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of Dr. Green, "It is needful to remember the character of that 'Christianity' which called Mahomet
        and his followers to arms" -- and he quotes the following description by Isaac Taylor:

               What Mahomet and his caliphs found in all directions whither their scimitars cut a path
               for them, was a superstition so abject, an idolatry so gross and shameless, church doc-
               trines so arrogant, church practices so dissolute and so puerile, that the strong-minded
               Arabians felt themselves inspired as God's messengers to reprove the errors of the world,
               and authorized as God's avengers to punish apostate Christendom.

               It must be remembered that YEHOVAH's judgment upon those who have not acted upon the
        truth presented to them in the gospel is to first of all give them over to a "strong delusion, that they
        should believe the lie" (2 Thessalonians 2:10-11; Romans 1:25-28). This is going on in our day.
        Those who, having "received not the love of the truth that they might be saved" -- even though they
        have lived within the reach and influence of that truth all their lives -- are now being given over to
        the "strong delusion" of the theories of evolution and humanism and the false doctrines of so-called

                                            The Sixth Trumpet

               The sixth angel sounded his shofar [trumpet], and I heard a voice from the four horns of
               the gold altar before God, saying to the sixth angel, the one with the shofar, "Release the
               four angels that are bound at the great river Euphrates!" And they were released. These
               four angels had been kept ready for this moment, for this day and month and year, to kill
               a third of mankind; and the number of cavalry soldiers was two hundred million! -- I
               heard the number.

               Here is how the horses looked in the vision: the riders had breastplates that were fire-red,
               iris-blue and sulfur-yellow; the horses' heads were like lions' heads; and from their
               mouths issued fire, smoke and sulfur. It was these three plagues that killed a third of man-
               kind -- the fire, smoke and sulfur issuing from the horses' mouths. For the power of the
               horses was in their mouths -- and also in their tails, for their tails were like snakes with
               heads, and with them they could cause injury.

               The rest of mankind, those who were not killed by these plagues, even then did not turn
               from what they had made with their own hands -- they did not stop worshipping demons
               and idols made of gold, silver, bronze, stone and wood, which cannot see or hear or walk.
               Nor did they turn from their murdering, their misuse of drugs in connection with the oc-
               cult, their sexual immorality or their stealing.

               The origin of this "woe" was in the region beyond "the great river Euphrates." It was from
        that region of the world that the Turks made their appearance, and even now mystery surrounds the
        precise part of the East they came from.

               The revival of Islam after centuries of stagnation is truly astonishing. This revival resulted
        in the Ottoman Empire which, down to our own time, has continued to be the inveterate foe of the

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