Page 11 - BCCA3
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               COMMENT: It is because the “life” (or “soul” -- Strong's #5315) of an Israelite
               person is precious to YEHOVAH God. How precious? Man’s life exceeds the
               value of his ability to redeem himself by any of his own actions or assets. Nor
               can  he  offer  himself.  Consequently  YEHOVAH  God  alone  can  redeem  His
               people, even at great cost. The Blood  of the Messiah is described as being
               “precious”, a word we saw above.

               3. Speaking of Jacob, what does Isaiah state? Isaiah 43:1-7.

               COMMENT: We do not ever read of other races being “precious”. In saying
               this there  is no direct connection of  blood  with  DNA mentioned in this pas-
               sage, but DNA is in the blood as in all other cells. As to what happens exactly,
               we are not told, and medical science seems to have made no mention to date.

               The Word “WRITTEN”

               This word is used of something that is recorded in a permanent sense, but it is
               in the Imperfect Mood. This Mood describes a single action in the past in a
               pictorial way, and suggests there is some process before its full development.
               The word is much used in the Old Testament as referring to the keeping of

                                                                     1.  How  were the Ten  Com-
                                                                     mandments  (Words)  recorded?
                                                                     Exodus 31:18.

                                                                     COMMENT:  The  Ten  Com-
                                                                     mandments  (Words)  were  “writ-
                                                                     ten” by the finger of YEHOVAH
                                                                     God. The idea  is  that  that which
                                                                     is written is not designed to be

                                                                     extinguished. Thus  we have the
                                                                     idea  of something being  en-
                                                                     graved  or inscribed.  We do  not

                                                                     find any reference to “write” or
               “written” in the Book of Genesis itself, but in Genesis 5:1 we find reference to
               the word “book”, so we will move onto that word.

               The Word “BOOK”

               In this section we will look at Exodus 32 which is the story about when Moses
               went up the Mount of YEHOVAH God and received the Ten Commandments.

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