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to March 25...a very grievous error was committed; so grave that the TRUE DATE was
                       proved by a miracle enacted by the Grace of the Holy Spirit...(Patrologia Latina, by J.P.
                       Migne. Vol. lviii, cols. 606-609).

                       If people were having a problem determining the date of a festival within a hundred years
               of Constantine's change to the week, how on earth can we be so sure we have the correct day for
               God's Sabbath today?

                       Notes the Orthodox Christian Information Center:

                       From the fourth century to the twentieth century, the "correction" of the Gregorian Calen-
                       dar in relation to the Julian Calendar increased from one to thirteen days; by analogy, in
                       centuries preceding the fourth, it would be necessary to introduce a negative "correction,"
                       because the vernal equinox would need to be moved backwards according to the Julian
                       Calendar. Thus, for example, the New Calendarists should not celebrate the Nativity of
                       Christ on December 25, but on December 23, A TWO-DAY "CORRECTION" in the op-
                       posite direction, since December 25 according to the Old Calendar, during the period of
                       the first century B.C. through the first century A.D., would have corresponded to Decem-
                       ber 23 according to the New Calendar (Liturgical Havoc Wreaked By the "New Julian"

                                                     Irretrievably Lost?

                       It is quite aparent that God's true weekly cycle with the Sabbath day on the seventh day was
               never a part of the Roman calendar -- and even if it was, there is absolutely no way this cycle
               could have been preserved throughout all the changes. Remarks Joseph Lewis in  The Ten Com-
               mandments --

                       In shifting the calendar, making January instead of September the first month of the year,
                       what happened to that sacred "seventh" day? It was IRRETRIEVABLY LOST, because
                       when these changes were made [by Julius Caesar], Rome was living under a calendar of
                       an eight-day week!

                       With such a jumble of days and dates and changes and festivals, how is it even possible to
               designate the TRUE Sabbath day?

                       Contrary to what Herbert W. Armstrong said earlier, it is NOT possible to know -- you
               CAN'T be sure -- you CANNOT prove -- which day of the week today, is the same seventh day
               God rested on, blessed, and set apart at creation -- based on the calendar system we have inherited
               today! Regardless of Herbert Armstrong's "seven separate proofs -- each conclusive and irrefuta-
               ble," it is impossible to sort out all the calendar changes that have odccurred over the millennia
               and arrive at God's true Sabbath day!

                       I am baffled as to how Armstrong completely overlooked the pagan origins of our week,
               the Roman eight-day week, the breaking of the weekly cycle every year and the changes Constan-
               tine made to an already confused calendar!

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