Page 21 - BCC42
P. 21

Lesson 42 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course 21

Yes, what special duty did
YEHOVAH God give to the Jew (Juda-
hite)? Notice:
“Much in every way. To begin
YEHOVAH GOD. What if some were
unfaithful? Does their faithlessness
nullify the faithfulness of YEHOVAH
God? By no means! Let YEHOVAH be
true though every man be false, as it is
written, ‘That You may be justified in
Your WORDS...’" (Romans 3: 1-4).
2. To whom were the ORA-
CLES of YEHOVAH God, the written
record of YEHOVAH’s revelation de-
livered through Moses and the prophets Orthodox Jewish scribe copying the Torah on parchment.
-- the Old Testament -- committed? Ro- YEHOVAH God required the Jews to accurately copy the
mans 3:1. Old Testament for our day.
COMMENT: Jabin united the other city
pre- served the Old Testament. But what if the
states of the area to form a united front against
Jews did not believe and did not practice the
the approaching Israelite army.
things written in the law, the prophets and the
3. Did these city states come out against
psalms? What if the Jews became divided into
the approaching Israelites? Joshua 11:4-5.
Orthodox and other sects? Does their rejection of
4. Did Joshua, with YEHOVAH’s help,
the truth nullify the faithfulness of the written
defeat the northern coalition? Joshua 11:7-9.
Word of YEHOVAH God which they are re-
COMMENT: Following their victory,
quired to preserve from generation to genera-
the Israelites advanced against the control center
of the North -- Hazor.
“God forbid,” declared the King James
5. What happened next? Joshua 11:10-
Version. “By no means," reiterates the Revised
Standard Version.
COMMENT: They killed the inhabi-
So the Jews -- by the very admission of
tants, including King Jabin, and set the city a-
these critics -- HAVE preserved the Old Testa-
blaze. According to Biblical chronology, this
ment faithfully!
took place in about 1400 B.C.
Some 170 years later, the Israelites were
Jabin, King of Hazor
involved in another struggle against Hazor. Dur-
ing the period of Judges, the prophetess Deborah
After the Israelites completed the con-
and her lieutenant Barak led six of the tribes to
quest of southern Canaan, they headed north to
victory over this important city (Judges 4-5)
bring that region of the country under their do-
6. What was the name of the king of
Hazor in the days of Deborah and Barak? Jud-
1. What was the most powerful city in the
ges 4:24.
North? Joshua 11:10.
COMMENT: None other than Jabin
2. Who was king of this city? Joshua 11:
was king at this time! Of course it was NOT the
Archaeology and the Bible
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