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Lesson 15 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course 5
Corban 4. In Matthew 15:11 and Mark 7:15,
what does the Messiah say (in parable form)
In Matthew 15:3-6 and Mark 7:9-13, defiles a person?
Yeshua the Messiah condemns another 5. In explaining the parable, Yeshua says
TRADITION of these Judean scribes and the evil things that come out of a certain part of
Pharisees. men is what defiles them. What part of men is
1. What commandment of YEHOVAH that? Matthew 15:17-20; Mark 7:18-23.
God did the Messiah accuse the scribes and 6. In Matthew 15:14 Yeshua describes
Pharisees of violating by their tradition? the Judean scribes and Pharisees as “_________
Matthew 15:3-4; Mark 7:9-10. leaders of the __________.”
2. According to Mark 7:11-12, what was
it that a man could say to his parents -- pointing The Contaminating Judeans
to tradition -- to free himself from providing for
their needs? The Judean scribes and Pharisees, like
3. In Matthew 15:6 and Mark 7:13, many within the so-called Christian world today,
Yeshua told these Judeans they were making the were more concerned with conformity to their
word (commandment) of YEHOVAH God human TRADITIONS than OBEDIENCE to
“none effect” by their what? YEHOVAH God. These arrogant, superficial
COMMENT: According to the Law of Judeans, who were so concerned that they would
YEHOVAH God, people were responsible for be contaminated by contact with their inferiors,
seeing that the needs of their elderly parents or by eating food with ceremonially unclean
were satisfied. This DUTY was emphatically hands and vessels, were themselves the MOST
UNDERSCORED by the Messiah, who, from CONTAMINATING OF ALL! They taught
the tree, committed his mother Mary to the their spurious traditions to others and enforced
disciple John for care and support (John obedience to them, even to the point of
19:26-27). Through the TRADITION of VIOLATING YEHOVAH’s righteous Law.
“corban,” Judeans were able to avoid or shun Their “traditions,” -- products of their evil hearts
(”make of none effect”) this commandment of -- were evidence of their DEFILED, UN-
YEHOVAH God. This is a good example of how GODLY condition.
man attempts to REPLACE or supersede 1. Read Titus 1:10-16. Verse 10
YEHOVAH’s Law. addresses the subject of unruly (rebellious) and
The word CORBAN comes from the Greek word korban (#2878 in Strong’s
Concordance), meaning “a votive offering; a consecrated present (to the Temple fund).” The
Judeans had developed a culpable practice in connection with “corban.” By their TRADITION
they taught that money, property or anything dedicated to the Temple as “corban,” or a votive
(vowed or pledged) gift, thereafter belonged to the Temple and could not be used for some
other purpose. However, in reality, the gift or devoted item was kept by the person who made
the vow. According to this practice, a son could avoid his responsibility to support his old and
indigent parents merely by saying that his property, or some portion of it, was “corban” -- a gift
dedicated to YEHOVAH God or to the Temple. By saying, “It is corban,” he would not have to
use such property to support his parents who might be in such desperate straits and request or
need his aid in the future.
Traditions and Practices of the Judeans