Page 79 - BV14
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a Muslim, no matter how wicked, shall go to paradise, whereas a highly righteous non-Muslim irrespec-
tive of his piety, shall be thrown into hell! Practicing this discrimination in this world is also the basis of
Islamic culture. Small wonder, Jehad is the fundamental Islamic doctrine, which treats murder, rape and
plunder of non-Muslims as the loftiest virtue and sure guarantee of paradise. However, its prominent at-
traction is booty, which acts as the greatest predatory motive and despite being highly impious, is be-
lieved to increase a Muslim's piety. This man-hating philosophy is deeply ingrained in the Battle of Badr
and serves as the guiding precedent for all Muslims.
The Arabs have never treated non-Arab Muslims as equals in their countries. For example, no
Indian, Pakistani or Bangladeshi Muslim holds an important ministerial or administrative post in any
Arab country. Their practical status is even worse than that of the infidels: when non-Muslim subjects
broke chains of the Arab domination, they became free, and even their superior, over a period of time,
but the non-Arab Muslims even when they are politically independent, remain spiritual and psychological
slaves of Arabia. This is the specialty of the Arab Imperialism, which vouches for the patriotism and
wisdom of Muhammad. This is not a fiction but a fact because Islam is essentially the ambassador of
Arab national interest, seeking to perpetuate it as Arab Imperialism in the guise of religion. One cannot
help applauding the genius of the Prophet, who made his own country the center of Divine reverence
and then persuaded his followers all over the world, under the threat of hell, to prostrate toward Mecca
to qualify for paradise!
Look at the underlying stratagem for yourself. The Prophet declared:
1/. God, the Creator of the world had Kaaba (Mecca, the center of Arabia) built as His own
House by Adam, and then rebuilt by Abraham. Thus the land of Arabia, being the Home of
Allah, is superior to all other lands.
2/. On death, the body of a Muslim must be buried facing Mecca (to show his devotion to
Arabia), otherwise, he shall not be admitted into paradise.
3/. So sacred is Mecca (the birth-place of Muhammad) that nobody must defecate facing this
City. He who does so, is an infidel and shall go to hell.
4/. Arabic is not only the language of the Koran but also of Allah. So all Muslims must learn
and speak Arabic to be godly.
5/. The hadith no. 5751 (Mishkat, Vol. 3) reports the Prophet saying: "Love the Arabs for
three reasons because (1) I am an Arab (2) the Holy Koran is in Arabic, and (3) the tongue
of the dwellers of paradise shall also be Arabic.
6/. Every Muslim, no matter where he lives, must come to Mecca for pilgrimage a least
once in a life-time, if he has the means to do so.