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46                                                      The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse

                                                      The Crown

                     The meaning of the clause “and a CROWN was given to him” agrees with the view that in
              this vision we have YEHOVAH’s TRUTH going forth into the world in the form of the gospel. In
              the original Greek the word for “crown” in this clause is STEPHA.NOS. In the New Testament two
              Greek words are used for the English word “crown” -- the other one being DI.ADEMA. According
              to the Zondervan Pictorial Bible Dictionary (edited by Merill C. Tenney) –

                     In the N.T. (Gr. Stepha.nos and di.adema are used). The first refers to a garland or chaplet
                     such as was worn by a victorious athlete. This type of crown is employed figuratively by
                     Paul and John as A SYMBOL OF CHRISTIAN TRIUMPH (II Tim. 4:8, Rev. 2:10). The
                     diadem was A SYMBOL OF THE POWER TO RULE.

                     In the Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics, by James Hastings, we read the following:

                     In the NT the victor’s crown at the games (stepha.nos) is USED SYMBOLICALLY OF
                     THE REWARD OF A FAITHFUL CHRISTIAN COURSE, the incorruptible
                     “stepha.nos” being contrasted with the corruptible (I Cor. 9:25; cf. II Tim. 2:5).

                     It is a ‘CROWN OF RIGHTEOUSNESS’ (II Tim. 4:8), the ‘IMMORTAL CROWN OF
                     GLORY,’ the ‘CROWN OF LIFE’ (Ja. 1:12, Rev. 2:10; cf. 3:11). Hence in visions of
                     heaven the crowns are prominent. The elders in Rev. 4:4 wear crowns (STEPHA.NOS) of
                     gold; in the “Ascension of Isaiah” the prophet sees crowns laid up in the highest heaven
                     for the saints; in “Barlaam and Josaphat,” Josaphat sees the people of the heavenly city
                     with crowns in their hands (J.F. Boissonade “Avec. Groeca,” Paris, 1829-31, iv.
                     360)....Lactantius (”de Mort. Pers.” 16) describes the martyr’s garland of victory as ‘AN

                     John Peter Lange, in the Commentary On the Holy Scriptures, has this to say --
              “Dusterdieck maintains that ‘stepha.nos’ here [Rev. 6:2] (as I Cor. IX. 25) denotes only the
              ‘WREATH’ OF A WARRIOR -- not the ‘crown’ of a king. The New Testament clearly shows that
              the crown (stepha.nos) of the rider in Revelation 6:2 is one of RIGHTEOUSNESS and
              CHRISTIAN REWARD:

              I Thess. 2:19: For what is our hope, or the CROWN [STEPHA.NOS] in which we will glory in the
              presence of our Lord Jesus when he comes? Is it not you? Indeed, you are our glory and joy.

              II Tim. 4:8: Now there is in store for me the CROWN [STEPHA.NOS] of righteousness, which
              the Lord, the righteous judge, will award to me on that day -- and not only to me, but also to all who
              have longed for his appearing.

              James 1:12: Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he
              will receive the CROWN [STEPHA.NOS] of life that God has promised to those who love him.

              Rev. 4:4: Surrounding the throne were 24 other thrones, and seated on them were 24 elders. They
              were dressed in WHITE and had CROWNS [STEPHA.NOS] of gold on their heads.

                                                               The Berean Voice September-October 2002
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