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originally referred to a lord’s possession (a place 1. Read Acts 19:23-41. According to
of worship), while an ecclesia consisted of a verse 25, what did Demetrius do with the group
designated group of individuals THAT WERE of silversmiths?
CALLED OUT. Here we have two separate and 2. What is this group of people referred
distinct concepts. to in verses 32 and 41?
3. In verse 39, what did the town clerk
Biblical Definitions and Usages (recorder: town officer) tell the group the matter
would be brought before?
As previously noted, the English word COMMENT: In the above verses, the
“church” comes from the Greek word kuriakon word “assembly” is translated from the Greek
and kuriakos (#2960 in Strong’s Concor- word ekklesia (#1577), the SAME Greek word
dance), meaning “belonging to the Lord.” The usually translated “church.” Notice that these
root word kurios means “a lord, master; an people were “CALLED” together (verse 25).
owner, possessor; a potentate, sovereign” (The This illustrates the general meaning of an
Analytical Greek Lexicon of the New “ECCLESIA” -- a group or body of people
Testament). Thus, kuriakos indicates SOME- CALLED OUT for some PARTICULAR PUR-
THING POSSESSED BY “A LORD.” POSE. In this case, the purpose was to deal with
1. Read I Corinthians 11:20. Whose a potential loss of wealth (Paul’s teaching was
supper is Paul talking about? exposing the false worship of the pagan goddess
2. On whose day was John “in the spirit” Diana from which these craftsmen were
on? Revelation 1:10. realizing great profits). Notice also that this
COMMENT: The above verses illus- informal crowd (mob) was apparently con-
trate the use of the Greek word kuriakos. In both sidered “unlawful” since the town clerk told
cases the word “lord’s” is translated from this them to take the matter before a “lawful”
word kuriakos (#2962) and indicates ecclesia. This suggests that ecclesias could be
POSSESSION (something belonging to a lord). formal governmental bodies as well as informal
It would be logical that the same Greek word groups -- both of which are “CALLED OUT.”
would be the basis in referring to a house of In the above passage of scripture, notice
worship for a lord (a “lord’s” house) -- a how the translators used the English word
“church.” The English word “church” is an “assembly” in translating the Greek word
acceptable evolution of the Greek word ekklesia. Why didn’t they use their favorite
kuriakon. However, by INCORRECTLY word “church” as they did in every other
applying the word “church” to the Greek word occurrence of the Greek word ekklesia?
ekklesia, the translators have caused people to Obviously, the meaning of “church” would not
err. be appropriate for the context of this passage.
Could that also be the case with all the other New
Ecclesia Testament occurrences of the Greek word
The English word “ecclesia” is a
transliteration of the Greek word ekklesia Greek Ecclesias
(#1577 in Strong’s Concordance), meaning
“THE CALLED OUT.” It is derived from the A study of Greek culture will reveal that
Greek words ek (#1537” “out”) and kaleo the Greeks referred to governmental assemblies
(#2564: “to call”). Thus, an ecclesia is a group or as “ecclesias.” Governmental bodies (ecclesias)
body of individuals “CALLED OUT” for a were used nationally as well as locally. Recall
PARTICULAR PURPOSE. that the dictionary definition of “ecclesia” made