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creation of man was the last act of creation on that day. When the sun had set, immedi-
                       ately after Adam's creation, God preached to him, offering him the GIFT of eternal life
                       (through the tree of life), and warning that the wages of sin is DEATH (Gen. 2:15-17).

                       And here [in the wilderness of Sin] God is again preaching to Israel, through Moses, on
                       the Sabbath.

                       In the next verses of Exodus 16 we read how the Israelites saw the glory of the Eternal
               (verse 10) and how, in the afternoon, He sent the quail for food, and the next morning the manna
               was on the ground (verses 11-13).

                       Writes Armstrong --

                       Now notice the next miracle. Verse 20: some tried to save a supply of manna over until
                       next morning, contrary to God's command. "It bred worms, and stank."

                       Now verse 22: On the sixth day they gathered a double portion of manna. Verse 23:
                       Moses explained that "Tomorrow is the rest of the Holy sabbath unto the Eternal." And
                       on this sixth day, they were commanded to lay up the Sabbath supply of food, which they
                       did. And, verse 24, it did not breed worms nor decay, as on the preceding five days! Here
                       was another MIRACLE from God, showing them which is the right seventh day!

                       When the next morning came -- the SABBATH, Moses said (verses 25-26) "Today is a
                       sabbath unto the Eternal: today ye shall not find it in the field. Six days ye shall gather it;
                       but on the seventh day, which is the sabbath, in it there shall be none" (Which Day Is the
                       Christian Sabbath?, p.31).

                       Starting on the 15th day of the month, God provided food for the Israelites then, on the sev-
               enth day after the 15th, He did not provide any more manna -- thereby showing that this day (the
               22nd day of the month) was a Sabbath. Obviously, if the 15th was seven days before the 22nd, it
               too was a Sabbath! This Herbert Armstrong clearly understood. We can see here that God was set-
               ting up His weekly Sabbath cycle for the Israelites. If the 15th and the 22nd were Sabbath days --
               then the 8th and the 29th of the month were also Sabbaths! So here we see a pattern -- 8th, 15th,
               22nd and 29th. What significance do these dates have in God's calendar? Just this -- THEY COR-
               RESPOND TO THE PHASES OF THE MOON!! God was showing the Israelites that His Sabbath
               days were to fall on the days corresponding to the moon's phases, thus showing that the weekly
               Sabbaths were to be kept by THE SAME CALENDAR or reckoning used to determine the annual
               Sabbaths or Feast days!

                                              Signs, Seasons, Days and Years

                       There is yet another KEY that translators and interpreters of God's Word have known and
               kept to themselves for quite some time. Its discovery will help us to understand God's natural time-
               keeping law.

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