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8 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course Test 6
A. that physical life is a property of protoplasm
which composes the human body. NOTES:
B. that the soul leaves the body at death.
C. that there can be no resurrection.
D. that man was not created, but rather evolved
from warm ocean slime.
42. Which ONE of these four statements is
TRUE? The famous poet Dante Alighieri,
A. scientific thinking.
B. the law of biogenesis.
C. Luther’s teachings.
D. the pagan concepts of hell, purgatory and
Articles to Read –
The Mystery of SHEMINI ATZERET --
the “Eighth Day”
The Annual Holy Days Reveal the
Awesome Plan of YEHOVAH God!
Does It Really Matter What Days We
The Sleep of Death!
All About the Resurrection from the
Heaven, Hell and the Hereafter
Is There a “Spirit in Man”?
Reincarnation -- Fact or Fable?
Answers to Questions in Lesson 24:
1. The dust of the ground. 2. No 3.
Through a resurrection from the dead.
4. Yes. 5. The cessation of life. 6.
Dante Alighieri. 7. No 8. No 9. Yes.
10. No 11. Nephesh. 12. Yes. 13. No
14. No 15. Absolutely not! 16. Yes.
17. Yes.