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8 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course Lesson 26
ING and wisdom. Ask Him to HELP YOU grasp
This lesson is intended to direct you to and apply in your own life the knowledge this
the BIBLE -- to help you learn the truth of lesson will reveal to you in the Bible.
YEHOVAH’s Word. Here is the method of And now for the lesson itself!
Is your Bible in front of you? If not, get The “Promised Land”
your Bible -- or Bibles, if you have more than
one translation -- BEFORE YOU DO ANOTH- 1. Did YEHOVAH God call Abraham
ER THING! Have a good dictionary, a con- out of the land in which he had been residing?
cordance if you own one, and your notepaper all Genesis 12:1. Did YEHOVAH, at this same
placed in front of you on a desk or table. time, PROMISE that He would lead Abraham to
Remember -- you must open your Bible another land -- a PARTICULAR land? Same
to EVERY PASSAGE. Never say to yourself, verse.
“Oh, I think I know what this scripture is 2. Does the Bible record that Abraham
referring to" -- and then pass over it. You need to ARGUED with YEHOVAH God about leaving
“KEEP YOUR NOSE IN THE BIBLE," so to the land, like most people do today, when they
speak. You must read and re-read and think out are called upon to give up the bad habits they
each passage. MEDITATE on this new have acquired in this world and follow where
knowledge in your leisure time during the YEHOVAH leads them? Or did Abraham just
following twenty-four hours, and in your time of Do AS YEHOVAH COMMANDED HIM?
prayer -- so you WON’T FORGET it! Genesis 12:4. What land did YEHOVAH lead
Make YEHOVAH’s Word a PART OF Abraham into? Genesis 12:5.
YOU! Don’t forget, this is a BIBLE STUDY COMMENT: Canaan is the present land
Course not just a study of these words we send of Palestine.
you. 3. Now just what DID YEHOVAH God
Here is the method of making effective promise ABRAHAM? Genesis 12:7.
notes: Write down neatly on your paper the title COMMENT: “Seed” means “off-
of this lesson. Underneath that write down the spring.” So the promise was the INHERI-
lesson number. As you come to each question TANCE of the LAND OF PALESTINE by
section, write down its heading. Then, Abraham’s offspring.
UNDERNEATH at the left-hand margin of your 4. Abraham then went down into the land
paper, number each question and write down the of Egypt for a short time. When he returned to
scriptural answer to each, together with any Palestine, what did YEHOVAH tell Abraham to
pertinent ideas that come to your mind. do? Genesis 13:14-15. Did YEHOVAH
Be SURE to WRITE OUT the scripture reiterate His promise that He would give
which answers each question. If you have not Abraham’s seed this particular land? Did
done so before, BEGIN TO DO IT NOW! YEHOVAH also promise Abraham that he, too,
Writing down every word of each Bible passage, would receive this land? Verse 15. And that
and any comments you wish to make as you go Abraham’s offspring would be multiplied?
along, will help you greatly in REVIEWING and Verse 16.
This lesson, like all others, is extremely PROMISED by YEHOVAH God to Abraham a
important to you. Have you PRAYED to second time for emphasis. Notice that Palestine
YEHOVAH God for understanding? If not, then was PROMISED. That is why it’s called “the
go to a private place, kneel down, and ask PROMISED LAND”!
Is Heaven the Reward of the Saved?