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4 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course Leeson 6
like Isaiah and Jeremiah, was an ISRAELITE “scattered.” He said He would search for His
prophet. He went to Babylon in the second sheep and “seek” them out and give them
deportation in 597 B.C. and spent his entire pastors and shepherds to “feed” them.
prophetic career there. Let’s take a look at the It is interesting to note that in the Old
34th chapter of Ezekiel for some more Testament the words pastors, shepherds and
examples. feed are ALL translated from forms of the
11. Read Ezekiel 34. In verse 2, Hebrew word raah (Strong’s #7462). Gesenius’
YEHOVAH God asks the shepherds of ISRAEL Hebrew-Chaldee Lexicon defines this word as
who feed themselves, “should not the shepherds “to feed a flock, to pasture, to tend.” It further
feed the__________?” states that the figurative meaning is “to govern,
12. In verse 3, What does YEHOVAH to rule, to nourish, to feed.” In the New
say to these same shepherds? Testament the words pastors and shepherds are
13. In verse 6, what is it that YEHOVAH also translated from the SAME Greek word
says “wandered through all the mountains, and poimen (Strong’s #4166). Thayer’s Greek-
upon every high hill” and “was scattered upon English Lexicon defines this word as “a
all the face of the earth”? herdsman, especially a shepherd.” The
14. In verses 8 and 10, one word appears figurative meaning is given as “the presiding
SEVEN separate times and each time is officer, director, of any assembly.”
translated from the Hebrew word tson (Strong’s Let us see if any of these ideas are to be
#6629 -- what is that word? found in the New Testament.
15. In verses 10 and 11, WHO does
YEHOVAH God say will search out His sheep, New Testament Usage
as a shepherd seeketh out his flock, and deliver
them? In the New Testament the word sheep is
16. From verse 12 to the end of the translated from the Greek word probaton,
chapter, how many times do the words sheep #4263 in Strong’s Concordance. It appears 41
and flock appear? times. Thayer’s Greek-English Lexicon defines
17. In verse 31, what does YEHOVAH probaton as “a follower.” (A probaton is
God say the flock of His pasture are? someone who follows a master. The master can
18. Read verse 30. WHO are these sheep be good or bad).
(PEOPLE) of YEHOVAH God? Let’s look at a few of these occurrences
COMMENT: The Israelite prophet in the New Testament.
Micah also used “sheep” figuratively when 1. In Matthew 10:6, to WHOM did
writing about the ISRAEL PEOPLE or House of Yeshua the Messiah tell his disciples to go?
Israel. 2. What GOOD NEWS did Yeshua want
19. In Micah 2:12, WHO is compared to his disciples to proclaim to his sheep? (Verse 7).
sheep? Could this be considered as “feeding the sheep”?
20. In Micah 7:14, he calls a people “the 3. In Matthew 15:24, Yeshua said, “I am
flock of thine heritage” -- WHO do you suppose not sent BUT unto the lost_________of the
they are? HOUSE OF ISRAEL.” (Isaiah 53, Jeremiah 23
COMMENT: From the scriptures we and Ezekiel 34 ALL prophesied of Yeshua’s
have just examined, it is CLEAR that coming to save his people (ISRAEL) who had
YEHOVAH God often refers to His people gone astray and were lost).
ISRAEL as sheep. He called them the “sheep of 4. In I Peter 2:25, Peter says that the
His pasture” and His “flock.” He also said that sheep that were “going astray” (following the
they had “gone astray,” were “lost” and WRONG masters) are now returned unto WHO?
The Lost Sheep