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Lesson 39 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course 13

covered with a circular lid of lead) the angel said, Proverbs 4:14-17.
“This is THEIR resemblance through all the 2. Proverbs 20:17 can apply equally as
earth.” Here is a KEY to understanding this well to the gospel.
subject. For the ephah, or CORN MEASURE, 3. Does Isaiah 55:2 show that YEHO-
has almost the SAME identical significance as VAH’s spiritual provisions are far more impor-
the BALANCE (SCALES) in the hand of the tant than material things?
rider of the black horse. And the words “this is COMMENT: The phrase “what is NOT
their resemblance through the earth” prophesy bread” refers to FALSE religion, and the phrase
the very same thing concerning Israel as the “eat what is good” refers to TRUE religion.
words of Hosea, “He is a merchant” of 4. Notice, now, Ezekiel 4:16.
YEHOVAH’s TRUTH. COMMENT: To eat “bread by weight”
4. Notice what the angel next said to and to “drink water by measure” is to be in an
Zechariah. 5:8. evil state. It means that YEHOVAH’s TRUTH
COMMENT: The woman sitting in the has been completely COMMERCIALIZED and
midst of the ephah is the SYMBOL of a church CORRUPTED, and is MEASURED out to the
or congregation in the Bible. The angel qualifies people by some great religious authority that
this by saying, “This is wickedness.” Clearly, feeds them what it thinks they should have --
then, what we are seeing here is a FALSE with NO REGARD for the truth. The words that
5. What followed next? Zechariah 5:9. Wheat and barley -- the basis of rich man’s bread
COMMENT: In this verse there came and poor man’s bread. “Bread by weight”
out two women having the wings of a stork. The figuratively represents a false and corrupted
wind filled their wings and they carried forth the gospel.
6. What did Zechariah then ask?
Zechariah 5:10-11.
COMMENT: Shinar is, of course, the
mystical city of Babylon in Revelation 18, “that
great city” in which the ultimate development of
FALSE RELIGION is seen -- and which is to be
overthrown by Yeshua the Messiah and YEHO-
VAH God at their coming.
So this FALSE church or religion is
transported, in the vision, to Babylon. However,
it is not placed on YEHOVAH’s enduring
foundation of TRUTH but is, as the angel said,
“upon HER OWN base” of FALSEHOOD and
DECEIT. As a result, its overthrow will be
complete in the day when the word shall go
forth, “Babylon is fallen, is fallen,” and heaven
will ring with the praise of the angels.

“Bread By Weight”

1. In the Bible the term “bread” can
figuratively be both GOOD and BAD. Notice

The Black Horse of Revelation 6
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