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2 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course Lesson 20
An Open Letter from the Staff...
If there's anything the world needs now, it's
hope. Hope for the future -- hope for a time of peace,
prosperity and general spiritual enlightenment. But such
hope escapes us in this world of war, crime, famine,
environmental crisis, moral profligacy and political
upheaval. Something is terribly wrong with this world.
The future of man looks bleak indeed if man is to control
his own future! Fortunately, there's good news ahead.
The Bible speaks of two ages -- "this present evil
world"and "the world tomorrow."
Tomorrow's world will not be governed by
carnal man. Nor will it be influenced by that evil
spiritual entity whom the Bible calls "the prince of the
Published at Arcadia, California by Hope of
power of the air" -- Satan the devil. Instead it will be a
Israel Ministries (Ecclesia of YEHOVAH).
completely new world, a totally different age, during
which the government of YEHOVAH God will reign
supreme. Peace will break out everywhere, and all
mankind -- not just an isolated few -- will begin to walk John D. Keyser
down that glorious road toward the fulfillment of their
ultimate, magnificent destiny! A marvelous new age is TECHNICAL ADVISOR
coming -- this is what the Feast of Tabernacles Sean C. Keyser
Some believe that YEHOVAH God is trying to YOUR ENROLLMENT has been paid by
save the whole world NOW! Has YEHOVAH, for others. Bulk copies for distribution not
almost 6,000 years, been competing with Satan? Has He given or sold.
been desperately trying to wrest the world from Satan’s ADDRESS COMMUNICATIONS to the
control? This is the COMMON teaching today. It makes Editor at the following address:
Satan appear to be winning! But what does the BIBLE Hope of Israel Ministries, P.O. Box 2186,
say? Temple City, California 91780, U.S.A.
When YEHOVAH God sets His hand to save _________________________________
the world HE WILL SAVE IT! YEHOVAH is not
competing with Satan! He is not trying to save the whole About Our Cover...
world now! Long ago Yeshua the Messiah foretold that
the gospel message would be preached merely as a
Lasting economic prosperity for any people
WITNESS to all nations -- not to CONVERT them!
depends on the abundance of its agricultural
(Matthew 24:14). At the return of the Messiah and
harvests. Our cover shows how the earth, during
YEHOVAH God you will be given, if you qualify,
the 1000-year reign of YEHOVAH God and the
authority over segments of this earth. Satan will be
Messiah, will bring forth harvest wherever people
kicked out and there will follow ONE THOUSAND
learn to follow YEHOVAH’s way of life. But the
YEARS of peace and prosperity. Those who are a part
harvest picture is DUAL. YEHOVAH God used the
of YEHOVAH’s harvest -- co-heirs and brothers of
final great autumn harvest in Palestine to illustrate
Yeshua the Messiah -- will join him in ruling this earth
the final great harvest of human beings in His
under the guidance of YEHOVAH God the Father.
master plan.
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