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The Lunar Sabbath

                                                                       Satan has done a masterful job. Not
                                                               only has he confused mankind in general about
                                                               the nature of the true God, but he has also con-
                                                               fused those who purport to be worshipping that
                                                               true God! He has led the so-called Christian
                                                               world into pagan customs and days -- such as
                                                               Easter, Christmas and Sunday-worship --
                                                               while, at the same time, he has utterly deceived
                                                               the Jews into keeping God's weekly Sabbath at
                                                               the wrong time!

                                                                       Satan, through his human agents, has
                                                               led the Christian churches into a centuries en-
                                                               compassing debate over whether God's Sab-
                 Hope of Israel Ministries (Church of God)     bath day falls on a Saturday or Sunday -- thus
                 The Berean Voice Magazine                     completely hiding the fact of the lunar Sabbath
                 P.O. Box 6772                                 behind a smokescreen of deception and relig-
                 Thousand Oaks, CA 91359-6772                  ious animosity. To further confuse God's peo-
                 U.S.A.                                        ple, Satan has thoroughly distorted mankind's
                                                               concept of time and, in particular, the weekly
                 Website:            cycle. Time has become so detached from the
                 E-mail:                original week God instituted in Genesis that in
                                                               no way can we know for sure when the Sab-
                 Editor and Director                           bath was being kept at the time of Christ -- or
                                                               earlier -- without some heavenly signpost to
                 John D. Keyser                                guide us.

                 Contributing Writers                                  In this inaugural issue of The Berean
                                                               Voice, we expose the machinations of Satan
                 David Brinkley                                and show how this arch-enemy of mankind
                 Darren W. Clarke                              used the Jewish and Roman calendars -- as
                 Deborah Taylor                                well as the power of Rome and the compromis-
                                                               ing rabbis of Babylonia -- to lead the saints of
                 Technical Advisor                             God off the straight and narrow path that leads
                                                               to salvation.
                 David Brinkley
                                                                       But God didn't allow Satan to destroy
                 Hope of Israel Ministries --                  all the evidence. For those who search the
                 Taking the Lead in the                        scriptures daily and test every self-appointed
                                                               prophet of God, the truth can be found within
                 Search for Truth!                             the pages of the Bible and books of secular his-
                                                               torians and anthropologists. -- John D. Keyser

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