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The Islamic Bomb
Ever since Moamar Qaddafi of Libya tried and
failed to buy a nuclear bomb from China to destroy
Israel, the Arab and Muslim countries have tried to
obtain such weapons. As one route of obtaining the
"Islamic Bomb," the Arab nations funded Pakistan
to be the development center for nuclear weapons.
Pakistan was chosen because it had a good scientific
research base and was far enough out of the Middle
east to make it difficult for Israel to attack pre-
emptively. The U.S. threatened reprisals but Paki-
stan forged ahead and realized the Islamic dream.
Then came September 11, 2001.
After the Islamic government of Afghanistan was
Hope of Israel Ministries (Church of destroyed by the U.S., evidence that Osama bin
YEHOVAH) Laden had obtained materials for a nuclear arsenal
The Berean Voice Magazine was found in the Al-Qaida tunnel complex outside
P.O. Box 6772 Kandahar. The cache included low-grade Uranium-
Thousand Oaks, CA 91359-6772, U.S.A. 238 and cyanide. Earlier, hundreds of jars, drums
and metal cases in an underground labyrinth at the
Website (West Coast): desert compond were found when Arab and Paki- stani fighters abandoned Kandahar.
Website (East Coast): To make a nuclear bomb one needs superior techno-
logical facilities to turn Uranium-238 into a fissile
device like the Hiroshima bomb. Osama bin Laden
E-mail: lacked the specialised equipment for building such a
weapon. However, a small so-called "dirty bomb"
Editor and Director: John D. Keyser can be made out of this Uranium if wrapped around
a conventional explosive. This small device is capa-
Contributing Writers ble of spreading radiation over a large area and can
Henry Lansdell be easily transported to carry out terrorist activities.
Ernest Martin
Anwar Shaikh It is now clear that the Nuclear formula might have
Joseph Huang fallen into the hands of the Islamic terrorists. The
John M. Bland world needs to realize the danger of this because
Technical Advisor Sean Keyser fundamental Islam will stop at nothing to realize its
goal of world domination. Dedicated to a jihad, sui-
cide bombers would be only too pleased to fulfill
Hope of Israel Ministries -- their sacred mission to turn Israel and the hated
Preparing the Way for the United States into a "fiery hell" that would make
September 11 look like child's play. Let's pray that
Return of YEHOVAH God YEHOVAH God will spare us in spite of our
and His Messiah! iniquities!
-- John D. Keyser