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Lesson 7 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course 5
YEHOVAH God promises to give us all OBEY HIM" -- OBEY His TEN COM-
of this when we become His spirit-born sons! MANDMENTS, which includes SABBATH
Isn’t it astonishing what YEHOVAH will do for KEEPING!
us if we now become His OBEDIENT and To carnal man, there is SEEMINGLY no
SPIRIT-BEGOTTEN children? earthly reason whatever to keep a sequence of
Sabbath Days. Man, so he reasons, could rest as
Eternal Life Offered to ALL Mankind well on other days he would choose for himself.
But KEEPING, or NOT keeping
YEHOVAH God promises His gift of YEHOVAH’s Sabbath Days REVEALS AN
eternal life to all peoples of the earth who ATTITUDE! Keeping them shows a
become, SPIRITUALLY speaking, “Abraham’s WILLINGNESS to forsake our OWN thoughts
seed” -- those who surrender themselves to the for periods of time specified by YEHOVAH
will of the Messiah and are SPIRITUALLY God. It shows a WILLINGNESS to learn -- to
BEGOTTEN by the holy spirit. “If ye be study, to think and to meditate on the really
Christ’s, then are ye ABRAHAM’S SEED and important matters of the universe -- and an
HEIRS according to the promise" (Galatians ATTITUDE TOWARD DEVELOPMENT OF
As Abraham’s “seed,” we become heirs And keeping YEHOVAH’s Sabbath
of the same promise made to Abraham -- the reveals an attitude of SIMPLE OBEDIENCE
promise of eternal life and sonship in the just because YEHOVAH says so! -- although all
Kingdom of YEHOVAH God. But only if we carnal HUMAN REASONING says “no.” To
obey YEHOVAH and REST from all our labors the carnal, unrepentant mind, Sabbath keeping
on YEHOVAH’s weekly Sabbath Days which seems so unfathomable, unnecessary, and
PICTURE this glorious future. sometimes ANNOYING! (Although to the
YEHOVAH reveals this great REPENTANT, spirit-begotten mind, the
SPIRITUAL truth to those who have become Sabbath is eagerly looked forward to every
sick of the pagan ways of this world and have week.)
begun to OBEY Him. Sabbath keeping plainly is a TEST of our
But only those who CONTINUE TO ATTITUDE to reveal whether we REALLY
OBEY YEHOVAH’s command to keep the want to OBEY and DEPEND on YEHOVAH
Sabbath will finally enter the glorious “rest” of God and RECEIVE His holy spirit!
YEHOVAH’s Kingdom and receive the gift of So now let’s understand exactly how
eternal, spiritual life! YEHOVAH God created the weekly Sabbath,
HOW it is to be kept holy, and WHY it is so
No Sabbath Keeping -- No Holy Spirit valuable to us today.
YEHOVAH God offers us the priceless LESSON 7
gift of His holy spirit. A gift which imparts all
the peace and joy the human heart really longs Origin of YEHOVAH’s Weekly Sabbath
for. Yes, and ultimately ETERNAL LIFE --
eternal “rest” from this carnal, mundane life! 1. Who created everything that exists?
But to WHOM will YEHOVAH give the John 1:1-3; Ephesians 3:9 and Colossians
precious gift of His holy spirit? What does 1:16.
YEHOVAH expect of those who are recipients COMMENT: While many believe the
of His spirit? Notice the answer in Acts 5:32: “word” mentioned in John 1:1-3 is Yeshua the
“the Holy Spirit...God hath given to them that Messiah in a “pre-existent” form -- this is simply
YEHOVAH God’s TRUE Sabbath Day -- Part 1