Hope of Israel Ministries (Ecclesia of YEHOVAH):
The TRUE Jews: Where Are They?
"A people that provoketh Me to anger continually to My face....that say, stand by thyself, come not near to me, for I am holier than thou" (Isaiah 65:3, 5). |
by Bob Vermaat and John D. Keyser
In recent
years we have, on many occasions, looked at and studied what had happened and what had become of the so called Lost Ten Tribe House of Israel. We have looked at their migrations after their dispersion to the land of the Medes and how they moved ever westward from there until they arrived at their allotted place. We also looked at what had become of them after they arrived there, how they embraced “the Way,” Christianity, as it was called in the beginning and how subsequently they became the Company of Nations and the Great Nation, as prophesied in the Bible. I would like to take the time of this study to now look at the two tribes of the Southern Kingdom of Judea, the two tribes that were never, so-called, lost. Those two tribes were, of course, Judah and Benjamin.We know that Benjamin was lent to Judah when the kingdom was divided. It is safe to assume that even though the Tribe of Benjamin thus became a part of the Southern Kingdom, as a tribe they kept themselves apart from the Judahites, a point that was very apparent during
the Messiah’s lifetime in Palestine. For whereas Judah or the Jews lived mostly in the south around Jerusalem, most of the Benjamites seem to have been concentrated toward the northern part in Galilee. It is generally believed that most of the Benjamites fled the land of Palestine prior to the Roman devastation under Titus in 70 A.D. They apparently fled to other Israelite colonies and subsequently joined their Israelite brethren in their trek westward. Also we should not forget that during the several invasions of Palestine by the Assyrians a large portion of Judah’s inhabitants, including a large number of Benjamites, were deported along with the ten tribe Northern Kingdom to the lands of the Medes, from whence they joined their brethren in the initial migration and thus became “Lost” to history also, but what about the rest of Judah?In Gen
esis 38 we read how the tribal Patriarch Judah took to himself a Canaanite wife by whom he had three sons, but since the Royal bloodline was to come from him, YEHOVAH God intervened in a special way to assure that that bloodline, from which was to come the Messiah, stayed pure. You can read the story of Judah and Tamar for yourselves in Genesis 38. But, it seems that the Judahites, later known as Jews had no problem with mixing their bloodlines.The first incident I am referring to is found in the Book of Esther. Here we find how Esther, a captive, and Mordecai, her cousin, also a captive Jew, thwarted a plot by Haman to have the Jews killed for not bowing down to him according to the king’s command. To make a long story short Mordecai and Queen Esther turned the tables on Haman and had Haman hanged and were permitted by the King to kill all of Haman’s followers, some 75,000 of them. A bit of overkill it seems but such is the nature of the beast. “…and many of the people of the land
BECAME JEWS; for the fear of the Jews fell upon them.” (Esther 8:17). This was the first infusion of strange or foreign blood.At about 125 B
.C. the Jews of Palestine, under the guidance of a warrior-priest called John Hyarcanus made war and subdued the surrounding Canaanites and Edomites, and under penalty of death, forced the survivors to be circumcised and join the Jewish community of that time. This was the second major infusion. During the Messiah’s time on earth these people were known as Idumeans, and a great majority of the then Jewish hierarchy and rulers were Idumeans.And then we jump in time to about the eighth century A
.D. It was at this time that an empire had arisen in South Eastern Europe, known as the Khazars. It was about the middle of the eighth century that their king, being pressured from the west by the Church of Rome and from the east by the Mohammedans, called to himself envoys from both those religious groups and also some Rabbis representing Judaism. After weighing the facts presented to him, that Khazar king opted for Judaism and declared Judaism the religion of the realm. After this the population of that whole country became Jewish by their belief. This was the third and greatest infusion of foreign blood. These facts are well documented in the book The Thirteenth Tribe by Arthur Koesler, a Jewish writer.The Kazars were a Turkish-Mongolian people and the descendants of Japheth, the son of Noah, the brother of Shem. The descendants of these people have become known as Khazar or Ashkenazem Jews. Now I am not saying that there are no Judahites among today’s Jewry for those that fled Palestine at the time Titus destroyed Jerusalem and the Temple in 70 A
.D., a good number are said to have fled to what is now known as Spain. They in turn became known as Sephardic Jews and are generally considered as the Orthodox Jews, but they are but a small number in all of Jewry, constituting no more than 7 or 8 percent. So what has happened to the rest of the Tribe of Judah? Are they gone and lost forever? No! They are assimilated amongst their brethren, the other Israelite peoples that have settled in North Western Europe and elsewhere on this planet.In British history we read that among the Saxon invaders of Britain were the JUTES, a people who came from a part of Denmark still called JUTLAND, to settle in Kent and the Isle of Wight.
Having noted the evidence previously offered which indicates the Israelitish origin of the Saxons as a whole, let us now consider the Jutes for they have in their name itself conclusive evidence of their Israelitish identity.
This becomes clear when we remember the great change which took place in the languages of northern Europe some time previous to 100 B.C., whereby a great many words which had previously had in them the sound of our letter "d" changed this to the sound of "t". (Grimm's Law). As this change occurred during the years in which the Saxons were migrating to Western Europe from their old home east of the Black Sea, it is obvious that the people who arrived in Denmark as Jutes must have started out as JUDES or Judai.
Further, as all of the Saxon tribes, including the Jutes, were descended from the SACAE (Sacasene) of MEDIA, it follows that the Sacae must have had among them a tribe called Judes or Judai even before they left Media.
The importance of this becomes apparent when we remember that the Israelite people were divided into TWO separate nations -- the northern 10 tribes of Israel and the southern tribes of Judah (consisting of Judah and Benjamin), and that when the Assyrians conquered Israel and drove the Israelites away into captivity in Media, they ALSO took some of the people from the country districts of Judah. It is certain, therefore, that among the Israelites in Media there was a distinct group who would be known by a plural form of the name Judah -- Judahites, Judae, Judai, Judi, or Judes.
In this connection we should note too that in the German language some of the "Jews" -- those who were a part of the people of Judah -- were called JUDEN (singular -- Jude), which is equivalent to "Judes" in English. Further, in the Low German dialects, which are more closely related to Old English (the English of the Saxons and Jutes) the name Jude was pronounced "Yut", which is equivalent to the English "Jute".
We have, therefore, six known facts to consider: (1) that when the Israel people were deported to Media by the Assyrians, part of the people of the Kingdom of Judah were taken with them; (2) that, as a consequence, there was among the Israelites in Media a group of Judahites, Judai, or Judes; (3) that among the Saxons who came into Britain there was a tribe called Jutes; (4) that during the time they were migrating westward across Europe the "d" in their language became "t"; (5) that the Saxons were descended from the Sacae of Media; and (6) that Sacae is the name by which the Israelites in Media were known to the Persian historians.
It is certain, therefore, that the JUTES were originally called Judes or Judai, and that they were the descendants of that part of the people of JUDAH which the Assyrians carried away with Israel to Media.
So, you can see that the larger part of today’s Jewish people are neither a tribe nor a race, but rather a political and religious entity that has no claim to the family and House of Jacob-Israel. In closing I would like to make one more point and it is this, since, as pointed out earlier, they, the modern Jew, is Japhetic in origin, this brings me to a peculiar statement found in Gen
esis 9:27. In this passage Noah is prophesying in saying, “God shall enlarge Japheth, and he shall dwell in the tents of Shem;” (Genesis 9:27). How true that is today, Japheth is dwelling where Shem should be and pretending to be Shem.And finally I will close with the words of the Apostle Paul as found in Rom
ans 9 verses 1 and 6. “I say the truth in Christ, I lie not, my conscience also bearing me witness in the holy spirit. For they are not all Israel, who are of Israel.” Or, who say they are Israel.
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