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Inside the Arab Mind! 23
Inside the Arab Mind
Inside the Arab Mind!
Moslems believe the 21st century to be the “century of Islam,”
when all the world must be subjugated to Islam -- and they also
believe that the annihilation of Israel is their precursor to con-
quering the West. Unfortunately, the average Western mind
simply does not understand the violence and cunning that
makes up the Arab mentality. Unless we come to terms with the
Arab mind and combat the Moslem threat to Western civiliza-
tion, the future could be very grim indeed.
Ramon Bennett
volatile region is volatile by reason of the cast of mind peculiar to the people dwelling there
A and that of those who govern it. Peoples and their leaders are prisoners of their cultural values.
Arab culture, customs and mind-sets took root
thousands of years ago and were the common denom-
inators that ensured survival for this ancient people.
Descended from Abraham, the Bedouin Arab desert
dwellers possess, to the mind of the modern city or
village dwelling Arab, the epitome of everything de-
sirable in manners and customs. Some wealthy Arabs,
whose families have lived in cities for generations,
send their sons to noble Bedouin villages to experi-
ence their traditional customs much the same as the
British gentry send their sons to Eton or Cambridge.
Arab culture and custom remain the factors that gov-
ern the action and thought patterns of the Arab people.
This culture is imbibed with the mother’s milk, and its
pattern is burned into the very cells that make up the
modern Arab mind. It is, more often than not, a prison
from which there is no possible escape.
The Arab world has some customs of which it
can be justifiably proud. Arab hospitality, for exam-
ple, is legendary and has changed little from the Bibli-
cal patterns of their ancestors. Just as Abram, in
Genesis 18:2-8, killed the fatted calf for three passing
strangers, so will today’s Arab feed a stranger the fin- Arab Coffee Service
The Berean Voice November-December 2002