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4 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course Lesson 13

These verses indicate that there were 8. Read Acts 18:1-4. After departing
Judeans residing in Cyprus who met in Athens, where did Paul travel to next? Verse 1.
synagogues. Obviously, they were not residing 9. According to verse 2, where was the
in Judea; yet, they are referred to as “Judeans.” Judean named Aquila born, and where did he
The fact that they met in synagogues indicates lately come from?
they were following Judean religious customs. 10. Verse 2 also states that the Roman
“Synagogues” is translated from the Greek word emperor Claudius had ordered all Judeans out of
synagogue (#4864 in Strong’s Concordance), what city?
meaning “an assemblage of persons.” The 11. What group of people, besides the
Judeans used synagogues for religious Greeks, does verse 4 indicate Paul “reasoned in
instruction and worship as well as political and the synagogue every Sabbath” with?
social events. Synagogues were patterned after COMMENT: Here, again, we find
the “Great Synagogue” at Jerusalem and were an Judeans living outside of Judea. Aquila, who
important aspect of Judean culture. was called a “Judean,” was residing in Corinth.
These people to whom Barnabas and He had been born in Pontus and previously lived
Saul preached were called “Judeans” because of in Italy, so he could not claim to be a Judean by
their adherence to Judean culture, NOT because birth or residence. Yet, he is called a Judean. The
of their residency. Let’s look at some other only logical explanation is that he was a Judean
examples of this SECONDARY usage of the by CULTURAL STANDARDS. This passage
term “Judeans.” of scripture also verifies there were Judeans
3. According to Acts 14:1, what city residing in Rome.
were Paul and Barnabas in when they spoke to A point to keep in mind is that over time
the Judeans and the Greeks in the synagogue of many residents of Judea left the area for various
the Judeans? reasons. Some left voluntarily while others were
4. Also, according to Acts 14:1, how forced out due to political unrest and religious
many of the Judeans BELIEVED? persecution. As these people migrated, they gave
5. In Acts 17:1-4, what city did Paul up their Judean residency but NOT their Judean
spend three days in reasoning with the Judeans culture. Wherever they went, they established
out of the scriptures and preaching about the synagogues and maintained their cultural way of
Messiah to them? life, including their customs of religious
6. What does verse 4 indicate that “some worship. With this thought in mind, it is not
of them [Judeans]” did? unusual to find people living outside of Judea
7. We read in Acts 17:16-17 that Paul who were known as “Judeans.”
was in what city where he disputed with the
Judeans in the synagogue? Who Was Paul?
COMMENT: The above three events
take place quite a distance from the land of The apostle Paul provides another clear
Judea. Yet, in all three cases we read of Judeans example of the secondary usage of the term
receiving Paul’s teaching in their synagogues. “Judean.” Let us see what the Bible says about
Obviously, these Judeans were not residents of him.
Judea. Therefore, in this context, they were 1. Read Acts 22:3 and Acts 21:39. In
Judeans in a “CULTURAL” sense. It is Acts 22:3 what does Paul state that he is?
significant that some of these Judeans believed 2. What city does Paul say he as born in?
what was preached to them. This indicates they 3. What country was this city located in?
were ISRAELITES who were able to hear their 4. In verse 3 at whose feet does Paul say
master’s voice -- they were the Messiah’s sheep. he was brought up in the city of Jerusalem? And

The Judeans of the New Testament
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