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              The House of Israel                                                                        87

              The House of Israel

                  Ancient Celtic/Scottish Sites in           they were probably based in the Firth of Forth) were re-
                            New Zealand?                     quested by folk in Scotland to call and see if any of Taine’s
                                                             people had survived. This would have been probably just
                     If you have an open and inquiring mind there are  after the reign of King Alexander III of Scotland (reigned
              many facts, artifacts and oral and written histories that  1249-1286) and during the reign of Edward I of England.
              confirm the existence of pre-Maori populations in New  He invaded Scotland in 1296. This was a turbulent time in
              Zealand. The archaeology of the country has yet to be  Scotland. It was the time of Wallace, of Bruce, the battles
              properly investigated by archaeologists that do not have  of Stirling Bridge and Falkirk. The execution of Wallace
              preconceived or politically motivated agendas.  and eventually the Coronation of Robert the Bruce and
                                                             leading up to the battle of Bannockburn in 1314. Times
                     Very ancient written records in Europe and the  perhaps when no one had the time or resources to maintain
              old world confirm knowledge that New Zealand and Aus-  communication with kinfolk a world away.”
              tralia existed. The following is an example of an oral his-
              tory supported by records held in Scotland It is an   “Men in Taine’s lineage were often well over 7
              interesting saga with all the intrigue and bravery of any  feet tall and generally had red hair, blue eyes and fair com-
              Icelandic Saga. The heroes in it eventually suffer horrific  plexions. They had been provided with a very small num-
              deaths -- though this does not prevent their genes from car-  ber of sheep and cattle, and enough provisions to last three
              rying on generation after generation in a new land. In that,  months, but no tools. Why such treatment was meted out
              perhaps it was a more successful settlement than was the  remains the knowledge of modern descendants. The sur-
              Viking settlement at Brattahild in Greenland.  vival of Taine’s group was initially in their own hands and
                                                             by the will of God. Their existence was meager. Even-
                     “(Taine Rory Mhor) Taine Ruaridh Mhor (the big  tually some tools were obtained by trade with visiting Por-
              cattle farmer) was delivered by three seagoing long ships  tuguese, and the colony grew. It is said Taine was
              (birlinns?) to New Zealand in the 12th Century, with 95 of  responsible for introducing particular trees and that there
              his family and kinsfolk and followers. And sons Rory and  may be connection between Taine and “Tane” the name
              Ruaridh. It was deliberate but not by choice. Banishment  used by Maoris for the god of the forest. Taine in old
              was not an uncommon feature of the times and in this case  Gaelic is apparently pronounced the same as Tane in
              the term was for seven generations after he had been incar-  Maori.”
              cerated in a dungeon for three years already by his friend
              King Alexander I of Scotland (reigned 1107-1124 A.D.).  “The story goes that after sailing from some-
              Both islands of New Zealand were chosen because one of  where on the east coast of Scotland (probably Fifeshire)
              the criteria was that the land for the banishment had to be  the fleet of three ships sailed north of Orkney. They then
              uninhabited at the time (? This seems strange). After 160  sailed the length of the Atlantic and around the south of
              years (7 + 1 generations), Scots/Vikings (there were three  Africa. The voyagers passed by the Australian coast indi-
              ships, two of whose captains were Johansen and  cated by a large land with a lack of fresh water and the
              Christiansen -- though the names are Nordic Scandinavian  presence of black people. The aim of the voyage was to de-

              The Berean Voice July-August 2002
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