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8 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course Lesson 1

NKJV of the Bible states, in verse 29, “You are How does this relate to the birth of the
the Christ.” The Greek word “Christ” means the Messiah?
“anointed one” or “MESSIAH” in the Hebrew or 8. Let us now look at Revelation 12:1-5.
Aramaic. Yeshua does not deny it and tells his COMMENT: The scene described here
disciples “that they should tell no one about is symbolic. This “woman” has the heavens
him” (verse 30). associated with her -- the Sun, Moon and the
4. Read now John 1:40-41. Here the Twelve Stars. The apostle John says that the
passage says “’We have found the MESSIAH’ display was a wonder (a sign) and that it was in
(which is translated the Christ” (verse 41). “heaven” (the realm of the stars).
5. Drop down to John 1:49. Here The essential factor in interpreting the
Nathanael exclaims, “Rabbi, you are the Son of symbol of Revelation 12:1-5 is the
God! You are the KING of Israel!” identification of the “woman.” What is John
6. In John 6:69 Peter says to Yeshua -- signifying by mentioning her? The “woman” in
“we have come to believe and know that you are the first three verses is featured as being in
the Christ [MESSIAH], the Son of the living “heaven” and both the Sun and the Moon are in
God.” association with her. After the dragon (Satan)
7. Later, after Yeshua’s death and casts down a third of the stars of heaven (spirit
resurrection, Peter tells the crowd in Jerusalem beings that became demons) (Revelation 12:4),
“that God has made this Jesus, whom you the woman is then found on earth (verses 6 and
crucified, both Lord and Christ [MESSIAH]” -- 14).
Acts 2:36. But the important factor to remember
COMMENT: These verses clearly here is the BIRTH OF THE MAN-CHILD (THE
establish the fact that Yeshua was BOTH MESSIAH) and the “woman’s” relationship
MESSIAH AND KING! With this in mind, we with the heavenly signs while the “woman” is
need to find out what the people of Judea symbolically in “heaven.”
understood at that time regarding the Messiah. The first three verses of Revelation 12
Some 2,000 years ago expectation was show the Sun clothing her, the Moon under her
widespread that the long foretold coming of the feet and the Twelve Stars on her head.
Messiah was at hand. “Even the Roman With this in mind the birth of this child in
historians knew about this. Not so very much Revelation 12 (whom John identifies with the
later than this Suetonius could write, ‘There had MESSIAH) should have OCCURRED WHILE
spread over all the Orient an old and established THE SUN WAS “CLOTHING” THE WOMAN
belief, that it was fated at that time for men -- when the Sun was mid-bodied to Virgo (whom
coming from Judaea to rule the world’ the woman represents in the heavens). THIS
(Suetonius: Life of Vespasian, 4:5)” (Barclay’s PERIOD OF TIME IN 3 B. C. (WHEN THE
Daily Study Bible -- New Testament, Vol. 1, p. MESSIAH WAS BORN) COVERED 20 DAYS
The Jewish historian Josephus wrote During this period of time the Jewish
about A BELIEF AMONG THE JEWS that Holy Day known as the FEAST OF
“about that time, one from their country should TRUMPETS occurred. It was a NEW MOON
become governor of the habitable earth” (Wars day that occurred on Tishri 1 in the Hebrew
of the Jews, 6-5-4). calendar and signaled the beginning of the
Judea was a conquered nation, ruled by Jewish New Year.
Rome. Many Jews longed for a deliverer like the 9. Known as Rosh ha-Shanah (Head of
Messiah was portrayed to be by centuries-old the Year), we read about it in Leviticus 23:
prophecies contained in their sacred Scriptures. 23-26. This would have been a SIGNIFICANT

The Pagan Origins of Christmas
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