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4 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course Lesson 27
in the flesh, but in the spirit, if so be that the spirit fellowmen.
of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not But, in His inspired Word, YEHOVAH
the Spirit of Christ, HE IS NONE OF HIS" God tells us what this divine love really is: “For
(Romans 8:7-8). this is the love of God, that we KEEP HIS COM-
We must have the Messiah’s spirit MANDMENTS: and his commandments are not
(which is YEHOVAH’s spirit) within us -- grievous" (I John 5:3).
guiding our thoughts and actions -- to be recog- Yes, YEHOVAH’s love will always lead
nized as his. But how may we receive YEHO- us to obey Him, to follow the Messiah’s literal
VAH’s spirit? example, and thus to be a real Christian.
When YEHOVAH’s Church first began Perhaps the best definition of a
on the Day of Pentecost in 31 A.D., Peter gave “Christian” contained in any one verse of the
the answer to this question. “Repent, and be Bible is found in I John 2:6. The Weymouth
baptized every one of you in the name of Yeshua Translation makes the intended meaning clearer
the Messiah for the remission of sins, and ye than the older King James wording. It reads: “He
shall receive the gift of the holy spirit" (Acts who says that he abides in him is bound to live as
2:38). He lived."
We have to realize our own ways are How many of today’s professing
wrong -- that they have brought on the war, the “Christians” feel bound to live exactly as Yeshua
suffering, and all the human woe and misery we the Messiah did -- to literally KEEP THE TEN
see in this world -- and we must be willing to COMMANDMENTS as he did, to refrain from
repent of and completely TURN AWAY from killing, stealing, lying and to KEEP HOLY the
our former ideas and way of life, letting same days that Yeshua did -- and, through the
YEHOVAH God actually rule and control our holy spirit, to literally let him live his life all over
daily lives. Then we should BE BAPTIZED, in them?
which Paul explains in Romans 6:1-6 is the The complete, UNCONDITIONAL
outward sign of our willingness to completely SURRENDER of one’s self to YEHOVAH God
BURY our old self in a watery grave. Then we and to the Messiah as Savior and Master is the
are to come up and walk in NEWNESS OF LIFE key to real conversion.
-- following Yeshua’s example. If you would really be a Christian --
When we do this, we are promised the examine yourself. Have you come to the place
“gift” of YEHOVAH’s holy spirit to guide us in where you really BELIEVE in the Creator God
following and obeying Yeshua the Messiah -- and in the Bible as His Word -- His inspired
our elder brother and Lord and Master whom we revelation to man? Are you willing to totally
are to serve and obey in actual fact! SURRENDER your will to OBEY His Word --
YEHOVAH God’s spirit is a part of his to STUDY it HONESTLY, ZEALOUSLY, and
very CHARACTER placed within us to enable to LIVE BY IT?
us to live as we are commanded in the Bible. Are you ready to actually GIVE your life
Paul explains that “the LOVE OF GOD is shed to the Messiah -- yielding COMPLETELY,
abroad in our hearts by the holy spirit which is WILLINGLY, so that he may LIVE his life in
given unto us" (Romans 5:5). you through the holy spirit? Are you willing to
There are many human ideas about how let YEHOVAH God FASHION AND MOLD
we should express this love every Christian must YOU after His own divine character -- that He
have. Most professing Christians seem to think may give you eternal life in the resurrection and
that it is a sentimental emotion about the person a position of rulership over cities and nations
of the Messiah, or a sanctimonious attitude with under Himself and Yeshua the Messiah in the
lots of religious-sounding talk in front of our world tomorrow?
The Meaning of Baptism