Page 54 - BV13
P. 54
Islam is one faith, which has divided humanity into two per-
manently warring factions: those who believe in Allah and
Muhammad, are the God's Party, and those who do not, are
the Devil's Party. The former have the most sacred duty to
eliminate and subdue the latter. So urgent is this purpose
that Islam not only encourages its followers to murder,
plunder and seduce the women of the infidels but also pro-
jects such murder, plunder and seduction as the greatest vir-
tues. Islam calls it "Jehad", which guarantees the Mujahid
(holy warrior) salvation i.e. a seat in Paradise.
by Anwar Shaikh
Part One
Since Jehad is the sure means of access to paradise, the abode of choicest carnal-delights-
after-death, sex and violence combine to form the basic approach of Islam to coax man into a web
of salvation. This is the most effective exploitation of his natural fear and sense of uncertainty.
What is Jehad? Let the Koran explain it:
a. "God has bought from the faithful their selves and their belongings against the gift of
paradise; they fight in the way of Allah; they kill and get killed; that is a promise binding on
Allah... (Repentance, 9: 110)
b. "Fight those who believe not in Allah and the Last Day and do not forbid what God and
His Messenger have forbidden -- such men as practice not the religion of truth, being of
those who have been given the Book -- until they pay the tribute out of hand and have been
humbled." (Repentance, 9: 25)
The above two Koranic verses delineate that Jehad is a binding contract between Allah
and Muslims to the following effect:
1/. Whatever a Muslim possesses, including his life, belongs to Allah in return for paradise.
2/. Allah is bound by His promise to offer paradise to a Muslim provided he willingly kills and
gets killed for His pleasure.
3/. The Muslims must fight non-Muslims.