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90                                                      The Significance of the Year A.D. 30

               One thing must be noticed by us all. Yohanan salem, and Yohanan ben Zakkai (who lived at
               ben Zakkai (and all the later rabbis for the next the time of the apostles, and afterward) also
               400 years) maintained that these four signs were knew that God was prophesying the destruc-
               given by God to denote the coming destruction tion of the Temple by the four major signs
               of the Temple, not that the people had gone over that were given at the time. Let us now look
               to “Christianity” or some other reason. While the closely at what those signs were.
               four signs commenced precisely with A.D. 30
               when Jesus was crucified and resurrected from The Babylonian Talmud lists the first sign as
               the dead, none of them was associated by being that in which “the lot ‘for the Lord’ did
               Yohanan ben Zakkai or the later rabbis with the not come up in the right hand” (Yoma 39b).
               arrival of Chris-                                                           What was the
               tianity. There was                                                          meaning      of
               no “displeasure”                                                            this? The Holy
               on   God’s    part                                                          Scriptures
               with    the   vast                                                          speak     about
               numbers of Jew-                                                             this ceremony
               ish people who                                                              (Leviticus 6:5-
               had gone over to a                                                          34).   On   the
               belief in Christ Je-                                                        Day of Atone-
               sus in the thirty-                                                          ment two iden-
               three years fol-                                                            tical     goats
               lowing the cruci-                                                           were brought
               fixion. James said                                                          before      the
               that “tens of thou-                                                         High     Priest
               sands” of Jews                                                              and lots were
               then believed the  Model of Herod’s Temple                                  cast over them
               Gospel (Acts 21:                                                            (one     source
               20   Greek).   In-                                                          says the lots
               deed, it was because the vast majority of those were in the form of a white and black stone --
               Jewish Christians turned away from the faith of the white stone was ‘for the Lord’ and the
               (and in) Jesus that Peter and Jude wrote their black was ‘for the Scapegoat’). The priest
               epistles of warning to the Jews (Second Peter would put his right hand into a receptacle
               and Jude) that their erroneous actions would lead containing the two stones and without look-
               the nation into becoming as desolate as were ing down, select a stone with his right hand
               Sodom and Gomorrah.                             and place it over the right hand goat. The
                                                               Babylonian Talmud says that in the previous
               The truth is, Jesus had foretold, just two days be- two hundred years the stone would be some-
               fore his crucifixion, that Jerusalem and the Tem- times white and sometimes black as most
               ple would be destroyed (Matthew 24:1-3). He people would have expected (that is, a ran-
               had also told the authorities that he, himself, was dom selection each year would bring up the
               the new Temple and that he (being that new black stone as often as the white). But begin-
               Temple) would be raised from the dead after ning in A.D. 30 (the very year in which Jesus
               three days (John 2:19-21). All Jewish Christians prophesied the coming destruction of the
               who believed Jesus were looking for the destruc- Temple, and the very year of his death and
               tion of the physical Temple that existed in Jeru- resurrection), the right hand of the High

                                                              The Berean Voice November-December 2002
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