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Lesson 30 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course 13
is no law, sin is NOT IMPUTED. But here we HIS LAW? Psalm 119:53. Then weren’t these
see that Joseph KNEW YEHOVAH’s law and people forsaking YEHOVAH’s LAW? Genesis
he knew that sin WOULD be imputed if he broke 6:5. Note the word “wickedness.”
that law! ADULTERY was a sin hundreds of COMMENT: The “SONS of God” -- in
years BEFORE Moses! the sense that YEHOVAH God is the
5. What is the EIGHTH commandment? Creator-Father of human beings because He
Exodus 20:15. Did Jacob, who lived LONG formed man of the dust of the ground -- were
BEFORE the Ten Commandments were re- lusting after, COVETING, and taking wives that
peated at Sinai, use the word “stolen”? Genesis were not good for them.
30:33. They were in this way striving
understood the meaning of the word “steal.” classified them among the wicked of those days
Stealing was a SIN in those days the SAME AS -- among those who were breaking the law He
IT IS TODAY! had revealed to Adam and Eve at the very
beginning. They were breaking the TENTH
The Ninth and Tenth Commandments COMMANDMENT against covetousness. And
it was this sin that He was denouncing.
1. Does YEHOVAH God forbid the 4. Now here comes the CLINCHER! Did
bearing of false witness -- LYING -- in His Abraham, who lived BETWEEN the time of
NINTH commandment? Exodus 20:16. But Adam and Moses, have a THOROUGH
even RIGHTEOUS Abraham, who lived LONG KNOWLEDGE of YEHOVAH God’s COM-
BEFORE Mount Sinai, was not always able to MANDMENTS? Genesis 26:5. And YEHO-
keep this command perfectly. WHO did VAH’s STATUTES? Same verse. And YEHO-
Abraham say his wife was when they passed VAH’s LAWS? Same verse. How did Abraham
through King Abimelech’s country? Genesis LEARN all these things? Note the word “voice.”
20:2. COMMENT: The people before the
COMMENT: Abraham WAS LYING! time of Moses were MUCH BETTER IN-
Of course; Sarah, his wife, was his HALF- FORMED about the law of YEHOVAH God
SISTER; nevertheless, the intent was all wrong! than is generally admitted today!
It was a lie. Abraham BROKE the ninth
commandment! Obedience Necessary Today!
2. Did YEHOVAH God prevent King
Abimelech from marrying Abraham’s wife, thus The Ten Commandments constitute a
preventing him from UNKNOWINGLY SPIRITUAL LAW that is eternal and in-
committing adultery with her? Genesis 20:3, exorable. It is a law showing the way of LOVE
and first part of verse 4. Did YEHOVAH say and the FULFILLING of which is love. It is a
that had Abimelech committed adultery, it law that YEHOVAH God set in motion for
would have been a SIN? Verse 6. man’s HAPPINESS to produce everything
COMMENT: How plain it is that GOOD which man foolishly denies himself.
YEHOVAH’s law was in existence from Adam. Obedience to YEHOVAH’s law was
3. What about COVETING -- is it the last JUST AS NECESSARY for the well-being and
of the Ten Commandments? Exodus 20:17. happiness of the world BEFORE the time of
Were the people BEFORE the flood breaking Moses and AFTERWARD, AS IT IS TODAY!
this commandment? Genesis 6:1-3, 5. Does That is why we have just seen that every one of
YEHOVAH say, through the inspired Psalms, the Ten Commandments EXISTED FROM
that the WICKED are those who FORSAKE CREATION. It has been a SIN to break any one
Is Obediance to the 10 Commandments Required for Salvation?