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Lesson 36 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course 9

A Prediction Fulfilled Gospel -- all the sufferings and afflictions he
brings upon the servants of the Messiah -- will be
It is a truly remarkable fact that the Good turned ultimately to his own undoing and to the
News of the Kingdom of YEHOVAH God was accomplishment of the purposes of YEHOVAH
NOT to bring peace into the parts of the earth to God.
which it was taken but, on the contrary, 2. An example of this is found in
CONFLICT. How marvelously has the predic- Philippians 1:12-14.
tion in Revelation 6:4 been fulfilled -- a pre- COMMENT: The opposition that Satan
diction that no man would ever have made! raised up against the apostle Paul caused his
Throughout the past 19 centuries the gospel has removal from the field of labor and his
been THE CAUSE OF STRIFE wherever it has imprisonment in Rome. But this had the opposite
gone. It has aroused ANTAGONISM, HATRED effect from that which Satan intended, for Paul,
and DISCORD everywhere. In other words, the enlightened by the spirit of YEHOVAH God
White Horse rider with his bow has been closely was able to write from his prison and say, “the
followed -- even to the ends of the earth -- by the things which happened to me have actually
Red Horse rider with the “great sword.” turned out for the FURTHERANCE of the
YEHOVAH God made known that His gospel.”
Kingdom, instead of finding ready acceptance, The countless wars, fightings, perse-
was to encounter the most determined and cutions and martyrdoms, arising out of the
VIOLENT RESISTANCE from all the powers political policies of Papal Rome, would never
of earth and of hell; that it was to be WAR from have occurred but for the gospel. In order to fully
start to finish; that His followers must be realize the IMPORTANT PART that the Red
prepared to endure DIFFICULTIES as good Horse rider has played in shaping the history of
soldiers; that they must take to themselves all the the so-called Christian world, we should have to
armor of YEHOVAH God; that they would need take into consideration EVERY instance of
a sword more than a cloak; that there was to be strife, variance, hatred, antagonism and
“no discharge in that war,” since they must fight dissension of whatever sort that has arisen
to the very end the good fight of faith. during the past 19 centuries because of the
It seems incredible that after 19 centuries preaching of the TRUE gospel and of its
the powers of evil should still be dominant in the acceptance by some in a family, a community, or
world which the Messiah bought back at the cost a nation.
of his own blood. However, YEHOVAH God
has a purpose and we know that “the mystery of
Answers to Questions in
God will be finished,” and that the time thereof is
Lesson 35:
fixed in YEHOVAH’s timetable
1. Notice Revelation 10:5-7.
1. No 2. prayer. 3. spared 4. True
COMMENT: We should note and keep
humility. 5. Yes. 6. disqualified 7. To
firmly in mind that while the influences or
strengths represented by the three horses that fast. 8. No 9. As often as we need to.
follow after the White Horse are, by nature, 10. One to three days -- or less
EVIL and HOSTILE TO THE GOSPEL, they depending on health. 11. Yes. 12. By
nevertheless have been appointed by YEHO- occasionally fasting while taking in
VAH God to further His purposes in spreading spiritual nourishment. 13. headache
the Gospel. The Bible clearly reveals that all the 14. To quit sinning! 15. Yes.
rage, malignancy and opposition of Satan -- all ________________________________
the forces he directs against the work of the

The Red Horse of Revelation 6:4
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