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14 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course Lesson 26
that the Kingdom of YEHOVAH God has NOT spirit things and spirit beings are ETERNALLY
YET been established on this earth so that NEW.
Christians may inherit it! 10. How LONG will it take us to be
6. Does Matthew 6:10 also prove that changed from our present material substance
YEHOVAH’s Kingdom is YET to be establish- into spirit? I Corinthians 15:52, the first nine
ed ON OUR EARTH? words.
7. Is the record of each who is to receive COMMENT: Now we begin to see why
this inheritance being kept in heaven? I Peter Abraham, and his children through the Messiah,
1:3, 4. WHEN IS the salvation of the saved have not as YET inherited the promises!
revealed? And WHEN IS the possession of the
inheritance given? Verse 5. Inheritors at the Resurrection
COMMENT: Note that the record of the
inheritance is “reserved” -- is kept -- in heaven, But to go further. We cannot come into
and that salvation, and therefore the POSSES- ETERNAL inheritance until we come into
SION of the inheritance, is to be “revealed” -- ETERNAL LIFE. And what is our only HOPE
given -- “in the LAST TIME” -- at the soon- of inheriting eternal life? The RESUR-
coming END OF THIS AGE. This is additional RECTION from the dead! For it is appointed to
proof that the Kingdom has NOT YET BEEN ALL once to die (Hebrews 9:27) -- everyone of
ESTABLISHED! us must die even though it be for only a split
8. But there’s still another reason why we second. Without a RESURRECTION no one
CANNOT INHERIT the Kingdom at this would LIVE again.
present time. We are now composed of flesh and Is your hope of a resurrection well
blood. Can we inherit the Kingdom while we are founded? Do you actually have the PROMISE
composed of this material? I Corinthians from YEHOVAH God, Himself, that He will
15:50. resurrect you? Here’s what YEHOVAH says.
COMMENT: No flesh and blood can 1. Did YEHOVAH God, Himself,
INHERIT the Kingdom of YEHOVAH God. inspire the apostle Paul to pose the question, “IF
The Kingdom of YEHOVAH God is NOT A there be NO resurrection of the dead...”? I
HUMAN KINGDOM -- there are NO HU- Corinthians 15:13. What does YEHOVAH say
MANS in it -- it is a DIVINE KINGDOM -- the of the Messiah, IF there is no resurrection? Same
God Kingdom! Our human bodies must be verse.
changed to another kind of material to become a 2. If this be the case, is our faith in a
PART of that particular Kingdom! future resurrection in VAIN? I Corinthians
9. Does Paul say our flesh-and-blood 15:14. And are those who are asleep in the
bodies will be CHANGED? I Corinthians Messiah PERISHED? Verse 18. Strong scrip-
15:51, 53. Since we will be born of the Spirit ture, that!
then, of what will our bodies be composed? COMMENT: The dead IN THE MES-
John 3:6. What is this process called -- being SIAH are UTTERLY PERISHED -- UNLESS
“born again”? John 3:3. And if we are in this there is to be a RESURRECTION FROM THE
manner “born again,” can we “see” -- ENTER -- DEAD! How DIFFERENT from the modern
the Kingdom of YEHOVAH God? Same verse. fables to which a deceived world has been turned
COMMENT: Our mortal human bodies today!
will then be CHANGED into SPIRIT BODIES So Abraham, Isaac and Jacob are DEAD.
-- bodies which can INHERIT the Kingdom of And, unless there is to be a RESURRECTION --
YEHOVAH God. Our present flesh is a rising up FROM the grave they are
corruptible, subject to aging and decay. But PERISHED!
Is Heaven the Reward of the Saved?