, a Canadian father of a teenage girl, was jailed for
ignoring a court order demanding that he refer to his daughter as “he” or “him,”
and for speaking out against the court-ordered testosterone injections that his
daughter has had since she was 14. He was later sentenced to six months in
In August, the U.S. Department of Justice posted a video on its YouTube channel,
encouraging children to file federal complaints against whoever prevents them
from obtaining hormones or surgeries to change sex before adulthood.
Gender ideology has the whole Western world in its clutches. It’s not aimed at
eliminating discrimination as has been claimed, but rather at converting our
next generation into the “transgeneration.” It’s an attack on all families, not
only those of conservatives, but also liberal ones.
In schools, children have notions planted in them such as “gender is different
from biological sex” and “gender is not binary.” The health curricula in some
schools include systematic indoctrination of LGBTQ gender ideology, and engage
students in imagining themselves as a different gender, gender identity, sexual
orientation, or gender role. Apparently, for psychologically vulnerable kids,
this activity is likely to cause them to question their own gender or sexual
Children are exposed to more and more LGBTQ characters in kids’ TV shows,
according to an Insider report. On social media, being transgender is popular.
According to Dr. Dianna Kenny, professor of psychology at the University of
Sydney, YouTube and social media posts documenting young people’s questioning of
their sex-change procedures are rapidly taken down, while messages from
transgender activists and influencers spread far and wide.
According to Wall Street Journal writer Abigail Shrier’s 2020 book
Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters, children
who self-identified as “transgender” are called by their preferred names and
pronouns at school, adolescents can be provided puberty blockers (chemicals once
used to castrate sex offenders) and sex hormones if requested, and sex-changing
surgeries are encouraged by teachers, therapists, and doctors. All these can be
done without the consent or knowledge of their parents.
These are not just “the work of one rogue teacher’s union,” but “the logical
extension of all the laws and policies and radical curricula already adopted in
California and cropping up across the country,” Shrier wrote. In fact, “New
York, New Jersey, Colorado, Illinois, Northern Virginia, and Oregon public
schools have already adopted a radical approach to gender in their curricula and
Under Obamacare, insurers are required to cover gender transition procedures. In
Oregon, teenagers as young as 15 can have sex-change surgeries without parental
consent. In California, insurance companies have been ordered to remove age
limits to cover the cost of mastectomies for gender transition.
In 19 states in the United States, therapists and doctors can lose their jobs or
even licenses if they don’t “affirm” a child’s “transgender identity”
The wave of gender ideology is accompanied by a sudden surge of self-identified
“transgender” adolescents in the Western world. According to Shrier’s book,
historically, only roughly 0.01 percent of the population sought medical help
for gender dysphoria. However, in the past decade, “in the United States, the
prevalence has increased by over 1,000 percent.” Two percent of high school
students in the United States identified themselves as “transgender,” according
to a 2017 survey by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). “In
Britain, the increase is 4,000 percent.”
More than 85 percent of the parents of adolescents with “rapid-onset gender
dysphoria” are progressives who support LGBT movements, according to a study by
Dr. Lisa Littman of Brown University. However, when confronted by their own
children’s sudden request to become transgender, they are devastated. They know
their children have no history of gender dysphoria, and they want to protect
them from the irreversible chemical or surgical mutilations they may regret
later, but they find that no one is on their side.
First, they are kept from their children’s situation, and then after finding out
and expressing their disapproval, they are blackmailed emotionally: “Would you
rather have a dead daughter or a live son?”
The culture war is relentless. We parents are pushed to the front line, but have
nowhere to hide. We have to fight for our children’s well-being and souls.
Like the previous parts in this series (Part 1: Socialism, Part 2: Climate
Change, Part 3: Racism, Part 4: Globalist and Leftist Elites, and Part 5:
Evolution), this article will focus on a specific topic: gender ideology,
probing its grasp on society, exploring its origin, and discussing what we
parents can do.
The Myth of "Gender Identity"
Many kind-hearted people may ask:
“Aren’t transgender people born that way?”
“Isn’t gender identity unchangeable?”
“Why not support their transitions through cross-sex hormones and surgeries?
Don’t they feel better that way?”
“Don’t gender transitions prevent suicide?”
“Isn’t gender non-binary? It is a deep feeling of who you are. Facebook has 58
gender options!”
These are common points sold to us by the mass media to recruit support for
gender ideology. However, they are not supported by scientific evidence.
According to Sexuality and Gender, a 2016 report authored by Dr. Lawrence S.
Mayer, an epidemiologist, and Dr. Paul R. McHugh, university distinguished
service professor of psychiatry at Johns Hopkins University, their analysis of
nearly 200 peer-reviewed studies shows that scientific evidence does not support
the hypothesis that transgender identity and sexual orientation are fixed
attributes that are innate to humans.
In other words, the claim “people are born that way” has no scientific basis.
Is gender self-identification unchangeable? No.
According to the American College of Pediatricians, it’s a consensus in the
scientific community that “80% to 95% of pre-pubertal children with GD [gender
dysphoria] will experience resolution by late adolescence if not exposed to
social affirmation and medical intervention.” There is no long-term study on the
persistence rate of those whose gender dysphoria started in their adolescence.
Mayer and McHugh also pointed out that “sexual orientation may be quite fluid
over the life course for some people, with one study estimating that as many as
80% of male adolescents who report same-sex attractions no longer do so as
As for whether hormonal or surgical treatments improve the quality of life for
transgender people, Mayer and McHugh pointed out that “there is a lack of
reliable studies on the long-term effects of these interventions.” The Centers
for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) also conceded in 2016, during the Obama
administration, that, “based on a thorough review of the clinical evidence
available at this time, there is not enough evidence to determine whether gender
reassignment surgery improves health outcomes for Medicare beneficiaries with
gender dysphoria.”
Do gender transitions prevent suicide? No.
A 30-year Swedish study showed that sex-reassigned individuals have a suicide
rate 19.1 times higher than that of the non-transgender population. The
interventions have no way to improve the mental health of transgender people to
a normal level, even in a LGBT-friendly nation such as Sweden.
The current notion of “gender” -- a deep feeling of how feminine or masculine
one is -- is a joke. Everyone has various feelings, including some that
contradict others. Every day we have different feelings -- imagine how feminine
you feel when you rock your baby to sleep and how masculine you are when a
reckless driver on the road enrages you. If feeling defines “gender,” we should
have at least as many “genders” as the world population, instead of just 58 as
suggested by Facebook!
Do You Think Something Is Wrong?
Once upon a time, quiet and shy
boys, as well as naughty and tomboyish girls, grew up normally in society
without any issues and had no problems with their biological sex.
But now, everything is tied to gender identity or sexual orientation. These kids
may be lured into believing themselves as “transgender.”
Once upon a time, we knew that while children were developing physically and
mentally, they were cognitively immature. As parents, we had an obligation to
guide them. But now, we are told, “Children know best!”
Once children fall prey to gender ideology and embark on a transgender path, it
becomes increasingly difficult for their parents to prevent them from making
life-altering and even regretted-for-life decisions at an immature age. It was
found that teenage girls without a history of gender dysphoria are the most
affected, and they have shifted the demographics of gender identity clinic
patients to mostly girls from mostly boys.
Once upon a time, doctors didn’t buy into the self-diagnosis of patients. They
relied on medical examinations and their professional training to get to the
root of the symptoms. They wouldn’t agree to do a gastric bypass surgery simply
because an anorexic patient believes he or she is too fat.
But now, they would be happy to chop off someone’s breasts or genitalia simply
because the patient believes he or she was “born in the wrong body.” The doctors
either aren’t allowed or aren’t willing to check and treat the underlying
depression, anxiety, or trauma.
Our society is going crazy!
Are We Helping the Children?
As teenage girls lead the charge
toward transgender identity, they are cheered on by mainstream media and social
networks. People are often told, “Social affirmation by calling them by their
preferred names and pronouns is a way to respect them,” or “Puberty blockers is
just a pause button which can be undone at any time, it is reversible.”
None of this is true. Every step of gender transition, including the social one,
is a strong intervention that pushes a child further down the path of
transgenderism, a path with a lifelong battle with their own biological sex that
is imprinted in the chromosomes of every single cell in their bodies.
In her book, Shrier discussed the roles each transition step played on the
well-being of teenage girls:
Social affirmation: “If the adolescent wasn’t entirely convinced of her
new identity before the experiment [social affirmation], she may be much more so
after it is underway.” A 2011 Dutch study pointed out that social affirmation in
childhood brings “great trouble” to some girls who “wanted to return to the
female gender role.”
Puberty blockers: Scientists found out that, without intervention, 80 to
95 percent of children outgrow gender dysphoria before adulthood. However, for
children on puberty blockers, studies show that almost 100 percent of them moved
on to take cross-sex hormones. In that case, infertility is almost assured
because their sex organs have no chance to develop normally.
Cross-sex hormones: “Transgender-identified women are given a dosage of
testosterone ten to forty times greater than their bodies would normally bear to
produce the changes they seek.” It is a lifelong hormone dependency with
consequences of “heightened rates of diabetes, stroke, blood clots, cancer, and,
as we’ve seen, heart disease.” Even if the hormone is stopped later, the woman
will forever have facial hair, a deepened voice, and masculinized facial
Surgeries: They are irreversible. Mastectomy removes a woman’s chance of
breastfeeding forever. Phalloplasty, a series of complex surgeries to construct
male parts, has the highest risk among all genital surgeries. According to the
prestigious Cleveland Clinic, “Many people experience complications [after
phalloplasty],” including infections, urination difficulties, urine leakage, or
failure of the graft.
What Causes the Craziness?
How has gender ideology dominated
all aspects of society in the whole Western world? Why is it so powerful, yet so
That’s a question many people wish to answer. People point to social contagion
in this digital age, health care policies, and the declining conscience of some
To me, these all play big roles, but they aren’t the ultimate reason. While all
people are affected by social media, peer pressure, health care policies, etc.,
why are progressives so disproportionately affected by gender ideology?
Littman’s study showed that more than 85 percent of the parents of adolescents
with “rapid-onset gender dysphoria” are progressives who support gay marriages
and transgender rights. Perhaps a question about ideology needs to be answered
from an ideological perspective.
Before modern society diminished religious faiths in recent decades, the moral
standard of humankind had been stable for thousands of years. At that time, law
and morality were defined by what is allowed by God, instead of how we humans
feel. People understood that suffering was necessary, because in the West,
people believed they have sins, and in the East, people knew they have committed
karma. They understood the principle of “no pain, no gain,” and strived to be
better amid hardship. When their desires went against the moral standard, they
knew it was their responsibility to get rid of them. These are the values still
cherished by many conservatives in today’s society.
People on the left embrace humanism. They consider the boundaries set by God’s
teachings as shackles and superstition. For them, suffering is evil, happiness
is virtuous, and desire is what they follow. The standard of judging right from
wrong is based on how humans feel or need, which is constantly shifting.
Unfortunately, this is the slippery slope that the Western world has been on for
quite a long time.
With this standard, if people think they can love and marry anybody regardless
of their biological sex, what’s wrong if someone wants to become any “gender”
they desire? Gender ideology is a natural extension of humanism. When liberal
parents were told by their children, “I can only be happy after I change my
sex,” what can they say? Yes, they know what is good for their children in the
long run, but the children have been convinced that they themselves know their
feelings best.
In fact, the current craze is nothing new. In the early 19th century, French
socialist Charles Fourier promoted the idea that people can have any kind of
sexual preferences, and all sexual needs, no matter how immoral, should be met
as long as consensus is reached. His contemporary, Welsh socialist Robert Owen
vowed to battle private property, religion, and marriage --“a TRINITY of the
most monstrous evils.”
Communism emerged later, and it also embraced promiscuity. At its core is the
abandoning of God and moral restraints.
The same fervor brought the counterculture and sexual revolution to the West in
the 1960s. The LGBT movement is part of that, but not the end of it. After the
current frenzy of gender ideology, other trends might arise and push humanity
further out on a limb.
What Can We Do?
Shrier interviewed many parents
and experts for her book, and offered wonderful suggestions to those who have
teenage girls with gender dysphoria: separate your children from the influence
of the internet, their peers, and school that make them question their gender,
and teach them to appreciate girlhood.
She also wrote about the parents’ reflection of their own worldview after
experiencing the pain:
“Many of the mothers of suddenly trans-identifying teenage girls have grown
disillusioned with progressivism and disaffected from the Democratic Party,
which they believe has abandoned girls for the sake of the transgender cause.
Several have been betrayed by progressive friends who went behind their backs to
buy their daughters a binder [a breast-compression garment] or to give the girls
encouragement in what their mothers viewed as a regimen of self-harm.”
For many, when they embrace progressivism, what they think of is love, freedom,
etc. They don’t realize where this path will eventually lead until the dire
consequences are slammed in their faces.
Society is sprinting down an immoral track. Teaching our children with faith and
tradition isn’t easy. Many of my readers ask, “Is it useful?” “Is your daughter
convinced by your articles?” My answer is yes, the logic and data make it hard
for her to refute, so she accepts my points, but she will keep coming up with
new questions and challenges. Sometimes, I am infuriated, such as when we argue
about whether gender is binary or not.
But in the end, the only way that works is to calm down, figure out what made
her think that way, and guide her with calm and solid reasoning.
All efforts are useful, even when they frown, shake their heads, or even scream.
What we teach will take root in them, and emerge in their head when they face
temptation or bad influence. My daughter just went to college. When her
roommates invited her to drink alcohol, she refused and told them, “Thanks, but
I have religious beliefs.”
To me, this is a wonderful surprise. I also made sure she had a STEM major, and
avoided courses related to race, gender, class, inequality, etc., in her general
education curriculum. Humanities-related majors in today’s colleges and
universities are brainwashing camps for the left.
With love and persistence, we can make it.
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