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                            THE BIBLE

                  Ancient Hebrew Manuscript                    No complete Hebrew or Aramaic original
                                                               New Testament manuscripts have been found,
                   May Be Original Gospel of                   although some early Christian historians such
                                                               as Origen, Eusebius and especially Jerome as-
                                                               sert that Matthew's Gospel was written in He-
                                                               brew. It is also clear from more recent
                                                               linguistic analysis that Hebrew/Aramaic say-
                 Jean Gilman                                   ings lie within the Gospel accounts.
                 Review Staff Reporter
                                                               It is known that by the first century AD, the
                 JERUSALEM, Israel - Were the four Gospels     Aramaic-Hebrew dialect had replaced tradi-
                 originally penned in Greek, Hebrew or Ara-    tional Hebrew as a spoken language in Israel
                 maic (an ancient dialect of Hebrew)?          in the time of Christ, and therefore, it is often
                                                               said that Jesus may have spoken Aramaic
                 Throughout the centuries, many scholars as-   rather than Hebrew. However, Hebrew cer-
                 sumed that the original holy Gospels were     tainly remained the literary language. It was
                 written in Greek, since the Greek  manuscripts  also the language of the biblical scholars as
                 are the oldest available to them.             shown by the numerous Hebrew documents
                                                               found among the Dead Sea Scrolls and the
                 But did the disciples of Jesus originally com-  contemporary rabbinical writings of the first
                 pose the holy Scriptures in a language foreign  century AD.
                 to them, or do the Gospels of Matthew, Mark,
                 Luke and John have a Hebraic origin?          While the debate over the original language of

                                                               the Gospels rages on, the most compelling
                 "Scholars and curious Christians have debated  evidence to date in favor of a Hebrew Mat-
                 this issue without ever coming to any conclu-  thew comes from a 14th century Hebrew trea-
                 sive answers," says the biblical historian,   tise written by Rabbi Shem-Tob Shaprut
                 Prof. U. Avidan. "There are scholars and re-  called "Even Bohan" ("The Touchstone").
                 searchers who hold that several of the Gos-   Within this 12-volume work, Shem-Tob in-
                 pels may have been written in Hebrew or       serted a complete text of the Gospel of Mat-
                 Aramaic and translated into Greek, while oth-  thew in what appears to be its original
                 ers maintain that the Gospels were written in  Hebrew form.
                 Greek but that their authors included Hebrew
                 expressions and traditions."                   Why would he do that?

                 However, an ancient document being analyzed    "It is known from the polemic literature of the
                 by scholars today seems to reveal clues as to  Middle Ages that endless debates between
                 the original language of at least Matthew's    Christians and Jews were conducted in public
                 Gospel. According to scholars, this manu-      forums to prove the superiority of Christianity
                 script provides languistic evidence showing    over Judaism," says Prof. Avidan. Although
                 that the first book of the New Testament may   Christians always won these debates, Jews
                 well have been written in the same language    still carefully prepared their arguments. It was
                 as the Old Testament.                          therefore necessary to include Christian docu-
                                                                ments when available in order to help Jews

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