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Lesson 39 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course 7

Black is a colour that seems destitute of light as a 1. What are the Biblical symbols of fa-
rule, yet! It is not, one can see shapes and colour mine? Genesis 41:1-7.
in a clouded fashion. It is the opposite colour to COMMENT: No proof has been given
the WHITE HORSE, with the black pigment, or that the prices quoted in the scripture are
the hue produced within the skin and is of the “famine prices.” Also, it is not easy to see what
Negroid line. the command not to hurt the oil and the wine has
“The ‘HE’ that sits on this ‘BLACK to do with famine. That command does NOT fit
HORSE’ is a representative of the black nations into the picture of famine at all!
of man himself, who only now holds the ‘power’ 2. Notice what Revelation 6:7-8 says.
to execute this ride against his own peoples COMMENT: It should also be noted
within the world. that to the rider on the pale horse (the fourth seal)
“Secular history has already told us of power is given to kill “WITH HUNGER.” This
the ‘power’ of the white races to seek empires in in itself shows that the black horse rider must
Africa, India, Asia, etc; over the centuries. After symbolize something OTHER than famine --
the ‘RED HORSE’ went out to the world in otherwise the fourth seal would be a repetition of
World Wars I and II, the black and coloured the third.
nations then sought their own independence What we have here in the third seal is
from the ‘white powers’ of nations. As each SOMETHING IN DIRECT CONTRAST TO
black and coloured nation broke loose from THE FIRST. The opposite to white is black.
white dominance, so the ‘BLACK HORSE’ took Since the Bible clearly shows that the color
upon its back, black leader after coloured leader. white represents PURITY and TRUTH, and that
Until, he held aloft for himself the ‘BALANCES the white horse and rider represents the going
of influence and hunger’!” (http://www.geo- forth of the Good News of the Kingdom of YEHOVAH God into the world, the black horse
WOW! must represent the OPPOSITE -- the GOING
Instead of stumbling around in the dark FORTH OF A FALSE GOSPEL, a gospel of
and banging our heads against the walls, let’s darkness and deceit!
examine this horse and rider more closely. Let Writes Philip Mauro --
us, once again, determine -- using the BIBLE “That we have here something directly in
(not men’s imaginations) as a guide -- the contrast with the gospel itself, is clear; for black
TRUTH behind this important seal. is just the OPPOSITE of white. Furthermore, the
gospel freely GIVES the bread of life, while here
Lesson 39 is something that SELLS the prime necessities,
both for rich and poor, at fixed prices. The
In all the commentaries we have read on gospel brings blessing for all; but here is
this vision (including the ones above) the something that would ‘hurt’ the oil and the wine,
authors CLEARLY show that they are groping if not restrained by divine command” (Things
blindly around for the meaning of the symbols. Which Soon Must Come to Pass, Emissary
While it is commonly assumed that this vision Publications, p. 213).
represents FAMINE, and the prices quoted for
the wheat and the barley are supposed to support The Balances of Deceit
that idea because it is said that these are “famine
prices,” where in the Bible is there anything to 1. To get a clear understanding of this
indicate that a man, going forth with a pair of part of the vision we need to go to the Book of
balances and crying the sale of wheat and barley Proverbs -- notice! Proverbs 21:2.
at any prices, is a symbol of famine? 2. The concept of “weighing” is also

The Black Horse of Revelation 6
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